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johnfelstead 26 February 2000 04:34 AM

Is my trip to scotland to run in my new engine a scooby UK record?

What a mega journey, didn't plan any of the journey with great detail. I just had an outline of where i wanted to go and would go with the flow. Took sensible stuff like extra warm clothing, sleeping bag, and torch etc. in case i got stuck up in the highlands.

I left Stockport at 11.30 am on Thursday morning and onto the M60, onto the M61 heading north. I caught up to a car transporter on its way into Bolton full of scoobies with a sport at the back of the trailer, good omen i thought.

Carry on up the M61 to Preston doing 5 minutes at 70MPH, five at 80MPH, five at 70 in 4th etc to keep the engine load changing, this helps it bed in and not glaze the bores.

On to the M6 at Preston and head north to bonny Scotland. About halfway between Preston and Carlisle get buzzed by a C130 Hercules military transporter doing some valley hugging flying, what a fantastic sight. 10 miles later 2 tornado's fly across the motorway just in front of me as they go flying down a valley at a fair old rate. I absolutely love military aircraft, brings a good feeling about the trip ahead.

Leave the M6 at Carlisle and head up the A7 towards Edinburgh. Great road, nothing much happens on this section, just flowing along at 70MPH. Get into Hawick town centre, notice that people are walking around smiling at each other as they pass, they seam quite jolly up hear, don’t see that in Manchester much.

Just leaving Hawick and parked on the left is a mini painted up with Austin Power's name in sphycodelic painting up the sides with matching paintjob, what a laugh, makes me think of young Phil for some reason.

Nothing much happens now, just great roads, car is flowing nicely and can feel the engine loosening a little.

Arrive at the Edinburgh south bypass, A720 and head for the forth bridge, it's about 4pm now so missed the heavy traffic. Doing a steady 80MPH in the outside lane in heavy but flowing traffic and this Nissan Micra starts tailgating me. This stupid young woman was sitting literally 10 feet off my bumper at 80MPH, there's nowhere for me to go so i just back off from the car in front to allow me to slow at a more steady state should i have to stop in an emergency, there's no way she would hit the brakes, never mind slow down if i had to stop quickly. I then notice there is a 4-year-old kid sat in the front seat who starts to stand up on the seat. This kid is jumping up and down on the front seat of a Nissan micra doing 80 MPH 10 feet of my bumper, totally insane. I have had enough of this in my mirror so just pull over and watch this idiot pass by me totally oblivious to what she is doing. She must have been only 19 or 20 years old. Someone is going to die one day because of her, probably that 4-year-old kid. Absolutely horrifying thought, i just let her go on her merry way, i don’t want a 4 year old landing on my boot lid thank you very much!

Pass over the forth road bridge, love the look of the rail bridge. Head up the M90 to Perth, the weather is starting to look a bit angry up ahead. This is no problem, as time doesn't matter here, what happens happens. Great attitude for safe driving in adverse conditions.

On to the A9 at Perth and head towards Inverness, fabulous road, really nice flow to it, stick at a good steady 70-80MPH until the snow starts coming down, slow it down to a steady 60MPH. I can see for miles ahead but as the snow starts to fall thicker i drop my speed as the visibility gets worse, drop it to 30MPH as the road is now covered by 2" of snow and visibility is getting worse. Come to a duel carriageway section and decide to stop for a couple of minutes in a lay by. It takes ages to bring the car to a stop, i hate ABS in the snow, it's useless. Jump out of the car for a quick stretch etc. Hear this huge noise coming towards me out of the gloom of a blizzard. Stand back from my car totally gobsmacked. This Articulated truck, one of the real biggies goes steaming past in the outside lane doing at least 60MPH passing cars doing 30MPH tops, this is in 2" of snow in a blizzard. Has this guy got radar and reverse thrusters fitted? There are some people on the road that are out to get you, this guy is definitely one of them. The thing that struck me was that this guy was not breaking the speed limit yet was totally insane, will he be done for driving like this? I think not!

