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Leslie 25 June 2004 03:59 PM

I just feel that this is a pretty pointless set of arguments between members of the same union under the British flag. The initial post was very sensible and some of the arguments that follow are really rather childish. What is the point of trying to perpetuate all this "anti" feeling.

When it comes to those football matches, I found the most irrtating part was the inane commentary which switched from one tack to another continually.


SiPie 25 June 2004 04:00 PM

Well said Leslie

Now hopefully this can all be left behind (doubtful...but here's hoping) :)

hail-hail 25 June 2004 04:02 PM

AFAIK it's the West Coast that has most of the issues. I used to live in Ardrossan. It works like this.

Ardrossan Academy on one side of the playing fields (proddies)
St Andrews Academy on the other side of the playing fields (catholics)
Every now and then, meet in the middle for a battle.
Ensure both towns have plenty of segregated pubs (in reality of not in appearance) this way you can;t escape once you leave school.

Confused as to why we have a bigotry problem?

imlach 25 June 2004 04:08 PM

Nah, the religion is an excuse for your west coast school battles!

In Edinburgh, there used to be fights between neighbouring schools - nothing to do with ANYTHING - schoolkids will find a reason for rivalry WHATEVER!

hail-hail 25 June 2004 04:12 PM

tbh, I think it's the other way round, the schools would battle each other anyway, I agree, but segregation breeds the bigotry and gives us the excuse to carry it through to adult hood.


kob999 25 June 2004 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by Suresh
The thread is about anti-English sentiment and root cause as most English just don't get it :confused: . I personally don't give a to$$ whether the Scots Welsh or Irish support England or not. The issue is about why they feel so insecure that they need to be anti-supporters.

So what is your point exactly?

My point is why do YOU feel so insecure that you feel the need to worry about whether they actively support you or not.

You don't understand why the Scots dislike the English (most particularily the Englishness associated with the nationaal football team). I imagine it would be for the same reason the English would be anti-supporters if the German or the French were playing.

And of course the Argentinians and now probably the Swiss as well

Suresh 25 June 2004 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by hail-hail

anti-supporter = RIVALS

I wouldn't call our whipping boy a rival... Rivalry involves some sort of equality.

imlach 25 June 2004 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by hail-hail
I agree, but segregation breeds the bigotry and gives us the excuse to carry it through to adult hood.


I don't really agree with segregation anyway.
Kids need to be brought up to know that everyone is equal. Religious Education should cover all religions so that the children can decide. Parents should have no choice in their childs religion - the child should be allowed to decide for itself.

We don't have 'black' and 'white' schools do we - if we did, there'd be an outcry.

imlach 25 June 2004 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by hail-hail
but segregation breeds the bigotry and gives us the excuse to carry it through to adult hood.


PS It's only the ignorant, uninformed, or those looking for an excuse for trouble that carry bigotry through to adulthood.

The majority don't.

jasey 25 June 2004 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by imlach
PS It's only the ignorant, uninformed, or those looking for an excuse for trouble that carry bigotry through to adulthood.

The majority don't.

Define MAJORITY in the context of Huns/tims not being bigots please ?

Every Hun/Tim I've met has been a thin/fat short/tall handsome/ugly Bigotted TW@T.

imlach 25 June 2004 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by jasey
Define MAJORITY in the context of Huns/tims not being bigots please ?

Every Hun/Tim I've met has been a thin/fat short/tall handsome/ugly Bigotted TW@T.

Well maybe the majority do, I don't know.....

I'm from the East coast, so not really well up on all this bigotry malarky :D

Jye 25 June 2004 04:25 PM

hail hail my gf came from Ardrossan, and used to live in Stevenston, what can I say about 'that' place :D The three toons lol ;)

jasey 25 June 2004 04:29 PM

Ahh - the East Coasters - much nicer - although it was in Ediburgh that my wife was told to "fcuk of home you English bitch" as she was wearing my England Rugby top during the Rugby Weekend - Maybe eClaire was out and about that day (only kidding Claire - I'm sure you wouldn't say such a thing ;)).

I've said before that banter is OK - the trouble is that one thing can lead to another amongst the less well educated masses - So we have to be careful where all this banter leads !!!

allywrx 25 June 2004 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by hail-hail
AFAIK it's the West Coast that has most of the issues.

Agree :( Same in Ayr.
The whole things rediculous.

