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GlesgaKiss 29 October 2016 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 11889362)
You sound normal, I have close relationships with lots of normal people so I'm good at spotting it.

I know what you're saying. But there is more to it than something I've typed on an Internet forum. I'd love to be normal. I hope I am. It was only suggested to me in my last CBT, but it was a strong suggestion. A lot of the other aspects do make sense as well.

hodgy0_2 29 October 2016 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by GlesgaKiss (Post 11889358)
Maybe a little weird .

I get that tbh

people label it, in my case as "eccentric"

I am called a bit "eccentric" all the time

to a point I understand where Jack is coming from, the Medical profession love to medicalise things - it is what they are good at after all

but it can feel like a lazy mechanism of excusing certain behaviour by putting people in a box

but it is also necessary sometimes, as it allows someone to get on a treatment pathway - if they require it

GlesgaKiss 29 October 2016 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11889368)
I get that tbh

people label it, in my case as "eccentric"

I am called a bit "eccentric" all the time

to a point I understand where Jack is coming from, the Medical profession love to medicalise things - it is what they are good at after all

but it can feel like a lazy mechanism of excusing certain behaviour by putting people in a box

but it is also necessary sometimes, as it allows someone to get on a treatment pathway - if they require it

All valid points I agree with. Even if I do have aspergers, I know myself and the CBT has only confirmed that my current situation in life is my own fault, although that's a heavy way of putting it. I've had plenty of friends, groups of friends ive said no to over the years. The more I avoided going to things the more uncomfortable they became and the more people stopped asking. So fair's fair.

scoobyboy1 29 October 2016 10:20 PM

My 8 year old son has Aspergers and ADHD, the Aspergers side of things me and my wife can handle and we accept its part of him and would not change it for the world, the ADHD part is the hardest and hopefully he will grow out of it when he is older.

We find that once he gets interested in a certain activity it becomes a obsession where he feels the need to know everything about the subject, the downside to the Aspergers is like thats already been mentioned that large groups of people he struggles with and seems shy around new people, once he gets to know you, he will talk your head off for days:D

hodgy0_2 29 October 2016 10:25 PM

Originally Posted by GlesgaKiss (Post 11889375)
confirmed that my current situation in life is my own fault,

as soon as I read the above line I thought - whoow that's a bit hard

then I read your next line

i'm a big believer in personal responsibility and not continually making excuses for yourself - to me that is an easy gig, and after all there is always someone worse off than yourself

but that is not to make light of your AS - and i hope you find ways to cope / adjust (if those are the right words) to it

i think accepting and understanding the situation probably help a lot

ditchmyster 30 October 2016 09:36 AM

:eek: Now I know whats wrong with me. :lol1:

Is there a condition called 'can't be arsed eye tie tis' because that's what I suffer from, I struggle to deal with the constant bollocks people come out with and just how stupid most people are :lol1: I have a very short fuse and feel the urge to slap people in the face, several times in the hope that it would knock some sense into them / make them wake up, or at least make me feel better, I like to think that makes me a caring feeling for my fellow man kind of guy :lol1:

So end result, I stay away from most things and people because I find it makes my life a much happier place, only really interact with them when I have to really, that said I never have problems making friends or interacting with people and am generally quite popular, I'm famous out here in Croatia and most people love me, go figure. :cuckoo: :lol1:

I was a VERY naughty boy as a child, mostly through boredom and would no doubt have been diagnosed with all manner of syndromes in todays society, always sent out of classes, regular visitor to the head of year and head masters office, regular receiver of the slipper and the cane and always fighting my peers (generally bullies) for myself and others who couldn't stick up for themselves.

I think i'm not really very normal at all based on all the drones and fools I meet/ interact with , in fact I'm a very rare person indeed. :D

Turbohot 30 October 2016 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by GlesgaKiss (Post 11889375)
All valid points I agree with. Even if I do have aspergers, I know myself and the CBT has only confirmed that my current situation in life is my own fault, although that's a heavy way of putting it. I've had plenty of friends, groups of friends ive said no to over the years. The more I avoided going to things the more uncomfortable they became and the more people stopped asking. So fair's fair.

Hey, Glega! Good to see you post again! :)

Easy. As you're becoming more aware of yourself via therapy, you can do something about the things that you may like to.

