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scooby_freak 06 January 2002 08:29 AM

Not being funny but seeing this is in general where is the scooby involved???

[Edited by scooby_freak - 6/1/2002 8:29:41 AM]

catflap 06 January 2002 01:46 PM

Well don mate

good job, dont forget its the same scum robbing our cars and houses, the same scum i see in town drinkin cans of stella in the afternoon, claiming their job seekers.

[Edited by catflap - 6/1/2002 1:47:36 PM]

Hanslow 06 February 2002 11:33 PM

Katana, sorry to see this dude, but glad it (sorta) worked out.

Make sure you don't get on the end of some retaliatory backlash from them/their friends seeing as they know where you live :(

Society is going down big time and the sooner someone does something about it the better.

Hope all involved recover OK.

[Edited by Hanslow - 6/2/2002 11:35:18 PM]

Katana 01 June 2002 02:37 AM

Sorry to leave you guys for a few hours. I was a bit distracted with some things. So where do I begin?

Well, here I was browsing the forums when my sister's boyfriend (lets call him C) ran downstairs to me. He said a crowd of 10 has demolished my front fence. We ran outside and chased after them and when we got there, they called C a nigg3r and me a c41nk and we deserved to get my fence destroyed from them. It was only 2 of them that started at us btw. The girls didn't want to know.

One of them broke a piece of wood from another fence and swung at C. I steped in front and blocked it to avoid him getting hit. The other guy hit C from behind and droped him on the road.

The guy who was holding the plank droped it as it shattered and was literally useless. He and the other guy kept stomping on C's head I pulled the big guy away and he tried to have a swing at me a few times. Thanks to years of Taekwondo and Muay Thai, I managed to parry all his blows. Seeing that his strikes were useless, he tried taking me on to the ground, of which I totally oblidged.

BIG MISTAKE ON HIS PART. What he didn't know, is that I've taken Judo and Jujitsu before and I was happy fighting him UFC style. I put him in a choke hold while he was on top of me and made sure that he was in pain and didn't pass out. He cried for me to let him go but with every word that he uttered, I increased the pressure on his neck.

After about a minute, I had to let him go as I saw his life slipping away from him. The lads from my estate, helped me revive him so I doubt I'd get done for this. Believe it or not, I didn't throw a single punch or kicks so I'm totally within the law (loophole ;) )

As for C, I had to carry him to my house where my sister was crying seeing his bloodied face. Its much better now but he's feeling a bit dizzy from the blood loss and lots of blows to his head (bless him). The police came round with a few riot vans (10 minutes later). They interviewed him and me and I can honestly say that I literally begged for their help. They said that they may not be able to do much as there wasn't many witnesses about. A middle aged American guy also had his car vandalized too and I guess they told him the same thing.

Here's some pics of Katana's adventures:

Damages to me:

Come to think of it, I didn't get any bodily damage after all considering that I was hit with a plank.

I'm supposed to do a full police report tommorrow morning at 9.00 in the morning. After that, my Jujitsu and Muay Thai crew are going out with me for a drink.

PopeyeP1 01 June 2002 03:37 AM

Not being funny but can't understand you're story. Exactly why did anyone attack you etc. Start from the beginning.

Katana 01 June 2002 06:52 AM

They vandalized my fence. My sister's boyfriend went after them to confront them. They assaulted him and once he was on the floor, kicked him in the head repeatedly. Thats when the other guy came for me (The 6'2" big guy). I'm only 5'7".

NotoriousREV 01 June 2002 09:16 AM

What you should have told the police was that a gang of business men were doing 35mph through your fence that was clearly a 30mph zone, they'd have locked them up straight away?

What sort of society do we live in where sh1t like this can happen and the police are powerless to stop it? Makes me madder than hell. Glad you nearly choked that MF, pity you had to stop.

pslewis 01 June 2002 09:55 AM

Sounds and looks like a typical Friday night - happens all around the country these days, we MUST remember that we outnumber scumbags by a massive margin .............. if we ever thought enough is enough we could rid ourselves of this curse once and for all!


