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Little Miss WRX 08 January 2002 01:34 PM

Phill, I can vouch for the pill injection, it is marvelous :D

I am less moody than I was before :eek: ;) :p

I still kind of get phantom period sensations, but I know they are phantom, so I look to see what other reasons acould be causing me to be less than happy ;) and sort 'em out ;)

Or just go for a blast in the scoob :D

[Edited by Little Miss WRX - 8/1/2002 1:35:01 PM]

Kippax 29 July 2002 05:25 PM

gossythevaleter's thread got me thinking but i've never had the chance to find out.

Katana 29 July 2002 05:41 PM

Well, for starters, women would get everything in a divorce and they always end up trying for it. They also know how to turn on their waterworks at the judge to gain sympathy from them. Better yet, some have even gone as far as sleeping with the judge to get a sweeter deal..

bros2 29 July 2002 05:52 PM

oh goody, another misogynistic post!

Men and women are just as bad as each other when it comes to the opposite gender, whether it's during the relationship itself or at the end in a divorce.

I've seen several (male) friends screwing around because their wife is "off sex" (just try being excited about hubby when you're a housewife with no money and the kids screaming at you all day), and have seen one whose money troubles were partly caused by his repeated enjoyment of table dancing establishments.

Then again, I've seen a female friend feign pregnancy "to get him to commit". Commit what, suicide? Murder?


Little Miss WRX 29 July 2002 05:55 PM

There are two sides to every story and every story is different.

Katana 29 July 2002 05:58 PM

There are two sides to every story and every story is different.
Thats not what Jerry Springer tells us...

Am I sick or just mad! 29 July 2002 06:10 PM

GO Jerry! :D
GO Jerry! :D

Gossy tell her to take a hike as she obviously thinks so much of you :rolleyes: that you would be much better off without her.

Mad Mark

Funkii Munkii 30 July 2002 07:47 AM


MarkO 30 July 2002 07:51 AM

I think the problem here is not necessarily just the women, but the solicitors and the balance of law. Fact is, the legal system is weighed against the husband in preference to the wife. This is supposed to balance the fact that women usually can't earn as much, and also tend to be the ones who compromise their career for children.

However, it never ceases to amaze me how many childless couples end divorce and end up with the wife walking away with far more than she clearly deserves.

But, if solicitors weren't allowed to take a percentage of any divorce settlement, things might not get so nasty and grabby.

Spudgun VI 30 July 2002 07:58 AM

women are inherently greedy and evil;) thats why i love to treat 'em like sh1t:D ive been nice to 'em (marriage etc :rolleyes: ), but they just fleece you when it goes pear shaped[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

sh4g 'em, get bored, roll up roll up, join the queue, i'll be with you soon luv;):D:D

Floyd 30 July 2002 08:43 AM

Lol @ Spudgun!

You truly are a sex god ;)


Jen 30 July 2002 09:32 AM

Bros and Little Miss are the only ones talking a little bit of sense here. Grow up guys.

DavidBrown 30 July 2002 09:35 AM

Men and women are just as bad as each other when it comes to the opposite gender, whether it's during the relationship itself or at the end in a divorce.
Perhaps, but in this age of equality, I've never heard of a single case of a man taking the woman for everything she has.

Child support aside (that's another thorny issue) I think they should get rid of the outdated alimony laws which no longer apply to todays society.

And you don't need to be married to be stung badly by a woman either..

[Edited by DavidBrown - 7/30/2002 9:38:25 AM]

Jen 30 July 2002 10:01 AM

Right - well here's one, I know of others but I won;t bore you.

My Dad working at Whitehall for MOD earning quite a bit. My Mum, working with disabled children part time in order to feed myself and my brother as my dad wouldn't give her any money. He was also violent and she finally got up the nerve to file for divorce when I was 8. My Dad got the house, my Mum ended up with a large mortgage having to work to keep us in food. We had no furniture, no tv and a skoda that finally exploded at a roundabout one day. My Dad however, had a nice house in a village on the north downs and enough money to furnish it and live a very nice life.

The only reason we got by was my now step-dad who took us all in.

Now - I'm not saying some women don't take everything they can and gain an unfair advantage, and I know some of the reactions from here are forged from personal experience and alot of pain...but you have to look at the big picture, not all women get everything, not all men get everything. Every case is different and genralisations are dangerous.


DavidBrown 30 July 2002 10:07 AM

Right, but we're not talking about obvious cases where a man is morally obliged to support his kids + his long suffering wife.

We're talking about a couple (no kids) where both partners work, and she still takes him for every bean.

Katana 30 July 2002 10:10 AM

Let me raise the bar for you with my three other friend's story.


The four of us got married at roughly the same time, each to our respective girlfriends. They all seemed like normal girls and we were all happy with our relationship.

Sometime during the marriage, my friends found out that their wives were cheating on them. Because of this, one of them commited suicide whereas the other two are now poor people, living demented lives having to support their ex wives and the ex's boyrfriends in the house that they bought and are still paying for. Not to mention the alimony that had to be paid by them. Once they were happy people and now they're just depressed idiots who's stuck on antidepresants. I'm just waiting for the day that the 2 of them would finally pluck up some courage to:

a) Kill their ex wives hence not having to suffer paying for her expenses

b) Kill themselves thus not having to suffer paying for her expenses.

c) Comedy option of killing her then himself.

