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JTaylor 28 November 2014 10:30 AM

I really enjoy a beer or a cider or glass of wine, occasionally even a brandy or a G&T. Most of the time I'm able to stop at just one or two, but sometimes the buzz gets hold of me and I can get pretty drunk. I want to stop this, but I don't want to give-up alcohol completely. How do you guys moderate your consumption?

dpb 28 November 2014 10:41 AM

Get dragged home by the gfriend. (not allowed to get to that stage )

piehole1983 28 November 2014 10:48 AM

I just drink until either the above happens or I run out of money :)

mrtheedge2u2 28 November 2014 10:55 AM

I only drink because I want to drink, not because I need a drink.

It is hard to say how best to do it....if you drink too much at home then don't have much alcohol in the house. If you drink too much when out then just take enough money out to enable you to have a reasonable amount of beers and a taxi home. Leave cards at home.

SJ_Skyline 28 November 2014 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11570487)
How do you guys moderate your consumption?

No point. Eat, drink and get pissed! :beer:

f1_fan 28 November 2014 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11570487)
I really enjoy a beer or a cider or glass of wine, occasionally even a brandy or a G&T. Most of the time I'm able to stop at just one or two, but sometimes the buzz gets hold of me and I can get pretty drunk. I want to stop this, but I don't want to give-up alcohol completely. How do you guys moderate your consumption?

I gave up drinking altogether a few years ago and don't miss it at all! The fun now is watching what absolute c0cks people make of themselves with a few drinks inside them.

JTaylor 28 November 2014 11:06 AM

I'm fortunate that I don't 'need' a drink (my sister's an alcoholic so I'm abundantly aware of the dangers), but I often 'fancy' one and literally have just the one. It's when I'm in social settings that I sometimes drink excessively and I find myself being a bit too honest with people and act a little silly. I just don't want people to see me like that anymore, but equally I don't feel the need to become teetotal. I find it so hard to practice self-restraint once merry.

JTaylor 28 November 2014 11:10 AM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 11570522)
I gave up drinking altogether a few years ago and don't miss it at all! The fun now is watching what absolute c0cks people make of themselves with a few drinks inside them.

I'm contemplating it, Chris, but simply can't imagine Christmas dinner without a good glass of red or rugby without a pint. I abstained for nearly two months back in the spring and felt good for it, but boy was that first bottle of ice-cold beer good!

pimmo2000 28 November 2014 11:13 AM

Giving up to prove you can is the sign of an alcoholic ..

My advice, don't give up.

hodgy0_2 28 November 2014 11:13 AM

if I feel that I may drink to much, (we are actually going to a dinner party this weekend)

I am religious in drinking a glass of water for each glass of alcohol - the downside is you do spend and inordinate time hanging around the toilets

and I try and not drink on Mon/Tues/Weds

mrtheedge2u2 28 November 2014 12:06 PM

JT, if you find you become a complete obnoxious and rude cnut when you are blasted then it is best you really do ease up. Getting blasted is one thing, ruining other peoples enjoyment because you are blasted is another matter

JTaylor 28 November 2014 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by mrtheedge2u2 (Post 11570557)
JT, if you find you become a complete obnoxious and rude cnut when you are blasted then it is best you really do ease up. Getting blasted is one thing, ruining other peoples enjoyment because you are blasted is another matter

Well, I wouldn't go that far, not in recent years anyway, but I take your point.

taylor85 28 November 2014 12:21 PM

i started taking the exact amount of money with me to the pub.... like 6 pints i would take 20 quid with me only!!

this did work for a while.... Then i had a tab lol!

dpb 28 November 2014 12:46 PM

Well I havnt seen 3:30 a pint for ten years

Tab is fatal, your landlord is there to get you pissed after all

RobJenks 28 November 2014 01:01 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 11570522)
I gave up drinking altogether a few years ago and don't miss it at all! The fun now is watching what absolute c0cks people make of themselves with a few drinks inside them.

F1 Fan - I know you are off to Oz soon - But do you know that the whole way of life in Oz is getting pissed , eating burn't meat on a BBQ and having skin cancers cut out?

Devildog 28 November 2014 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by SJ_Skyline (Post 11570517)
No point. Eat, drink and get pissed! :beer:

^^^^ This. As long as its for fun, and you can function the next day :thumb:

Turbohot 28 November 2014 02:59 PM

No need for abstinence in your case, by the read of what you say, James. Just stay attuned with your body and mind while drinking, and don't get carried away with the buzz. You should be able to keep your spirit consumption in control in social scenes as well.

Other than that, you must be going over the top with your alcohol consumption on such social occasions because you want to. It could be that you're a bit too introvert, and want to let your guards down while out. In that case, try letting your guards down without drinking, and see what happens. I know a person who always wanted to tell certain people to F off, but could only do it while drunk. Those people thought that he spoke those words while drunk, so they forgave him each time. One day, he gathered the courage and told those people in the pub as loudly as he could, to "F off, F off, F off!" before starting to get bladdered. Tell you what, his catharsis worked wonders, and he needed no drink after that. Needless to say that those certain ones believed him this time; to his pleasant surprise. :cool: :D

ditchmyster 28 November 2014 04:02 PM

I am 5 days in to a non alcohol week, I do this every so often as and when the mood takes me or more usually when my jeans start to get too tight. I'm a beer and bread lover a combination that doesn't sit well with my beer belly, I find that if I stop both for a week or so then I'm back to a nice flat stomach.

I like wine and whiskey especially with and after a meal respectively, I too sometimes go a little over the edge but find this only happens if I mix my drinks, so my solution is not to mix.

I also find if I just drink beer I get what I like to call my alarm signal which for me is going to the toilet, so when this happens I know if I have a couple more I'll be on the way to getting drunk and probably take a few more after that and go a tad over the edge.