Cary on towards Inverness, the snow is getting worse, total white out. I drop it to 10MPH and use the side of the road to see where i am going, this last's for about 2 miles, very hypnotising. Go over the top near Daviot and start to drop into Inverness, the weather is getting better now and the speed steadily increases as the blizzard clears.

Go past Inverness and head north up the A9, the roads are now clear so pick the speed up again and do a nice 80MPH all the way up the east coast, leave the A9 at latheron and head up the A99 to Wick. Stop in Wick to fill up with fuel and buy some provisions, Red Bull kick's ass, feel full of energy so decide to continue on and turn off the main road at Wick and head up the A99 to John o'Groats.

Wick to John o'Groats is just under 20 Miles, there has been no gritters on this road and it is covered in compacted snow and sheet ice, absolutely deadly, i potter along at 20MPH in 3rd, play with the brakes and throttle to get a feel for what the car will do, god i hate ABS in these conditions.

Arrive in John o'Groates, it's just like a bus terminus with a turning circle and a small hut right on the edge of the bay. It’s called the last house i think. It’s about midnight now. I had planned on staying up there in a B&B but decide to press on; not feeling tired at all.

This is where the journey goes from being a nice flowing drive, occasionally slow but mainly fast flowing roads into an awesome challenging drive. Its still snowing lightly but nothing major, it stops for 10 minutes then comes back again fairly lightly. Its on and off like this for the next couple of hours.

I head from John o'Groats down the A836 along the north coast towards Thurso. The road has been gritted but on ALL the tight right-hand corners there is no grit at all, very bizarre. Either the gritter driver has a nasty sense of humour or the truck has a fault that starves it of grit on right handers, i soon suss out that left means fast right means slow down, very bizarre way of driving. Pass through Thurso and get onto the A386 proper, i notice my headlights don’t seem so bright so stop to clean the spotlamps of any grit that might be covering them. ****, both the Spot lamps aren't working. I check the fuse, which is OK so both my bulbs have blown. Here i am, on top of the country on one of the most challenging roads in the pitch black with only the standard lights to rely on. Not ideal, i am just glad i put some xenon bulbs in, as the standard lamps are totally useless.

Now starts one of the best journeys of my life, its 150 miles of mainly single track ultra twisty road, some sections are completely clear of snow and ice, as they have been gritted, others are just covered in snow, not an inkling of salt. There seems no logic as to when the salted sections start and stop, maybe it’s to do with county lines and one county grits, and the other doesn't?

Anyway, i am driving this amazing road at a good, fast pace, usually between 50 and 60MPH with the odd 80MPH section. I get into a great rhythm and the road is just flowing nicely, it's an amazing feeling when you are driving a road like this, you get into a state where you are not conscious of driving the car, it just seems to go where your thoughts tell it to go, very Zen like.

There isn't a single road sign for any particularly tight bends for over 100 miles so you have to stay totally focused on the road ahead, just a great feeling. I had one very dodgy moment where i was on a totally snow free section, for a good 20 Miles when i crested a hill and the road dropped away to the left after the crest and it was covered in snow, hadn't seen any snow for miles, very odd.

Anyway thanks Don Palmer is all i can say, i know if i hadn't been to MIRA i would have stuffed it, i was turning in and absolutely nothing was happening, i remember thinking take the lock off, it'll grip and then i can sort it out. So that's what i did, steering away from the corner made it turn into the corner more and i got round it OK, just. Brought a big smile to my face, as I know driver training had helped me massively, a good investment that has paid back big time.

I am now about 50 miles north of Ullapool and the road opens up into a 2 lane road, really fast and flowing and totally free of snow so start to get a move on, 90MPH would be really easy. I notice some signs for dear so decide that 60-70 would be a more sensible pace. Was i wrong on that one! The next 50 miles were to be the most bizarre i have ever driven.

I am driving along at a nice 60MPH and spot some dear ahead in the road so slam on the brakes and pass them at about 10MPH. Bloody hell, they make em big up there and well hard, i am sure they were staring me out, spooky.