DocJock 25 June 2004 04:33 PM

Aahh, start a thread then FO to work..:D

Some good points

DW . I see the Scot's as neighbours and friends, shame you guys dont have the same attitude

Exactly. Someone said it was a vocal minority who stir things up. Personally, I find it is and extremely large proportion :(

SiPie . I'm just trying to do my best to convince alot of English that it does grate on your nerves, hearing it all the time

I know what you mean, but it is the same with David Beckham/Princess Diana/"asylum seekers" etc. They take a subject and apply complete overkill. It is not necessarily the subjects fault.....

Imlach . What often seems odd to me is that when the BBC show a Rangers v Celtic match, they wheel out Gary Lineker, Alan Hansen, and some others to do commentary for English viewers

That is because (despite us Scots speaking the best Queens English) they probably think Dougie Donnelly would be incomprehensible south of Carlisle ;)

TBH the original post was not about the football. It was more about the general antipathy towards all things English, something I think is becoming more prevalent.
The footy comments just tipped me over the edge.............

I see a large number of clients every week (a large proportion Scots) and some of the attitudes are staggering. They then get genuinely confused when I don't express "celtic solidarity" with their bigotry
I see it whenever I visit my parents and I see it all over various Forums.

The most disappointing thing is that it is not just the neds who display this attitude,
(I'm fed up arguing the toss with members of my family) but people who you might think would be a bit more reasoned in their attitudes.

I can honestly say I have never felt the reverse to be true whilst living in England.

OllyK 25 June 2004 04:34 PM

One for the England fans...

Which team is your biggest rival in the same English league as your team. Now go and cheer them on to do well in the matches you are not playing against them.

DocJock 25 June 2004 04:44 PM

Well I'm a Hibs fan :blush:, but if the Jambos were playing Newcastle or whoever in the EUFA Cup I'd still support them....

Jamo 25 June 2004 05:40 PM

ive just been shown this website today.

found it quite funny actually. but id expect this was a typical scotsmans view of an englishman.

look on

england vs scotland "bottom of the page"

heres a letter on there. must admit its bloody hilarious.

"Hello CODTA!

This is a short story about a wee trip undertaken by two Scotsmen to Le Mans this year, coincidentally there was a game of footy between the Auld Enemy and France… hehe!

Well hailing from the John o' Groats area, (he's an honorary Thurso man you know - Scott) it is a long trip to Le mans, and one that took me approximately 23hrs in total with a few nights in between. The first stop was in Manchester to join up with Paul Phillips and his trusty steed, (which is a Triumph TR6 triple webbers for those in the know). Once loaded up we waved goodbye to the broken hearted women behind us, and set off for France. The next of the stopovers took place in France on the Thursday in a small town called Rouen which is where we were to be watching the football on the Sunday. Now, as you can imagine like any true Scotsmen we were kilted up and needed to scout the local establishments for suitable lager and large breasted females. This was duly done to excess, along with terrifying the be-jesus out of the local women with the meat and 2 veg that somehow occasionally found themselves on display. On this night we found this car, a couple of likely spots, plonked our raw asses down in front of the large TV's, and collected some beer for the up coming Sunday….

The next day we were off to Le Mans with the car hood down and the kilts fluttering gently in the breeze. The Craic was excellent and we duly arrived at our camp site via a couple of duels with some Ferraris, found a spot and set up camp. Then set off for some (more) beer and food. Upon our return to the camp site we found the majority of the tents surrounding the roundabout near our site, this was done to encourage a few wheelspins and general behaviour PC Plod frowns upon, so being civic minded citizens, (and short of a screw or two) we started lashing the Triumph around the roundabout with gay abandon. We gave it our best but we got soaked with beer and water by the chortling guffy's standing along the pavement. (dirty *******s, but worry not.. Revenge will be sweet!). So, gathering our thoughts we returned to our tents to get changed, and then decided to return to the roundabout to give these *******s a taste of the Homeland! Upon our approach to the roundabout, Paul got out and sat on the windscreen frame. I held him with one hand and the steering wheel with another, stuck it in first gear and then set off like a bat out of hell.. As we entered the roundabout the kilt was hoisted aloft, giving the assembled crowd a good and clear view of Pauls glorious meat and two wonky veg. This was greeted with the kind of cheer normally reserved for a Beckham sending off! but also was greeted with even more water and beer...