I'm the last one of us to get a divorce. I wish my wife cheated on me to make it soooo much easier to go through with this but she ain't. It was because of something else. One thing for sure, I know what to do if the worse were to happen.

Jen 30 July 2002 10:12 AM

Ok - DB fair point, and I probably used a bad example to illustrate the point. My fault - I get a bit passionate about things like this and it's easy to loose perspective.

Main point still stands though - there are 1001 variables in divorce cases, and to genralise is dangerous. As little Miss pointed out - there's two sides to every story....that's all and appologies for going slightly mad! :) Personally, I blame the heat ;):D

Edited to make it clear it was a reply to David...

[Edited by Jen - 7/30/2002 10:13:13 AM]

babber 30 July 2002 11:22 AM

What pisses me off is the system is all stacked up against the blokes. My misses stopped having sex with me many years ago, following the birth of our children (Four daughters) which I suppose it normal. After a few years of no sex, I accidently got a sub contractor to sort me out.

A year later my misses found out, and our relastionship was over. We tried to stay together for the sake of the children. Big mistake, as I would have spent the rest of my life, trying to make things better, when clearly they never were.

One night (when I was pissed up) I came home and she started on my yet again. Reason I was pissed up and went out, was I didn't want to go home. Anyway, another arguement started and she called her brother and father around to evict me from the premises. My mate best mate was also called (by the ex, as she thought I'd kick off) I got punched in the face, as I was to pissed to defend myself, and was as I said before evicted. I spent two / three month at mates house / staying in hotel.

I decided enough was enough, after she telephone me to say that the Citizens Advise had told her to empty MY bank account :eek: I closed the joint account and gave her a grand to keep her going!!

I was forced from my house with nothing apart from my clothes. I have since collected my Stereo and a few other bits and bobs, but left most of "our stuff" as it will only hurt the children.

We agreed to remain good friends, but this is strained as she has really bad pre and post blob strops..... So one minute she's fine the other times she completely unreasonable.

The CSA has now decided that I have to pay £800 per month for the children which is fair enough. I also have to pay the mortgage which is £500, but listen to this. The CSA will take into account my rent cost (can't afford to buy another property) but won't take into account the mortgage that I have to pay on a house that I don't live at. Worse thing about it, is she now gone to a Solicitor and is claiming that I'm violent (never was, or had been) and I'm banned from my own house........

Luckily enough for me I had managed to film her (via a web cam) being completely unreasonable on numerous occasions and seriously kicking off while the children were in the room (i.e. Daddy is a *******, etc) I've got loads of nasty text message that I collected on my PC, etc What I would like to do (because of her mood swings, etc) is kick the bitch out of my house, and let her apply for access to them..... I will use all the above supporting information to prove in court she a liar!!

It is all wrong, as I love my kids and can only see them when it suite her. Ok I did have a BJ and got caught, but I'm only human.

Worse thing about it though, is she started to lose weight (which ofcourse was my fault she'd put it on) and is going out a lot more now. I'm sure in a few month she'll be out trying to shag anything that moves and bring them back to my house and shag them while my children are in bed sleeping.

Oh and we won't even start talking about my pension that she is intitled too!!! She didn't work for nine years and I supported her through all this while struggling to keep the money under control.

Been advised to see a Solicitor, but know that this will just make things twenty times worse than it already is!!

One question, why the fcuk do they fall in love with you then try and change you ?? I can't understand it, and have seem loads of examples of this with my mate.

I love women, but at the moment, just can't be assed with the hassle :rolleyes:

Cheers Phill C

caz1562 30 July 2002 11:35 AM

Women will always turn nasty during a divorce. They can't help but attempt to break you both physcologically & financially.

I could rant for hours on this topic but will keep it short.

As soon as you said "I DO" at your wedding is the time when you've just given up your rights as a man, freedom & human rights. We just have to get on with our lives knowing full well we won't subject ourselves to the hassle again.

Jen 30 July 2002 11:36 AM

Good luck Phill - sounds like a nightmare situation, hope you sort it out quickly...

scoobyangel 30 July 2002 11:44 AM

i really feel for all you guys that get screwed over in divorce and stuff.... but can i just say not all women are the same.

i am seperated and will be getting divoced hopefully in about a year.

my husband has my house, which i bought 3 years b4 i even knew him, and is now valued at well over £100k, all the money that was in the bank accounts, over 30k, my two dogs also which i had b4 i met him, all the furniture and fixings that i put into the house..............

what did i get?????

the car..... not even a scoob.. but a crappy renault megane!!!