The next 50 miles were driven at a steady 50MPH; it gave me enough time to react to any dear in the road. I got good at spotting them ahead as i am sure there was always a look out about 100 yards before the main bunch, that would be stood at the side of the road.

These dear aren't the ordinary dear you find in England, these dear are totally nuts, camacazi dear, i am sure i could hear them shouting Tora, Tora, Tora as i aproached.

The road was so tempting to put your foot down but 50MPH was tops if i wanted to come home in one piece. I pass through Ullapool at about 2.30am i think, i wasn't watching the clock so am not sure on that. During that 150 Mile journey from John o'Groats to Ullapool i hadn't seen another car or person at all, i would love to do that run again in the summer when not running my car in, it would be mind boggling, mega road.

I head south on the A835 towards Inverness; no dear now so put the boot in and do a good 80MPH all the way to Inverness. My original plan was to go down the A82 past loch Ness but the weather has turned very bad again as i get to Inverness and the radio says the road is treacherous so i think better of it and head back down the A9 towards Perth.

The road is now totally covered in snow, a steady 40MPH is in order so i tootal along at this pace for about 20 miles, i start to feel a little tired so decide to pull off the main road and grab an hours kip in a lay-by, my fuel gauge is looking very low and so i decide to switch the engine off and jump into the sleeping bag.

An hour later i wake up and feel much better for the sleep, fire the engine up and head off down the A9. I am starting to get a bit worried about the fuel situation. I pass lots of small villages with petrol stations but not one is open, it’s now about 6.30am. The car starts to stutter slightly so i pull over and put the 5 litres of fuel in i was carrying as backup. Its 30 miles to Perth, no fuel stations i can remember seeing on my way up so it now becomes an economy run to Perth.

Make it to Perth OK and fill up after running the last 30 miles at a steady 60MPH. Put 48Litres in the car and 5 back in the can, so about 1 litre from running out, close call. The sport is a 50-litre tank by the way!

Back down the M90 to Edinburgh, hit the forth bridge at 8am, traffic not too bad but the off ramp for the Edinburgh bypass is chocka so decide to go down the back roads through kirkliston and then onto the M8/A720.

I came off the A720 onto the A703 and pass through Hillend. I am sat at some lights and this young lad, about 14, comes marching past me in full carky combat gear, he is literally marching up the road like he is on parade, very surreal site at 8.30am in the middle of a small town.

I head towards Peebles down the A703 and start to feel a bit tired again, Edinburgh traffic had slowed the flow so i decide to stop in a lay-by for a kip. I wake up 2 hours later to the sound of a Scooby turbo on full chat passing within feet of my car. It is a marked cop car doing a U-turn, using the lay-by after stopping someone. 10 minutes later he is back doing the same again, giving it death out of the lay-by, i think this copper likes his job.

I feel OK again so after 10 minutes of having a bite to eat and some red bull i feel fully awake so set off again. Pass through Peebles and onto the A72 to Galashields, nice 80MPH run all the way. Onto the A7 south and have a good run all the way to the M6 at Carlisle.

Then have a steady run down the M6, slow for some traffic as the outside lane is closed and spot a nice Met Green 5 door turbo coming up the outside, let him in in front of me and we spend the next 20 miles in mini convoy down the M6 towards Preston. The engine is now feeling nice and loose but still being gentle on the throttle as i don’t want to load it up with the mobil1 oil that will now have lots of swarf floating around in it, stick to a steady 85MPH all the way to Preston. Onto the M61 towards Manchester and then onto the M60 round the south of Manchester, past Stockport and up the M67 Hyde bypass. At the end of the bypass turn back towards home in Hyde and arrive at my garage at 2.30pm Friday afternoon.

I have one very, very dirty car. Absolutely covered in salt from the highlands, they don’t half cover the roads in that stuff; at times its like driving on a forest stage as you feel the car sliding around on the rock salt.

So i now have a nicely run in Impreza Sport. I covered 1172 miles in 27 hours, 24 of which were driving.

What can i say about the Impreza after such a long journey?

