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catflap 11 August 2002 10:47 PM

I am looking to sticker up the westy, please vote what you like :)









Big brother house, this is catflap.
You are live on TV please DO VOTE ;)

[Edited by catflap - 8/11/2002 10:50:53 PM]

Attu 11 August 2002 11:14 PM

Simple number 3 works for me best i think


Turkish1 11 August 2002 11:19 PM

Yep I agree no.3 it is

King RA 12 August 2002 02:01 AM

number 6 i reckon

RT 12 August 2002 06:41 AM

My Chinese is darn rusty, but I do believe the Chinese characters mean "Sky Dog"?

Does that signify something?

catflap 12 August 2002 08:10 AM

Hi Rt The kanji is Japanese, and what you said is quite interesting, the kanji is translated as Ten, and gu tengu, then ten mountain goblin (can see the Chinese sky dog, sort of)

I think (disclaimer my Japanese is not that good) the ten is translated as heaven (sky) and the gu as goblin

Very interesting :) cheers


Why is this on a scooby forum? well everyone knows scooby drivers have the best taste (hehe)

JASON H 12 August 2002 09:38 AM

Jack has just seen the pics and reckons no. 3 looks best :D:D:D

Paul78 12 August 2002 10:22 AM

3 & 7 together, best of both worlds - Looking good ;)

NotoriousREV 12 August 2002 12:10 PM

Why would you put Kenji on a non-Japanese car? :confused:

I'd personally go for someting like number 3, but maybe with a fat stripe in the middle with 2 pinstripes either side, if you know what I mean.

Andy Tang 12 August 2002 11:10 PM

3 and if you really want it 7 as well! :)

Ray_li 12 August 2002 11:15 PM

Yes it does say "SKY DOG" in Chinese.

I'll go for picture 3 or you can try your surname translated.


catflap 13 August 2002 09:23 AM

Thnx for that ray :)

seems twin stripe is the winner :)

Just done some research, seems the tengu never appeared in chinese mythology (or i have not found it yet), the tengu was a winged goblin that taught the yamabushi fo fight, many of the fabled ninjutsu schools have strong links to the tengu, and some wood carvings show the teng teaching their arts of ken jutsu (the art of the sword) to people, it is one of the few things Japanese that did not derive from china,(even though the kanji here may be identical to "sky dog" in Chinese, it is does not mean sky dog in Japanese) that along with the beloved meneke neko (spelling?) you know the cat you see in Chinese takeaways, its paw is raised and a big gold coin around its neck (incidentally what is called in Chinese?) (irashai irashai- “come in come in” heheh spelling?) to invite you to come in, its good luck for shop keepers and the like.

Very fascinating I will do some research into the “gu”, part of the kanji see how dog, changed to goblin form the original Chinese kanji into the Japanese.

Cheers dude, keep them coming

OO its like a cultural lesson all in one ;)

Here is the kanji for dog, as you can se it is different to that of the Chinese

catflap 13 August 2002 09:29 AM

just found:
Tengu is a mythical mountain goblin. Tengu has a red face and extremely long nose, and carries a hauchiwa (feathered fan). Part man and part bird, tengu have supernatural powers, though they are mischievous rather than evil.

Tengu are worshipped by yamabushi (mountain priests), they usually wear the costume of yamabushi with tall geta (wooden clogs). Minamoto Yo****sune (a great warrior in 12th century) is famous for being taught martial arts and strategy by a tengu on Mt. Kurama, north of Kyoto.

Tengu also have been known to abduct children. In the Kamakura Period (1192-1333), there were many sudden disappearance attributed to kidnappings by tengu.

There is a saying "tengu ni naru (to become a tengu)," which means to become conceited.

hugebeef 13 August 2002 11:20 AM

It's gotta be no. 5! You get the stripes and the writing together, nice.

catflap 13 August 2002 11:31 AM

Cheers beef :)

easilybored 13 August 2002 12:42 PM

Being a bit of an expert when it comes to all things oriental,
the writing in question actually means "I wish I was a Caterham"....

(only joking, looks the db's) no 3.


Scooby Snax 13 August 2002 01:11 PM

3 or 6!

BlackStar 13 August 2002 01:34 PM

Catflap, r u riding a sushi-bar or something!?
Doing some research myself found this one here


catflap 13 August 2002 01:50 PM

HEHEH easy ;) i thought caterhams were expensive westfields ;)

Light blue touch paper and stands back.......

thanx :)

catflap 13 August 2002 02:13 PM


Had to do loads of work to get the picture, ended up drawing it again myself as the one on the site is too small, that has to be the maddest name for a restaurant heheh

Trying to figure out what cat flap would be, asked a Japanese friend and he did not know :(

There may not be a catflap in kanji, but I can make cats door, or cats entrance may use these in the kanji instead of the tengu, but I do so love tengu, been fascinated by them for many years, and their wiley mountain goblin ways ;)

carl 13 August 2002 04:06 PM

How about something like this (belongs to a guy I knew at university) :cool:
It's called the Fresian Seven

[Edited by carl - 8/13/2002 4:07:03 PM]

catflap 13 August 2002 04:29 PM

yeh ive seen that one before, hehe it looks fantastic, i want something a little unconventional :) dare to be different and all that :)

The stripes look nice, but its been done to death, I might opt for the kanji and if i dont like it ill go with what everyone recons, the 2 stripes, they are cool in a retro sort of way :)

If i go for the stripes im gona put a big number 6 on the back, with a small caption

"i am not a number, i am a free man" ;)

Damaja 13 August 2002 04:30 PM

Catflap go against what everyone says on here, I mean look at the new scooby shape!!!!

Stripes are boring as feck

catflap 13 August 2002 04:34 PM

You could be right damaja mate

Stripes look very nice on the 7 style car, but the kanji is different

Just got to try convince goold old salsa to make up the stickers (hehe)

carl 13 August 2002 04:53 PM

If it's Honda-powered, you should put the kanji inside a red circle (Mitsubishi Zero stylee). Kind of like the BAR Lucky Strike livery -- pity your Westie isn't white :(

Damaja 13 August 2002 05:07 PM

Yeah Kanji different mate, if you wanna be different go agaisnt the grain not with it.

catflap 13 August 2002 05:07 PM

Ive seen a caterham with the lucky stripe sticker work, looked realy nice :)

SCOOBERATORS 13 August 2002 09:52 PM

Just leave it has it is / plain and simple, dont go and max power the car mate.

easilybored 14 August 2002 09:03 AM

Having heard one of these at a Bassingbourn track day, they sound fantastic and go like a bullit.
However, whatever way you decide to dress it up, you cant polish a turd!!!.

Sorry, only joking again. I'm a Caterham owner and I couldn't resist it.
I like the sound of a red circle number thingy ie lucky strike....



catflap 14 August 2002 11:27 AM


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