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fatscoobfella1 14 August 2009 01:03 AM


Oh be jesus......

Is that what once was an interesteing thread is reduced to ????

TelBoy 14 August 2009 08:33 AM

Seems so, FSF. Thing is you see, when you've read our little "exchange" so you can post your very valuable contribution, and STILL you come out with;

Originally Posted by fatscoobfella1 (Post 8880463)
Then if you still like musicals,your definately gonna be an actor on TV soon...

It does my fcuking head in. Sorry but it does.

But anyway, back on topic. House prices. House across the road from me sold within four days earlier this week. Needed a lot doing to it too. You don't often see houses on my road up for sale, but even so, i thought four days was impressive. :)

SunnySideUp 14 August 2009 08:57 AM

Bloke at work put his house on the market last week, 2 days and 3 viewings later he had 2 offers.

Asking Price £210k, 1st offer £180k - turned down, 2nd offer from different buyer was £206k - accepted.

The first offer was from someone who had been looking for 12 months - they have clearly waited too long and have missed the bargain time, but are still trying it on. Second buyer is new to the market and has bought.

In 3 months we will (not just me) wonder what all the fuss was about!!

Deep Singh 14 August 2009 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 8880604)
Bloke at work put his house on the market last week, 2 days and 3 viewings later he had 2 offers.

Asking Price £210k, 1st offer £180k - turned down, 2nd offer from different buyer was £206k - accepted.

The first offer was from someone who had been looking for 12 months - they have clearly waited too long and have missed the bargain time, but are still trying it on. Second buyer is new to the market and has bought.

In 3 months we will (not just me) wonder what all the fuss was about!!

You must live in a **** hole Pete if houses where you are sell for £200K!!:eek:

Deep Singh 14 August 2009 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 8877931)
Unemployment is a lagging indicator - it continues to climb after the green shoots have turned into flowers.

The IMF did, indeed, get it completely wrong when they suggested the UK 'could' be badly hit .... the skills of the ex-chancellor (hate it or not) pulled the UK out far faster than any other nation - as can be seen all around.

Shares UP - fact

Houses being sold - fact

£ holding against other currencies - fact

Car Sales UP - fact

Retail Sales UP - fact

Yeah, really doom and gloom in UK plc! ..... whatever it was, and it was diddly squat, is over - passed - gone - finished - kerput - the roses are about to bloom, there is no doom!

Yes UK plc is doing very well. Thats why they have been warning by the ratings agency that govt debt might have its AAA rating down graded:thumb:

hodgy0_2 14 August 2009 11:20 AM

this is a very long winded thread that basically has, at it's heart, the simple fact that the housing market is just that a market.

and prices will reach a level that the market can bare, taking into account what we know about markets – i.e. that they are sometimes irrational and can rely too heavily on blank sentiment with little regard to the underlying fundementals.

anything priced right will sell, whatever the state of the market.

Bears sh1t in the woods after all!!!

SunnySideUp 14 August 2009 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by Deep Singh (Post 8880820)
You must live in a **** hole Pete if houses where you are sell for £200K!!:eek:

:lol1: Bloke I am speaking of lives 20 miles away ....... and it's an Ex-Council House, on an Ex Council Estate - and we know what that does to property prices ..

But, point I was trying to make was that it sold in a couple of days.

SunnySideUp 14 August 2009 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by Deep Singh (Post 8880827)
Yes UK plc is doing very well. Thats why they have been warning by the ratings agency that govt debt might have its AAA rating down graded:thumb:

there is a little word in that which renders the rest rubbish ..... that's the word 'MIGHT' ................... like the World MIGHT End Tomorrow! :rolleyes: ;)

SunnySideUp 14 August 2009 02:29 PM

"The number of homes repossessed in the UK fell 10% in the second quarter of the year compared with the previous three months, lenders say"

Like I said, all done and dusted ......

Steve vRS 14 August 2009 02:52 PM

The ying to your yang ==> Number of home owners falling behind with mortgage repayments rises, CML says - Telegraph


SunnySideUp 22 August 2009 01:50 PM

Well, the Express tells us today that we should all cheer up - it's finished, all over, roses are flowering and all is well .................. told you so!!

Steve vRS 22 August 2009 08:58 PM

The same Dianna fixated Express that was sued by the McCanns for spouting inaccurate sh1te over a sustained hate campaign?


SunnySideUp 22 August 2009 11:15 PM

That's the one .....

Leslie 23 August 2009 12:18 PM

How do you think it will be when we have to start paying the interest on the national debt of close to a trillion, and cope with the inflation caused by "quantative easing", and not to forget all the PFI charges?


Klaatu 23 August 2009 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 8897335)
How do you think it will be when we have to start paying the interest on the national debt of close to a trillion, and cope with the inflation caused by "quantative easing", and not to forget all the PFI charges?