An absolutely awesome all-rounder, fabulous grip, crap brakes on snow, crap lights when the spot lamps fail, very fast on the twisty flowing sections in particular.

Best part of the journey?

The A836 from Thurso to Ullapool, i am definitely going back on that road in summer, absolutely awesome.

Kev 26 February 2000 07:11 AM

Wow john what a trip !!

If I did'nt know better and you asked " what have I been doing ?" I'd say you were spectating on the old RAC rally 24 hours of driving out of 27 hours .... got to be a record !! Good old don palmer eh ... you knew it would come in handy one day.

Why the new short motor then ..... have I missed a thread ? I guessed when we spoke the other day the justy was a curtesy car but I thought for a service ? ( not too many revs at MIRA ? )

You could make a living from running in subaru's in a day ..... MMMmmmmmmm heaven me thinks.....


johnfelstead 26 February 2000 04:15 PM

hi kev, there is a post on the engine in drivetrain, tapping when cold. Nowt to do with MIRA.

Running in scoobies in a day as a job, i think not, i would be knackered all the time

The MIRA wet handling day definately paid off, very handy in all that snow and very changeable conditions.

The above post is just the highlights, i could go on for hours about it, great roads up there

brooks 26 February 2000 04:22 PM

that was an epic start to a thread! My Impreza has arrived. But I am away on training in Milan for 2 weeks so it will have to wait until I get back. I started wondering if I could run it in in less than a month - you did it in 27hrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Philip Thurlow 26 February 2000 07:40 PM

Well John you've worn me out and I've just been reading about it !
I've seen a similar Mini in one of the mini mags - on the side it has "Austin Powered"
as in Austin who took over BMC/Leyland etc.
I hope you are feeling tired now - just get some kip by next weekend (dont sleep in for donno m8 !!)
Glad you got round safely anyway m8 - hate to say this m8 - but my sport is making knocking noises for first mile in mornings - I can hear it slightly when in the car - not lifted the bonnet yet when cold - speak to you soon

MartinM 26 February 2000 09:44 PM

<....There isn't a single road sign for any particularly tight bends for over 100 miles so you have to stay totally focused on the road ahead, just a great feeling. ....>

Brilliant. Can't stand the "Slow. Bend" or "Adverse Camber" signs that seem to be sprouting up everywhere. Have the lawyers been advising the councils that if they don't tell the driver there's a bend coming they could be taken to court by an incompetent driver. (..bit like Macdonalds coffee cups - "Beware contents may be hot")

Great journey. Great story. Thanks

Tony Ashton 27 February 2000 05:05 PM

I dont know how you have time to run your car in, go to work and have time to sit and write volumes on here. Do you live in a different dimension.

Anyway on a different topic I think you should come over to Yorkshire and repossess your Cossie. Neils so afraid to drive it that hes taken the exhaust off to prevent him being tempted. Hes alsofitted a timelock on the high boost setting - not to be used until 2010ad. Its quick as**** up and down his drive though!! Hell probably read this so I wont be too cruel on him.

johnfelstead 27 February 2000 05:23 PM

Hi tony,

seriously, if neil wants me to show him how to drive it properly i will hapily take him for a run in it around donnington to show him the limits and spend the rest of the day coaching him.

He will just have to learn to be sensitive with his control inputs, it ain't no ordinary car you can just floor the throttle on, you have to concentrate on every input, thats why i loved it so much, its a drivers car.

Grubby 28 February 2000 12:40 AM

Well done John, not just the driving achievement but the wonderful write up. I'm replying to stick it back at the top of the list so more people may read it!

Ian Cook 28 February 2000 01:33 PM


send it to the editor True Grip care of the club address we need more input from members

johnfelstead 28 February 2000 02:00 PM

OK ian, i will do that, i am away to london for a couple of days so will post it when i get back.


Stef 28 February 2000 04:28 PM


IWatkins 28 February 2000 04:46 PM


That also has to be the record for the longest post as well :-))

What a great account, considered being a journo ?

