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evonorth 19 September 2009 04:50 PM

Shaunee boy
Surely you are going on the strip mate,
A 1.6 60ft then bang a 10.99

Shaun 19 September 2009 06:36 PM

yeah right.. 12.9 more like!

evonorth 19 September 2009 08:16 PM

No way,
I ran 11.5 with a 1.9 60ft start,
If i could get a 1.6 60ft my car would run a 10.9
But i can't , if there is a tail wind i might have ago tomorrow

Shaun 20 September 2009 09:35 PM

Update tomorrow on today's awesome events, once I get some sleep! :D

Car did fantastic today..... fastest "shopping car" in the West!! :D

stevebt 20 September 2009 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun (Post 8952929)
Update tomorrow on today's awesome events, once I get some sleep! :D

Car did fantastic today..... fastest "shopping car" in the West!! :D

Not with you driving though :) Thats the 2nd time I've met you and each time you have had a back eye :D Did YOU get a good time on the handling?? and did you have a try at the 1/4 mile?

Shaun 20 September 2009 10:23 PM

I do the "doors" mate (have done for 15+yrs)..... goes with the territory! ;)

As regards the rest.... wait until tomorrow when I update this thread, with all the gory details. :)

stevebt 20 September 2009 10:26 PM

Do you know who I am as I came up to you and I still didn't introduce mysefl, but I thought from my avatar its blatantly obvious :D

Shaun 20 September 2009 10:29 PM

You plank.... of course I know who you are! Who would miss who you are with that Northern Monkey accent! You and Micky of the original Ant and Dec!! :D

stevebt 20 September 2009 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun (Post 8953060)
I do the "doors" mate (have done for 15+yrs)..... goes with the territory! .

I have trained at a boxing gym etc for year and loads of doorman train there as they want to learn how to fight, yes they work on the door 1st then try and learn the basics :D But I ain't seen many of them with black eyes ;) I guess that part is as good as your driving :D

stevebt 20 September 2009 10:34 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun (Post 8953076)
You plank.... of course I know who you are! Who would miss who you are with that Northern Monkey accent! You and Micky of the original Ant and Dec!! :D

:D I was going to come up and ask stupid questions about your car just to pretend I was some noob but I didn't bother as you looked stressed changing a wheel over :D

Shaun 20 September 2009 11:09 PM

If you want to start a thread about who is the "ardest", then be my guest. :p Otherwise stop trying to drag me down that road on this one!!! :D :D

In a quick answer to your previous question, about how I did..... I only did 3 timed run's out of the 5. Each timed run I bettered each previous one by a 1s each time. At the time when I backed out (to enable Simon time in my car), I was 10th overall (out of 46) to that point with a 44.802, at the end of all the 3rd timed runs. Not bad. ;)

stevebt 20 September 2009 11:15 PM

Not bad at all as I spoke to a couple of people abut the track and they said it was more for a 350bhp'ish Impreza due to needing boost instantly and if you had a big powered car it would suffer :)

stevebt 20 September 2009 11:17 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun (Post 8953167)
If you want to start a thread about who is the "ardest", then be my guest. :p Otherwise stop trying to drag me down that road on this one!!! :D :D

We can talk about that one next time we meet :D

Shaun 20 September 2009 11:19 PM

Low down grunt, response and driver skill were key. The most technical layout we have had this season. :)

Off to bed now.... will give the full sp tomorrow. :)

Shaun 21 September 2009 06:50 PM

September 2009 - ScoobySprint Round 5 - The Final
Well... this was the main event of the year, to end an awesome ScoobySprint Championship. I was hoping that myself and the car would see a great end, to what has been a rather eventful and busy year. :D

Minus the "droplink" episode at the last event, Round 4, the car was ready to rock. The initial plan was to spend some serious time with the car prior to Sundays Final, to get the handling bang on. Based on Simon's feedback from Round 4, plenty of area's could be improved upon regarding the set-up and if he was going to drive again, he explained that running proper slick's would give him a tremendous advantage. Whilst this was all above board as a PRO entry, he did say that the suspension may have to be radically altered to allow for the extra grip. Quite simply, I couldn't be arsed as I had a feeling that it would all turn to rat ****.... like it has so many times before! :D

Basically, the car was staying as it was apart from the handbrake adjustment..... just in case Simon got a drive. To be honest, this was never a dead cert, again because I did not want any pressure. The idea was for me to arrive and drive, so I could just simply enjoy the day and event.

