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DrEvil 15 November 2002 08:42 PM

rant on..

Although I agree that with the current climate and cost of living, buying houses etc... that Fire-persons may require more money - this also applies to nurses, police etc... etc.. and in short, what the f*** gives them the right to hold the country to ransom?

4% now + 7% next year was more than reasonable, especially considering the current economic situation.

So many people I know are out of work at the moment due to redundancy... and a lot of people i know have taken pay cuts (in various forms) to stay in a job... but as Jon1T said, nobody is up in arms about the way these people have been (or are being) treated.

rant off..

I agree the Fire crews do an amazing job that not all of us could do and yes, 20K doesn't seem an awful lot.. but there are many other industries that this same statement applies to..

I'll get back in my tree now...

[Edited by DrEvil - 11/15/2002 8:47:29 PM]

andy oakes 16 November 2002 01:49 AM

p lewis............
Yep, same old story m8!!
Sick to death of your negative dribble..
pete, i told you a couple of weeks mate,get a life!
You even lowered yourself by looking in my profile, checked out my occupation and slagged me off!! "Painter / decorator!! Yeah, and 10 blokes on the books.....
Cant wait for the next Bolney meet, Ill be introducing myself to you!!

However the firefighters deserve a fcuk more than what they get now!

remember to blow out your candles tonight!!
Regards Andy

AnDy_PaNdY 16 November 2002 09:14 AM

Andy, calm down mate, Pete makes some excellent points.

andy oakes 16 November 2002 09:28 AM

I dont need to calm down andy, I was actually very relaxed when I made my point!
Apart from my day job I am a retained firefighter @ Ashford station, and felt some of the comments a bit delicate if you know what I mean
Freedom of speech is one thing and Im up for it,but when you read some of the sweeping statements from certain people who know nothing whatsoever about the involvement of our job it pi$$es you off!!

Rant over!!

Sheepsplitter 16 November 2002 10:07 AM

pslewis: Did you support the miners or Maggie back in the old days?

pslewis 16 November 2002 08:41 PM

Miners!! :D really!! - they were LOSING their jobs FFS!!

Oh, I see Andy - are those threats?? Dont make me laugh mate - It will be Andy Croakes if you decide to mess with 20 stone of mad yorkshireman!!! ;)

Do us all a favour and go play with your hose!! :D


benview7 16 November 2002 08:48 PM

Come on Guys calm down,!!!!!!!!! We are all supposed to get on with each other surely what this site is all about? why dont you both just agree to to differ about the Fire Dispute, respect each others views even though you dont agree but at least try and be friendly with each other and stop the threats or maybe this 19stone Mad Scotsman might just have to come and referee LOL come on guys lighten up.. discussion is a great thing but not when it leads to violence.

pslewis 16 November 2002 08:52 PM

BUT BEN - Andy Croakes is going to beat me up at the next meet and now I am pooping myself - cant contain the fear, will you please protect me?? :( :( please, his 10 book men will join in and sort me out!!!!

I never threaten anyone - no need to, never found anyone willing to take a swipe at me (despite my playful nature!! ;))

He will calm down - no need to worry - we can all get on!! :D


[Edited by pslewis - 11/16/2002 8:53:23 PM]

Luke 16 November 2002 08:55 PM


It wasnt long ago you posted ,you where 17 stone ??? And now your 20 stone.Stop eating you fat *******!!B.asterd

[Edited by Luke - 11/16/2002 8:56:05 PM]

pslewis 16 November 2002 08:59 PM

Luke - I go up and down. Depends if I am working out with the boys at the time or not - at the moment I am. When I was 17 stone it was summer 2001, I had damaged my back so wasnt training and the muscle started fading, lost 2 1/2 stone!! :eek:

I am glad I am back up to my 'Fighting' weight!! The lads didnt stop when I did, they are bl00dy MASSIVE!!! 22 stones and 6'7"!! Thats why I am crapping myself now AndyCraokes is going to beat me up!! :(


[Edited by pslewis - 11/16/2002 9:03:26 PM]

benview7 16 November 2002 09:05 PM

LOL M8 typical bloody Yorkshireman!!!!!! I loved it when I stayed in Yorkshire really felt at home with you Mad lot your really all just Scotsmen with the brains taken out???? or maybe we are just Yorkshiremen with our brains out? good sense of humour saves the day Cheers

pslewis 16 November 2002 09:06 PM

Nice reply Ben!! ;)


naughtybutnice 16 November 2002 09:12 PM

pete, gilchrist(?) is a wanker who thinks he's scargill or summat, however i do think that they deserve £8.50 per hour for, when the sh1t goes off they are there chuckin themselves in regardless of their own saftey. ..look, there was a raf plane crash up in shap, nr kendal a few years ago, and the plane was heading for a school, and the pilot and co-pilot stayed with the plane until they knew they had missed the school! both were killed, no-one else was injured. they earn about 65k+ a year, but if they had crashed into the school/ village etc , who would be the only people there able to help in a disaster... firemen, come on mate,o.k., its well rare for that to happen i know, but we need well trained people to be able to help in those circumstances.They do that, and more!
Look at the army, best in the world, because we have people willing to do that stuff for the country (n all that)
jibber over
p.s. ive only read the first and last pages of this thread and if this reads wank then soz all :)

benview7 16 November 2002 09:13 PM

Nice Guy????????/ LOL

andy oakes 17 November 2002 06:01 PM


Stueyb 17 November 2002 08:14 PM

Heres my tupence worth.

They are taking the pi$$. When was the last time you say a fireman in a rusty fiesta - never. They have it easy me thinks. Yes its a dangerous job, but when was the last time you heard about a firemans death. I think it currently runs at about one every 5 years.

