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alcazar 27 April 2016 08:52 PM

This fitness/weight loss game......
Not much fun is it?

I decided I needed to be fitter, so have started to go to HITT classes once a week, and twice a week from this week. I'm in a class for the generally unfit/older persons, both male and female.

I have to take care after three ops on my spine, and needing pills for my blood pressure, but have managed so far.

I have also cut out most carbs, have only eaten potatoes twice in three weeks, eat little bread, and then only high fibre stuff, no butter, eat mainly salad, fruit and protein, (fish, chicken, steak, eggs), yet my weight isn't exactly falling off:(

-3.25lbs in the first week. (probably mostly water)
+0.75 lbs in the second week, (what happened there?)
-1.5lbs this week.

What am I doing wrong?

Oh, and I'm down to having small alcohol once a week, from quite a bit every night.:(:(

dpb 27 April 2016 09:31 PM

mind boggles , string vest ?

keep it , another 6 months see you right :thumb:

bangshift 27 April 2016 09:38 PM

When changing your complete eating pattern you can expect to see it fluctuate a little over the first few days/weeks, hence the little + bump you noticed. I lost a stone in 3 weeks following the below.
#Breakfast: Black Coffee (No Sugar), Multivitamin, Fish Oil Capsule
#30 Minutes After: Diet Whey Protein Shake
#Lunch: Baked Sweet Potato, 1 Can Tuna (Mixed with Crushed Chili and 2Tbsp Sweet Chili sauce), Multivitamin, Fish Oil Capsule, Diet Whey Protein Shake
#Dinner: Grilled Chicken Breast, 2Cup Steamed Mixed Veg, 1 Handful Steamed Kale (Mixed together in a bowl with 3Tbsp Sweet Chili Sauce), Multivitamin, Fish Oil Capsule.
#PreWorkout: Black Coffee (No Sugar).
#Workout: I do a full bodyweight workout (Calisthenics). Keeping the intensity going for aprox 30 minutes.
#Post Workout: Diet Whey Protein Shake, Multivitamin, Fish Oil Capsule.

Hope this helps a little? It is also great to drink plenty of water a day, and some green tea also helps to boost that metabolism.

dpb 27 April 2016 09:46 PM

you certainly like you chilli ! ( does that help everything pass through ?)

with kale though ?

everyday ?!

mart360 27 April 2016 10:04 PM

Just on my second weight reduction regime

4 years ago i was 14St, and decided i would get to my BMI target weight lol

In total i dropped 56lb in 10 months so 5.6lb a month

I did mine with calorie counting / exercise and diet change

I halved my calorie intake from 2500kcal to around 1200kcal

this was

Brekky - Bowl of porridge - 220Kcal (200ml milk) and a level tsp sugar

1 cup coffee milk and sugar 50kcal

Lunch - Bowl of salad 200Kcal

1 cup coffee, milk and sugar 50kcal

Dinner - 1 M&S count on us meal - av 400Kcal

Pud - 99% fat free yoghurt & 1 meringue nest 110 kcal

1 cup of coffee milk and sugar 50Kcal

Late night - 1 cup of coffee milk & sugar 50kcal

1 double finger kitkat - 110 kcal

Daily total 1240Kcal

Then i exercised for an hour every evening 5 miles on a treadmill - 600kcal burnt

However you have to keep it up, and after 4 years of indulging i was back at 14st

So End of Feb i started again

So far I've lost 2 Stone but this time I'm only going to 11 stone, as 10 was to far really, felt OK, but looked like **** lol

Mart :D

banny sti 27 April 2016 10:11 PM

Its as simple as calories in vs calories out, to lose weight :)

Benji554 27 April 2016 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by bangshift (Post 11826172)
When changing your complete eating pattern you can expect to see it fluctuate a little over the first few days/weeks, hence the little + bump you noticed. I lost a stone in 3 weeks following the below.
#Breakfast: Black Coffee (No Sugar), Multivitamin, Fish Oil Capsule
#30 Minutes After: Diet Whey Protein Shake
#Lunch: Baked Sweet Potato, 1 Can Tuna (Mixed with Crushed Chili and 2Tbsp Sweet Chili sauce), Multivitamin, Fish Oil Capsule, Diet Whey Protein Shake
#Dinner: Grilled Chicken Breast, 2Cup Steamed Mixed Veg, 1 Handful Steamed Kale (Mixed together in a bowl with 3Tbsp Sweet Chili Sauce), Multivitamin, Fish Oil Capsule.
#PreWorkout: Black Coffee (No Sugar).
#Workout: I do a full bodyweight workout (Calisthenics). Keeping the intensity going for aprox 30 minutes.
#Post Workout: Diet Whey Protein Shake, Multivitamin, Fish Oil Capsule.