As previous events, Tracktive were in attendance and provided support for my vehicle. This event was a biggy, as we had six tracktive cars competing and the Constructors title was down to the wire, between Tracktive and ScoobyClinic. Unfortunately Tracktive had issues with their own car.... in fact the car was in Ireland, but that is another story. So with days to go until Round 5, Tracktive had to get another car ready. This was a P1, but only running 400bhp..... with a standard 5sp box. :eek:

As previously, we drove up the day before (no trailer queens here!) and stopped in a hotel that night. Was a really good night as there were 10 of us together, with myself and the other half, Simon and his other half and Simon's staff who run the WRC timing system. Strangely for me I had an early night..... in readiness for the following days action! :D

The Day in Question
We all arrived bright and early to be presented with an awesome WRC truck from ISCT.

This was all part of this other minor addition.... the proper WRC Timing equipment with countdown clock/lights!

Ohhhh Yeah! :D

Mere mortals like me, could now think they were even closer to being a rally driver, using the very same system that is used by the top WRC drivers. :)

So... with something else to worry about (you go when you are told now, based on the countdown system), I set about prepping the car. Which resulted in me checking the oil level and swapping the wheels over! :D

First one there as per usual!

The First Run - Sighting Lap
I had already walked the course first thing (with Richard Bulmer and Adrian Finch) and boy was it going to be difficult. FIVE hairpins!!! :eek: This was without doubt the most technical/difficult course this season. It was going to be bad! :D This event had 45 competitors, so I could end up being even lower placed than previous events.... gulp!

I set off to do my sighting lap.

Ready, steady........

Something seemed different this event..... I was not that nervous! Not sure what it was, but I was determined to have a good day and enjoy myself. No stress, no goals.

Car launched perfectly (manual launch) and off I went. It start's getting really weird here, because I felt so at ease with the car and I felt the lap was good for a sighting lap. Engine felt great and the sheer lowdown grunt really helped to haul the car out of the hairpins, whilst still staying in 2nd gear.

I had managed to post a sighting lap of 47.877

This was 13th quickest sighting lap out of 46 runners and I was not going as quick as I could. I felt good. :)

1st Timed Run
OK... now I had to turn the wick up. This lap felt a lot better than the sighting lap, but I really ballsed up the start. It is so imperative, that not only do you get a good launch, but you also start when the lights go out... IMMEDIATELY.

I had managed to post a 1st timed run lap of 47.961

This was 25th quickest 1st timed run lap out of 46 runners.

Whoops... slower than my sighting lap, but I knew what I had done wrong. Instead of going back out again, (if I remember) I rested the car and decided to get my thoughts together. The last thing I wanted was to be an idiot and keep making stupid mistakes..... I had been there before!

2nd Timed Run
Again... I was calm, so I set off to do my 2nd timed run. Hopefully I could start to put better times in. THAT lap felt much better... launch was spot on and the car felt like it really flowed, without having to get angry with it.

I had managed to post a 2nd timed run lap of 45.855

This was 8th quickest 2nd timed run lap out of 45 runners.

Ohhh yeah, I had knocked off over 2 seconds! :D

I was a tad pleased to say the least. Simon had been watching me go round and said the lap looked very clean and he could not believe how far my driving had come on. He told me to get back out there and go again.... but to only concentrate on the area's that YOU KNOW are causing you problems and let the good bits just happen as they have. That's easier said then done! :D John Felstead also had a chat with me and commented on the time I had achieved so far, saying I should be proud, compared to what I was like at the start of the season. Off I went for the 3rd timed run!