i had to buy everything even down to a tin opener and knife and fork and move into a rented flat which cost nearly 3 times what my old mortgage was.
considering he earnt twice as much as me, and wouldnt let me do overtime as he thought my place was in the home, i found it a real struggle to keep my head above water, and still do, yet he is the one going around telling people that i ripped him off and only married him for his money :rolleyes:

he even thinks that i should give the car back to him aswell, going so far as throwing me through the old house trying to grab the keys off me, leaving me with badly bruised arms.... unfortunatly for him ,once he let go it also got him a punch in the mouth :)

believe me i just want a quiet life, hence thats why he got everything, i had not been unfaithfull, nor had i done anything wrong except having a miscarriage for which he blamed me, hence destroying our marriage..

we are not all villans u know.. some of us are alright :)

can i just say now, 14 months after we seperated i am at peace with myself and happier than i could ever of been had i stayed with him... and even though at the time i thought there was no light at the end of it all, after those initial few months of hell things settled down and now i no longer have any problems from him:D

life moves on, and so do most people... no one really wants to fight and struggle forever.

babber 30 July 2002 12:25 PM


Thanks for that ;) Appreciate your support :D


I had no idea, I know all women are not the same, but I can only reflect on how I've been treated. I'm glad that after investing nearly twenty years of my life in that relationship that the girls still love me (and want to be with me) no matter what there mother is saying. I wish she'd fcuk off and let me care for the children, but that isn't going to happen. God knows what she'll be like if i meet another women, but at the moment, don't trust anyone enough to get involved. It would have been a hell of a lot cheaper to have hired a prostitute every few months / years that what I've got now!!

Cheers for the support, Phill C

PS Take a look ;)

[Edited by babber - 7/30/2002 12:33:28 PM]

carl 30 July 2002 12:33 PM

After a few years of no sex, I accidently got a sub contractor to sort me out.
Can you explain the 'accidentally' bit? :confused:

P1Fanatic 30 July 2002 12:34 PM

Jesus Jen and Babber! Ive never been that up for marriage but damn you two have totally put me off now - like something out of a hollywood movie.

babber 30 July 2002 12:35 PM

Long story, but it took a few months to get it on, via text messages. I guess I meant to say that I didn't plan to do it, it all happen without me trying really....

Cheers Phill C

ProperCharlie 30 July 2002 01:05 PM

It's hard to generalise about these things. My old man lost his business, most of the proceeds from the joint property, his trading premises and a few other things - I reckon he must have lost nearly a £1M in total, plus he had to mortgage his current house to pay his 100k legal bill after 4 years of being in and out of court. After all that the daft judge ordered him to pay 3k a month in maintenance, despite that fact that his salary is only 35k a year! Do judges leard how to f*cking count? So you could say he got well screwed, although he was partly to blame. When he divoced my mother, 15 years before all this, all she got was £30 a week, and had to burrow money from her brother to buy him out of the 'family' home. Then she had to do two jobs to keep us in baked beens and shoes...

well that's my rant over. Funny old world, innit? I wish it was just a matter of 'let the best (person) win'...


Little Miss WRX 30 July 2002 01:08 PM

I know all women are not the same, but I can only reflect on how I've been treated
Well said, that is just it!!!!

A lot of people are angry and hurt through experience and automatically come to the opinion that all woemn are the same - it also applies to women too. A lot of women have bad experiences and therefore become conditioned that all men are like that.

I had a bad experience when I was younger - I was subject to sexual abuse by a friend of the family at the age of 14, totally destroying my faith in men.

I was a very nervous teenager and eventually I switched off from the pain and got close to a lad who I liked. One day when we were alone he tried to take advantage of me and hurt me trying. I escaped sobbing only because he was disturbed by some neighbours knocking.

Needless to say that shattered what little faith I had built up in men for a long time.

I couldn't even bear to hug my dad and that made me feel bad :( I blamed and hated myself for ages.

But life moves on............the next three long term relationships were in no way perfect, the first one was violent, the next was very controlling, the third was so insecure and possessive - the last two cheating on me too.

All were possessive and I had to take a break from this and sort myself out.

I do not hold the opinion that all men are the same despite my experiences and I am now very happy.

[Edited by Little Miss WRX - 7/30/2002 1:10:42 PM]

Jen 30 July 2002 01:15 PM

Glad you're ok now 'chelle - it can be a long journey to become happy with yourself! :)

P1 - don't let anyone put you off, just on a plus side, I got married recently and I'm the happiest I've ever been - there are happy stories too ;):D ...oh, but the muppet won't let me have clear indicators on the car [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] ...have to get another Scoob me thinks ;):D

Little Miss WRX 30 July 2002 01:18 PM

Thanks Jen :)

I am in no way happy with myself, but I am happy with the way my life is going at the moment :)

I have buried all of what has happened and I think it is best left that way.

babber 30 July 2002 01:20 PM

Chelle, sound like you had a rough time of it too!! Sorry to hear all that.

The thing I wanted to avoid when bringing my daughters up was all the ****e my sister and me suffered from when we were younger. And it was my Mum that caused it all. I'm glad that I'm not with the Ex-misses now, and hope the girls will understand the reason for me "walking away from it all" but had no alternative :(

Ok then, as far as all women are concerned 99.9 % blokes are c**ts, I know I have a few best mates that are, and can see this.

My misses is a complete bitch, but there are a few nice ones out there (0.05 %) but am yet to find one ;)

Cheers Phill C

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