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pslewis 17 January 2005 10:04 PM

Letwin?? The red faced bare faced LIAR!!

Look at him he KNOWS its full of utter bollox!!

No-one believes them!


cw42 17 January 2005 10:07 PM

thought the last message was the best. after intense policing on the "most dangerous road in britain" and the council spending a fortune actually making the road safer, deaths and serious accidents halved in a year.


I was up the c&f today, excellent road, very very slippy in the wet, and some grade A tits on that road. Nice to see a sly stab from the police at speed cameras.


skiddus_markus 17 January 2005 10:28 PM

I love the Cat&Fiddle-the surface is brillaint if you keep on the main drag and don't take the little shortcuts.People must be really hoofing it to lose it on there or just not have much knowledge of the road.

I don't know it that well but find you don't have to really exceed the limit by much to have an enjoyable drive on it,but then I've only ever been across it in hire cars(new Focus thingy was underpowered but came alive on it).

Rose-I hope you were watching it-you were a DISSSGRAYCE.

scott8629 18 January 2005 06:30 AM

I missed this is it going to be repeted?


johnfelstead 18 January 2005 08:47 AM

Speeding is everyones catch phrase related to Police TV programmes these days. The program gets its intro via the BBC talk bollox in the background over the credits of the last program person, saying blah blah speeding blah blah, yet the vast majority, for a change, had nothing at all to do with speeding, just bad driving or being a pisshead.
Talk about this country being brain washed.

For a change it was a good program that focused on other aspects of trafic policing than speed, the stats on the crash rate on the Cat and Fiddle show what a joke speed cameras are compared to efective targeted policing.

Gutmann pug 18 January 2005 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by johnfelstead
Speeding is everyones catch phrase related to Police TV programmes these days. The program gets its intro via the BBC talk bollox in the background over the credits of the last program person, saying blah blah speeding blah blah, yet the vast majority, for a change, had nothing at all to do with speeding, just bad driving or being a pisshead.
Talk about this country being brain washed.

For a change it was a good program that focused on other aspects of trafic policing than speed, the stats on the crash rate on the Cat and Fiddle show what a joke speed cameras are compared to efective targeted policing.

and it was bloody funny :D :D

johnfelstead 18 January 2005 09:11 AM

That it was. :D

Gutmann pug 18 January 2005 09:14 AM

I have to say and I bet this goes for a fair few out there too ........ If that jumped up copper was giving me a bollxocking like he did the Elise driver I would have ended up with a ticket or two, coz there is no way on gods earth I could have stopped myself from telling him where to poke his flak jacket.....much as its easy to say just take it on the chin and walk away with a warning, it just wouldnt of happened....My missis pointed that fact out to me last night too. She knows me all to well :D

Scoob99 18 January 2005 09:14 AM

Bloody good programme:thumb: and bloody funny too, would'nt wanna get on the wrongside of that Darren geezer though:D

Dream Weaver 18 January 2005 09:15 AM

That Lotus driver was a lucky sod on both counts. :D

Chris L 18 January 2005 11:33 AM

Yeah he was :) Mind you I think he learnt his lesson. That was just as effective, if not more so than a ticket. Hopefully he'll go and invest in a driver training day now.

gsm1 18 January 2005 12:14 PM

If that copper hadn't shoved that woman he could have avoided the whole incident with her. In so many of these programs you see coppers who seem to want to provoke a situation.

brybusa 18 January 2005 12:57 PM

Im not just saying this because im a biker, but I thought what the Lotus driver did was far more dangerous than the guy on the bike overtaking on the solid whites

The driver had lost control, the rider hadn’t

I knew the copper wasn’t a biker when he started saying how dangerous his manoeuvre was...and then he confirmed it

What can seem a mad overtaking move from a car driver’s point of view can be perfectly safe on a bike.

Agreed, not much point arguing the toss when you’re nicked

The copper that got a slap from that girl was a bit of a wet fish..

As nearly always the programme was excellent

Anyway, im off for a glass of water.............Please

ajm 18 January 2005 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by johnfelstead
Speeding is everyones catch phrase related to Police TV programmes these days. The program gets its intro via the BBC talk bollox in the background over the credits of the last program person, saying blah blah speeding blah blah,

yeah I noticed this last night too! When they introduced the porgramme they said something that began with "everyone knows speed kills..." :confused:

Very worrying. :(

speedking 18 January 2005 02:09 PM

:thumb: to the Cheshire Police who seemed to have a far more sensible approach than the Yorkshire crowd featured in the previous series.

A stern talking to by an Officer would affect me more than a computer generated NIP. (I realise though that the fourth NIP would be more effective than the fourth talking to, unless these things are recorded.)