Unfortunately it was the lunchbreak, after what was a great start to the day for me.

At this point (after about an hour) I decided to give the Drag Strip a blast. Unfortunately whilst I went over there in the car, I found out that it had JUST closed for lunch! :D Never mind.... but I did have other things on my mind with the Sprint. :D

Fortunately the Sprint circuit had just re-opened, so off I went! :)

3rd Timed Run
I had made my mind up that one corner I could certainly put my boot in more and I wanted to make the better parts, more aggressive. I was gaining confidence all the time and was really enjoying myself..... the first time ALL year! This lap felt better still and I even opened the diff up for this one! :D

I had managed to post a 3rd timed run lap of 44.802

This was 10th quickest 3rd timed run lap out of 44 runners.

Great... this was over another second off my previous best. The car felt great and I felt confident. I could even see what other parts I was losing out time on, and I was sure I could keep getting quicker and quicker. The fact that I still had two timed runs left, was even more encouraging.

Again, I returned to the Tracktive pit area and took a breather.... I was obviously over the moon with progress so far. I had another chat with Simon and he suggested that the reason why I was doing that much better at this event, is because I actually had confidence in the car, based on what Simon achieved at Round 4. I have to say that makes perfect sense. Not once did I worry about the car this time. I just did what I thought I needed to. John Felstead said again, he could not believe how much my driving had improved, especially on such a technical track.

I had a bit of a break again and started to think!!!!

There was a strong possibility I could get some where in the Top 10 overall if I carried on improving, but knowing what I was getting and the fact that Simon is a much much better driver.......

That was it... I made the decision to get Simon back in the car to see what he could do. I was extremely happy with what I had done so far, but I could not help wanting Simon to try and do the business, against (on paper) better cars.

At the end of the day, based on what had happened up to the end of the 3rd timed run for everyone, I was placed 9th OVERALL. This consisted of the following placings above me:

Andy Forrest - 43.211
Andy Harvey - 43.892
Gavin Renshaw - 44.13
Jon Beech - 44.25
Rob North - 44.406
Steve Cotton - 44.475
John Felstead - 44.554
Kevin Horsley - 44.564
Shaun Fennings - 44.802

Personally I am over the moon with that, considering the class of those drivers. :)

Who knows what would of happened if I had ran the last two available timed runs. I would of hoped I could of achieved a low 43s lap. Regardless, the effort I had given for the first three timed runs, enabled me to achieve 15th overall (out of 46). My best placing so far this year on what was the most difficult track.

Here is a video of that 3rd timed run. :)
YouTube - Scooby Sprint Championship Round 5 - 2009

Just to underline the fact, that all these run's were on LOW BOOST. I did not alter any of the suspension settings.... I was running my road set-up. When I put the 888's on, I only adjusted them ALL to 27psi cold and never looked or changed them again that day. John Felstead actually asked me what I was running now (when hot) and I said I couldn't be arsed to check them. :D I never even used launch control or flat shifting.... I was too worried it would go wrong! :D

Time to see what the 'Stig' can do!
Simon said to me, just as I passed the keys over, "don't get excited.... this event is going to be harder than the last". Good job I had some confidence! :D

Simon's Sighting Lap
The only thing he asked me was, "Is the handbrake working now?!". I replied... "Well... it seems to, but I never tried it on the circuit!".

Relaxed chat!

Simon's sighting lap was 43.841s :eek:

That was the quickest sighting lap of the day by nearly 1.5s!! :D

I've gotta be honest, as a spectacle it looked AWESOME. Simon was clearly using the handbrake, as the change of direction was incredible. The car just snapped around each hairpin. When the time came through I nearly fell over!!