So it was from there we went off out on the Raz in Le Mans in full kit. Kilt, Trainers, and French Footy Top were the order of the day, (well, 'when in Rome' as they say!). We got a mixed reaction but the beer flowed steady. Then came the drinking games…. we entered a pub where it was jumping full of Englishmen, bedecked as they were in a sea of red and white. So being the international diplomats that we are, we strode straight in and joined them for a beer. Paul got roped into drinking a pint upside down on his head on the bar… this resulted in two of the funniest photos I have ever seen, (The images have been censored by me so as not to offend the kiddies, are cause retinal damage to our members - Admin) although the big puff didn’t managed to finish the drink he made everyone laugh.. we had a good night that night winding up the English, and everyone had a good time…

The next day was all about the racing and catching up on some sleep so it was a lazy one… although a game of kerby almost got us lifted but the local cops… but not much to report… So we get to Sunday….

We got up and packed our gear and headed back to Rouen looking forward to the game and some more beer… When we got to Rouen we had a wee sleep and then headed out (Kilts and French Tops) to the Big Ben Pub for a swifto where we met a few English lads… They were in good spirits and certain that England would win.. We were en route to an Irish pub to watch the game so we told them we would be back and headed off. When we got to the Irish pub it was mobbed, there was approx 300 folk outside the place! We got a decent cheer (from the French) and a bit of stick from the English.

The game got underway and wasn’t going as expected and England were looking pretty good… As a result the predominantly French crowd grew quiet. The Yobs, erm.. 'English' were starting to chant and for a while there we thought we might have to phone the police to break out the water cannons!

When they scored it was bad… Paul and I were getting the pish ripped by the Yobs, but the game was but yet young… As the time rattled by the likelihood of a reprieve from the huge piss ripping looked very very slim, then it was as if the footballing gods took pity on our poor souls and waved their magic wand.. 'Emily' Heskey was brought on!! And true to form was utter pish.. He gave away a free kick, which was dispatched expertly by Zidane……

As you can imagine the place went ballistic.. I was up on the picnic table I was sitting at and dancing with the French who had congregated around the 'two crazy Scotsmen', and if that wasn’t enough it was as if we had collectively won the lottery when David “ Calamity” James became an honorary Scotsman!

When it was dispatched by Zidane the place went ballistic.. I was joined by Paul and we danced and danced as we sung “Your not singing anymore..“ at the top of our lungs. It was a great night for the free world! The Yobs hung there heads in shame and then turned on the poor wee Scotsmen, us! Bleating on about, "one Country".. "disgrace"… "we support you" etc etc. All of which was met with more singing and laughing… As this went on the possibility of fisticuffs drew close and fearing a Rourkes Drift scenario we beat a hasty retreat to the Big Ben Pub where we met the lads we had met earlier. These lads were sound! After a serious night on the lash we made it back to the Hotel..

The next day we made our way home…… job done…… a great holiday and a great result…….. looking forward to next year……… shame the 'Yobs' ain't playing the French next year as well………

Cheers, Keith."

Rob D 25 June 2004 06:08 PM

I have to add my piece in here after seeing DJ's comments.

I am an Englishman who's been living in Scotland for the past 7 years and I had a few nasty comments thrown at me just cos I'm English. Most of the time though it's fine and I have a great number of close friends who are Scottish.

I can understand where the Scots come from about the media hype but thats the media, even I was telling Motson to shut up, but just imagine if Scotland had won a World cup do you really think the Scottish press/comentators would be any different??
You just need to listen to Archie MacPherson when Celtic are playing any side especially English ones!!
When Scotland were playing Holland how many times did we see that Gemmil goal, it didn't bother me because, one it was a fantastic goal and second that's the Scot's being patriotic, but you can see where I'm coming from.
I just find it a bit sad that our offices change flag colour every time England are playing. :rolleyes:

Don't think for a minute I'm having a pop at you the Scots cos I'm not, but I'm sure you would be exactly the same if the tables were reversed.

eClaire 25 June 2004 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by DocJock
Well I'm a Hibs fan :blush:, but if the Jambos were playing Newcastle or whoever in the EUFA Cup I'd still support them....

Well I'm a Hearts fan :cool:, but if the Hibees were playing Newcastle or whoever in the EUFA Cup wouldn't support them, even if my cousin did play for them.... :p ;)

DocJock 25 June 2004 06:20 PM

That's the difference between Hibees and Jambos, being more intelligent we are much more tolerant [:p]

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