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S204Darren 07 September 2014 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by Infected by sti (Post 11509120)
I'm glad you got your car back pal it's a start!

And fingers crossed the rest turns up for you, exactly the same with us, car came back missing any decent parts just like yourself.

For those of you that think we crazy for letting it happen, in hindsight which is a great thing btw it would never of happened, have none of you ever done something regardless of how big or small and afterwards you've thought FCUK!

You don't know how it all came about, and Darren was very unlucky with his car and would have no reason to question anything the same as we didn't, especially when you see him working in a garage locally mapping and doing mechanical work.

The guy knows what he's up to, he robs Peter to pay Paul and it continuously goes round and round and round until people speak up, even if that is from 6/7/8 years ago, so what! It all helps build a bigger picture for somebody who may stumble across this thread and think of leaving their pride and joy with him. If nobody speaks up then nothing will get done! I tried to over 2 years ago but people thought I was taking the pėss and thought it was a wind up, if that's what people want to think then so be it. People who have spoken up are trying to stop him, it's not to give people reading material on here to pick holes in.

It's a bit hard to collect property when it's been moved around and he's never at his address, or when he is his mrs who apparently has left him many many times before Is hiding him away up stairs whilst he phones the police. The law in this country is just fecked up and that's a fact, I don't understand what the point is in having police which are paid for by us the tax payer to just sit there and not help and covers the guilty party. If it was different then threads like this wouldn't appear. The guys a very disliked man around here where I live and not all are on this said forum. There was further threads a while back, I've tried to find them again but have had no joy, the threads didn't have his name mentioned on the title it was in to the thread, granted I found 3 in total but there were more people involved through the thread again just like this one.

It's a start Darren, you know the score keep hounding him pal ;) keep us up to date with further developments buddy :) hope it all comes good for you :thumb:

Thanks mate

S204Darren 07 September 2014 04:56 PM

To the top

marc's nitemare 07 September 2014 04:59 PM

[QUOTE=K9gsxralstare;11508656]I sold my impreza 6 years ago thus not owning a vehicle covered by this forum
I had not given this guy a second thought since he screwed me over until I got a call from a friend who also had major issues with this con man he pointed me in the direction of the posts I read them and then felt I should share with the forum members my experiences as what he does to people is wrong it's just criminal the way he goes on
I am sure that in the beginning of my woes it was just down to him wanting to be something he could never be without investment
He makes you believe things that are simply not true you end up so financially tied to him you have to keep feeding him money in the hope that one day you will get your property back I would stand in front of any judge and present my case to them or anyone else for that matter he needs stopping
One day this will all be out in the open that's a day I look forward to
I will be sad for his child because as that child grows up it will be moved from puller to post just to avoid its fathers situations
I would like to think maybe it's time Marc manned up and faced up to what he has done it's really the only course of action left[/QUOTE
This sums the poor excuse of a man up and we agree he needs stopping

APIDavid 08 September 2014 12:10 PM

We came across Mr Smit a few years back. Same old story as many before here on this thread.

If I recall, there was a young guy who was actually a local copper, down in the Cheltenham area who had ' lost ' an RA that Mr Smit had promised the earth about, that he hadn't seen in several months if not years.

He never called back to have the work done that we quoted for, as I imagine he never got his car back.

Then we had a silver car arrive, possibly from the guy above, who sold his car about 6 years ago, I just cannot recall his name.

He had been sold a 'high performance engine ' that turned out to be anything but.

Smit told him; that he puts the pistons in back to front, as it reduces piston slap amongst other things.....

The 'latest Link Ecu' that also turned out to be anything but, it was so old a Link dealer had to download old software to even get into it.

We got there in the end with the car but had to do piles of extra work just to get a reasonable result.

Then Mr Smit came here to tell me that he didn't like he way I had described his workmanship to others. And to please desist.

One potential customer of his had paid for a steel crank [ that he didn't actually need ] and brought it here to be sure. Guess what? a used standard crank was unpacked. Not even a very good one.

So all that you detail previously on this thread and others is easily believeable.

As for the "Newbie " London Solicitor singing the praises of Mr Smit I am extremely sceptical. One thing you can do is get the mods at Scoobynet or even the Webmaster to check the IP of the 'solicitor', as all Email comes with an IP which tells you where it has come from, rather like a postcode.

I would not be at all surprised to find that it comes from nowhere near London.

