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andy97 06 May 2018 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by ray54 (Post 12008859)
I can seen where your coming from Andy, but as you have said it's a madhouse on the roads at the best of times, your going to spending more time with the plod, than with your family.

It's just the way it is in this modern age i'm afraid.....

I see it the only watched days as road policing is non or virtually non existent. Police forces are coming round to idea of accepting video from dashcam

ray54 06 May 2018 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by andy97 (Post 12008861)
I see it the only watched days as road policing is non or virtually non existent. Police forces are coming round to idea of accepting video from dashcam

Well lets hope they pay you the going rate , its going to save them a fortune...

We could even trim down on the felix could well be on a winner hear!!! :thumb:

alcazar 07 May 2018 08:04 AM

Originally Posted by neil-h (Post 12008797)
So if it was a straw man, why did it justify such a lengthy response?

None the less. By and large all you do is bitch and moan about the police/government/world, very rarely do you present actual alternatives.

Ah, getting personal, what you do best.
You really are an establishment stooge aren't you?

alcazar 07 May 2018 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by Felix. (Post 12008836)
Speeding is part cause of accidents though -

Of course it has, but NOT disproportionately as it's policed!

Originally Posted by Felix. (Post 12008836)
Do we just abandon anything speed related and concentrate on mobile phones etc

No, but police the others proportionately.

Cameras are sited for a whole host of reasons - generate cash is not one of them
Utter nonsense. I can show you three sites within five miles of my home where they are there EXACTLY for that. Safe roads, one a motorway, the only accidents being completely unavoidable by any known method of policing, and well lit/good sighting. The accidents, one at each site, were NOTHING to do with speeding. One was a drugged up drunk woman who drove wrong way up a motorway!!! One was a 16 year old who stole his mum's car and rolled it on a roundabout at 30mph. One was a drink-driver who crossed two lanes of traffic to hit someone head on at 30mph.

And who has the final say on what the new 'adjusted speed limit' will be - and what happens if drivers break that one?
Loacal council, local people in consultation.
And you get the same as you do now.

Except you'll get less in fines because it's no longer a "fakey" limit.:cuckoo:

dpb 07 May 2018 08:27 AM

Hot day by the sea , local people out with their speed guns on front road

with high vis vests - presumably this is OK

alcazar 07 May 2018 09:14 AM

Hope they get knocked down by someone distracted. THEN he sues them.

neil-h 07 May 2018 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12008888)
Ah, getting personal, what you do best.
You really are an establishment stooge aren't you?

Awwwwwww bless, is someone being a poor little snowflake again.

As for being an establishment stooge :lol: There are far more pressing issues in life than speeding legislation, what’s the point in getting all excitable over it.

Wurzel 07 May 2018 11:12 AM
Atleast you lot get massive vans to look out for, this is what I saw on the autobahn this morning (yes the AUTOBAHN).
Olive drab cameras hidden behind the barriers. And these are the older bigger ones.

alcazar 07 May 2018 12:18 PM

Like the ones in France.

Neil: maybe if you stopped whining, then having a personal go when anyone disagrees with you, you might not see that sort of response.

I guess, what I'm saying is: grow up.

Felix. 07 May 2018 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12008889)

Of course it has, but NOT disproportionately as it's policed!

No, but police the others proportionately.

All offences are looked at, mobile phones, careless driving, drink driving etc etc. What would you prefer, only prosecute the 5th speeder to bring the figures down a bit.

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12008889)
[/URL]Utter nonsense. I can show you three sites within five miles of my home where they are there EXACTLY for that. Safe roads, one a motorway, the only accidents being completely unavoidable by any known method of policing, and well lit/good sighting. The accidents, one at each site, were NOTHING to do with speeding. One was a drugged up drunk woman who drove wrong way up a motorway!!! One was a 16 year old who stole his mum's car and rolled it on a roundabout at 30mph. One was a drink-driver who crossed two lanes of traffic to hit someone head on at 30mph.

And were the cameras sited there for that specific reason or were other near misses and other accidents taken into consideration too? Just because you have only heard of these specific incidents doesn't mean to say nothing else has happened.

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12008889)
[/URL]Loacal council, local people in consultation.
And you get the same as you do now.

Except you'll get less in fines because it's no longer a "fakey" limit.:cuckoo:

So a community meeting takes place and the local residents want more cameras installed to reduce speeding through their village/town. You would be happy then when cameras are put up as a result of this community meeting and the limit is set to a figure that you think is too low. Or a local council puts up speed cameras or other traffic enforcement cameras.

alcazar 07 May 2018 02:29 PM

All offences are looked at, mobile phones, careless driving, drink driving etc etc. What would you prefer, only prosecute the 5th speeder to bring the figures down a bit.
Full of cr@p again, I see. Just HOW are these other offences policed? EVERY DAY of the week by dedicated paid officers?
No, thought not.