Richard Simpson 01 June 2002 10:18 AM

Sorry to hear about this, hope every one is ok and nothing gets too out of hand from here onwards.....

There is a problem in this coutry with scum kids/youths, probably could do with a war - consicipt them all out and show them what violence is all about....

Glad you kept (reasonably) cool!


ChristianR 01 June 2002 10:55 AM


Katana 01 June 2002 11:51 AM

Thanks guys, and where was the scooby involved? That was the first thing that I checked. I used it to go to the doctor to treat C's wound.

scrappydoo 01 June 2002 11:58 AM

Sorry to hear about that mate but it sounds as though he shat himself. Welldone, good for you. people like that make me sick. Ive had people try similar but thank God ive got away with it.

Hope the other guy is alright,
best wishes

Katana 01 June 2002 12:11 PM

C seems to be okay for now. He's being pampared by my sister. He still feels a bit sore but thats understandable. He's only 18 so I guess he'll heal pretty quick (thats what my doctor friend told me).

I on the other hand am a bit sore. Thats the last time I take on a guy twice my size without stretching and training. I'm not a street fighter, I just enjoy the ring and always train a few weeks before a tournament (when I was younger) just like I'm not a street racer. Must be the old (24) age creeping up. :D

skiddusmarkus 01 June 2002 12:42 PM

You should have staked him Buffy style with the broken fence panel;)

TopBanana 01 June 2002 12:45 PM

The first thing to do in a fighting situation is to run - there will always be someone either better or crazier than you in the world. Not worth the risk

rr_ww 01 June 2002 01:36 PM

Jlanng. Strange thing to say ?! Katana obviously knew he could take them so got on with it. If your outside your own house, what difference does it make. Its not as of the police where on the scene and about to take over

I was always told if your going to get a pasting at least take one of them down with you. You'd be surprised how many times if you front a (outnumbering) group of t1ts. Then batter 1 of them, the rest seem more inclined to bu66er off!

Well Done Katana! :)


dfullerton 01 June 2002 02:49 PM

well done mate but a good front kick to the balls would have done wounders.

catflap 01 June 2002 03:23 PM

no mate , a kick to the nads dont work on this type, as you see they have no balls ;)and only attack in groups

dfullerton 01 June 2002 05:02 PM

Hahaha and i thought all the fun had gone out of this world [ true they have no nads]

jjones 01 June 2002 09:15 PM

well done for standing up for your friend and yourself.

w@nkers like these need shooting.

sounds like they got what they thoroughly deserved.

people like this make me fill sick.

Katana 02 June 2002 01:59 AM

I guess its not over yet. The police are basically powerless to stop them .But they did hinted that there might be a chance for me to use the other way, lawyers. I think I'm going to put an injuction against them as this is not the first time that it has happened. I'll be having fun on tuesday when I meet with my new lawyer. Too bad my parents aren't here to represent me. I could've gotten loads of prezzies apart from their legal advice. :D

I'm much happier now that I know that I don't have to put my life at risk. Anything could've gone wrong that night and I must admit that I was rather stupid in acting that way against them. I could've gotten stabbed or attacked from behind as I had the guy in a hold.

Oh well, I better concentrate on my first priority for the moment, and thats to get my car ready for Santa Pod next Sunday. :D

Hol 02 June 2002 05:12 PM

If it does come down to violence, never trade punches unless you have to. Life never emulates TV.

As Katana, has shown, there is always more subtle ways once you enter their personal space. A sharp kite jab to the throat for example.

Molds 02 June 2002 11:19 PM

Katana I am glad it didn't turn out any worse for you and frineds than it did.

I do find it interesting that you were prepared to take on a group of 10 over a fence? Not saying people should be able to do sh!t like that and walk, personlay I would have them executed and be done with it at least you dont have the worry of them coming back.

