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The Zohan 09 May 2012 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by EddScott (Post 10615228)
Isn't it more reflection on "whites" that our children end up being in this position?

If the darkies can't help themselves and we are supposed to be superior, how is it they are using our children?

Unfortunately for the asian community its very easy for the media to throw sh1t and it sticks.

Agreed, some of the kids where in care homes and some with so called parents, both of which have failed the children miserably.

Also the CPS could have put a stop to this two years ago but decided not to prosecute...

ReallyReallyGoodMeat 09 May 2012 11:06 AM

Sentencing now... sounds like they are getting some proper sentences.

The Zohan 09 May 2012 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by ReallyReallyGoodMeat (Post 10615273)
Sentencing now... sounds like they are getting some proper sentences.

Hopefully 20+ years & no parole given the severity of their crimes!

The Zohan 09 May 2012 11:13 AM

A Muslim community leader has said there is a "problem" of British Pakistani men thinking "white girls are worthless and can be abused".

And the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) said it was "investigating why there may be a majority of Asians in these particular kinds of offence".

A bit of a sweeping and dangerous statement and i find this hard to believe that all Pakistani men feel this way.

David Lock 09 May 2012 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by The Zohan (Post 10615278)
Hopefully 20+ years & no parole given the severity of their crimes!

Agreed - hopefully life with 20 year minimum.

And I hope efforts are being made to track down other men not directly connected to "ring" but who abused these girls.

Sex with a drugged up 13 year old is pretty low down the scale.


New_scooby_04 09 May 2012 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10614770)
These Pakistanis are something like 100 times more likely to be involved in this sort of underage sex-gang goings on than whites.

Do you have a reference for that rather extraordinary claim?

Preferably not from the Daily Mail! :D

Maz 09 May 2012 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by EddScott (Post 10615228)
Isn't it more reflection on "whites" that our children end up being in this position?

If the darkies can't help themselves and we are supposed to be superior, how is it they are using our children?

Unfortunately for the asian community its very easy for the media to throw sh1t and it sticks.

This is the crux of the problem. Notwithstanding the fact that the perpetrators are animals and the whole incident is absolutley appalling, it is the ease with which they did it that I find most disturbing.
These lowlifes wouldn't have discriminated against females based on ethnicity that's a fact. The fact that young, white and vulnerable girls were most easily accessible is why they were targetted. This is a sad indictment of our society, the most vulnerable are the least protected.
There needs to be more protection and much better social care for these children. At the moment social care where children are concerned is seriously flawed, I'm sure everyone is aware of the high profile failures of late. This is another one to add to the list.:(

The Zohan 09 May 2012 12:25 PM

4 -19 years

davegtt 09 May 2012 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by urban (Post 10615152)
Sadly they won't though.
They'll be kept in isolation with those that have committed similar offences.

Personally I think they should be exported from the country - even if they were born here.

And where do you suppose we export them too (presuming they were born here)? Bit of a stupid statement unless we are creating Australia 2.

David Lock 09 May 2012 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by Einstein RA (Post 10615310)
This is the crux of the problem. Notwithstanding the fact that the perpetrators are animals and the whole incident is absolutley appalling, it is the ease with which they did it that I find most disturbing.
These lowlifes wouldn't have discriminated against females based on ethnicity that's a fact. The fact that young, white and vulnerable girls were most easily accessible is why they were targetted. This is a sad indictment of our society, the most vulnerable are the least protected.
There needs to be more protection and much better social care for these children. At the moment social care where children are concerned is seriously flawed, I'm sure everyone is aware of the high profile failures of late. This is another one to add to the list.:(

But no mention of parental responsibility?

The much maligned and overworked social workers have to pick up the pieces of s,hit parenting. It seems that in a very broad sense Pakistani families can keep their kids off the streets but us whities can't.

What's happened to the girls caught up in this mess? Into care I suppose and a downward spiral. Very sad.


urban 09 May 2012 12:50 PM

Originally Posted by davegtt (Post 10615382)
And where do you suppose we export them too (presuming they were born here)? Bit of a stupid statement unless we are creating Australia 2.

They will originate from somewhere, its not difficult.

davegtt 09 May 2012 01:02 PM

Not really, if they were born here then that's where they originate. If you go back far enough there isnt many people who (by your definition) originate here anymore. Why should Pakistan accept these criminals into their country?

