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Little Miss WRX 07 April 2002 02:56 PM

Strange double post, sorry!!!

[Edited by Little Miss WRX - 7/4/2002 3:03:29 PM]

Little Miss WRX 07 April 2002 03:02 PM


What a surprise to see you on this thread :rolleyes:

I agree with the comments made by Diablo and Druddle.

I am also of the opinion that if you cannot control your pet, you shouldn't have one. OR at the very least, you should learn to control it, if you cannot then let someone else care for it!!!

Cats are a different kettle of fish, pardon the expression ;) because of their independence, however I do know some cats who are very *obedient*

My parents have problems with cats, but have put down cat deterrent in the garden and any problems have been solved in terms of crapping there.

I have never really had an issue with the cat that used to sleep on my car's bonnet when it was outside my parents' house as it used to be very protective about it and snarl at anyone who came near it :D
Fortunately it knew me so I was okay to shift the cat when I required the car ;)
It's owner used to complain that it spent more time on my car than it did at her house LOL :D

With the car being silver it just meant a quick wipe to clear any mucky paw prints.

That cat has gone now though :(, there again so have I LOL

Pet haters, quit ya whinging and if you have a problem with someone's pet TALK TO THEM about it!!!

I am very happy to talk about any issues people have with my pets and would prefer it that way so I can address any problems that need sorting quickly. (But I don't have any at the moment :()

I am so much wanting to own horses again, but at this moment in time I am unable to commit money or more importantly the sheer amount of time needed to look after them.


Edited to correct spelling mistakes ;)

[Edited by Little Miss WRX - 7/4/2002 3:05:37 PM]

gtr_man 07 April 2002 03:17 PM

Little Miss WRX just adding my experiences to an interesting debate. Image the following scenario,

You are the owner of a cat, the neighbour complains in a reasonable manner that the cat is scratching his/her car by sitting on it. What do you "as a responsible cat owner" do?

It's all very well saying "chuck water over it" or "spray it with water from a hope pipe" - but I can never get near it.

[Edited by gtr_man - 7/4/2002 3:22:44 PM]

gtr_man 07 April 2002 04:02 PM

I like dogs - they have personality, however I wouldn't own one. On the other hand I detest cats (see aforementioned reasons) and will this weekend purchase the following items,

- one of those ultra-high frequency animal deterrent devices
- a high powered air rifle with telescopic sights and pellets

Which of these items I actually use depends on which eliminates the problem. Alternatively, I may 'hire' a couple of kids from the neighbourhood and instruct them to 'get rid of the problem' - petrol will be supplied if required.

[Edited by gtr_man - 7/4/2002 4:03:52 PM]

RB170 07 April 2002 04:56 PM

Pfff nobody is giving anybody a hard time about losing a pet.

I just added a little bit of extra info and wondered why a Guinne Pig would be scared of a mole that's all.

I've had pets and I know what it's like to lose them but I also realise that in the big scheme of thigs they don't mean that much unless your on your own and have no friends or companions.

I don't think Sti lives on his own allthough he may not have many friends but I'm sure he has at least 1 or 2 so the sooner he gets over it the better and even if my comments have annoyed, in the breif moments that he was angry at me he forgot all about his grief


[Edited by RB170 - 7/4/2002 5:39:21 PM]

shunty 07 April 2002 05:56 PM

************** - that was a well thought out response:)

gtr man, one of my cats came back with a pellet in it, & if I ever saw anyone shooting an air-rifle at a cat/dog etc, I would give them a good kicking...& believe me I can!!

ps - I don't mind & understand if people chase mine away by shouting or throwing water etc, I understand they do cause damage on cars as well.


[Edited by shunty - 7/4/2002 5:58:38 PM]

Diablo 04 July 2002 10:42 AM

Starting to really make me [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

If we are not having to defend our dogs for being *dangerous*, some of us are getting a hard time after loosing a ginnea pig.