Thing is I have trained martial arts for 12+ years, Taekwondo (1st Dan), Shaolin Fist (Black Sash), Freestyle Karate (1st Dan), and dabbled in Escrima, Trad Karate. I have met many accomplished martial artists. Taken out of the controled environment of the dojo/gym/kwoon etc I have also seen many fall.

10:2 is big odds. I would count yourself lucky and if (and I hope there isnt) the next time in your life you are in this situation you should seriously consider holding back. Real life is no Jackie Chan movie.

Don't take this the wrong way, I am not doubting or critisising you. I am just making a point so that other people don't ever consider these kind of odds, or even 1:1 unless they really have too. I have had some good friends (all black belts) hurt over this kind of thing, flase confidence against street fighters etc.

Think hard first, no matter how frustrating.

Good luck with using the legal channel. Sadly, I expect you will get frustrated with the lack of help that provides too.

Geez,I am all doom and gloom today!


Katana 03 June 2002 12:17 AM

The odds weren't as bad as that. I think I forgot to mention that most of them were girls, 6 of them to be exact. The thing is, I actually know who they are as they were from the neighbourhood. I just don't mix with them. The rest came out from their house to see the commotion. None of them wanted to get involved as they knew who I was and the ones that was against me. After the lashing on C, they did not want to have any involvement fighting me as I subdued the biggest guy (who has this thing against me from a couple of years back when he burgled my house and pushed the missus down the stairs) among them.

My sis's boyfriend was the one who chased after them to be honest. I got involved because I cannot stand seeing a downed man(boy) being stomped on the head. He's only a kid (18) and they were in their 20's. If it weren't for that, I would never have fought that night. I detest street violence, never have liked it and never will. I preffer my fights to be in dojos or the ring where at the end of it, you'll still be friends and have respect for each other. In a street fight, there are no winners, just pain.

I'll be honest with you guys though, I feel sore from this malee even though I wasn't throwing any fancy moves or anything. I'm putting up some CCTV cameras around my house to monitor any similar incidents. If they were to do it again, I'd have the evidence to put them behind bars for a long time. Even the police cannot ignore this problem.

One message to everyone though, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO WHAT I DID. Even though I'm adept in martial arts, I can honestly say I got lucky. Anything could've happened that night. All it takes is for one mistake on my behalf, or my opponent to get lucky, and me and C would probably end up dead.

Molds 03 June 2002 01:08 PM

Good reply.

You have my martial respect, for whatever its worth.


Katana 03 June 2002 01:51 PM

And respect to you too Molds. We obviously think along the same lines. But this incident has got me thinking. I might start competing again once I manage to quit smoking. There are loads of amatuer events for Mixed martial arts catering to my weight class.

Nah better not. It'll take too much time away from me maintaining my scooby. She needs lots of wax just to keep her happy. :D

Katana 03 June 2002 07:36 PM

Update. One of the thugs (not the one I choked out) has just come to my front door. He says that he's sorry for the damage and wants no more trouble from me. The other guy it seems is in hiding and does not want to come near my neighbourhood as he's now a laughing stalk for getting beaten up so easily.

Looks like trouble has been averted.

Molds 04 June 2002 06:40 PM

Lets hope the sh1ts have learned a lesson (the hard way - serves 'em right) and don't just find themselves a new target.

PopeyeP1 04 June 2002 06:46 PM

Hey Katana I think I'm getting deja vue here. Sounds very familiar to the macho style drivel P1 driver was saying:-

'The other guy it seems is in hiding and does not want to come near my neighbourhood as he's now a laughing stalk for getting beaten up so easily.'

You should come to MY neighbourhood. Rod is the topdog there. People run into their houses when he's cruising in his Viva. Ultimate respect eh??

Katana 04 June 2002 07:36 PM

Heh, I don't go looking for fights. I'm normally a happy chappy guy if you know what I mean.

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