I had forgotten about Mr Smit until all this flared again and I just cannot believe that he is still out there and behaving this way. There must be many more and keping it in the public eye will flush them all out I am sure.

Drive 5 miles overr the speed limit and cops are all over you. Give them a proper crime to deal with and they are useless -- Then they wonder why the public don't trust them.

David APi

[ watching with professional interest ]

K9gsxralstare 08 September 2014 06:39 PM

That's me with the silver car David steve from Cheltenham I brought it in with a head gasket issue you fixed it with a full rebuild because the pistons etc where in upside down and you made it stunning I then had a simtec ecu and a 6 speed conversion your abilities still to this day blow me away I have recommended you many times ,I sold it because I had lost my love for it he broke my passion it went from being my obsession to my worst nightmare In the matter of days weeks months years I never gave it another thought until know he is nothing more than a parasite bottom feeder taking from honest hard working people and taking what they own as if it's nothing given the chance I would say all this to his face and more but he's a coward hiding behind a vail of lies thank you again for what you did David your a gent

Originally Posted by APIDavid (Post 11509828)
We came across Mr Smit a few years back. Same old story as many before here on this thread.

If I recall, there was a young guy who was actually a local copper, down in the Cheltenham area who had ' lost ' an RA that Mr Smit had promised the earth about, that he hadn't seen in several months if not years.

He never called back to have the work done that we quoted for, as I imagine he never got his car back.

Then we had a silver car arrive, possibly from the guy above, who sold his car about 6 years ago, I just cannot recall his name.

He had been sold a 'high performance engine ' that turned out to be anything but.

Smit told him; that he puts the pistons in back to front, as it reduces piston slap amongst other things.....

The 'latest Link Ecu' that also turned out to be anything but, it was so old a Link dealer had to download old software to even get into it.

We got there in the end with the car but had to do piles of extra work just to get a reasonable result.

Then Mr Smit came here to tell me that he didn't like he way I had described his workmanship to others. And to please desist.

One potential customer of his had paid for a steel crank [ that he didn't actually need ] and brought it here to be sure. Guess what? a used standard crank was unpacked. Not even a very good one.

So all that you detail previously on this thread and others is easily believeable.

As for the "Newbie " London Solicitor singing the praises of Mr Smit I am extremely sceptical. One thing you can do is get the mods at Scoobynet or even the Webmaster to check the IP of the 'solicitor', as all Email comes with an IP which tells you where it has come from, rather like a postcode.

I would not be at all surprised to find that it comes from nowhere near London.

I had forgotten about Mr Smit until all this flared again and I just cannot believe that he is still out there and behaving this way. There must be many more and keping it in the public eye will flush them all out I am sure.

Drive 5 miles overr the speed limit and cops are all over you. Give them a proper crime to deal with and they are useless -- Then they wonder why the public don't trust them.

David APi

[ watching with professional interest ]

Infected by sti 08 September 2014 10:15 PM

Wonder If we can get a comment on him from powerstation as well?

Opinion changing yet is it Rob :D

APIDavid 09 September 2014 09:51 AM

The 'solicitor' seems to have disappeared...........................:wonder:

JDM_YO 09 September 2014 10:22 AM

Hi all, I have been told that Marc is reading this.
It's good to see other company have been posting up on here as well.

banny sti 09 September 2014 10:29 AM

Originally Posted by JDM_YO (Post 11510579)
Hi all, I have been told that Marc is reading this.
It's good to see other company have been posting up on here as well.

Marc if you're reading this, just like to say if you're wife looks like charlize theron I will swap you for my Impreza anytime :thumb:

L.J.F 09 September 2014 12:11 PM

Does anyone have a current address for him?

APIDavid 09 September 2014 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by L.J.F (Post 11510638)
Does anyone have a current address for him?

Even if someone does, I don't think you're allowed to put things like that up on here under data protection laws.

I would expect the webmaster would pull it down ASAP if it went up, after all, he is responsible for sharing it around.


MDS_WRX 09 September 2014 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by APIDavid (Post 11510680)
Even if someone does, I don't think you're allowed to put things like that up on here under data protection laws.

I would expect the webmaster would pull it down ASAP if it went up, after all, he is responsible for sharing it around.


Quite possibly yes, however I'm sure if someone pasted a link to a page which did have his address on (websites like allow you to create a simple page with text on) then that would probably be allowed to remain as they aren't then responsible for the content. At least I assume that would be the case?