ScoobyWon't 09 May 2012 01:10 PM

They'll be out in an average of 4 years each :mad:

urban 09 May 2012 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by davegtt (Post 10615424)
Not really, if they were born here then that's where they originate. If you go back far enough there isnt many people who (by your definition) originate here anymore. Why should Pakistan accept these criminals into their country?

I do

I'm not talking about having to go back that far.
Chances are the parents did not originate from the UK, chances are they moved here from Pakistan.

Leslie 09 May 2012 01:16 PM

If the girls had been brought up properly in the first place, it would have been a lot more difficult to groom them.

I hope the men responsible get very heavy sentences. It almost seems too much to hope for somehow though.

Les :()

jef 09 May 2012 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10615448)
If the girls had been brought up properly in the first place, it would have been a lot more difficult to groom them.

I hope the men responsible get very heavy sentences. It almost seems too much to hope for somehow though.

Les :()

"properly" is open to interpretation. they may well have been. unfortunatley in this world all is not perfect and there are many that are a victim of circumstances and restraints, inculding parents btw.
whatabout the job the parents of the criminals have done?

why not raise children with some sort of generally accepted morals - then this wouldnt happen. Thing is, we cant. each person is n individual and makes choices. paretns cant extend ultimate control.
yes ofcourse we can see the results quite clearly of lazy parenting, and all the associated problems - no denying, but its not lways that simple imo.

im not even reading any articles as its stomach churning tbh, i dont understand how sentancing works either, as often sentancing doesnt appear to reflect the seriosness of the crime imo.

f1_fan 09 May 2012 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by urban (Post 10615436)
I do

I'm not talking about having to go back that far.
Chances are the parents did not originate from the UK, chances are they moved here from Pakistan.

:lol1::lol1::lol1: This is a new low, even for you!

astraboy 09 May 2012 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10615229)
If this sort of grooming is more prevalent in people of Asian descent then it would be a good idea to find out why in much the same way as it would be a good idea to find out why nearly all serial killers are caucasian males.

That ones easy to answer. White girls are perceived to be "easy" in comparison to Asian girls as they don't have to worry about arranged marriage, lifelong shame if they get caught and honour killings if it all goes tits up. Looking at it from their point of view its a no brainer to prey on white girls, bottle of cider in em, give em a key coke, **** em, then discard them when they get boring.
Not defending their actions at all, but if you were in their position, which would you pick?

Shaid 09 May 2012 01:53 PM

Bookmarked to add to later...

Dr Hu 09 May 2012 02:17 PM

8 were of Pakistani Origin - 1 was from Afghanistan

Some of them ARE being deported after prison (source BBC news website).....

Hamid Safi, 22, of no fixed address, was also convicted of trafficking girls for the purposes of sexual exploitation and sentenced to four years.
He sneaked into the UK on a lorry in 2008 and claimed asylum. He will be deported to Afghanistan at the end of his sentence.

Mohammed Sajid, 35, of Jephys Street, Rochdale, also convicted of one count of rape, sexual activity with a girl under 16 and trafficking for sexual exploitation, was jailed for 12 years.
He will be deported back to Pakistan following the conclusion of his sentence.

SinghSuperStud 09 May 2012 02:30 PM

It's the mentality of these people.

I live in a quite large asian community (mainly Pakistani) with myself being of Indian origin. I have heard first hand stories of 'line-ups' etc with white girls and pakistani youths. Although not as systematic as what's happened in this case you can see the similarities and how it could turn into something where the girls are effectively pimped out to others.

Whilst we shouldn't be racist we should be asking the question .....

why are pakistani men over-represented in this crime ?

Nobody is turning this into a race/religion/creed thing but no point hiding from the truth. It's the PC correctness that has prevented people from asking the right questions and getting the right answers.

Also - society needs to ask a general question as to why girls as young as they are hang around streets and falling prey to anybody who offers them a drink etc. I'm only 32 but pretty sure when I was growing up this wasn't the case.

