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ditchmyster 07 January 2017 08:08 AM

I think some of these so called slightly dodgy types don't even realise themselves that they are " drug dealing gangsters" in the eyes of the law.

4 mates all smoke weed, one day they come up with the bright idea of instead of buying an eighth each for 20 quid they should club together and buy half an ounce (double the amount of weed for the same money) makes perfect sense right?

Two of them go to get it, come back and divide it up between all four of them, quarter each (nice one) couple of them give half what they got to other mates and make back their original 20 quid and smoke for free. :cool:

Couple of days later they go back and do the same, but this time the guy they get it off says look just take an ounce because you're baiting my gaff up keep coming backwards and forwards all the time, they say we haven't got enough cash for an ounce, he says no worries man just pay me next time, we were at school together so I know you're good for it.

Now with that they take it, pass half on to other friends and all four smoke for free, fantastic eh!!!

They've just unwittingly turned themselves into a 'drug gang' in the eyes of the law, yet all they were was a few mates having a smoke.

It's something that happens up and down the country, all over the world everyday.

One mans "drug dealer" is another mans mate with good contacts. :lol1:

Turbohot 07 January 2017 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by bustaMOVEs (Post 11908400)
Do you know for sure he was involved? Maybe he was just a passenger with dodgy mates or car behind were the real gangsters etc?
If he was a so called gangster, do you think he would tell his family what he's been getting up To? Would you tell your family you were up to no good? Maybe that's how his family knew him?
It's these kind of theories that piss me off tbh, find facts first or better still wait for the investigation to be completed before picking on 'maybe' innocent party's especially his family.
I know some dodgy people also, so if I'm in their car does that make me the same?
I could say all this also, but I'm not because I have no hard evidence to say these things.
I think you should join the fb brigade.
If he's done wrong then fair enough, but to mock everything just by your wild guesses just shows what type of person you really are.

bustaMOVEs, these sort of theories may fly around due to some people coming forward and claiming to the press that he was indeed a dodgy drug dealer hence the wealth and ultimate demise etc. There may be at a racial ridicule involved because he waz 'black'. Thing is, there have been many drug crimes done by the ethnics in this country, which is one of the reasons for stereotyping by the police and public. It's an utter shame, and it makes me embarrassed as an ethnic. On one hand, we have many top academics and professionals from the ethnic minorities in the U.K. On the other hand, we have a percentage of hard core BME criminals, drug lords etc. here. One of my questions is as to why he had that many security cams on his property. Have you seen his house in the paper? He lived on a communal estate where you're much safer as it is. Why did he feel so threatened to install that many cameras on his property?

I am aware that some car dealers in multi-ethnic areas store their cars on the Queen's Road, opposite to their gaff; rather than paying for a decent garage space and parking them there. I can suppose that to be a reason for that many security cams on the walls of his house. But storing expensive cars on the Queen's road side is wrong in itself, may not be illegal; if that's the reason why he needed that many security cams? Many such car sellers even sell their dodgy cars and lie about them to the customer. I have a personal experience of it. I bought just a cheap and cheerful Mondeo a few years back from one of those areas, because it looked good on the Autotrader pic, with flawless description. Upon seeing it stored on the roadside in person, and with the steering wheel on the p7ss as well as some tarted up damage on the side wing, it became clear to me that it was incorrectly advertised. I ran the HPI check on the car and found nothing, so I asked them to fix the steering wheel and reduce the cost. They did all that, fair enough. I bought it, then, and drove it for two years before binning it. Although the guys who sold the car to me were so lovely and gentle, they were trying to sell the car with their lies and their whereabouts were terribly rough as well as wrongly portrayed on the Autotrader. I was disappointed, and will never buy a car from that end.

What's becoming clear day by day about this case is that

1. Police may not have been legally obliged to be in a marked car
2. Police may not have been legally obliged to wear the body cams
3. Despite the driver being charged for the possession of the fire arm, the shooting may bear a valid reason for it to happen, which, I suppose, the IPCC will finalise on; after gathering enough 'facts'.

Once again, whether committed by a brown, black, pink or a white, a crime is a crime. Ethnicity shouldn't be ridiculed of stereotyped for it, but some ethnicities' 'Don' bravado subculture that they have developed within them, in some areas of the U.K., has to be blamed for.

