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SiDHEaD 07 June 2002 07:22 PM

i drive 25miles on the motorway everyday and I have to agree. Every journey guaranteed to have to undertake someone because they are sitting at a speed too slow for the lane when there is nothing in the lane to the left of them and there is a HUGE gap infront of them.

But while we're are on the subject I think lorries should not be allowed to overtake!!!!!!! they cause massive blockages on the outside lane as they crawl past another at 0.0001mph faster, forcing old fossils and the suchlike into the outside lane in the way!!

I think some motorway lessons should be compulsary when pass your test!!


Moles Dad 07 June 2002 07:27 PM

Not wrong!

I have to endure this every day too, Just go with the flow man...let the Tuppaware club carry on in the outside lane (pinging plastic off each others car), whilst you scoob along on the inside lane with a grin on your drama.


apkacb 07 June 2002 07:27 PM

I agree with you both. Annoying to say the least.

And you know who will get nicked if the police turn up? Yes, us for undertaking! [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

P.s. What would the charge actually be for undertaking?

TonyBurns 07 June 2002 07:28 PM

The highway code states something to the fact that if the lane that your in is clear and the other lanes have slow or stationary traffic your entitled to pass on the left of said traffic, what your not suppose to do is swerve in and out of traffic trying to kill people (which i see quite alot as i do alot of motorway driving).
Its just people who dont know how to drive properly, mainly small cars (punto's, metros and fiestas) who seem to have an inferiority problem and need to overtake you at 90mph and then slow down cos they start going up a long uphill gradient, now that hacks me off [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]


Moles Dad 07 June 2002 07:29 PM

Overtaking on the inside...NOT undertaking, that is a basterdisation of a term.


BOB.T 07 June 2002 07:32 PM

Yeah, totally agree with the above[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] I really can't understand why folk can't just pull back into the left, they wouldn't leave it 5 miles on an A road before pulling back in![img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

I'm quite lucky in that my drive to work is only about 7 miles but it's still long enough to get stressed at people who can't overtake a tractor that's only doing 25mph on a nice wide bypass.They're like sheep, they just follow whats in front, I've been known to overtake about 8 cars and the offending tractor all in one go in perfect safety, without endangering anyone and without even pushing my car anywhere near it's limits:rolleyes:

I think you should have to re sit your test every 5 years or so, that would get rid of some of the pathetic, dangerous drivers on our roads[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]


P1Fanatic 07 June 2002 07:32 PM

Just as bad as those overtaking lane drivers are those ones who have to make a point of moving over to the inside lane as soon as theyve overtaken only to immediately cut back across two lanes to overtake the next car that was 50m's in front of the last - whilst at the same time causing you (who was behind them) to brake harshly.

Senior_AP 07 June 2002 07:33 PM

Moles Dad - In my case "M3 along the inside".

I do generally ignore it and keep cool but on occasion, especially when someone gives me sh!t for driving properly I lose it. People will intentionally drive dangerously just to try and prove a point or something (yeah, point are indeed a TW&T). Like in my initial thread I said about the bloke accelerating upto me just to make it look like I cut him up or something. If he would have touched my rear bumper or caused ANY damage to my, f$ck it even flicked a bit of muck on my car I would have ran him off the road and crowbarred the tw&t. People are all "Mr Tough guy" when they're in their little ****box cars but as soon as they get out they shut the f$ck up....funny that. Arseholes.

BOB.T 07 June 2002 07:34 PM

and annuva thing, what's with slagging Fiesta's, just cos they're quicker than scoobs:p;);)

Senior_AP 07 June 2002 07:38 PM

BOB.T - Yes, again I agree.

People not wanting to overtake slower cars on certain roads doesn't wind me up too much - I just sigh and accept that I will be going slow for quite a while. For me, it really is the people that have no lane discipline and have a go at people driving properly that gets to me the most.