And were the cameras sited there for that specific reason or were other near misses and other accidents taken into consideration too? Just because you have only heard of these specific incidents doesn't mean to say nothing else has happened.
More utter bullshine. NO other accidents there. No-one complaining about speeding.
Get a grip, man, stop making excuses for the indefensible.
You will be saying you are only obeying orders next.

So a community meeting takes place and the local residents want more cameras installed to reduce speeding through their village/town. You would be happy then when cameras are put up as a result of this community meeting and the limit is set to a figure that you think is too low. Or a local council puts up speed cameras or other traffic enforcement cameras.
That's what I said didn't I? Or did you fail to understand that too?

What I CANNOT accept is randomly lowered limits, with scam vans every two or three days, for NO REASON. NO accidents, no schools, not even any private access onto the road. It SHOULD be a 40....but isn't.

And don't weven get me started on the A5...30, 40, 60, 40, 50, 30, 60, 30, 60 every mile or so, and EVERY FEKKIN LIMIT has a camera. Yet the road doesn't change.

dpb 07 May 2018 03:41 PM

Damn, that's going been a Large Fine !

joz8968 07 May 2018 03:43 PM


The case will have to be null and void (well, in the UK it would be).

alcazar 07 May 2018 04:23 PM

You can bet the Frogs or Belges will still collect the money.

ALi-B 07 May 2018 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by Wurzel (Post 12008928)
Atleast you lot get massive vans to look out for, this is what I saw on the autobahn this morning (yes the AUTOBAHN).
Olive drab cameras hidden behind the barriers. And these are the older bigger ones.

The Spanish mobile speed traps are quite sneaky; Usually a totally plain drab coloured Citroen or Peugeot saloon, the only tell is the black radar dome on the grille, and the occupants wearing high viz. Bear in mind it's the law to have a high viz jacket inside the car for every occupant, so they are often used as seat covers, so you end up taking a cynical view of any boring coloured car parked at the side of a road.

The difference here is these lot will radio ahead to marked motorbikes to pull you in and fine on the spot. They are all proper Police, unlike the 'operators' used in the UK.

That said, there's some cracking roads which have no silly limits nor enforcement...the cliff drops sorts out those that drive badly. ;)

Wurzel 07 May 2018 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by ALi-B (Post 12008965)
The Spanish mobile speed traps are quite sneaky; Usually a totally plain drab coloured Citroen or Peugeot saloon, the only tell is the black radar dome on the grille, and the occupants wearing high viz. Bear in mind it's the law to have a high viz jacket inside the car for every occupant, so they are often used as seat covers, so you end up taking a cynical view of any boring coloured car parked at the side of a road.

The difference here is these lot will radio ahead to marked motorbikes to pull you in and fine on the spot. They are all proper Police, unlike the 'operators' used in the UK.

That said, there's some cracking roads which have no silly limits nor enforcement...the cliff drops sorts out those that drive badly. ;)

We get cameras in parked cars here aswell so I work on the principle if a car looks like it shouldn't be there then it probably has a camera in it.

We also get them in between parked cars, in bushes with cam nets on and also peeping through the gaps in armco barriers or on bridges. They also hide them behind sign posts and anything else that hides it, I have even seen them in holes dug in the snow at the side of the road.. But the krauts are honest in their sneekiness, they want to catch you speeding and don't BS you that they are safety cameras.

neil-h 07 May 2018 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12008937)
Like the ones in France.

Neil: maybe if you stopped whining, then having a personal go when anyone disagrees with you, you might not see that sort of response.

I guess, what I'm saying is: grow up.

Says the soon to be (if not already) retiree who comes on here just to try and relive his anti-establishment glory days :lol1:

alcazar 08 May 2018 07:50 AM

Ah, you admit I HAD glory days?

alcazar 08 May 2018 07:53 AM

Travelling on French motorways, you spot a "broken down" car in the distance on the hard shoulder, complete with spare tyre propped up at the back and tailgate open.

But as you pass, you notice the flic lying down full length in the hatch with his laser binocs, and the one in the driver's seat with his laptop recording you.

Then, a mile or so further are the motards waiting on the slip road, or IS area to come after you for the money.

