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Katana 11 June 2002 10:40 AM

If she had an affair, she's still gonna have half of whatever he ownes and also alimony every month on top of it. Oh she also gets the house too.

In Iran women like her would get stoned to death..

edit: or you could do what i would do and not bother paying and just move house. Sign all your properties to someone you can trust like a brother or parents. Quit your job and go on the dole.

[Edited by Katana - 11/6/2002 10:45:12 AM]

marty_t3 11 June 2002 10:49 AM

I'm gettin the feeling here that i should never get married.

So, if I work hard, bought a nice house, nice car and got my life sorted, then got married to some layabout girl who had never worked a day in her life. She then deliberately has an affair and causes the marriage to break up. She'd then be entitled to half of everything i've worked for even though i've done nothing wrong and she's been living off me and cheating on me at the same time? To make it worse, i'd then have to help support her afterwards?

Surely that opens the door to unscrupulous folk who will just marry for money then intentionally cause the marriage to fail. Am I getting paranoid?

I think i prefer the stoning idea. :D

[Edited by marty_t3 - 11/6/2002 10:52:52 AM]

paul w 11 June 2002 03:56 PM

Jeez,its been busy no answer to my question though,they're not talking about divorce yet but it will happen so in the meantime he has to sort the house out without her knowing and stitch her up as it is his house and she wants her grubby paws on it but after a few years of marrige and she is 22 and hes 34,i reckon 10k would be enough for her and he is and always will support his 2 little girls.It wouldn't be so bad if some of the money went into trust for the kids but she wants it.

[Edited by paul w - 11/6/2002 4:04:35 PM]

red_dog104 11 June 2002 04:36 PM


If she gets custody, she can keep the house and make him pay the mortgage until they are 16. I'm serious. This option was offered to me and if I had taken it he would have been f*cked. (I didn't cause contrary to popular belief, not all women are complete bitches!!), also I was entitled to him having to pay me (like a wage) if I lost my job or became too ill to work so I could still support my son! The only way he can get out of paying is if she re marries or moves another bloke in. He needs a solicitor and fast.

[Edited by red_dog104 - 11/6/2002 4:38:00 PM]

paul w 06 November 2002 09:47 AM

Met an old mate yesterday,hes been married 3 years and there splitting,it is his house had it 10 years,all in his name owes 30k worth 100,shes reckons she wants it,bollox i've told him to either remortage it,he can get 50k out no probs,she wouldn't know,get a mate to hold the cash until there divorced or sell the house to me for 50k,leave them in it,she wouldn't know a thing until divorce let it to him in the meantime through an agent then sort it all out once divorced.

He Doesn't have to explain his actions he was stressed out with her affair and sold it out of spite or remortgaged it to fund his gambling she drove him to.Selling wise what can they do,someone got a bargain,no solicitors involved yet so i've told him to do it now before there on his back.

Is this all legal,sounds fine to me.


barge 06 November 2002 10:01 AM

Dont get involved.

Tell him a hit man is cheaper

marty_t3 06 November 2002 10:13 AM

If she had the affair and that's why the marriage failed then i didn't think she'd be entitled to anything?? Bound to be someone on here in the know. Best getting him to speak to a lawyer ASAP though.

south-star 06 November 2002 10:24 AM

If she had the affair and that's why the marriage failed then i didn't think she'd be entitled to anything??

You are jesting of course:)...

Dunk 06 November 2002 10:49 AM

Time to build new patio with some deep footings, which would also increase the value of the house. - Double bubble

Nic 06 November 2002 10:51 AM

would you marry a layabout, lazy good for only a few things bird in the first place?

P1Fanatic 06 November 2002 10:55 AM

One word for you marty-t3 - pre-nupt!

marty_t3 06 November 2002 11:00 AM


Imagine an intelligent, witty, gorgeous, blonde, nymphomaniac who was a great cook, kept a clean house and could service you and your scoob...wouldn't you marry her? :D

marty_t3 06 November 2002 11:02 AM

"Pre-nupt" ... good point, has been noted :D

Katana 06 November 2002 11:19 AM

Prenupt does not work in the UK anyway mate. Here's another trick, when you get married, do it in another country. Buddhist, moslem and Jewish weddings aren't recognised in the UK. Worked fine for me. ;)

Nic 06 November 2002 12:05 PM

Marty, being a gorgeous redhead with a pair of my I wouldn't marry her

Katana 06 November 2002 12:07 PM

Hi Nic a/s/l?

carl 06 November 2002 12:26 PM

Buddhist, moslem and Jewish weddings aren't recognised in the UK
Not true. If you are a British citizen and get married abroad in line with the other country's procedures, then that marriage is recognized in English law.

marty_t3 06 November 2002 12:26 PM

Nic, ok...fair point :D

TomM 06 November 2002 12:34 PM


Us blokes are all sitting here not knowing the law, and woman steps in with a brilliant breakdown of what the woman will get if they divorce!!