Moved me so much, I nearly went out and ordered a Scooby, then I remembered my electrically operated lumbar and side-bolster support on my GT4 :-))))))))

Great read !!!


Ian Watkins (GT4)

johnfelstead 29 February 2000 10:02 PM

Thanks Ian,

wouldn't mind a job on EVO, not sure they could afford me though

I don't drink a great deal either, isn't that a prerequisite?

just got back from the smoke, thats another 550 Miles on the new engine, got the oil changed on the way down so i could use full throttle for the first time

Rusty Festa 12 January 2003 09:17 PM

bttt :D

took a while to find it but I think it was worth it ;)

johnfelstead 12 January 2003 09:41 PM

blimey, almost 3 years ago! :eek:

LG John 12 January 2003 09:42 PM


I was going to quote this.....

Arrive at the Edinburgh south bypass, A720 and head for the forth bridge
and say, "Ah, my hunting ground...shame I didn't meet you and we could see how good a driver you really are :p:D"

But, it turns out this thread is from 2000 and I would have been driving a 1.3l polo so I'm guessing I'd probably have lost ;):D

jods 12 January 2003 09:49 PM

Stockport - What a dump !

Rusty Festa 12 January 2003 09:50 PM

Left stockport at 11:30...Stop in Wick to fill up with fuel
All this in a Sport :D was wondering about the fuel tank...definately not an Evo then ;)

Any pictures of the old gal?

Echo 12 January 2003 10:08 PM

Fantastic story! I ran my WRX in under a week but that's obviously nothing compared to you :-)

johnfelstead 12 January 2003 10:18 PM

The old gal is still going strong, AVI bought it from me. He has tarted it up a bit now :rolleyes:

Jerome 12 January 2003 10:20 PM

I thought I'd entered the Twilight Zone or summink until I realised SB had dragged this out from 3 years ago... :D

wally 12 January 2003 10:28 PM

Wow John, quite some amazing stuff, can hardly believe that tyou actually had time to drive, very detailed trip...
By the way, seen many of your video's now and must admit, you can drive a scoob, have driven myself there for 6 years now, with my own cars and as a passenger with some very exotic ones, but a scoob is something special there.
So, what kinda tyres you use, I have now GSD3, and they are the top in rain (on road use, never driven them on the 'ring', have to wait for that).
Looking forward to meet you on the parking there..., or you should have a stop at my house in Anwterp...

Stu_WRX 12 January 2003 10:42 PM

I know exactly what you've been through John!!

I picked up the new Scoob on the 12th December and today have hit 4k miles!!

My wife is from Thurso so we travel up a couple of times a year (From Portsmouth!!) it's a long journey(almost 700 miles) with Glasgow being the halfway point for us and a convenient place to stop for the night.

We went up this year on the 23rd, arriving in Thurso on the 24th. We came back down on the 28th and drove Thurso to Norwhich in one day and then back to Portsmouth the following day.

Last year we tried to come back down on the 27th and were snowed in, they eventually opened the road later in the evening and we completed most of the 110 mile trip at less than 15mph.

Do you remember Berridale Brae?? That is an awsome bit of road :-)

Rusty Festa 12 January 2003 11:00 PM

I know Avi and his silver Sport :D never realised it had such a fantastic heritage. I hope to catch up with him on Wednesday evening at the Wiggin Tree meeting, Parbold - do you ever go up there John?


MY00 DBM Sport

LG John 12 January 2003 11:03 PM

SB had dragged this out from 3 years ago
Don't blame me!! I didn't drag it up :D

johnfelstead 12 January 2003 11:31 PM

not sure of the road names stu, there were all brilliant once you get north of edinburgh.

I havent gone to any meets for a long time really, i am usually up to something or other else it seems. My sport was a fabulous car, i was sad to see it go. AVI got a goodun.

Jerome 12 January 2003 11:36 PM

Ooops! Apologies SB, I now realise it was Rusty Festa. :D

Rusty Festa 12 January 2003 11:40 PM

LOL an easy mistake to make ;)

owbow 22 July 2003 03:06 PM

btt for those who've not seen this before... :D class...

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