Modern day highwaymen.:mad:

dpb 08 May 2018 08:23 AM

Never been nabbed yet in France but then i just use cruise , or did when had car with cruise . Always slightly amazed at being continually passed at by mpv / people carriers travelling AT the limit , no matter what

alcazar 08 May 2018 09:31 AM

LOL, I used to laugh when I took the Scooby to France.
I'd pass something like an Espace at around 90mph, then, within a couple of minutes, he's up my rear bumper, flashing me to get over, and then passes me at 100+mph ....and 9 times out of ten, with a silly little trailer bouncing along behind him. :eek:
But hey, he was gonna show me that his "van with windows" was every bit as quick as my Scoob:D

alcazar 08 May 2018 09:36 AM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 12009059)
Never been nabbed yet in France but then i just use cruise , or did when had car with cruise . Always slightly amazed at being continually passed at by mpv / people carriers travelling AT the limit , no matter what

Did once get one. Trundled along near Millau on the N9 behind a caravan doing 35mph in a 56mph limit for about ten miles. A dual carriageway opened up, so I overtook the van and the five cars behind it, only to run into a speed trap where it went back to 90kph.:mad: Astra GTE MkII 150 16V

Doing 140kph, got a big fine. (Over the legal limit for motorways, let alone the 110).
Defend THAT one Felix, THAT trap wasn't about money. LOL

Got a bit of my own back, as we were taken to a bank and then the cop-shop to pay. The copper doing one-fingered typing, so while he did, I told my eldest who was around ten, to destroy his office...he did, posters off the wall, stuff out of drawers etc, and I just kept saying Oh dear!
Childish, yes, but made me feel a bit better.:)

neil-h 08 May 2018 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12009055)
Ah, you admit I HAD glory days?

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12009066)
Got a bit of my own back, as we were taken to a bank and then the cop-shop to pay. The copper doing one-fingered typing, so while he did, I told my eldest who was around ten, to destroy his office...he did, posters off the wall, stuff out of drawers etc, and I just kept saying Oh dear!
Childish, yes, but made me feel a bit better.:)

I was going to make a joke/snide comment about your gloriy days but credit where it's due, that genuiunely made me laugh reading that. Good effort, especially given all the stories you hear about the French police.

dpb 08 May 2018 10:29 AM

This is why the poor sod can't get a job you know :eek:

Iv done that road too , can't remember the 35 mph . We stopped services soon before it I think

alcazar 08 May 2018 12:19 PM

Nah, he went through school with ADHD, had a tottering time really. Always to blame, even when it wasn't him.
He's got a job as a design engineer now, fingers crossed for it to go OK

neil-h 08 May 2018 03:23 PM

Having worked in engineering for a while, i'm going to go out on a limb and say he'll make it just fine.

Felix. 08 May 2018 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12008947)
Full of cr@p again, I see. Just HOW are these other offences policed? EVERY DAY of the week by dedicated paid officers?
No, thought not.

Yes - its called the traffic police or roads policing unit

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12008947)
More utter bullshine. NO other accidents there. No-one complaining about speeding.
Get a grip, man, stop making excuses for the indefensible.
You will be saying you are only obeying orders next.

So you know without question the full history of that road?
Every near miss, every accident, every council meeting, every community meeting - does it all get passed through you first does it?

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12008947)
That's what I said didn't I? Or did you fail to understand that too?

So if they have had a meeting and decided to lower the limit, you will be happy?
Or will you remain unhappy that the meeting has not come up with a speed and an enforcement policy that you wanted?

Either way, to stop your stress levels going too high, just stick to the speed limits - or accept the fact that you take a chance if you don't :thumb:

alcazar 08 May 2018 04:01 PM

1. Cr@p, not enough of them, not dedicated to making money like the speeding enforcement. Not there every day. And you know it.

2. Yep, know someone on the council, done my research, no other accidents.

3. Said so didn't I.
Which part of "Yes" does a copper not understand?

Oh, I know, the bit where I'm not giving you money...LOL

Damn good job you lot believe in yourselves, because most of the rest of Joe Public don't. But hey, even the Nazis and Communists were able to rationalise their stupidity and make it sound like it was in the best interests of their populations.

Keep trying, I like to see you squirm.

Felix. 08 May 2018 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12009127)
1. Cr@p, not enough of them,

We know, but blame that on the cuts

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12009127)
2. Yep, know someone on the council, done my research, no other accidents.

lol - so you don't trust magistrates or judges, police or anyone else in the establishment - but your bloke in the council you trust implicitly.
So, what did your 'bloke on the inside' say the camera was there for?

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 12009127)
3. Said so didn't I.
Which part of "Yes" does a copper not understand?

Great then, the council comes up with the speed limit and how to enforce it - and then you stick to it :thumb:

dpb 09 May 2018 01:28 AM

You too can sign up !

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