Are women tought these things in school!?!?!?! :D

How wrong is that, the poor bloke has been shat on and he still has to give her half, and the house! - no fecking chance, I wouldnt have it - I would find someway of stopping her from getting anything!

This countries law system may be less primative than Irans but that is a joke, hit a bloke when he is down or what!!

And I bet she makes out that she was hard done by!! - dear oh dear, they say that 50% of all marraiges end in divorce these days, no wonder so many people just live together without ever getting wed, feck that!!!

Puff The Magic Wagon! 06 November 2002 12:52 PM

Does depend on who the bread-winner is in the familly.

If you're the house-husband then she has to keep you!

red_dog104 06 November 2002 12:55 PM

Are there any kids involved? If there are then she will get more than half! I know from experience (me being female). She may have probs if the house is solely in his name as she will have to prove she has been contributing to the mortgage and upkeep of the house. If she can't then she may only get a small percentage. It really doesn't matter that she was the one who had an affair. She will use the "Unreasonable behaviour of her husband drove her to another man". You ought to keep well away from the situation. Get your mate to go to a solicitor and take legal advice and above all tell him not to leave the property. :D

Katana 06 November 2002 12:56 PM

Not true. If you are a British citizen and get married abroad in line with the other country's procedures, then that marriage is recognized in English law.
Not really, I've read somewhere that a few certain celebreties have done it and got away with not paying alimony. This is my main defence too.

RB5320 06 November 2002 12:57 PM

there are usually 2 sides to these things. all we know is she had an affair. why did she have the affair? did he have one first? did he treat her so badly that she looked elsewhere? was he crap in bed? etc etc etc.

quite possibly not and she is just a cow so no offence but it is a matter for the 2 of them to sort out. the only winners will be the lucky divorce solicitors.


Mice_Elf 06 November 2002 12:57 PM

I thought that if one side had an affair, then their "half" was reduced accordingly?

Katana 06 November 2002 12:58 PM

No Mice, doesn't work that way..

Mice_Elf 06 November 2002 01:02 PM

Fair enough. :)

I know when I broke up with my fiance, I continued to live in our house. 18 months later I bought him out and despite him not having lived in the house for that time, I still had to pay him half the equity in the property.

But then, he was patient for 18 months I guess....although...anyway...not going into details.

Personally I would steer well clear of their situation, anyway.

Brendan Hughes 06 November 2002 01:06 PM

Similar thing happened to a friend of mine. No kids involved, but he did also own a shop with a tiny flat above it.

Court's first view was that she could have the house (she didn't help with the mortgage) and he could live in the flat.

Court's second view was that the house should be sold and they should split the proceeds (I don't know what proportions). She refused to do this, so they lived for 2 years in the same 2-up, 2 down without speaking to each other.

Finally he came back one day and the locks had been changed. He's too emotionally knackered, and can't afford any more lawyers, so he's just left the whole thing and bought a new house with his new girlfriend. (and if that makes him sound rich, he has left a gorgeous country cottage and bought a shyte 70s semi on a main road which was fit only to be bombed).

Life ain't fair sometimes. Red dog's right - be careful when you leave the property. Poss. even change the locks yourself, but doubt that's legally advisable.

Good luck


Nic 06 November 2002 01:07 PM

Katana......hello there

Mice_Elf 06 November 2002 01:12 PM

Well, if your key should happen to snap in the lock, necessitating in them being changed, that's hardly YOUR fault now, is it? ;)

south-star 06 November 2002 01:15 PM

My parents divorced....all my mums fault,and more.....she still got half.

A mate at work,his wife had an affair,divorced him,kept the house and their daughter THEN moved her new boyfriend into his old house.He got half,lousy access rights,and a kick in the balls to go with it.Not fair but thats the law.

I think the lesson is when choosing a partner,make a good choice:)..(easier said than done btw)

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