If the lad was a clean cut ethnic killed by some ethnic or non-ethnic mafia, or even by the police, due some sort of stereotypical baseless suspicion, the media and public reaction would have been very different. I'm not saying that the victim was definitely a criminal, but his association with the dodgy people could have been the reason why he was killed.

bustaMOVEs 07 January 2017 02:10 PM

TH im not dening or disagreeing with you or anyone else for that matter, i cant answer all the questions but it's totally wrong to ridicule someones family like that poster did.
Most of it might be true as i said before, doesn't look good, its just the way how folk are saying stuff without facts.
Take the lamboghini thats the prime photo for example thats portraying that he is a big time gangster etc etc, well i know for a fact that it was a rental vehicle as most of us have had these types of cars prior, i had a rols royce phantom, new r35 GTR when they just came out and a jag XFR for my wedding , now if you find a photo of me with them cars dressed casually does that mean im dodgy?

Im not comenting any further on this thread as i just don't want to be involved in this. ;)

njkmrs 07 January 2017 04:37 PM

Think I will give it a rest as well....

hodgy0_2 07 January 2017 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by bustaMOVEs (Post 11908499)
Take the lamboghini thats the prime photo for example thats portraying that he is a big time gangster etc etc, well i know for a fact that it was a rental vehicle ;)

yes, I saw that photo - very cynical if true

Turbohot 07 January 2017 06:58 PM

Originally Posted by bustaMOVEs (Post 11908499)
TH im not dening or disagreeing with you or anyone else for that matter, i cant answer all the questions but it's totally wrong to ridicule someones family like that poster did.
Most of it might be true as i said before, doesn't look good, its just the way how folk are saying stuff without facts.
Take the lamboghini thats the prime photo for example thats portraying that he is a big time gangster etc etc, well i know for a fact that it was a rental vehicle as most of us have had these types of cars prior, i had a rols royce phantom, new r35 GTR when they just came out and a jag XFR for my wedding , now if you find a photo of me with them cars dressed casually does that mean im dodgy?

No, having a photo taken with a Lambo doesn't make anyone dodgy. Loads of people go to Silverstone car days, rent and drive such cars for a day and get their pictures taken with them. No big deal, and that's not a sign for someone to be dodgy. Even if he owned it, it makes him look rich, not necessarily dodgy.

His family (mother's excessive crying etc.) is being ridiculed due to some people's cultural ignorance. Additionally, I think some people are finding it hard to believe that his family didn't know or ever suspect his associations. Media sources have a lot to answer to that.

Im not comenting any further on this thread as i just don't want to be involved in this. ;)
I understand, bustaMOVEs. Hopefully, the IPCC's report will cast better light on the case.

theboy 07 January 2017 07:19 PM

I'm a bit late joining the thread but this happened about 3 miles from my house on a junction that I pass quite often. Whats more annoying about the situation is that the Police allowed all these mourners to practically close the junction again when they held a vigil. I'm in the wrong job, it would appear a Office clerk can afford supercars???

Turbohot 07 January 2017 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by theboy (Post 11908559)
I'm in the wrong job, it would appear a Office clerk can afford supercars???

Yes, I read that in the inquest he was informed as an office clerk. Perhaps the car business is his dad's, and he did the admin as an office clerk for him?

About the lambo, bustaMOVEs has informed in a post above that it was a rental, he didn't own it.

gazzawrx 08 January 2017 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11908428)
I think some of these so called slightly dodgy types don't even realise themselves that they are " drug dealing gangsters" in the eyes of the law.

4 mates all smoke weed, one day they come up with the bright idea of instead of buying an eighth each for 20 quid they should club together and buy half an ounce (double the amount of weed for the same money) makes perfect sense right?

Two of them go to get it, come back and divide it up between all four of them, quarter each (nice one) couple of them give half what they got to other mates and make back their original 20 quid and smoke for free. :cool:

Couple of days later they go back and do the same, but this time the guy they get it off says look just take an ounce because you're baiting my gaff up keep coming backwards and forwards all the time, they say we haven't got enough cash for an ounce, he says no worries man just pay me next time, we were at school together so I know you're good for it.

Now with that they take it, pass half on to other friends and all four smoke for free, fantastic eh!!!

They've just unwittingly turned themselves into a 'drug gang' in the eyes of the law, yet all they were was a few mates having a smoke.

It's something that happens up and down the country, all over the world everyday.