Perhaps you are Asperger's, or perhaps you aren't. Perhaps you have Asperger's traits but not really a full blown Asperger's. Whatever it is, take up some exercise to keep your depression at bay. With many declared Aspies, though, they become so engrossed with their interests which don't require moving their body (computer games, model colllecting etc.). Running etc.can be difficult for many Aspies due to their gait, so some take up body building. Thing is, one needs do some cardio, in order to get endorphins going. One can do their cardio on other machines e.g. static exercise bike, exercise trampoline etc.

Regarding interacting with people, you can attempt it in short dosages. Don't curse yourself, just because you're a bit of a loner. If you are, so what. If you prefer it, why not. Don't give yourself too much of a hard time for it. Yes, you may have a desire to develop close relationships with some people and find it difficult. In that case, behavioural change is the way to go, which your CBT should help you with. Many people, Aspies or else, don't always avoid company because they don't want to offend others due to their mindless, unempathic rambling. Instead, they often avoid others because they want to defend themselves from being disliked by others for their abrupt interaction style. Thing is, if avoiding people makes you happier and safer, it's fine; unless it's an irrational fear or intense, compulsive dislike for some targets or for the society as a whole, which is different. Such OCD can accompany Asperger's in some severe cases.

We're all odd in one way or other, Glesga. One will continue to experience dissonance and psychological unrest when one tries to become something or someone one is not. If we, as individuals, accept ourselves as we are, we experience great peace with ourselves. Whether others accept us for what we are, is up to them. As long as an Aspie 'type' isn't making bombs inside their house to blow up people and places, or hacking computers illegally for mere fun, it's fine to be a bit anti-sociable and an odd ball.

JackClark 30 October 2016 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 11889526)
Running etc.can be difficult for many Aspies due to their gait

I was somewhat joking when I said all Aspies look the same.

Turbohot 30 October 2016 03:10 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 11889529)
I was somewhat joking when I said all Aspies look the same.

A lot them walk the same or similar; differently to the ordinary folk's walk. It's not always the case with all Aspie type, though.

I generally find Aspie types absolutely adorable. Only a couple of them p7ssed me off in my life time.

GlesgaKiss 04 January 2017 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 11889537)
A lot them walk the same or similar; differently to the ordinary folk's walk. It's not always the case with all Aspie type, though.

I generally find Aspie types absolutely adorable. Only a couple of them p7ssed me off in my life time.

I've actually always been quite athletic and I have a physical job.

It's amazing what a couple of months can do. Understanding things has been key in feeling better but I've also worked hard to improve things I was struggling with. Ultimately over the last few months I've got pretty comfortable with myself again. More so than ever in fact. If I do have AS I reckon I must have been pretty fortunate in life because many are much worse off than me in the ways they're affected. There will be a lot of undiagnosed cases too. I've learned it can be very different from one person to the other. Varying degrees and different kinds of traits - different coping mechanisms too.

Turbohot 05 January 2017 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by GlesgaKiss (Post 11907770)
I've actually always been quite athletic and I have a physical job.

It's amazing what a couple of months can do. Understanding things has been key in feeling better but I've also worked hard to improve things I was struggling with. Ultimately over the last few months I've got pretty comfortable with myself again. More so than ever in fact. If I do have AS I reckon I must have been pretty fortunate in life because many are much worse off than me in the ways they're affected. There will be a lot of undiagnosed cases too. I've learned it can be very different from one person to the other. Varying degrees and different kinds of traits - different coping mechanisms too.

Yes, Happy NY 2017 to you, Glesgakiss! :)

Doesn't matter if you don't wish back the same to me. Many don't greet back in response here, or thank for being appreciated/congratulated etc. They have the Scoobynet Syndrome. :D

GlesgaKiss 05 January 2017 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 11907887)
Yes, Happy NY 2017 to you, Glesgakiss! :)

Doesn't matter if you don't wish back the same to me. Many don't greet back in response here, or thank for being appreciated/congratulated etc. They have the Scoobynet Syndrome. :D

Happy new year to you Turbohot! 😁

Turbohot 05 January 2017 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by GlesgaKiss (Post 11907940)
Happy new year to you Turbohot! 😁

:luxhello: :cool: :)

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