But if I'm in the mood to get off my trolly, which to be fair doesn't take much (always been a light weight) I'll just get a nice steak and a bottle of good wine and drink it to myself and totter off to bed.:lol1:

Reshard1977 28 November 2014 04:57 PM

We should have a Scoobynet meet, all drink a little too much, then go shopping in ASDA! :-)

Turbohot 28 November 2014 06:34 PM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11570712)
... a nice steak and a bottle of good wine...

Sounds so good! I like when people say "Now, after a long day of work I'll go back and relax with a glass of wine!" with their half-shut eyelids, their head lifted to one side and their smiling lips; as if they've just disengaged with this miserable world, and just the thought of a glass of wine has connected them to the heaven! Really good for them, but it simply doesn't work for me. I mean, if I have a glass of wine every night, every next morning I will wake up somewhat lethargic. The thought of alcohol induced lethargy puts me off drinking altogether.

f1_fan 28 November 2014 06:58 PM

If you need alcohol to have fun then you have drug problem basically!

ALi-B 28 November 2014 07:07 PM

Unfortunately I have to drink to be sociable, otherwise I'm very unsociable. However there is a fine line between being tipsy and being inebriated and making a prat of myself. This is impossible to manage, so its a pretty sad and pathetic way to exist. These days my body punishes me if I drink to much - feels like someone has kicked me in the sides for the next few days. Thats when I cut back.

I also have the baldder teh size of a thimble, which is a nightmare keeping hydrated as my body just seems to dump fluid I drink straight back out again.

I don't drink at home anymore - knocked that on the head years ago. Maybe if I have a taste for something, buts more for the taste rather than the feeling.

I'm off to Ludlow tomorrow. Its very likely I'll be very bladdered by the end of the day, I'm not proud. :o

Turbohot 28 November 2014 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 11570825)
If you need alcohol to have fun then you have drug problem basically!

This would mean a majority of UK citizens/residents have drug problem.

I was once told by a friend that he wouldn't dance without some alcohol in his arteries. He said to me that he didn't know how I could do that. He said that I had a built in 'elevating' system in my physiology that makes let go of my inhibitions without getting pissed. I said, yes, but there's also an external stimulus, and it's called 'music' that makes me wanna give it loads without getting sh7tfaced. :cool: :D

We all need some drug, come on. May it be music; dance; trance; love; some sort of belief (can be a false one) that make us feel 'high' or things like alcohol/other drugs. Shame is with alcohol and drugs, the aftermath makes us feel low- physically or mentally, or even both. That's for me, anyway. Otherwise as well, I haven't seen one sh7tfaced drunk in my life who woke up with a pretty, cheerful face. They're all miserable the next day.

legb4rsk 28 November 2014 09:12 PM

I just restrict myself to drinking on two occasions.
When I am alone or when I am with somebody.


ditchmyster 28 November 2014 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 11570803)
Sounds so good! I like when people say "Now, after a long day of work I'll go back and relax with a glass of wine!" with their half-shut eyelids, their head lifted to one side and their smiling lips; as if they've just disengaged with this miserable world, and just the thought of a glass of wine has connected them to the heaven! Really good for them, but it simply doesn't work for me. I mean, if I have a glass of wine every night, every next morning I will wake up somewhat lethargic. The thought of alcohol induced lethargy puts me off drinking altogether.

There's the problem, save it and drink the bottle in one hit, you'll feel nothing.:lol1:

There's no fear of me becoming an alcoholic as I doubt very much I could consume the required quantity, I'm the original 3 pint wonder, proper cheap date.:D

RA Dunk 28 November 2014 10:07 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 11570522)
I gave up drinking altogether a few years ago and don't miss it at all! The fun now is watching what absolute c0cks people make of themselves with a few drinks inside them.

Same here, apart from the very odd pint (think I've had two in the last three years) I even hate being in the company of pissed people nowadays.

ALi-B 28 November 2014 10:17 PM

Originally Posted by RA Dunk (Post 11570956)
Same here, apart from the very odd pint (think I've had two in the last three years) I even hate being in the company of pissed people nowadays.

Nothing more odious than being surrounded by drunken people whilst sober. Just not pleasant in my experience. Also reminds me too much of my childhood.

scoobiepaul 28 November 2014 10:31 PM

I usually stop drinking when I become unconscious :norty:

Turbohot 29 November 2014 12:50 AM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11570923)
There's the problem, save it and drink the bottle in one hit, you'll feel nothing.:lol1:

LOL yeah, but after an overnight alcohol induced coma, you'd feel like crap the next day. Not worth it.

There's no fear of me becoming an alcoholic as I doubt very much I could consume the required quantity, I'm the original 3 pint wonder, proper cheap date.:D
You seem to be sensible with your alcohol intake. There are people who lose their marbles after two pints of lager and p155 everyone around them off.

Originally Posted by ALi-B (Post 11570963)
Nothing more odious than being surrounded by drunken people whilst sober. Just not pleasant in my experience. Also reminds me too much of my childhood.

I can rarely cope with a quiet drunk who buggers off to bed after getting bladdered, but I can't stand a misbehaving dysfunctional drunken human or humans around me. They utter shoite and repeat it like a broken record, walk backwards, act precarious and urinate all over the toilet seat. Drunken ladies in the pubs cackle like bewildered geese, and drunken gentlemen's egos inflate in correlation with their beer guts. They're like a disgraceful nightmare.

tony de wonderful 29 November 2014 03:21 AM

Originally Posted by mrtheedge2u2 (Post 11570510)
I only drink because I want to drink, not because I need a drink.

Same here, I can stop downing a litre of scotch before midday anytime I want. ;)

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