Sad state of affairs :(

davegtt 09 May 2012 02:30 PM

That's ok then, I agree with the deportation in that specific case. Although I have mixed feelings on letting them serve their sentence here. I would have them deported now if I thought they would be sentenced and punished in their own country. Although Im not sure that would be the case. Saying that, would the Afghans chop off his winkle for underage sex or would he be praised for defiling a Westerner?

joz8968 09 May 2012 02:32 PM

They've got their hobbies....


davegtt 09 May 2012 02:34 PM

Racism aside, is it because being from a different culture, they not only respect these girls (and why should they if they give in so easy at the age of 13 to a bottle of Cider) but because they don't respect the laws of this country?

Maz 09 May 2012 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock (Post 10615386)
But no mention of parental responsibility?

The much maligned and overworked social workers have to pick up the pieces of s,hit parenting. It seems that in a very broad sense Pakistani families can keep their kids off the streets but us whities can't.

What's happened to the girls caught up in this mess? Into care I suppose and a downward spiral. Very sad.


Weren't some of the girls in care?
I agree that parental responsibility or lack of it is also to blame for such incidents. Some parents don't seem to either have the ability or inclination to look after their children.

Shaid 09 May 2012 05:05 PM

I am appalled and truly saddened by this.

Even more shocking is the fact that one of the crims tried playing the race card. Well HELLO Mr Peado! WTF were you expecting? A pat on the back!

Apparently his family have received a bit of racism. Well you should have thought about that before shouldn’t you!!! Plus a few names is nothing compared to what you dished out to said youngsters. Is it at al surprising that resentment towards us is growing at an alarming scale when we have creeps like this lot within our midst? How tolerant should Mr Joe Bloggs white guy be?

His defence, I mean WTF! How embarrassing is it to try and desperately clutch at the last straw trying to bring Nick Griffin into it. You look pathetic man! Just tell you clients to lube up and leave it at that.

Let's turn the cards around. We are all in Pakistan and white people move into our country. Some of these white people have formed little gangs and groom our young poor Pakistani girls using drugs and drink. How long would we tolerate it for? I doubt it more than 24 hours. They would be hung out to dry with their balls in their mouths. Would we be open minded and see these little gangs for what they are or would we paint the whole white community with one broad brush. I think the answer to this is one which we wouldn't want to admit to. The fact that even the right wing in this country are letting the pathetic law system deal with these ***** rather than stringing them out to dry is a credit to the indigenous people of Britain.

Why were these guys and many more like this able to operate in this way without detection from local friends and family. Could it be that we as the Pakistani Muslim community are suffering ostrich syndrome with our heads firmly buried in Britain’s concrete just wishing the problem would go away. Unfortunately the problem is not going to go away at all. Unless we are been seen to do something about 'our' issues then it is only a matter of time before the hosting populous deal with it for us. Unfortunately often in these scenarios those on the receiving end of a backlash are never the crims but Joe Pakistani Muslim guy on his way to work will be.

Now as Mr Singh from Walsall mentioned above why are these gangs mostly or perhaps always of Pakistani origin in the first place? If i was a gambling type i would put my finger on there origins being from Mirpur or Azad Kashmir.

Anyway, i'm peeved... more later!!

Shaid 09 May 2012 05:07 PM

Apologies for grammar and spelling above...!

specialx 09 May 2012 05:23 PM

This is a proper nasty thing and being a parent really makes my skin crawl but I feel in some ways this was slightly our governments making. (hear me out! ;))

The welfare state strikes again!
I wonder how many of the girls parents are on benefits?
How many of the girls parents were/are proper role models?
How many of the parents really care where their daughters are?
If the government manned the **** up and worked with doctors social workers etc we wouldn't be in this situation!
"so then sally you are 17 and pregnant you have no job and no home of your own?" Correct? Then why should we allow/pay for you to have this child you clearly cannot afford! This is where the problem starts in my opinion!

Kids are knowingly allowed to be born into poverty and neglect and the parents act as if it's a human right that we should pay for them and allow it to happen!

Just my 2 pence :thumb:

Xx-IAN-xX 09 May 2012 05:31 PM

Melt the dirty *******s in a vat of acid from the feet up.

RobsyUK 09 May 2012 06:13 PM

Why don't they **** them off back to pakistan. That's where they are from...even if they have green cards the government should make an example and start ****ing people off who can't behave. I so hope each is killed in side. Sick ****s.

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