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Jay m A 14 December 2012 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by davegtt (Post 10905094)
Every woman I dated looked at me strangely when I said if I had a boy I like the name "Jody" or a girl "George" Obviously Georgina though

Every woman I dated who started talking about baby names - got a sharp exit!

Didn't work on the last one though, my boys name is Alexander if that helps

mrmadcap 14 December 2012 07:24 PM

Billy B@llocks has got a nice ring to it

Markus 15 December 2012 02:58 AM

Ah names.
Think we'd settled on Lydia for a girl, but did have a few others I cannot recall. No problem with picking a boys name though, Clifford Roy (first and middle name, not some weird hybrid first name :D) Clifford was my, very much missed, father-in-law's name, so a fitting tribute to him (his namesake is just as cheeky as he was too!), and Roy is my fathers name, so it's a nice nod to both grandfathers.

LEO-RS 15 December 2012 09:11 AM

Saffron, Eden and Tristan, wowzers, utterly ridiculous :eek:

Dexter is the name of my neighbours dog. Morgan for a boy? What like Morgan Freeman? I know a few girls with the name Morgan but apart from the Hollywood star no males, especially in this country.

Ethan Fox? Why, is Fox your surname? Who the hell would name a child Fox? Ethan alone is just fine, Ethan Fox sounds ridiculous. Declan Clark? Again is that the surname or is the child going to be Declan Clark Fox (your surname yeah)

As for Orlando and Prosper, :lol1: now you are taking the piss.

Old traditional names for sure, these chav over thought names are ridiculous and are just going to be a nightmare for the children to grow into adults with them. All for the sake of the self obsessed parent choosing a fashion statement baby name.

There really are some truly ****ed up names out there, it's tacky. Anything a 17yr old uneducated chav is likely to like is a no no. Anything a 17yr old uneducated chav is unlikely to like as being boring is a yes.

Dexter the Dalmatian dog is barking outside, away to throw it a bone ;)

hodgy0_2 15 December 2012 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by LEO-RS (Post 10906585)
As for Orlando and Prosper, :lol1: now you are taking the piss.

Careful, you will upset their sisters -- Honey, Gala and Prosper's twin Sorrel

J4CKO 15 December 2012 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by LEO-RS (Post 10906585)
Saffron, Eden and Tristan, wowzers, utterly ridiculous :eek:

Dexter is the name of my neighbours dog. Morgan for a boy? What like Morgan Freeman? I know a few girls with the name Morgan but apart from the Hollywood star no males, especially in this country.

Ethan Fox? Why, is Fox your surname? Who the hell would name a child Fox? Ethan alone is just fine, Ethan Fox sounds ridiculous. Declan Clark? Again is that the surname or is the child going to be Declan Clark Fox (your surname yeah)

As for Orlando and Prosper, :lol1: now you are taking the piss.

Old traditional names for sure, these chav over thought names are ridiculous and are just going to be a nightmare for the children to grow into adults with them. All for the sake of the self obsessed parent choosing a fashion statement baby name.

There really are some truly ****ed up names out there, it's tacky. Anything a 17yr old uneducated chav is likely to like is a no no. Anything a 17yr old uneducated chav is unlikely to like as being boring is a yes.

Dexter the Dalmatian dog is barking outside, away to throw it a bone ;)

I think people name their dogs names they like but dont have the conviction to call their kids, Loads of Dogs called Molly and Oscar, we had a kid called Oscar and a Dog called Moly and met a couple who had the opposite situation, when a few people name their kid somethign then the floodgates open, not always the situation as wouldnt really call any of the kids Rambo like our dog (kids named him)

It is difficult naming kids and some names do make me shudder, like the ones you mentioned
and I think the middle classes are as bad as the chavs, especially the upper middle classes, look in the Telegraph at the births section and you see some howlers,

"Piers and Margot Posh-But-Dumb welcome Cosmo Mestopholise a brother for Persephone Boudica and Lucretia Candida", amkes me laugh when you see some snot encrusted, red faced potty goblin and it has a "sophiscticated" anme like Persephone, it is too long for dealing with toddlers "Persephone, Darling, stop that".

I see it when we occasionally cross paths in Wales with the sailing club, all London types trying to out wankify each other, the men are all called either James, William or Henry but generally have a nickname like Bunter, Jumbo or Tugger, their wives are always called Caroline, Sarah or Fiona and the kids are as above, they call their kids things like Rudy which makes me laugh as it was our childhood name for fanny, but then they rprobably think we are terribly dull and northern.

Go the other way, I think Gary is due a comeback, dont think we are ready for Darren (my middle name) or Wayne just yet. Not seen many Jasons, Scott's, Michaels, Marks or Christopers recetly so perhaps some of the more seventies names could do with an airing.

The Dogs B******s 15 December 2012 06:02 PM

LEO-RS makes some valuable points.

cookstar 15 December 2012 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by Frosticles (Post 10905809)
We called our daughter Amelie. This was 10 years ago now. Lovely name and not often heard now. (French version of Emily)

As said, Our boy is James Louie Frost.

A good solid name won't get tortured later in life unlike some of the "Fad" names.

