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super_si 24 January 2003 09:17 AM

Ill be running 3.5 Ghz or more :D

IanW 24 January 2003 09:23 AM

And by 4pm you will be on the phone asking for an RMA number for a CPU you have just cooked ;)

super_si 24 January 2003 09:27 AM

Not when its strapped to a massive freezer running -52.

already being told if i fry it, just make sure theres no scorch marks and i can replace it:D

Fatman 24 January 2003 09:33 AM


super_si 24 January 2003 09:35 AM

The one and only :D the last white one in the Uk

Fatman 24 January 2003 09:45 AM

Very nice. You got one of the all-in-one-case jobbies? I'd need one of these, as I've got a nice Lian Li case already. I can't really justify it. What, didn't water cooling cut it for you?

super_si 24 January 2003 09:51 AM

Im gonna :D

Tbh im a wee bit out my depth. Best taking to Mr footlong.No water cooling kit can ever match a freezer! Maybe hit just below 0 but not significantly.

My main worry is, im looking to get a 170-180 fsb speed i reckon. The bloke who got my cpu for me because it was hand seleted, as certain chips overclock well. has already tested mine to run a 3.6 water cooled. The advantage is that he can water cool the Chipset better then i can. Ive only got a fan :( So thats the limit to prometeia.

I'd do it mate:D its all good fun. Ill keep you posted

Fatman 24 January 2003 10:00 AM

I pulled out the w/c kit because it was too high maintenance for my liking. I might go back later - especially as I bought loadsa decent kit and it's just sitting idle now. I didn't use a chiller, or peltier - so there was plenty of room for additional O/Cing (I had 1900MHz out of an Athlon XP-1700+).

But yes, I can see the appeal of a self-contained cryo unit. I just don't need it, that's the problem. The PC's used for work (self-employed), so can't really justify making it a project system currently. Still - you've got me thinking now... :cool:

super_si 24 January 2003 10:04 AM

call it a learning experience. That my excuse. i could have just used water but i thought . Well ill only want to buy it in the long run anyway.

my justification is, im always going to have a processor 2yrs in front the the lastest stock core speed :D

At the mo only cpu coming out is a 3.20. Ive way cleared that :D

bar the prescott which no one knows the clock speed yet.

Ill end up putting water in this just for GPu and Chipset, but ill leave it to a pro to do.


Fatman 24 January 2003 10:22 AM

When I canned my W/C rig it was (partly) because it was just getting ridiculous. I was going for three water loops, each with separate pumps and radiators.
- CPU alone
- gfx card and northbridge
- SCSI hard-drive.
...I couldn't fit that lot inside the case! It wouldn't fit near the case either!

super_si 24 January 2003 10:25 AM

lol ive only ever seen two running at the same time.

ive seen pics floating about with a bloke running two prometeia's. One for CPU and other on GPU. Ill dig it out once i get this up and running. Ill be running 3ghz by 12. But cancel the 3pm. need my old man to alter the heat sink for the chipset. I dont trust myself doing that :( me's more better at fiddly jobs then me

Zedhead 24 January 2003 10:30 AM

Yawn at si.

--Tbh im a wee bit out my depth-- You aint kiddin m8.

And why did u waste over 400 quid? I heard you were so s*** at games (quake3 spesh) that I doubt its to get a few more fsp. Pics please cos Im fed up listening to all the things u claim to be doing to yer pc.

You told jye and others well before Christmas that you were gonna get an ATI 9700 pro, 2.8 gig Intel, new top spec mobo etc etc asap, what a load of bull**** u talk m8.

[Edited by Zedhead - 1/24/2003 10:37:42 AM]

Fatman 24 January 2003 10:36 AM

How else can you get a SETI work unit done in <2hrs? :confused: Seriously... that's another reason I haven't gone back to w/c (or even cryo) - 2GHz of Athlon is plenty for my needs currently.

super_si 24 January 2003 10:39 AM

When you paly some whos **** hot, i didnt expect to win.