Go get a life [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

If you cannot post something constructive, then at least be reasoned in your debate [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img].


druddle 04 July 2002 10:54 AM

Agree with you Diablo.

Yes its a pain in the bum when a cat sits on yer car after you have spent 3 hours cleaning it, yes its a pain when they cr@p in the garden but I wouldnt swap them (all 3) for the world. I love my cats. But I understand that not all people share the same opinions as me.

I frequently tell my neighbours that if the cats bother them or they dont want them in their garden then chuck water over them. They wont come back in a hurry and it wont harm the cat.


STi go fast 04 July 2002 10:58 AM

thanks for the support!

some people on here seem to take delight in the sadness of others. since the passing of my pig (turbo) i have done some research on moles (the animal that killed him). they have poor eyesight and hunt for slugs and bugs by smell, for this reason they lash out widly when confronted by a larger animal using claws designed to chew through the earth. they also have a powerfull bite.

bearing in mind that my pig died when confronted by this nasty vermin which was probably lashing out at high speed with razor sharp claws i cant see why some find it funny. it reminds me of the velocoraptors in jurassic park- perhaps some of you could do with being woken up by one of those in the middle of the night.


DJFish 04 July 2002 11:13 AM

"perhaps some of you could do with being woken up by one of those in the middle of the night"

Happens to me all the time, she's called the wife and it's usually 'cos I'm snoring.


P1Fanatic 04 July 2002 11:39 AM

I love cats and dogs myself. Prefer cats as they are more sociable but wouldnt say no to either. Just wish I wasnt in rented house then I could have one.

The Zohan 04 July 2002 11:46 AM

Absolutely agreed with Druddle and Daiblo on this one you have hit the nails on the head.

STI sorry to hear about 'Turbo', sounds dreadful.

Paul (house sitter and feeder for three cats)


Molds 04 July 2002 01:53 PM


gtr_man 04 July 2002 02:46 PM

You may like cat's scratching your bonnet or using your lawn as a toilet - I for one don't. Especially given the fact my car is a scooby which I love to bits and my toddler daughter plays around on the lawn.

It's irresponsible owners that let their cat's roam knowing fine well they'll be bothering the neighbours. When confronted the responses I've heard amaze me - "it's a cat, I can't control it", "it didn't do any harm", etc.

If you can't control your pet, then why do you have one!!

The next time I see a cat sitting on my bonnet or using my lawn as a toilet, its going to get a pellet from a high powered air rifle up its jacksy.

chuckster 04 July 2002 03:12 PM

Posting about puppies and kittens and cute ikkle bunny rabbits on a car enthusiasts site (which is rapidly going Max Power) is inviting flippant/cruel/mocking comments IMHO.
Getting wound up by any of these comments is a little 'sad' though - you don't know these people..why do you value their opinion anyway?

Alas 04 July 2002 03:21 PM

I love my mad dog. I've quite often commented on this bbs when a pet hate debate comes up without trying to be obnoxious or unreasonable. I own a dog that the ill-informed regard as dangerous as they've seen the film Turner & Hooch.
Yes he's mental, yes he's eccentric and yes he will defend me, my wife and our property for all he's worth.
Other than that, the only danger he causes is when he steals my shoes & socks(while I'm wearing them) and causes me to have cold feet.
So basically what I'm trying to say is - I don't give a sh*t about anyones generalisations about animals. Its the equivalent of saying the Americans are loud, the japanese polite, the Scots mean, the germans no sense of humour. If you don't own an animal, yes you can have an opinion but that does'nt mean that its an informed one. So can some people please give it a rest.
And one last point - a 15yr old girl was stabbed this week close to where I live. Seems to be no reason for the offence. Wonder if a Rottie/Staffie/Mastiff was the culprit.

MarkehB 04 July 2002 03:27 PM

STi go fast, what makes the whole pig/mole thing funny to some people, is that a pig (not exactly a small animal) was killed by a mole mole (which is kinda tiny). Its far beyiond even David vs Goliath.

