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Clare 11 February 2002 07:00 PM

:) oops

[Edited by Clare - 11/2/2002 7:02:32 PM]

Katana 11 March 2002 12:03 PM

I'm merely pointing out the truth to where we're heading. Its harsh but its true. Besides, why would anyone care of what we do to these subhumans (thats what a lot of people think) anyway?

[Edited by Katana - 11/3/2002 12:12:19 PM]

RaZe-=Buzz=- 11 April 2002 09:44 AM

We sound like NIMBY's ? They ARE in my ****ing back yard davyboy you tosser. What a load of ****. YOU sound like a bleeding heart liberal - no matter what these people do they can do no wrong, they had a hard life etc etc.

OK, you say its the locals who start the fights in the pubs looking for easy targets? Where you here? Did you know about the 16 year old boy they wouldnt serve so a gang of 20 asylum seekers with baseball bats and iron bars attacked the pub and destroyed it? Did you know that? Was it 600 yards from YOUR house??? Did YOU see the armed gang walk past?

Why dont you shut the **** up then? Until YOU'VE got 35 single men with no jobs who dont even speak ENGLISH AT ALL being housed in the conservation area you live in, until they are closing YOUR library (thats been there since 1909) so some ****ing wanker from London can buy the last bit of the building to house MORE unemployable trouble makers, 250 miles from HIS back yard, why dont you keep your gob shut?


[Edited by RaZe-=Buzz=- - 11/4/2002 9:47:40 AM]

davyboy 11 April 2002 09:53 AM

>Davyboy - Come to Hull and experience what they do.

No thanks, I live in Northampton, the are a lot of them here too, although maybe out local press report the facts a little better.

>Where you live do you have any?

See above

>Don't get into a conversation you know nothing about!!!!!!

Why dont you think about what you type? Rather than repeating what the press have writen? I have just given it more thought than you. You are still in the angry stage, in time you will do more thinking and come up with solutions.

>We sound like NIMBY's ? They ARE in my ****ing back yard davyboy >you tosser. What a load of ****.

I sure their is a direct corelation between lack of vocablary and lack of intelegence.

>YOU sound like a bleeding heart liberal - no matter what these >people do they can do no wrong, they had a hard life etc etc.

No I just "think out the box"

>OK, you say its the locals who start the fights in the pubs >looking for easy targets? Where you here? Did you know about the >16 year old boy they wouldnt serve so a gang of 20 asylum seekers >with baseball bats and iron bars attacked the pub and destroyed >it? Did you know that? Was it 600 yards from YOUR house??? Did >YOU see the armed gang walk past?

Did you see it? or a mate of a mate of a mate?

>Why dont you shut the **** up then?

>why dont you keep your gob shut?

Because I am capable of thinking on my own, I will have views that differ from you, why dont start thinking about some solutions.

[Edited by davyboy - 11/4/2002 9:55:27 AM]

davyboy 11 April 2002 10:02 AM

I sorry I am having a conversation with people who can not see "out of the box".

I can see you feel strongly, but there are two sides to every arguement.

If you dont like where you live......move!

[Edited by davyboy - 11/4/2002 10:03:53 AM]

davyboy 11 April 2002 10:20 AM


Oh well, live fast type fast!

Sometimes I make mistakes, but my vocab is huge!


[Edited by davyboy - 11/4/2002 10:22:42 AM]

turboman786 31 October 2002 04:58 PM

Ive noticed lots of asylum seekers in the North recently..most look like young strong lads......not the victims of torture and persection........and how come u neva see any women asylum seekers...or do they just leave em to be persecuted?....just a I best get my politically correct flame suit on......

sexy wrx69 31 October 2002 04:59 PM

bl00dy loads in cambridgeshire since they opened a centre for them a few years back.

turboman786 31 October 2002 05:00 PM

Thatl be the Oakington 'reception' centre.....

davyboy 31 October 2002 05:00 PM

Yes we have a fair few in Northampton.

I hope if I/you/we needed help then other countries would help us out.