Emissions trading? It's the only tax gauranteed to grow.

FlightMan 23 August 2009 02:06 PM

Another 2.x pence on petrol at the start of the month.

Diesel 23 August 2009 02:13 PM

With this cr@p summer and this massive debt to repay I think now is the time to leg-it! Those of us that have been wise and chosen Mattress Banking PLC 'always a soft landing' may yet be found larging it outside the Euro zone where we can even even afford a cup of coffee from a cafe!!


SunnySideUp 23 August 2009 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 8897335)
How do you think it will be when we have to start paying the interest on the national debt of close to a trillion, and cope with the inflation caused by "quantative easing", and not to forget all the PFI charges?


The taxpayers are going to make one hell of a profit off the Banking Shares it owns .... that should sort it - seems like Labour have done a fantastic job IMO :thumb:

stevebt 23 August 2009 07:51 PM

That is true with the bank shares :) 69p a share and if they rise back to £10 or what ever they were. Most of the money the government has spent has all be loans so the debt will be cleared sometime ???

kingofturds 23 August 2009 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by stevebt (Post 8898069)
That is true with the bank shares :) 69p a share and if they rise back to £10 or what ever they were. Most of the money the government has spent has all be loans so the debt will be cleared sometime ???


fatscoobfella1 23 August 2009 11:08 PM


I was looking at getting a loan to finance a bit of an extravangant purchase.. Never had a loan and have cash in the bank.Dont owe a penny to anyone anymore either,but it cost more to borrow money now than it did 5 years since...

I thought the interest rate had gone down ???

All political bollocks as usual is it ?

SunnySideUp 23 August 2009 11:23 PM

If you have never had a Loan before - how do you know it costs more now than 5 years ago?

What APR are you being quoted?

fatscoobfella1 23 August 2009 11:29 PM

Because i looked 5 years ago about borrowing cash,but used mt savings to pay off my existing mortgage..

APR quoted was 7.9% from A&L,thats who we currently bank with..Pretty sure it was 6.5% when i last enquired..

But thought borrowing was cheap now as the BOE base rate is so low..

SunnySideUp 23 August 2009 11:46 PM

Banks are not lending to each other at the base rate ..... neither are they paying wise savers 0.5% either.

I am getting 4% - they cannot sell a Loan to you at less than about 8% I wouldn't have thought?

fatscoobfella1 24 August 2009 12:03 AM


There is a couple at just under 8%,nationwide being the cheapest IIRC.

What i was tryng to imply was,despite all this low interest feather preening by NL and the BOE,nobody is actually benefitting from it...:(

SunnySideUp 24 August 2009 12:11 AM

No-one was supposed to benefit from it .... not us mere mortals, it was done to save the world economic system - seems like it has succeeded?

fatscoobfella1 24 August 2009 08:52 AM

You think ?? Even though we have had to employ quantative easing to the tune of £125billion,And interest rates are the lowest they have been in 300yrs+ ??

Think its far too early to tell really.

I thought part of the interest rate fall was to benefit borrowers and house buyers ? In turn,kick starting the housing market and consumer spending.

With the drop in house prices and interest rates,houses should be being snapped up.Thats not happening,even though the market seems to be pulling out of the downward spiral we have been in for 18 months or so.

Local high streets are still looking grim as small businesses are closing down and people lose there jobs.

I think 2010 will be a pivotal year..We will either see a "real" visual upturn in the economy or reality will bite with high interest rates and continued downturn in consumer spending,and all the implications that it brings.

Leslie 24 August 2009 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by stevebt (Post 8898069)
That is true with the bank shares :) 69p a share and if they rise back to £10 or what ever they were. Most of the money the government has spent has all be loans so the debt will be cleared sometime ???

How many years do you think it will take to clear a national debt of close to £1 trillion as well as paying off the interest? Where is that money going to come from?


Leslie 24 August 2009 11:16 AM

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 8898039)
The taxpayers are going to make one hell of a profit off the Banking Shares it owns .... that should sort it - seems like Labour have done a fantastic job IMO :thumb:

I thought all that profit that they are showing at the moment was going into obscene salaries and bonuses for all those who were responsible for the recession in the first place!

Your heros are as weak as water when it comes to dealing with them!

Les :(

njkmrs 24 August 2009 12:05 PM

BBC News today states Britain is coming out of the recession .A little bit later than I reported it but hey ,!!!!!!

As for interest rates ,yes they came down for people who have already borrowed ,but that does not mean the Banks will then lend at such low levels to new customers.Hence unsecured loans are much higher than they were a couple of years ago .And you wont get a new mortgage anywhere near .5% or indeed 1,2 or 3% .

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