Hope this helps a little? It is also great to drink plenty of water a day, and some green tea also helps to boost that metabolism.

4 multivitamin tablets a day!! That can't be good for you!?

andy97 27 April 2016 10:52 PM

"not much fun" - actually it is once you start to see improvements, it's life style, not a diet or workout.
It takes time, effort and determination to get the results you want and to stay there.

Alcazar being an older chap, first step. Don't go mad with diet or high intensity workouts, it will end in craving and injury.

Spend 4-6 weeks being more active, leading into exercise and just cutting down on bad foods, eg sweet stuff, cakes etc. Actually bread, potatoes and other carbs aren't bad for you when taken in moderation.

Weight loss can take quite a while, just think how long it took you to put on weight, same with fitness, steady away

dpb 28 April 2016 05:33 AM

I'm a bit surprised you had energy to do anything at all Mart, that's 600 cals a day net !

andy97 28 April 2016 07:51 AM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 11826246)
I'm a bit surprised you had energy to do anything at all Mart, that's 600 cals a day net !

I'd be in intensive care on 600 calories :)

My comfy weight is mid 15 stone, I can maintain that easily. When I was doing lots more cycling my weight was down at 15 stone.

My recent fun activity is interactive racing on the turbo, Team time trial with voice. Super intensive keeping the other teams from catching you. :D

It has a comical aspect with 4 fellas heavy breathing at each other whilst mumbling words of encouragement!

LSherratt 28 April 2016 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by Benji554 (Post 11826206)
4 multivitamin tablets a day!! That can't be good for you!?

It depends on the type. I used to take 4 vitamins a day, as per the bottle instructions. They were massive too and stank horrible! I only kept it up for 2 months as it was a pain in the backside and sometimes first thing in the morning I struggled to swallow them (non-chewable ones). Now I just take an Asda's chewable vitamin once a day after dinner. It probably does next to nothing mind, but I like knowing that I've had one.

JackClark 28 April 2016 08:20 AM

I'm stable at 60kg, sometimes skip breakfast, muesli otherwise, sandwich for lunch with a bag of popcorn - Tesco meal deal - most regular meal is fish with a ton of veg and a few potato wedges, sometimes a steak with the same depends what's on clearance, once a week a pizza, maybe a lasagne once in a while, roast on a Sunday. I ride my bike around 100k a week, will be 200k when it's more appealing outside and walk an average of 8,000 steps a day.

JackClark 28 April 2016 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by andy97 (Post 11826270)
I'd be in intensive care on 600 calories :)

My comfy weight is mid 15 stone, I can maintain that easily. When I was doing lots more cycling my weight was down at 15 stone.

My recent fun activity is interactive racing on the turbo, Team time trial with voice. Super intensive keeping the other teams from catching you. :D

It has a comical aspect with 4 fellas heavy breathing at each other whilst mumbling words of encouragement!

Zwift? Have a friend running that, looks awesome, I need more toy money.

bangshift 28 April 2016 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by Benji554 (Post 11826206)
4 multivitamin tablets a day!! That can't be good for you!?

Did i only say 4? I meant 6! :lol1:

You'd be supprised! From the minute i wake up all the way through the day i feel full of life! I dont feel sluggish in the mornings anymore and overall i feel like im a teenager again! The multivitamins i take aint your normal go to the shelf and buy in the supermarket, I use MusclePharms Armor-V series.

Since I do high intensity workouts and im on a major calorie cut i need the extra supplements to keep my body in peak form.

banny sti 28 April 2016 08:36 AM

You only need to supplement if your diet does not contain everything your body needs, which a healthy diet should

LSherratt 28 April 2016 08:46 AM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 11826277)
I ride my bike around 100k a week, will be 200k when it's more appealing outside and walk an average of 8,000 steps a day.

How will you manage an average of 8k steps a day sat in your Apple office job? :thumb: :norty:

This month according to my Apple Health app, I've averaged 10300 steps a day :)

dpb 28 April 2016 08:54 AM

60 kg Jack ? Are you actually wearing long trousers yet

JackClark 28 April 2016 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 11826288)
60 kg Jack ? Are you actually wearing long trousers yet

That's down from 72 just over a year ago, at 5'8.75" that was touching obese!

