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DemonDave 22 July 2002 11:45 PM

Thats it .. time to let the car just get dirty ...

I know I am too picky, but I have now tried

Wax Wizard
Autoglym .. including some R&D products
Megulairs (sic) .... ( anybody want to buy some, bottles hardly used)

All of them leave smears .. it must be me, but I have never had the problem on other cars,

I have tried less wax , more wax , less polish , more polish , different cloths etc etc still smears !

The only thing that gets rid of the smears is ww cleanse number 1

Does anybody know whether you can get polish that does not contain wax or silicone and doesn't bite into the paintwork.

Dave :)

russell hayward 23 July 2002 12:08 AM

I think you need to speak to Mark (WW)

You shouldn't be getting any problems with his kit unless operator error ?

Call him on 07966 713177

He is always criss-crossing the country so perhaps you could arrange a meet up.

sillysi 23 July 2002 10:14 AM

I had these problems with my DBM until I used the WW products. All the swirls have now gone from the paint after just one cleanse and wax.


Mark Underwood 23 July 2002 10:20 AM

Demon are plainly doing something WRONG!!!! Would you like me to do your car for you and show you "How to Prepare Your Car?"
If yer stuck m8, give me a call on 07966 713177.

Boost II 23 July 2002 10:23 AM

If you need the cleanse to get rid of them this means the swirls are small scratches in the paint. If they come straight back it must mean you are a bit rough putting the wax on. You should use vertical strokes not circular and use a clean applicator. My DBM seems OK with the wax wizard unless very bright sun - then pretty much any car shows fine marks up in the paint.

JoeyDeacon 23 July 2002 10:31 AM

After owning a DBM MY00 I would never even consider getting a dark coloured car again. I used to spend around 4 hours each time I washed/waxed it only for it to rain and the car ended up looking as dirty as it did before I started. Also used to annoy me when I saw the car in bright sunlight or under petrol station lights as it used to show up all the swirl marks.

I now own a silver car, wash it once a month and never wax it and it always looks 100 times better than my MY00 did.

Take my advice, if you care about cleaning your car get a silver one.

Can somebody explain to me how clensing gets rid of all the swirl marks as it never made any difference on my car. Surely the swirl marks are tiny little scratches in the laquer so how does clensing get rid of them?

DemonDave 23 July 2002 11:51 AM

What I worked out is they are not swirl marks but smear marks. Using the cleanse clears off the wax and polish, so no more smears, but then when I apply polish or wax, more smears. When I look at other DBM or DBG cars I can see them on them as well. Like I say I have tried every cloth and process but still can see them. For example last night I cleaned and polished a panel in the dim light and used a spot light to remove the smears. Not matter how much I used different cloths I could not remove the smears until I cleansed back. Then I tried apply the polish lighter etc and still got the problems!.

Happy to accept I am doing something wrong or operator error. but cannot believe it is something that is not obvious (sic). Plus the missus is getting fed up on the amount I am spending on polishes !

PS thanks you advice and thoughts so far.


ProperCharlie 23 July 2002 12:02 PM

excuse my total ignorance but what colour is DBM?

chiark 23 July 2002 12:03 PM

Dark (or deep) blue mica.

It's a pain. But does look *good*

JoeyDeacon 23 July 2002 12:05 PM

....for about 5 minutes!

DemonDave 23 July 2002 12:11 PM

You managed a full 5 mins !!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Jolly Green Monster 2 23 July 2002 12:15 PM

I use Merr polish (available from Halfords) and although I haven't got a DBM Scooby I have used in on many deep coloured dark blue cars.. but it is a cheap (compared with what you have tried) method of polishing.. I thought WW was the Daddy...

The Merr is easy to apply though.. and cheap so you could try some...

JGM :)

ProperCharlie 23 July 2002 12:45 PM

So can I assume that I will have similar labours with black (Deep Black Mica that is!) So far I have only tried cleaning it once. Previously i used to clean my car about twice a year, but since entering the world of scooby I thought I might make a bit more effort. After washing, rinsing twice and chamios dry it looked not too bad, but any trace of water leaves a mark...


donaldm 23 July 2002 01:08 PM

SO what's the outcome on waxing / polishing, I use Mer, from Halfords, I got a P1, and it does come up nice, although, the polish does settle as a powder residue...
What else would ulot reccomend?

DemonDave 23 July 2002 01:18 PM

Not mer too agressive I've found.

I have found in my extensive tests !

1. Wax Wizard is v good and provides a v good shine, pricey but can be worth it if you put the effort in. Better value long term.
2. Autoglym, Does give powder sometimes (the newer polishes are better), good price and again gives a v good shine. Better value short term
3. Megulairs seems to be in the same category as autoglym. Better value short term.

