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RaZe-=Buzz=- 04 November 2002 11:39 AM

RaZe-=Buzz=- BSc.(Hons.)Chem Eng

Still think Im stupid davyboy?

And who exactly did you think I was saying saw all these events? A mate of a mate of a mate? Santa Claus? Or me personally? Care to hazard a guess?

SOOOOO glad you can forgive my wife (Ferne) after you cast doubt on the truth regarding events that WE witnessed (not a mate of a mate of a mate btw ).

As you've been so gracious I withdraw my assertion that you are a tosser. OK?

davyboy 04 November 2002 11:49 AM

Whoop de doo you have letters after you name.

I understand where you are coming from, but insulting me does not help. I am putting across another point of view, you dont have to agree, and no matter how hard you try I am not just going to say, "You know, your right" as I doubt you will to me either.

Have a nice day, and say hi to Ferne for me :)

Andy Tang 04 November 2002 11:58 AM

You mean like my girlfriend driving her car from Parmers Green, and under the pretence of windscreen washing, open door and take her mobile out of the car kit.

Lone female, 3 male eastern European types. Sounds fair!! [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

According to the local newsagent owner this was the third time it happened in a week!! (They also steal the newspapers from his shop and sell them at the lights!!!) And what did the Police say when she called 999?? Go home and call your local station to report it!!! [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Local station were good, and annoyed with the response from the 999 team!!

It turns out that they still wash windscreens and sell newspapers there. The Police know about it, but refuse to do anything about it!

Personally I think along with letters to Mayor, Police Commisioner, newspapers and contact on TV news programmes, there is nothing more to do, other than suggest things that involve a good alabi and not mentionable on a public forum!!

Before you know it, with PC gone mad, I'd probably get accused of being racist!!! :rolleyes:

Clarebabes 04 November 2002 12:06 PM

We are getting the piss taken out of us basically.

I do not have the same opinion as davyboy BTW.

RaZe-=Buzz=- 04 November 2002 12:08 PM

I was defending my wife, who you chose to insult by your assertion she wasnt telling the truth.

What are you talking about here? You state that Im stupid becaus I type **** in a post. I demonstrate that that is obviously not the case, and you again intend to offend.. How strange.

There isnt any "right". Why would you think there would be? Your experience is obviously different to ours, and what I objected to was your analysis and doubt of our personal experiences. You basically call my wife a liar on a public BBS - what sort of response did you EXPECT?

Ive never insulted anyone on scoobynet before in my hundreds of posts, and I apologise for that, because Im not one for slagging people I dont know other than through a few texts on a BBS. I certainly havent insulted YOUR intelligence or integrity.

PS its YOUR name, not you :p

davyboy 04 November 2002 12:17 PM

I have never insulted your wife, I am not sure which part of this thread you are reffering too. I do think saying I called her a liar on a BBS is stretching it a little. for you and your :P

TelBoy 04 November 2002 12:23 PM

Guys, let it drop.

Davyboy, i think you're just typing a little TOO quickly when you see someone disagreeing with your point of view.

You have obvoiusly decided, for whatever reason, that public hostility to asylum seekers has been fuelled by media hype rather than real-world experience.

I hope you can see that from the many examples given so far, this is more than a media-driven circus. People are not happy about the situation, not least because they feel unable to challenge or change it.

Certainly we need to look for solutions. Personally, i would rather have been asked beforehand if it was a situation i actually wanted to find a solution to in the first place, before the UK admitted them under such lenient legistation.

davyboy 04 November 2002 12:55 PM

Your right, time to sign off from this thread.

Dave the tree hugging, liberal, thought provoking, tosser ;)

RaZe-=Buzz=- 04 November 2002 01:05 PM

I hope you can see that from the many examples given so far, this is more than a media-driven circus
Davyboy apparently doesnt agree. : thats what caused this little discussion between us (Davyboy thats all its meant to be - I dont even know you so its not as if I could say I dislike you - I just dont like your text :D - there is no personal malice intended from me, but you seemed to be going that way....Lets stop it right now OK?)