##For the record, I don't tend to undertake. Just travelling faster on the inner lanes. I have undertaken before, I'm no Saint, but not often##

pban 07 June 2002 07:45 PM

I agree with BOB.T 5 Yearly driving tests. If u fail you have to undertake driver training

Senior_AP 07 June 2002 07:50 PM

The idiots may be "good drivers" but lack common sense and an understanding of what they do and how it effects others.

If they were to just sit down and think about what d!cks they are on the Motorways then they may think:

"Yeah, Senior_AP is right, I cause traffic jams and p!ss everyone off, I like to suck c0ck, I have no friends" etc etc etc.

Then again, probably not. They are all f$cking clueless.

Moles Dad 07 June 2002 08:00 PM

Senior, the way I book it is either chill and give them a bit of space, or you stop the car, drag 'em out and beat them with a hammer.

But think on, you may get away with one murder, you will probably get away with two, (Police too interested in stopping scoobs with small front number plates), but sure as eggs is eggs you will get put away after a while.

There are more arseh0les out there than you can cope I said, GO WITH THE FLOW.

Go and have a couple of beers, leave the car at home, and if you have access to guns (which I do), give the keys to Mummy or Daddy for the night!

Tommorrow you can try the MD way of driving...If you fast, lets see HOW fast, If you slow, get out of my way PLEASE, if you ar$ehole, I let you go...continue to be an ar$ehole somewhere else, if you want to play Tuppaware club, I will back off, but when you are standing on the hard shoulder of the motorway sobbing at your Rover or Focus thing...I will SMILE.

Hope these words help you, MD. :)

apkadb 07 June 2002 08:13 PM

If he would have touched my rear bumper or caused ANY damage to my, f$ck it even flicked a bit of muck on my car I would have ran him off the road and crowbarred the tw&t. People are all "Mr Tough guy" when they're in their little ****box cars but as soon as they get out they shut the f$ck up....funny that. Arseholes. tough guy in there tin boxes....and behind there screens:rolleyes:

Senior_AP 07 June 2002 08:18 PM

Everyone acts the Big 'un when they are in the confines of there motor but very few follow through there big tough words.

Even if my arse got kicked from here to the moon at least I would have had the pleasure in knowing "Atleast I hurt him, just a bit". I really was that angry. In the end, as MOLES DAD says, its not worth it. Just be cool.

Not always easy though.

Moles Dad 07 June 2002 08:19 PM

Tuppaware = 1970s plastic products for containing and serving food, (ask mum).

Modern car bumpers = plastic products for containing people.

(you will have to excuse me, I have had a drink)

Motorway w4nkers = driving far too close (false machoism).

Tuppaware club = w4nkers in outside lane, too close, brake light testing wave...TUPPAWARE, plastic all over the place !!!


At least the company car insurance will pay for the repairs, and I can have a couple of days off sick (trauma).

Poor bloke, how ever did it happen...poor bloke my 4rse! Fecking W4nker driver, thats how it happened!!!

Anyway, you nearly got me on my high horse then :)

Cheers, MD. (UK99 Prodrive + mods = 295bhp).

Senior_AP 07 June 2002 08:22 PM

MOLES DAD - You make me laugh.

The "Tuppaware" cars I used to call "Mass Produced Dirt that looks the same as everything else on the road and costs a small fortune".

I'll use "tuppaware" from now on. What a word, so degrading....Tuppaware. Superb.

The world is full of halfwits.

Moles Dad 07 June 2002 08:26 PM

Not wrong, not wrong!

Have a beer and think of this...there is ALWAYS someone worse off than you.

Have a good week-end, MD.

dharbige 07 June 2002 08:31 PM

I've often thought that if I won the lottery or something, and had a reasonably large amount of disposable cash, I would create an organisation called "The Campaign For Better Driving", which would run TV commercials during Coronation Street and other such brainless TV programs, with simple short tag lines like "The Middle Lane Is For Overtaking - Pull OVER!", or "Why sit in a queue when an inside lane is free?", or my own personal favourite "Indicating is NOT OPTIONAL".