And comparing a small underground vermin creature to that of a 6 foot killing machine is hardly a good comparison.

paulr 04 July 2002 03:31 PM

A question i'd like to ask is why do some dog owners seem to be so inconsiderate to the rights and opinions of non-dog owners?

Alas 04 July 2002 03:33 PM

A question I'd like to ask is why do some non-dog owners seem to be so inconsiderate to the rights of dog owners??
In answer to your question see above
Hee hee

Little Miss WRX 04 July 2002 03:37 PM

Interesting point.

If a dog mauls or attacks a young child - it is put down and to be quite honest, I think that is the right thing to do even as a dog lover.

If a man or woman (not to be sexist here!) does the same. FCUK ALL IS DONE!!!! [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

<note to self, do not get started on our spineless justice system>

gtr_man 04 July 2002 03:37 PM

There are dogs that make headline news when they tear apart 3 year old children - these are in a minority of course. There are stories of 3 year old children going blind because they've caught some virus, later diagnosed to originate from cat faeces - again a minority.

I don't want related to this minority statistic. If there's any chance my child may go blind or get ill because she's been rolling round on grass that a cat previously used as a toilet then I'll do everything I can to get rid of the problem. If the owners are unwilling or unable to help, I'll take matters into my own hands.

Overreacting... I think not. How much is your child's health worth?

Alas 04 July 2002 03:45 PM

I agree. I don't want other peoples animals sh*tting in my garden for obvious reasons. I clean up after my dog when he's out but appreciate the problem with cats(I don't have any) and how to control them. I don't have the answer but think people should be responsible for their own pets.
Birds, rats, squirrels etc all use your garden as a toilet for which nothing can be done. But one of these high powered water pistols will soon scare cats away.
Either that or buy a dog!!!!

Jen 04 July 2002 03:45 PM

Markehb - you know he meant a guinea-pig right? I'm very sad about Turbo :( Hope Dump Valve gets a new friend too and the mole meets a sticky end. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

<now refraining from saying anything else as it's futile anyway :rolleyes:>

Little Miss WRX 04 July 2002 04:08 PM

Either that or buy a dog!!!!
Our Cocker Spaniel (RIP) was frightened of the cats. In fact the cats used to take the pi55 out of our poor dog and torment her when she went blind. Little feckers!

The high pitched deterrent thingy does work.

STi go fast 04 July 2002 04:59 PM

the pig WASNT scared- for all you know he died trying to protect dumvalve....unless you know the facts maybe u shouldnt comment.


RB170 04 July 2002 05:05 PM

And unfortunaley for all you know he could have been scared Sh1tless and died from a heart attack.

Unless your vet has performed some kind of pet autopsy and discovered the cause of death we'll never know.

Honestly Sti I had no intention of causing you any distress and had intended to put a lighter tone to the thread but I still can't understand how a mole could do a Guinee Pig


STi go fast 04 July 2002 05:07 PM

well he was the bravest pig i knew.


druddle 04 July 2002 05:12 PM

gtr man - if you lived next door to me and shot my cat for sitting on your car, you would wish you hadnt. but if you scared my cat away with noise, water or something like that without harming it then i would expect that. only last night one of mine got a blast with the hose pipe for clawing my front tyres.

From your reasoning, if your child kicked a ball onto a neighbours lawn and ruined 100 quids worth of plants then they could shoot your child with an air rifle ? or they would be perfectly entitled to shoot any bird or any other animal for that matter that cr@pped on their car/house/garden ?

Think about it.

STi go fast 04 July 2002 05:15 PM


"but I still can't understand how a mole could do a Guinee Pig"

then look at the claws on this thing, imagine those swinging at you in the dark..not nice and not funny either. it is nothing more than an underground rat.


Damaja 04 July 2002 05:30 PM

Artists impression of the Dump valve killer

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