Our friends daughters name is Amelie, lovely name. :thumb:

Frosticles 15 December 2012 06:56 PM

Originally Posted by cookstar (Post 10907219)
Our friends daughters name is Amelie, lovely name. :thumb:

It most certainly is. I love it.

stonefish 15 December 2012 07:19 PM

I named my son Alfie and it suits him well..
And my name is Kelly,, yes thats right Kelly.. Its a bit different and it does create some attention.. It can get shortened to Kel and my missus spells it Kele for some reason,, but most people dont shorten it and i prefer that.
Congratulations mate good times ahead ;)

The Dogs B******s 15 December 2012 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by stonefish (Post 10907266)
I named my son Alfie and it suits him well..
And my name is Kelly,, yes thats right Kelly.. Its a bit different and it does create some attention.. It can get shortened to Kel and my missus spells it Kele for some reason,, but most people dont shorten it and i prefer that.
Congratulations mate good times ahead ;)

I like Alfie, we're still going through about 100 names a day.

The Pink Ninja 15 December 2012 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by LEO-RS (Post 10906585)
Saffron, Eden and Tristan, wowzers, utterly ridiculous :eek:

Dexter is the name of my neighbours dog. Morgan for a boy? What like Morgan Freeman? I know a few girls with the name Morgan but apart from the Hollywood star no males, especially in this country.

Ethan Fox? Why, is Fox your surname? Who the hell would name a child Fox? Ethan alone is just fine, Ethan Fox sounds ridiculous. Declan Clark? Again is that the surname or is the child going to be Declan Clark Fox (your surname yeah)

As for Orlando and Prosper, :lol1: now you are taking the piss.

Old traditional names for sure, these chav over thought names are ridiculous and are just going to be a nightmare for the children to grow into adults with them. All for the sake of the self obsessed parent choosing a fashion statement baby name.

There really are some truly ****ed up names out there, it's tacky. Anything a 17yr old uneducated chav is likely to like is a no no. Anything a 17yr old uneducated chav is unlikely to like as being boring is a yes.

Dexter the Dalmatian dog is barking outside, away to throw it a bone ;)

Yes, I suppose like Morgan Freeman or like The Morgan Car company, I suppose its the same as Leslie for male and female, etc... Just think its a nice name hence choosing it :thumb:

Oh and i`m with you there are some proper chavy/chavette names out there

Aaron1978 15 December 2012 09:36 PM

Congratulations Mr Muts Nuts.

Tommy, Alfie and Henry. Can't go wrong with any of those names IMO.


salsa-king 15 December 2012 10:30 PM

anything out Thomas the Tank Engine book is a good start for a boys name...
our 2nd is due 20th Feb.. no idea what flavour it will be, not enough in life is a surprise so we don't want to know.

Boys names we're fine with.. but girls names not too sure about..... anything off a wine menu could be a good start, or a car name...........................................


and what ever you pick.. please spell it correctly.

burbling1 16 December 2012 12:06 AM

I named my boy Travis, mrs wanted Tyler but I wasn't keen on it. Eldest girl is Amber and youngest Tori.

The Dogs B******s 16 December 2012 08:26 AM

I do like names like, Harry, Max, Jack and Alfie, but they seem to be a bit to common these days. Not sure if that's a bad thing.

J4CKO 16 December 2012 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by burbling1 (Post 10907616)
I named my boy Travis, mrs wanted Tyler but I wasn't keen on it. Eldest girl is Amber and youngest Tori.

Travis, good name, don't like Tyler, does sound a bit chav, and a Tyler to me is a bloke that does bathrooms and kitchens.

dpb 16 December 2012 10:21 AM

After Dave Lee?

Wish 16 December 2012 10:47 AM

My son is called Morgan.
We had loads of names for girls but very few for a boy.

Oliver, James, Ben

I wanted Didier lucky the wife wasn't having any of it. Lol
My parents are from Belgium so I have a unusual name.

chocolate_o_brian 16 December 2012 10:52 AM

Alexander or Sebastian, more power names.

Andy is also a fantastic, modern, all ages name. Really fantastic, proper blokes name. ;)

hodgy0_2 16 December 2012 11:00 AM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 10907803)
After Dave Lee?

The Tractor from Bob the Builder

but seriously if you (the parents) like the name, I don't see a problem

The Dogs B******s 16 December 2012 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by chocolate_o_brian (Post 10907826)
Alexander or Sebastian, more power names.

Andy is also a fantastic, modern, all ages name. Really fantastic, proper blokes name. ;)

Andy is a bit of a gayer name;)

chocolate_o_brian 16 December 2012 11:13 AM

There's a chap at work who is known by the name 'Arnie'. Until recently I always assumed his name was Arnold, nothing wrong there, chap is 51.


His dad named him Harnet. His last name is Herbert. He is called Harnet Herbert. His dad thought it was a lovely name. He has always hated his father for the name and never uses it. It's always 'haich' Herbert. He hasn't spoken to his dad in years lol.

tarmac terror 16 December 2012 01:01 PM

We decided to call our wee lad Joshua - I attended the pre-school enrolement evening last week, there are 4 kids called Joshua being enrolled in the same group!!!!

My wife's father died in January 07 and my dad died in December 07 so we put our fathers names in there, so number 1 son is called Joshua Michael Harold.

My daughter was named Ruby Jasmine Eve

Was great trying to select names for twins, when we decided we didn't want to know what sex they were before they were born. Prior to being born, I referred to them as ratchet and klank!!!

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