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MarkO 21 June 2003 06:12 PM

If I was having a chat with someone, and he kept interupting me whenever I said something wrong ie using the wrong word, misspronouncing, or using slang, I would not be happy.
Okay, fair enough.

But to extend your scenario, if the unusual dialect, mis-pronunciation and excessive use of coloquialisms & slang of the person you were conversing with was so excessive that you were having difficulty understanding them, you might certainly be tempted to ask them to speak more clearly, or to repeat something they'd said. And if what they were saying was almost indecipherable because of their inability to use the language properly or intelligably, you might subconsciously perceive them as unintelligent....

Oh, and nobody was suggesting people should be pulled up on their literacy at every opportunity, or in response to every error/mistake they make. That'd irritate me just as much as the next man. Although you should be aware that 'discretion' is spelt with a 't'. ;) :p :D

Personally, I'm just expressing surprise and dismay at the general downturn in literacy these days - despite the fact that due to the 'net, more and more people are using the written word as a means of communication. :rolleyes:

[Edited by MarkO - 21/06/2003 18:19:58]

yoza 21 June 2003 06:23 PM

If you cant understand someone it doesnt mean they are un-intelligent, Ive had chats with people from Ireland and Scotland who Ive found it hard to understand(due to broad accents), but they were very intelligent.

yoza 21 June 2003 06:26 PM

You edited your post to correct your spelling of intelligant,(intelligent), but hey who gives a fcuk, not me.

MarkO 21 June 2003 06:53 PM

I edited my post to add 2 new paragraphs, as well you know. I've already mentioned earlier in this thread that I've specifically not edited typos 'cos I knew that would be the predictable response. I noticed I'd mis-spelt a word, so fixed it while I was there. Okay, so it doesn't matter, but on the other hand why not? :)

As for the accent issue, you're absolutely right. But I'm not talking about regional accents affecting the ability to understand, I'm talking about the ability to speak properly at all. Sure, I sometimes find it hard to understand bits of a 'thick' Aberdonian accent, but in that case I'll ask the person to repeat what they say, perhaps a little slower. It's not rude - I just want to hear what they're saying.

But that's a wholly different thing to somebody who mis-pronounces so badly that even people from their own region can't understand them....

MarkO 21 June 2003 06:57 PM

Oh, and I forgot to mention (although I've made this point already in this thread) - I wasn't implying that just because you can't understand somebody that they're unintelligent. I was saying that they may be subconsciously perceived as being unintelligent if they can't communicate their (very interesting and intelligent) opinions and thoughts, simply because their ability to speak or write is limited.

Shadow 21 June 2003 10:56 PM

originally posted by Leslie


I was referring to the original post which reads just like that. My point is that it is like saying to someone in general conversation and in company "I think you are an ugly person with bad breath" inferring of course that the man passing the comment is not. It is embarassing for the person who has been insulted and it is sheer bad manners.
If you are referring to the original post (mine) then also read the fifth post on the first page, and the nineteenth post on the second page (second from the bottom of the page).

I know it could come accross as condescending, that is not how it was originally meant :eek:
I just got fed up reading post after post where a large proportion of words were spelt wrongly.

I am glad that a lot of you agree with me, it is a shame that Simon (Webmaster) thought that it was not a worthy topic of discussion, surely we should all try to better ourselves?
This (trying to improve our spelling) is just another very small way to do that, or is that concept going to be called "elitist" or "non-pc"??

And I applaud the struggle that people with dyslexia have in trying to spell, that is due to a medical condition, and not just lazyness.

Mycroft 21 June 2003 11:04 PM

What is it with peoples spelling.


What is it with peoples' spelling?

It's a question you see!

People's is incorrect.

Even the apostrophe after the 's' in peoples is optional.

TelBoy 21 June 2003 11:11 PM

"Optional" according to whom Mr Wiltshire?

To those who need a get-out clause if they get it wrong..??

Check here for the definitive summary of correct usage. Nothing "optional" there...

Mycroft 22 June 2003 12:32 AM

That's the problem with I'net learning... it is rather singular in its' pronouncements...

MarkO 22 June 2003 10:33 AM

Mycroft, three points you should consider:

1. I already pointed out the irony of the punctuation error in a 'bad spelling' thread - about 4 pages ago. ;)

2. The apostrophe is not optional on "peoples'" in the context of this thread.

3. "Its" never has a trailing apostrophe, it's either "its" or "it's", but never "its'". :rolleyes:

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