Simon came back round and I was smiling like a cheshire cat! I told Simon the time and he said "Right... car felt great, that was a good starter for 10. I'm going back out."

This was it... he was in the zone! :D

Simon's 1st Timed Run
Again, the lap looked great, with Simon still using the handbrake to great affect.

Simon's 1st timed run was 43.959s

This was the quickest 1st timed run lap out of 46 runners.

I was disappointed to say the least, which sounds crazy.... but expectation had got the better of me, and perhaps some arrogance! :D

Simon came back in again and he asked what time he got. I told him the time and he said "Shaun... it's all good. Don't worry. I haven't opened it up yet!". Simon wanted to go back out again, which I said was OK, but I wanted that to be last, for the moment, so we could give the inlet a chance to cool down.

Simon's 2nd Timed Run
Mmmmm, this lap looked better.

Simon's 2nd timed run was 43.532s

This was 2nd quickest 2nd timed run lap out of 45 runners.

OK... it was better, but I was still expecting more. God, I'm an ungrateful git!! :D

Simon came back in and parked up. We had a chat and he still said not to worry... plenty left in the car! I was getting a bit stressed, but Simon was as cool as a cucumber.

After about an hour (I think it was that long.... it seemed like years!), Simon went back out again.

Simon's 3rd Timed Run
Just as Simon drove to the start line and I reminded him to check the diff setting, he quickly said.... "Watch this mate!!". I was not quite sure what that meant, but my backside fell out of my trousers! Simon got off to a cracking start again and, what looked like, throwing the Spec C around the track with great poise. I can't begin to explain how good the lap looked and how utterly nervous I was of the final time.

I knew it was good, even before the announcer said the actual magic numbers..... the announcer built up such a great lead-in, that it sounded like something out of Heavyweight Title Fight introduction! :D

Simon's 3rd timed run was 41.990s :eek:

This was the quickest 3rd timed run lap out of 44 runners and happened to be the quickest timed lap of the day!!! :)

I was like a dog with two *****!!

I went straight over to Simon, as he came off the track and before I said anything I heard, "Did you like that one mate!!!". I just burst out laughing. :cry: Simon said that was one in the bag for reserves and he would see how it panned out with the other top runners. Simon still had two timed runs left, so it was time to chill out and relax. For him maybe.... I was like a cat on hot bricks!

Thankfully no one else posted a better time and with moments to spare Simon wanted one more run just before the final.

Simon had been placed first overall, which was awesome, but he just wanted one last run.

Simon's 4th Timed Run
Simon said he did not think he could get anymore out of the car, with the handling set-up as it was and this was just going to be a warm up for the showdown final. Of course I was expecting a quicker time though! lol

Simon's 4th timed run was 42.382s

This was the quickest 4th timed run lap out of 42 runners.

Simon came back in and said again, all was fine. He was also totally honest with me and said, that the car could be so much quicker with proper tyres on and decent set-up time on the handling front. He said also for me not to get my hopes up for the final, as he knew it was going to be close. It was nice to be in the position we were, even with a timed lap in hand. :)

Simon had put in a storming performance and the car had acheived Number 1 spot. :)

The Final Showdown
What a line-up we had!! :) Which was as follows in reverse order:

6th - Kevin Horsley
5th - Rob North
4th - Gavin Renshaw
3rd - Andy Harvey
2nd - Andy Forrest
1st - Simon de Banke

It was great to see the two "shopping" cars at the top two places, bettering other stripped out, higher powered purpose built track cars.

Whatever happend now, happened. I was over the moon with how the entire day had gone.... but let's be honest another win would of finished the day off! :D Unfortunately it was not to be and Andy Harvey pulled it out of the bag at the last minute, achieving a great 41.839s. Well done to ScoobyClinic!

The final results were:

1st - Andy Harvey 41.839
2nd - Simon de Banke 42.096
3rd - Andy Forrest 42.314
4th - Gavin Renshaw 43.328
5th - Rob North 43.52
6th - Kevin Horsley 44.259

What a great day and congratulations to everyone that competed.