One mans "drug dealer" is another mans mate with good contacts. :lol1:

If they bought half ounze then they only got 3.5grammes each as theres 2 quaters in a half, each quater weighs 7 grammes and theres 14grammes to half ounze:p

Before you ask yeah i smoke weed on occasion:thumb:

ditchmyster 08 January 2017 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by gazzawrx (Post 11908796)
If they bought half ounze then they only got 3.5grammes each as theres 2 quaters in a half, each quater weighs 7 grammes and theres 14grammes to half ounze:p

Before you ask yeah i smoke weed on occasion:thumb:

Been a while for me, but obviously the damage has been done. :lol1:

I did notice what I'd done started to change it then thought it would be more entertaining to leave it and see if I got a bite. ;) :D

The Trooper 1815 08 January 2017 06:54 PM

I think this one as ran it course already. It's fell off the best seller list already - in the famous quote from Blackadder "March in the guilty barstard!".

JTaylor 08 January 2017 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11908802)
Been a while for me, but obviously the damage has been done. :lol1:

I did notice what I'd done started to change it then thought it would be more entertaining to leave it and see if I got a bite. ;) :D

Of course you did, Ditch.

ditchmyster 08 January 2017 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11908818)
Of course you did, Ditch.

:lol1: you're being quite provocative lately.

I can assure you that I did actually, the original mistake was genuine and the lack of correction deliberate. :thumb:

I've not smoked weed for 17yrs now, quit on the night of the new milenium, had an epiphany on the top of mount sinai of all places. :lol1:

JTaylor 08 January 2017 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11908830)
:lol1: you're being quite provocative lately.

I can assure you that I did actually, the original mistake was genuine and the lack of correction deliberate. :thumb:

I've not smoked weed for 17yrs now, quit on the night of the new milenium, had an epiphany on the top of mount sinai of all places. :lol1:

Been to Sinai, didn't climb it. I was an atheist at the time and was sitting on the coach on the way there, surrounded by pilgrims, telling them why they were absolutely stark raving mad to believe the Moses story. One of them said "this is quite special to us" and I shut up. On the way back an old man said "what you don't understand is that whether the story is true or not rather misses the point". I didn't get that until about a decade later.

ditchmyster 08 January 2017 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11908840)
Been to Sinai, didn't climb it. I was an atheist at the time and was sitting on the coach on the way there, surrounded by pilgrims, telling them why they were absolutely stark raving mad to believe the Moses story. One of them said "this is quite special to us" and I shut up. On the way back an old man said "what you don't understand is that whether the story is true or not rather misses the point". I didn't get that until about a decade later.

You should have gone up if only for the spectacular view and a hot chocolate at the shop on the top :lol1: I went up on the back of a Camel and walked / rock hopped back down, the splif I had in the hotel before was a bad idea and that's when I decided enough was enough, new milenium and all that, it had to be done.

Funny thing is, I thought it would be funny to burn some bush ala Mosses style and it kind of back fired. :lol1:

SumoPower 09 January 2017 10:53 AM

The police would have had to jump through several hoops and have gold plated information to believe that this man was a danger to the public and the police. Plus with the global security levels being heightened with probable terrorist attack threats then they did the right thing.

The general public only hear about 1% of what happens and the media twist that info anyway. The police are just normal men and women that put there lives at risk to make the world a safer place. I dont need to the know how, why or when and i dont want to. No news is good news in my opinion. They shot this guy for good reason so that is all i need to know. The police and the security services are always given a hard time over everything they do that we hear about. It is the 100s of things they do and we dont hear about that is the most important job they do for us.

Sorry for the rant, that is my two pence worth and soap box put away....

The Trooper 1815 10 January 2017 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by SumoPower (Post 11908987)
The police would have had to jump through several hoops and have gold plated information to believe that this man was a danger to the public and the police. Plus with the global security levels being heightened with probable terrorist attack threats then they did the right thing.

The general public only hear about 1% of what happens and the media twist that info anyway. The police are just normal men and women that put there lives at risk to make the world a safer place. I dont need to the know how, why or when and i dont want to. No news is good news in my opinion. They shot this guy for good reason so that is all i need to know. The police and the security services are always given a hard time over everything they do that we hear about. It is the 100s of things they do and we dont hear about that is the most important job they do for us.

Sorry for the rant, that is my two pence worth and soap box put away....

^^^^^^^^ love it :thumb:

njkmrs 10 January 2017 07:09 PM

Sounds like he was a popular lad.
Collection for his funeral stands at £300 so far...
Visit gofundme if you wish to increase this.
Tells its own story realy.

ditchmyster 10 January 2017 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by njkmrs (Post 11909436)
Sounds like he was a popular lad.
Collection for his funeral stands at £300 so far...
Visit gofundme if you wish to increase this.
Tells its own story realy.

Thought his dad has something like 100 houses. :wonder: If they're short of a few bob they could always flog a few of the cameras they have dotted around the outside of the house, should raise a few quid. :thumb:

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