JackClark 28 April 2016 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by LSherratt (Post 11826286)
How will you manage an average of 8k steps a day sat in your Apple office job? :thumb: :norty:

This month according to my Apple Health app, I've averaged 10300 steps a day :)

I play a game on my iPhone that requires walking. Apple saved my life :)

dpb 28 April 2016 09:07 AM

that's nowhere near obese !

bangshift 28 April 2016 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by banny sti (Post 11826282)
You only need to supplement if your diet does not contain everything your body needs, which a healthy diet should

Even eating a healthy diet will not give your body everything it needs to perform at its peak rate. Especially when you combine this with excercise. True, Multivitamins are not 100% nessecary, but they do help you and your body do what its supposed to do when on a cut.

banny sti 28 April 2016 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by bangshift (Post 11826304)
Even eating a healthy diet will not give your body everything it needs to perform at its peak rate. Especially when you combine this with excercise. True, Multivitamins are not 100% nessecary, but they do help you and your body do what its supposed to do when on a cut.

The only three things I use outside of my regular diet is a whey protein, casein protein and bcaas. Other than that there is bunch of things that are just placebo, if you want to perform at your peak it is more important to have things like your potassium and sodium balanced.

JackClark 28 April 2016 09:42 AM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 11826296)
that's nowhere near obese !

Ah yeah, overweight.

Filski 28 April 2016 09:48 AM

Hey, Just a quick comment to add to the above comments,

What you are eating is fine, only suggestion I would make source your meat from butchers rather than supermarkets.

I would also add quinoa to your diet as its reach in protein, helps to mix things up.

general goal is to eat same amount that you consume now 3 times a day but apportion it into five or 6 meals, so effectively oyu are eating more times a day but less food per time help to boost your metabolism.

I would stay off coffee as pre workout esp if u are taking pills for blood pressure, if you are struggling with energy for the workout then get some slow digesting carbs, yes some cars are good for you.

Protein is a must, will help recovery and will take away that hunger, for snacking don't go too mad on fruit as they do have fructose meaning that u still will have to break it down, same applies to juices, I would suggest drinking plain water minimum 3 litters a day. if u must snack then get some carrot stick or beef jerky... or something along the lines.

Now adjust your diet to how you feel don't all of the sudden cut all carbs or all nasty foods as u will give up soon after, gradually reduce it plus there will be less shock to the system.

Other then that your weight fluctuation would be along the lines of muscle gain as now u working out you will gain muscle which is heavier, Point to note don't put off weight training as if u get muscle that will aid fat burning.

as for supplements to the food and training I think a good diet protein, CLA1000 to help burn that fat, Omega 3 and normal multivitamins.

please stay away from fat burners as they are heavy in caffeine, if u must then u can try that Ascai berry stuff but I nevery really valued it that much.

good luck and remember it will not happen overnight and is a long term... just keep at it and don't give up and get on that gym HYPE!

good luck

andy97 28 April 2016 10:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 11826278)
Zwift? Have a friend running that, looks awesome, I need more toy money.

Bkool Jack

It has a lot more varied rides than Zwift. The interface is ok, but its really down to racing for me at the moment. There are thousands of routes to choose from, alot are video as well so you can get a real feeling of being on the route. You can add ghosts(previous riders) who have done the course or BOTs which are about the same level as you and push you to the limit to beat them.

Or you can ride solo and have recovery rides when it's wet and cold outside.

This is me in a race to the line a week or two ago

alcazar 28 April 2016 10:57 AM

Well, I was 84kg and only 5' 8", so a bit heavy, lol.

Most of it's on my belly, hardest place to get rid.

andy97 28 April 2016 11:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 11826337)
Well, I was 84kg and only 5' 8", so a bit heavy, lol.

Most of it's on my belly, hardest place to get rid.

I eat this type of meal several days week

LSherratt 28 April 2016 01:15 PM

My lunch :) Left over Chinese from last night :thumb:

JackClark 28 April 2016 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by andy97 (Post 11826336)
Bkool Jack

It has a lot more varied rides than Zwift. The interface is ok, but its really down to racing for me at the moment. There are thousands of routes to choose from, alot are video as well so you can get a real feeling of being on the route. You can add ghosts(previous riders) who have done the course or BOTs which are about the same level as you and push you to the limit to beat them.

Or you can ride solo and have recovery rides when it's wet and cold outside.

This is me in a race to the line a week or two ago

Those things are getting crazy, totally love it, just wish youth would get into this rather than practicing killing people whilst on the sofa.

JackClark 28 April 2016 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by andy97 (Post 11826343)
I eat this type of meal several days week

Swap the salad for veg and the salmon for river cobbler and that's me. Recently addicted to river cobbler, not sure why, lots for not a lot of cash probably doesn't help.

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