Alas 31 October 2002 05:02 PM

Vot ure probem wit assilum seakrs. Just cos ve do nut hiv a scubarroo.
Vlad :D

turboman786 31 October 2002 05:03 PM

I agree entirely davyboy....but I just wonder how many of these strapping young lads..most of whom admit to being woodcutters in their native lands...actually were persecuted for political be honest most of seem numb as f*uck!..hardly the sort of folk that the government etc would be likely to pursue..anyway just a thought...and no I aint bein just questioning the validity of their claims...genuine folk r alwayz welcome...

sexy wrx69 31 October 2002 05:08 PM

and all i said was there are a lot around here.

i have no objection to anyone coming long as they are actually being persecuted and arent just coming over for the free houses and jobs.

JoeyDeacon 31 October 2002 05:10 PM

My girlfriend comes from Battle and apparently there are loads of them in Hastings. A place called Warrior Square now has so many of them that her Estate Agent friend refers to it as little Kosova......

marty_t3 31 October 2002 05:13 PM

Turboman, i know what you mean. You can hardly move in Bradford town centre for 'asylum seekers'. Doesnt look like too many of them came here for jobs though... hardly ever see the 20-30 age group lads working.

davyboy 31 October 2002 05:16 PM

I think they find it difficult to get work as many of them have a poor grasp on the English language.

Alas 31 October 2002 05:16 PM

Was a lot in Glasgow but does not seem to popular a choice anymore.
Nuff said.

marty_t3 31 October 2002 05:22 PM

Alas, I just moved from the west coast of Scotland to Halifax. The difference if absolutely frightening. I though Glasgow had quite a good ethnic mix but Bradford is unbelievable. If you walk down half the streets in Bradford and you'd never guess that you were in Yorkshire.

TomM 31 October 2002 05:28 PM

I work in Slough, nothing out of the ordinary here!!!

I live in Surrey though and I have seen a few urchins walking the streets which is a new thing, and they look like gypsies with children hanging from every limb!

Amanda-Jane 31 October 2002 05:32 PM

This is something that is quite annoying for me. We have people in this country homeless and poor but somehow the government can provide homes, clothes and money for Assylum seekers.

Don't get me started on this.


Oh and Sighthill in Glasgow is full of them!

alcazar 31 October 2002 05:38 PM

We get 'em here occasionally, but this town's so sh1t that they wouldn't want to stay! :D:
Last year we had a spate of 'em coming here and blocking supermarkets 'cos they were protesting that they didn't want food stamps, they wanted money. Perhaps you can't buy fags and booze on food stamps?
Then there was the gyppo type with about 6 kids in tow, attempting to shoplift from Safeways. When apprehended by the store detective, she squirted him with breast milk, and ran off leaving her kids behind!
Are these REALLY the sort of folk we want here?
WHY are they coming THROUGH other European countries to apply for asylum here?
And now the situation in Kosovo has calmed down, why don't they f*ck off back???

marty_t3 31 October 2002 05:39 PM


Trust me... Sighthill has nothing on Bradford. You might be mistaking the students that loiter around sighthill for asylum seekers. After all, they tend too look quite similar :D

Out of curiosity, where abouts in Sighthill you working? Just moved from HBOS in sighthill to the halifax office myself.

Amanda-Jane 31 October 2002 05:54 PM

I work in Blantyre in First Direct. My wee boys dad works near there and tells me all about them walking past the garage!


AnDy_PaNdY 31 October 2002 06:11 PM

I thought we had a few but they turned out to be French students :rolleyes:

super_si 31 October 2002 06:15 PM

Get to middlesbrough the ****s cause no end of ****!!

Clare 31 October 2002 06:20 PM

davyboy being very PC there. We live together and have differing views on this, so can be interesting in our household. :rolleyes:

I have noticed that there are hardly any women around. What's the story? Surely if anyone has a liking for these type of women they should get themselves over to Albania, Kosova etc.... because there sure won't be any men around there to stop you!

south-star 31 October 2002 06:40 PM

Another thread bashing asylum seekers:rolleyes:....

(ah well,got a corner out of it anyway;))..

davyboy 31 October 2002 06:42 PM

But how do they actually affect you!

I never had understood this?

Katana 31 October 2002 07:28 PM

Well they do take all the lower paying jobs. What would happen to us if all the jobs in Kentucky or McDonalds are taken by these foreigners? We'd be screwed, well not me anyway but a majority of people would..

MarkO 01 November 2002 08:49 AM

Living near J8 of the M20 in Kent, we see stacks of 'em. You know they're dodgy when you actually see them getting out of the back of a truck in the layby near Leeds Castle. :eek:

Called the police a few times when seeing crowds jumping out of HGVs....

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