As for the antisocial hours etc, for fscks sake, when a mission critical server pops, i have to work till its fixed, sometimes I can end up working 38 hours in 48. The poor ickle fireman would have been releived by then.

A final thought, if my house burns down id sue the f**kers and the union for every last penny. Deriliction of duty comes to mind.

pslewis 17 November 2002 09:12 PM

Very Intelligent Statement AndyCroakes! :rolleyes: says it all really!!

Its bl00dy lucky for us all that your chosen career doesnt need much between the ears my man!! :D


[Edited by pslewis - 11/17/2002 9:16:46 PM]

Carlos The Jackel 17 November 2002 11:13 PM

[Edited by pslewis - 11/17/2002 9:16:46 PM]
Take more than on attempt pete? :D

pslewis 17 November 2002 11:15 PM

Should that read ONE attempt? ;)

Yes, I do so HATE spelling mistakes - one of my fetishes sorry :D


Harry Potter 17 November 2002 11:34 PM

A multitude of comments from a personal perspective...

1. In the village I grew up in most of the lads wanted to be firemen as it was so well paid/job security/job flexibility/early pension/women go mad for them etc.

2. My best buddies in the village were sons of retained fire officers, they attended every open day, polished the engines etc in the hope of getting in.

3. From the age of 15.5 to 28 they applied in vain for every advert and were never shortlisted...........sons of "real fire men" were brought into the club.

4 My local building developer used to build houses using "off duty (in fact sometimes on duty) fire men"...always cash in hand.....the fire men all drove Jags (which impressed the ladies :cool: )

5. My friends became scaffolders as that was about as well paid but they had to work 6 days a week out doors risking their necks! They hoped showing they had a head for heights would put them in good stead.............they gave up applying when they were told they were too old and "a head for heights" isn't necessary!

6. A great friend in London is a management BSC drop out (a 3rd ) ;) he joined the service "for the sex and the flexible working practices" his father was an officer in Lambeth and "it was my birthright"! :eek: As a senior Fire officer he earns a mint enough to have several flats in Waterloo when 2 Drs in training couldn't ,manage more than 1 between them. He used his time off to buy and develop flats etc, run a taxi, part own a hairdressers and so on :rolleyes:

7. As a Consultant Psychiatrist I see:
A) Depressed Teachers.
B) Depressed Nurses.
C) Depressed Custom officers
D) Depressed Doctors.
E) Depressed Social workers.
F) Depressed Taxmen.
G) Depressed Ambulance men/women.

Because this Governement has spent years trying to squeeze blood out of the public sector stone, coupled with ridiculous paper work linked to politically motivated targets and iniatives [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

I only see depressed "token fire men/women" from ethnic minorities and women............because of the culture. In a lot of stations, to belong you have to "fit in with a lads culture" I could go into politically correct details but won't.

8) Public sector pay is usually very poor in comparison to private companies, the trade off is "job security and pension"! You unemployed IT guys only know this too well :(

9) In my opinionated opinion 40% is a political wind up, they will loose, they will make it easier to screw the other public sector work groups.

10) For your information uncle Tony and Milburn offered Consultants a 10% pay increase to increase the working hours from 35 a week to 40 a week. This includes 8am to 10pm and 9am to 1pm Sat and Sun morning. Free afternoons off at work to watch sky+ in order to keep overall hours "worked" below the 48 hours a week, (EU directive) ...........infact vast majority of Consultants work 65-80 hours a week for the NHS (paid for 35 hours [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] ). When I started traing 12 years ago I worked 132 hours a week for £2-38 an hour. Medical school applicants have fallen from 34 per place to 2 per place!

11) Fire fighting is a popular job.........maybe it is time to end closed shop protective practices and give them a wage increase reflecting flexible working practices.

12) All the emergency and health services are exposed to gore..............they are not unique.

Dave P 18 November 2002 08:40 AM

My wife spoke to her Dad at the weekend, a just retired fireman. He reckons they are mad striking. Also explained that the shift pattern is:

2 days on.
2 nights on, during which they sleep if there is no call out
4 days off....
plus holiday assume 4 weeks.

so buy my reckoning a fireman works 168 days vs my 235 days. Then add in the fact that of these 168 days 84 of them he may get some sleep, 21k sounds like a pretty fair deal to me.


SimonH 18 November 2002 08:52 AM

Sorry, not entirely relevant but this was posted on the previous page:

raf plane crash up in shap, nr kendal a few years ago, and the plane was heading for a school, and the pilot and co-pilot stayed with the plane until they knew they had missed the school! both were killed, no-one else was injured. they earn about 65k+ a year,
No they/we don't. You're thinking of airline pilots. If we earned that sort of money the RAF wouldn't be so short of pilots....

Thank you. You may now all return to the Celebrity Deathmatch :)

pslewis 19 November 2002 11:39 AM

This cannot go to page 2 - the lazy good for nothing Firefighters!!


DrEvil 19 November 2002 01:40 PM

Harry Potter/Anders - nicely put mate.

uncle buck 19 November 2002 02:50 PM

The to$$ers reckon they want tailor made uniforms now as part of the 'modernisation' package :rolleyes:

FFS - are they taking the pi$$ or what?!

naughtybutnice 19 November 2002 07:54 PM

Simon, apologies, but while we are on the subject... you really dont earn 50k + for doin the job you lot do???????
for ****s sake, you lot are the best of the best in the world and you dont earn that much??????
i know in the past you havent had much to do(sic!) but with bush in charge, you must be on perminant alert!!!!

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