ZX-TT 09 September 2014 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by scoobynelly (Post 11499708)
Laughs. .. the world really is full of idiots isn't it. Do people not do the sufficient research before handing over keys? And v5 documents too? I'm wowed at people's naivety.

Im sorry but I have to agree, who on earth gives there car,keys and V5 for someone else to sell?

That is pure idiocy!!!

If he had a real buyer then surely you would have said here fella you pay me the money for my car and then sell it on with your profit included.

I do hope you get a good resolution and really hope you learn a lesson in common sense as well.

S204Darren 09 September 2014 10:30 PM


Infected by sti 10 September 2014 10:51 AM


Rob60 10 September 2014 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by APIDavid (Post 11510563)
The 'solicitor' seems to have disappeared...........................:wonder:

Reading it all and gathering information! Yawn yawn?! Such a bunch of drama queens, bullies, blackmailers and thugs! Not to mention idiots. I'm waiting for that link to MS address. Then we will see who's not really a "solicitor!!" Bring it on.

Infected by sti 10 September 2014 11:51 PM

We ain't that daft pal wouldn't dream of posting that and getting pulled :thumb:

As long as this thread stays fresh the shėtbags name will stay top of the list when googled with any luck.

And even if it transpires you are a solicitor you're gonna foot the bill are you :)

Deluded is a word that springs to mind, he can't return people's property let alone take someone to court :lol1:

Your a funny guy Marc I mean Rob

Btw you still haven't said who pointed you in this direction to defend a guy that cant even be bothered to defend himself, I KNOW Marc is reading this and that's a FACT ;)

Paben 11 September 2014 07:49 AM

Originally Posted by Rob60 (Post 11512237)
Reading it all and gathering information! Yawn yawn?! Such a bunch of drama queens, bullies, blackmailers and thugs! Not to mention idiots. I'm waiting for that link to MS address. Then we will see who's not really a "solicitor!!" Bring it on.

Rob you must be a real solicitor because you will know it is illegal under the Solicitor's Act to pose as, or pretend to be, a solicitor. And you use solicitor's language too, trained legal speak if ever I saw it.

What troubles me slightly, and casts doubt on your claims, is that you hide behind 'Rob60' instead of your real name. Why not tell us who you are, your company name and your qualifications? That would shut everybody up. Or are you just a liar?

ditchmyster 11 September 2014 08:09 AM

"Trained legal speak." Quality. :lol1:

Infected by sti 11 September 2014 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by Paben (Post 11512334)
Why not tell us who you are, your company name and your qualifications? That would shut everybody up. OR ARE YOU JUST A LIAR ?

Just like Marc you mean :D

Murrayf99 11 September 2014 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by Rob60 (Post 11512237)
Reading it all and gathering information! Yawn yawn?! Such a bunch of drama queens, bullies, blackmailers and thugs! Not to mention idiots. I'm waiting for that link to MS address. Then we will see who's not really a "solicitor!!" Bring it on.

I googled Rob60 solicitor and did not get any reasonable hits.

Rob, please supply your Roll Number / SRA ID to clear this up. I got this advice from the SRA,

stamina_daddy 13 September 2014 08:46 PM


scooby2.5maz 14 September 2014 06:05 AM


scooby2.5maz 15 September 2014 07:39 AM


JDM_YO 15 September 2014 10:11 AM

This "Rob60" is Marc I think, if you have ever had anything in righting from that **** your see that both Marc and the "rob60" person uses the same dialog etc.

Marc once again your covers blown. Also do not call my customers and tell them I'm talking **** or using there name in the thead, I think your trying to black mail customers as well to do with this thead.

Infected by sti 15 September 2014 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by JDM_YO (Post 11515316)
This "Rob60" is Marc I think, if you have ever had anything in righting from that **** your see that both Marc and the "rob60" person uses the same dialog etc. Marc once again your covers blown. Also do not call my customers and tell them I'm talking **** or using there name in the thead, I think your trying to black mail customers as well to do with this thead.

Black mail you say! NEVER :eek: LOL :lol1:

JDM_YO 16 September 2014 12:12 PM

Standard Marc. Is there any news etc???

scooby2.5maz 17 September 2014 06:12 PM

Bump :D

Infected by sti 18 September 2014 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by scooby2.5maz (Post 11517304)
Bump :D

What he said :D

bengreen85 21 September 2014 09:57 AM

Did you get your parts back?

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