Tell us YOUR experiences! You've discounted ours as nothing more than hear-say and speculation etc, but have offered none of your own, no suggestions on solutions and no positive contributions to a thread which you profess to have thought about. Do you have any GOOD experiences of this? Im in Northampton on the 17th - is there a good place to get my car washed without any missed bits while I sit at the lights? :)

[Edited by RaZe-=Buzz=- cos I like trees too ;) ]

[Edited by RaZe-=Buzz=- - 11/4/2002 1:07:34 PM]

Clare 04 November 2002 01:47 PM

We don't have any problems personally, which I think is what db is trying to say. It does not affect us directly.

I am open to the problems you have experienced. I certainly wouldn't want anyone, no matter where they were from, racially or geographically, who did not respect what we have worked for.

The only thing I can think of which has possibly affected me directly is the fact I had a few problems getting a Doctor here when I moved. Thanks to someone I knew from SN, I eventually got in.

I can only think that the amount of people coming over here in recent years has affected the amount of places at the local surgeries.

I agree the amount of people coming here is a problem, and yes, the Government needs to do something - get tough! We are far too soft and asylum seekers have said that too.

Any ideas on how we can stop it? Let's have some action rather than sitting squabbling about it.

davyboy 04 November 2002 02:15 PM

Just trying to have some fun guys.

Buzz - I have not taken anything you have said to heart, so don't worry about me.

Hey, welcome to Northampton on the 17th! You should be alright, just watch out for the dirty theiving asylum seekers in town ;).

RaZe-=Buzz=- 04 November 2002 02:24 PM

LOL :D - I'll bring an airgun for protection :)

I think the only solution is to apply the laws I thought they had in Europe to stop this percieved "shuffle them all off to England" situation.

Aren't they supposed to be processed for entry into Europe at the FIRST COUNTRY THEY GET TOO?

If this was done, then there was a fair system of distribution around Europe, the argument would be diminished I think. We all have to think how lucky we are, and remember its all relative. If I lived in a dangerous dump and saw the chance to improve the prospects for my family, I'd be going too but I'd flippin well behave when I got there! Id be scared to death they made me go back.

Why is this detterent never used? IS iot used but we never hear about it??? It always seems to be the harmless orphan girl that gets deported, whilst the thugs and criminals live however they want with no consequences.

Charlie_Boy 04 November 2002 02:38 PM

Well i am a son of a immigrant who father came to these shores over 40 years ago and until returement last year worked every single year without claiming any benefits of any sorts and being out of work for at most 1 week in 40 years, and yes we do class ourselves as british i was born here and bloody proud, But the last 10 years has seen the tide turn and the new influx of immigrants bring a very nasty feeling among people in this country. where we live it has almost made the area a ghetto. it has also brought with it a new breed of the criminal class, just look at the weekend with posh/becks kidnap, it is unfortunate to say that the eastern european immigrants are becoming a big liability and for the most part a little to late for the government to act to rectify the situation who seem to scared to become involved in being seen as racist.

turboman786 05 November 2002 09:13 AM


Mark Jackson 05 November 2002 09:52 AM

Not in my back yard, damn right, havent seen one around these parts and based on what I have read I am very glad, I do however sympathise with the guys who are having to put up with this kind of cr4p.

Fill that tunnel in I say. Free cars and housing, hmm, takes the p1ss out of working for a living really doesent it.

turboman786 07 November 2002 02:01 PM


turboman786 07 November 2002 03:35 PM


MarkO 07 November 2002 03:39 PM

Why are you 'bttt'ing this? If the discussion's dead, it's dead. Move on.....

davyboy 07 November 2002 03:40 PM


turboman786 07 November 2002 04:18 PM

bttt just to spite mark!

damian666 07 November 2002 04:46 PM

Immigration is not a subject that is likely to die - people have just run out of opinion to voice!

planky 07 November 2002 05:48 PM

AS the old jock says on Dads Army "we're ALL doomed!!!"

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