Still waiting for the big influx of cash, but when it comes, this WILL happen!

apkadb 07 June 2002 08:35 PM

A network analyst with bandwidth problems wouldn't simply add more bandwidth to increase flow. He would look for ways of making the existing system more efficient.

Hence, simple education and awareness of the problems middle lane driving causes may improve efficiency without the need to add more lanes.

apkacb 07 June 2002 08:36 PM

Middle and outside lane driving slows everything down. I agree if we used the space more effectively, it may reduce journey times.

Serious talk over - let's beat the b4stards to a pulp!

Moles Dad 07 June 2002 08:38 PM

There is already a big influx of is called INCOME TAX.

We pay the government and the police to a) educate and b) enforce.

So why are we all still talking about something that has been going on for years?

Why dont the government include this in the driving test? why dont they educate people? why dont they make it socially unacceptable?

Lots of whys...yyyyyyyyyyy, my mad sense of humour!

Dont waste your money if you win the lottery (lotto), let them all crash and burn, that way there is more room for us to drive our scoobs.


Senior_AP 07 June 2002 08:41 PM

APKACB - Like the "Network Analyst" theory.

Improve the process rather than err adding more lanes, you put it in a way in which many decent drivers would agree. Most people would say "Errr, the inside lane's for lorries and mopeds ent it"??

Adding more lanes would be no real improvement. Everybody would sit in the 4th and 5th lanes.... least I (we) could do 150mph in the 2nd lane. (the lorries would have exclusive rights to lane 1).

Senior_AP 07 June 2002 08:45 PM

MOLES DAD - You could educate and test for these problems but I fear that people as soon as they have passed the test would drive "HOW THEY WANT TO DRIVE, IT'S MY F$CKING ROAD, I PAY TAX" bullsh!t. etc etc....

The worlds full of imbeciles, simple. We will rise above it and continue to enjoy our cars in a safe manner and with thoughts for others. (except when you scooby boys are doing 4 wheel drifts). B0ll0x to thinking of others...too much fun.

DJFish 07 June 2002 08:50 PM

Alternative point of view:

Chap is waiting for slower car in front to overtake and move over from lane two of dual carraigeway so he can push on, has been waiting for ages as has everyone else in lane 2, when a scoob overtakes him on the inside and moves into gap that you consider safe for following but not big enough for another car to fit in.

Wherever there is a disparity between the speeds of the vehicles in lane 1 and 2, there will always be a queue of faster vehicles in lane 2, waiting to overtake, it's called driving in Britain.

He was probably upset for the same reason as all the people who queue for ages when a road narrows from two lane to one, only to see someone sail past them all in lane two when he can see everyone else waiting patiently.

A queue of traffic is just that, a queue, i.e. people waiting in line to do the same thing. How does it make youu feel when someone jumps the queue in front of you.


[Edited by DJFish - 6/7/2002 8:54:19 PM]

apkadb 07 June 2002 09:00 PM

I said the Network Analyst theory not APKACB !

We are different people :D

STi wanna Subaru 07 June 2002 09:14 PM

I know how you feel [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

SiDHEaD 07 June 2002 09:18 PM

some good points raised, BUT quit it with the Fiesta's :p - I have a Zetec-S cos i can;t afford a scooby till later this yr/next yr (I am 20)....

Yes other Fiesta's tend to annoy me tho ;)


cement man 07 June 2002 09:30 PM

FFS Sidhead your a good candidate for the reason theres road rage with yer daily undertaking and whinging about every other driver in yer way(lorries not allowed to overtake)(old fossils getting in yer way)what you own the road do yer.

BOB.T 07 June 2002 09:55 PM

Blimey, even other festa owners are at it now:rolleyes: I have an si.... if it wasn't for the si there wouldn't even be a zetec-s:p

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