Im sat next the freezer if yout really bother. Not that its got f' all to do with you.

Never really used SETI, i just ran Prime95 overnight.

Ill post up the WCPUID later then.

super_si 24 January 2003 10:43 AM

yeah and what do you think ive just bought.hmm all them bits.

you not the sharpest knife in the draw are you.

Fatman 24 January 2003 10:50 AM

Cool as... :cool: Just do the build slowly and allow the sealant to cure properly. Don't want any pesky condensation getting in...

Zedhead 24 January 2003 10:57 AM

Yer, jye is ****hot, pity he sed u told him he was cheating all the time ya dweeb, lol. Jye was clanned for years but u still dissed him, thats why he bumped you cos u were just so annoying to play with, 'son', lol.

Anyhow re yer well spent £400, proof, pudding, eat. Or stop dreaming m8, I wait with baited breath for the pics, 'not'.

And btw, I dont give a flying feck if its nowt to do with me, you posted drivel in an open formum, why dont u go and join overcockheads uk's private forum, the one speically for wank meisters like u ;)

super_si 24 January 2003 11:06 AM

oh no how will i ever sleep now :( i got beat at one game oh no.

wait all you want for picture ive got no digital camera.

Ill have number proof , oh an recipes of up to £1000 for components, not that i see it as any of your business.


Zedhead 24 January 2003 11:13 AM

Digital camera = 30 quid for cheapie, cpu = 400 quid, cooler = 400 quid, awwww, and you cant afford a camera, how convenient.....

Take it with a normal camera then scan it. Or dont u know anyone with a scanner? Prob now as uve never been outside yer bedroom imo m8, 2 busy wanking over pictures of scobbs plastered to the side of yer 486-DX66, lol

Not that Its any business of mine of course ;)

Zedhead 24 January 2003 11:13 AM

BTW, if u spend all day masturbating ule never get it built for 3, hehe.

edited to keep si busy so that his 486 remains intact for as long as poss i.e. before the ice lolly he straps to the side of it melts :)

[Edited by Zedhead - 1/24/2003 11:16:32 AM]

super_si 24 January 2003 11:14 AM

Why on earth would anyone want a picture of a damm case? ive got a crapy digi cam which im gonna get pictures right now with.

Zedhead 24 January 2003 11:18 AM

Why not, Mr Footlong posts loads of pics, jye sent u pics of his sys. Yawn, try again......

Fruitcake, fruitcake, lol

Zedhead 24 January 2003 11:20 AM

wait all you want for picture ive got no digital camera.

ive got a crapy digi cam which im gonna get pictures right now with.

Make yer mind up man, or is the camera made from green cheese, heheh

super_si 24 January 2003 11:24 AM****.gif

Thats the best your getting like it or lump it rent boy

Zedhead 24 January 2003 11:27 AM

Now stick yer hand in the pic giving me the finger, lol

Zedhead 24 January 2003 11:28 AM

In fact point to this £400 fridge and cpu in close up, cos all I c is a load of boxes ;)

Zedhead 24 January 2003 11:35 AM

Yawn, nice case that btw. What is it? heheh.

super_si 24 January 2003 11:36 AM

Right lets explain to the little kiddy what the boxes are, because i havent started building yet.

The actual compressor in the the bottom half the case, you wont see it. Youve got your pictures, so now get back to school or what ever you do.

Zedhead 24 January 2003 11:40 AM

Heheh, yeah sure si, first prometeia ive ever seen with a fan on the top to blow all the hot air out the top, the stuff not cooled by the fridge unit that is, hehe.

Should u not hurry up btw.

LOL. Try again.

Mr Footlong 24 January 2003 11:48 AM

Both of you, but zed especially, if you haven't got anything constructive to post, then please shut up and stop wasting forum space.

Yes that it Si's rig, yes, he is blatantly copyin my setup and yes, god help us all, but me especially when build time comes for him and yes this really isn't the most interesting or productive post either, but there you go :)


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