Special congratulations to Rob North for winning the Privateers Championship in his Tracktive supported vehicle. Well done mate.... you deserve it. :notworthy

On a personal note I would like to thank Simon for showing me how to peddle a car better, and for showing me how good my car really is.

Well... what an end to an evolving year, both for my driving ability and the car's development. I have so much more to learn still and I just hope I keep on improving my driving skills.

I drove to the event, checked my oil and changed my wheels.... job done! Nothing else was changed on the car's road biased set-up. Still in full road trim with all the extra's that comes with, including a fairly decent ICE system. No NOS, no race fuel... just using VPower. Neither of us used launch control or flat shifting and the 888's were fairly ragged. Oh... and the car stayed in low boost, 1.5bar mode all day! :D More importantly, we had no hitches all day and the car got me back home under it's own steam! :)

I know I have said this a number of times on this thread, but so many thanks to:

Tracktive Solutions
AET Turbos
Litchfield Imports
and last but by no means least.... Simon!!! ;)

Roll on next year! :D

Now..... Mr Bulmer, when you going to stick a bigger turbo on!? :lol1:

Fai17 22 September 2009 09:14 AM

Nice wee write up and congrats to getting your shopping car up to podium.

Oh it was also nice to meet you.

LitchfieldImports 22 September 2009 09:41 AM

Well done Shaun and Simon, I'm really pleased all the effort is showing such good results! :)

Look forward to helping where we can next year.



Shaun 22 September 2009 01:25 PM

Thanks for the kind words and it was good to put a face to a name! I look forward to seeing your new engine in action..... hopefully very soon! :)

I feel like you have been joined at the hip to this car, ever since you first imported it in 2003. It has been a long haul and you have stuck with me and the development / support of the Spec C since 2005. The Stage 1 testing of exhausts and air filters seems a lifetime ago now! :D

I have been overhwhelmed by the support you and other professionals have provided over the past 12 months. It is even more humbling that you still wish to support myself and the car moving forward for 2010. :)

Thanks again.... I owe you a drink (or two). :D

I look forward to going against you in next years ScoobySprint Championship! :eek: :cry:

Evolution Stu 22 September 2009 01:46 PM

Wow, reading this has made me want to buy a Subaru and get involved next year! Sounds like an amazing competition with some real nice people involved!

Bloody big well done Shaun, Simon (The only two I know personally) and of course everyone else involved in this series. Will chat to you two guys more about this on Friday evening Im Sure. :D

Shaun 22 September 2009 07:54 PM

Thanks Stu.

Cossies are dead.... long live the Impreza.... ooops, my Scoob has a Cossie Engine in it! :D

I hope you have been in training for Friday night...... you're gonna need it! :D :D

Evolution Stu 22 September 2009 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun (Post 8956274)
Thanks Stu.

Cossies are dead.... long live the Impreza.... ooops, my Scoob has a Cossie Engine in it! :D

I hope you have been in training for Friday night...... you're gonna need it! :D :D

We do more diesels nowadays, all faster, more reliable and most importantly, more profitable than cossies. LOL

Friday night will be a walk in the park with you southerners mate, and Im really looking forward to catching up with you, its been far too long. :king:

Shaun 22 September 2009 08:09 PM

If the way you mapped one of my previous Golf GT TDi's is anything to go by... I bet you have quite a few happy customers! ;) I can't see how a Diesel could be more profitable..... every Cossie remap must of earnt you £2k +, just out of replacing sensors and ignition systems alone! :D

I look forward to you showing us how to drink like real men! :cry:

Evolution Stu 22 September 2009 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun (Post 8956308)
If the way you mapped one of my previous Golf GT TDi's is anything to go by... I bet you have quite a few happy customers! ;) I can't see how a Diesel could be more profitable..... every Cossie remap must of earnt you £2k +, just out of replacing sensors and ignition systems alone! :D