The rest don't seem to match up, but zymol is meant to be close to wax wizard.

If money was not object then somebody else using Wax Wizard would be my preference !

clintyboy12 23 July 2002 03:29 PM

DemonDave - think you were right with the 1st line! Let it get dirty. Lots of mud and stuff up the sides (on the windows makes it look REALLY nice) and when you do get it cleaned make sure someone else does it so you don't end up spending sleepless nights worrying about all the stone chips over the bonnet!!! ;-)

snowcrash 23 July 2002 03:46 PM

took me a while to work out the best way of cleaning mine (as its a DBM too and a bitch to get rid of smears), the easiest way i have worked out is:

1) rinse car with water (this step isn't really required
2) car shampoo and sponge - clean car (5mins)
3) rinse car with water (10mins)
4) dry car with chamois - don't get worried about smears (turtle wax will take the smears out) as long as there is no water left on the surface. (10mins)
5) wax car (now i've been using Turtle Wax - Extreme Zip Wax - Flourescent green spray bottle - i'll double check the name for you when i get home.), buff with lint free cloth (30mins), if area still looks crap - reapply wax and buff more.
6) clean windows (halfords window cleaner spray bottle). (5mins)

this i can do in 1hr, and it looks the dogs danglies :D

clintyboy12 23 July 2002 04:19 PM

Best thing I have found for windows is Rain-X.
Don't even need wipers when you have this stuff on.I would say this is essential, especially seeing the weather we've been having this "summer"!!!

I have used the WW Cleanse stuff and although this leaves a white powdery residue (particularly noticeable if you wipe over gaps such as the doors) this residue is easy enough to wipe off with a soft cloth. Does bring up the paintowkr a treat, but as you say is it worth it for 5 mins of shine???!

Doc@IlsonIlson 23 July 2002 05:04 PM

Have you tried the "Finesse" stuff in the black container, No silicon etc just a "finishing polish"?? Just a thought.

chiark 23 July 2002 05:09 PM

For drying a DBM car, you can't beat one of Mark (Wax Wizards) water blades. These are available from other places too. I saw one in the "crap" catalogues that get pushed through the door/come with every magazine.

They work brilliantly.

DemonDave 23 July 2002 05:43 PM


that "Finesse" stuff in the black container is it the 3m stuff. If so it has a level of cut to it so would eat into the paintwork !


DemonDave 23 July 2002 05:44 PM

Whay hay .... 1000 post and its on a corner !

Jolly Green Monster 2 23 July 2002 05:51 PM

Most polishes like Mer for example do remove some paint..

I have noticed that if used frequently on a Scooby it stops removing it and so I think only removes damaged paint.

On my bike it just keeps removing it so I have take to using Colour magic which seems to just Polish but if there is a mark on the paint is does not cleam it off just polishes over the top, where as Mer will remove the mark and polish...

Swings and roundabouts..

Mind you I have only used cheap polishes..

JGM :)

snowcrash 23 July 2002 08:46 PM

FYI: the one i use (bought quite a few bottles so far ;) - is Turtlewax Extreme Speed Wax - Flurescent Green Spray Bottle jobby ...

D Hill 555 23 July 2002 11:31 PM

Good Stuff Doc ;)I Know A Car Had Plenty Of That On!!!

Doc@IlsonIlson 24 July 2002 07:54 AM

Dave, if it has got a cutting agent in it then it will be only mild, have you seen the stuff?? It goes on like water and takes no rubbing effort to apply (like some brands) leaves no resedue and gives a nice shine.
How long are you keeping your car? Even with one of the strong cutting polishes it will take you 1000`s of polishes to rub the lacquer off :D

DemonDave 26 July 2002 12:55 AM

Right, Response time !

Mark, I will give you a ring m8 Thnx

Chiark, Using a waterblade already and they are v good

Snowcrash, I might give that polish a try

Doc, The missus tells me I will be keeping the car a long time and the way I am going I will hit a 1000 polishes in about 19.23 years !

D Hill 555 26 July 2002 10:47 PM

U Tried That Autosmart Yet D.D.

SCOOBERATORS 26 July 2002 11:48 PM

Is that 19 min dave :D

Alas 27 July 2002 01:09 AM

Think I've used nearly every polish/cleanse etc etc.
WW stuff is excellent for clay bar/cleanse & wax. Extreme tyre gel best for the tyres.
I also used to love autoglym (still do) but whatever you do, do not use their Paint Renovator. Stripped the paint on mine in about 5secs. Costly respray was the result. Lucky I had only started on 1 wing.
Be Warned

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