I think the point with the motorbike overtaking was lack of observation. He hadn't seen a fully marked police car. Who's to say another bike might not have decided to overtake on those white lines and would have got taken out :(

ScoobyDan 18 January 2005 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by RJMS
So the drunken cross-dressing trucker didn't even get a ban :confused:

He didn't get a ban, but he got 10 points - he only has to go 31 in a 30 and he looses his licence (and thus his job), all because he got pissed and got his tackle out! (As well as wearing some dreadfull shoes and a gold thong ;) )

Seemed a bit steep to me...


speedking 18 January 2005 03:24 PM

His problem was that his keys were in the ignition:cuckoo: Presumably parked-up truckers can be drunk, so long as the keys are stashed somewhere safe.

Now I only live a couple of miles from that point. Where he was parked was described as "the old A49", I think the bit that's the access to the Hollow Tree pub, I wouldn't have thought that that bit was actually a public road? He needs a better brief.

PS Did anyone note the reg of the unmarked Vectra:norty::D

David_Wallis 18 January 2005 04:47 PM

Id have happily taken the telling off rather than wreckless driving or driving without due care and attention.. especially with video evidence..

The biker deserved it for not checking his mirrors.. especially when you see how many bikers overtake other bikers.

his excuse of getting out of the way was a bit poor too... I actually thought he was drunk at first!, also to be fair he was at the next corner from the elise.. if they had met each other..


Trashman 18 January 2005 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by brybusa

I knew the copper wasn’t a biker when he started saying how dangerous his manoeuvre was...and then he confirmed it

What can seem a mad overtaking move from a car driver’s point of view can be perfectly safe on a bike.

Before he got out of the car he remarked that there was no way the biker had a clear view because of the car in front of the one being overtaken. Also he was so close to the car he was passing the slightest twitch from the driver would have taken him out.

Bravo2zero_sps 18 January 2005 06:50 PM

I agree with brybusa on this one, I was aboslutely amazed the car driver got away scott free for driving dangerously and without due care and attention and all on video and then a biker who crosses a double white line at low speed gets points and a fine :mad: Typical anti biking attitude of the police :mad: Sitting on a bike you are high up and can see over the top of cars and its why I will over take on corners when the car driver will think wtf is he doing. Its because you can see that you do it! If both had got their appropriate punishments I would have no issues but to let a car off for a serious driving offence and then to do a biker for far less is why so many bikers have such a bad impression and attitude towards the police. No denying the bloke was a nob firstly for not realising their was a traffic cop behind him and secondly because all he was wearing was a denim jacket and jeans - tw@t, but its the principle that counts on this one.

brybusa 19 January 2005 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by Trashman
Before he got out of the car he remarked that there was no way the biker had a clear view because of the car in front of the one being overtaken. Also he was so close to the car he was passing the slightest twitch from the driver would have taken him out.

You(and the copper) dont ride bikes do you?

Believe me, that wasnt a dangerous overtake ..for the reasons Bravo said, overtaking is 100% easier on a bike

Agreed, he didnt check mirrors etc and p'haps deserved his fine/points, but the Lotus driver was certainly the more dangerous of the two..and deserved a worse punishment/conviction

Trashman 19 January 2005 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by brybusa
You(and the copper) dont ride bikes do you?

Believe me, that wasnt a dangerous overtake ..for the reasons Bravo said, overtaking is 100% easier on a bike

Agreed, he didnt check mirrors etc and p'haps deserved his fine/points, but the Lotus driver was certainly the more dangerous of the two..and deserved a worse punishment/conviction

Nope, dont ride a bike. But I could see exactly what the cop was referring to and I think he was to close (given the car was going left and he was very close - slight misjudgement by the car driver biker would have been off). Anyway FWIW, yes I think the biker was a nob and needed a good talking too and the car driver was out of control and deserved the ticket. I suspect it was the attitude of each that swayed the cop's thinking. Or maybe he'd just seen enough that day - who knows?

skoosh 19 January 2005 06:39 PM

Soapbox opinions.............
I've gotta say to some of you that you talk a complete load of bo**ox.

Has no-one on here ever misjudged a corner or an apex of a corner or an exit for that matter. I can't believe that some of you thought the lotus driver deserved a conviction, he got what he deserved, a good ticking off and probably shat himself on 2 counts.

Most of us on here drive Subaru's of some discription and more than most are considered to be performance cars and NONE OF US HAVE DRIVEN TOO FAST OR LOST IT AT SOME STAGE, HAVE WE.........?

Come on guys I'm sure we've all been in that situation once or twice and I'm sure there were another 20 people on that very same day that did the same thing on the same corner, the difference was, they weren't seen doing it.

Just my opinion that probably counts for nowt but it had to be said, so I'm off now to look for my gold thong behind the settee cushion.


Trashman 19 January 2005 07:59 PM

Both of them crossed the whitelines - if you try and be objective you can say the car driver was not in control whereas the bike rider was. However you could also say the car driver made a mistake whereas the biker deliberately broke the law.

Let's face it they were both twáts for getting caught on a road which is being heavily policed. :D

What did amaze me though was the young guy who had crashed - how lucky was he not to get done for a dodgy tire? The copper said "if this was on a public road..." I mean come on it was just before and that could be why he lost it.

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