I look forward to you showing us how to drink like real men! :cry:

I have 96 installers worldwide now mate, we dont have enough hours in the day. Cossies are great cars, or at least they were once... now they are pretty much all worn out and have turned into cars that require more labour time per job than you can realistically charge for and keep the customer happy. It comes to all cars in the end, humans too I expect looking at your sorry ass. lol

I expect you got shut of your RS500 at the right time mate. Before it killed you either financially or literally. :king:

Sorry guys, back on topic now. :oops:

Shaun 22 September 2009 08:36 PM

ROFLOL I agree with ALL of that! ;)

johnfelstead 22 September 2009 09:30 PM

How gay is this pose.:lol1:

Apart from that it's all good. :D

Shaun 22 September 2009 11:26 PM

Managed to get a small amount of footage of the Spec C off the start line from outside. This was when Simon drove it on his 2nd timed run, so the one before the 41.99s run. It has certainly felt quick off the launch when in the car this year, but it certainly looks and sounds great from the outside.... not something I am normally acustomed to. Being on the outside! :D ;)

YouTube - SdB - Scooby Sprint Final - 20 Sept 09 - Elvington

I know..... don't worry, I had a word with the mrs about they way she pose's for photographs! :D :D

ex-webby 23 September 2009 07:06 PM

Shaun, I'm touched! :D

I would say that's the nicest thing you've ever said about me.. but its actually the ONLY nice thing you've ever said about me!! ;)

In all seriousness, I'm delighted with the result, especially considering the competition included some REALLY serious machinery, being driven by racing drivers / winners of totb handling courses, etc.

But I'm more chuffed for Shaun. Having gone down a very long road, I'm delighted that you've finally found a bunch of guys who have really come through for you (Tracktive and AET).

You've proven that with the right engineers, and the right desire, you can build a totally kitted out road car (no missing trim, or anything silly like that), with road legal tyres, with no lightening, and with every extra still onboard including the stereo with added sub!!... that can compete with fully stripped out lightened race cars, with top drivers in them.

Its really quite an achievement, especially considering we didn't even put it on high boost! :D

I'm really pleased for you mate. The car felt stunning. I reckon there was at least another second in there if we did some work on the handling set-up, and at least another second or maybe even 2 with really good slicks.

If we stripped the interior and lightened everything, you'd have to expect another second or two.. then added launch control and anti lag, turned the high boost mode on, and there's another second at least.

When you start looking at it like that, it makes the result even more impressive, so you should be really pleased mate.

Thanks for the punt.. it was fun. But you've cost me a fortune, as I've decided to build myself a car for next year now, and possible have a play at time attack as well as Scooby Sprint!!!

Congrats, and thanks! :)

shawy1976 23 September 2009 07:44 PM

excellent results shaun , Reading this makes me think a t04z is too big ?

Pavlo 23 September 2009 07:51 PM

Maybe next year you will explore the delights gears 3-6 have to offer.

Shaun 23 September 2009 07:58 PM

The pleasure was all mine (well.... nearly!). :D I was as pleased for you, as I was for the car, myself and everyone that has been involved.

At least now I can forget about the car, as regards to problem areas, and concentrate on the thing that certainly does need further work.... my driving.

As you say the handling set-up could certainly benefit from further focus, but that aside, I do not want to go down the road of stripping etc. The car is a road car and that is the way it will remain. In a way, that is perhaps the most pleasing part about all of this, as regards to that specific remit.

It's a shame we never ( sorry, I never - read... could not be arsed! :D ) got round to getting some proper slicks, with you spending time in the car to really zero in the set-up..... but that has been part of the fun of the past two events. The car has just competed with no messing..... apart from a droplink that you bust! Ahem! :D

Now.... seeing you in Time Attack and ScoobySprint next year in a PROPER track car!? Mmmmm, that might be interesting. ;) :D

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