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Bubba po 15 March 2004 03:39 PM

roundabout avengers dishing out justice on a road near you soon


PeterSimpson 15 March 2004 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by NACRO

Girl in supermini cuts across 3 lanes of roundabout and hits side of my vehicle, I saw this coming and let her do it anyway because there was no way I was braking to let her cut in on me.

Tosser in Vectra tries to make 3 lanes out of a dual carriageway because he's pissed off my car accelerate faster than his- I force him onto hard shoulder then bang we have a collision- fault is apportioned his way as I have witnesses.

YOU ****. You purposely had an accident to prove a point about someone elses driving which you could have avoided....

Canon 15 March 2004 03:47 PM

if it is myself and not the poster who posted after me you were addressing mr nacro then you have a nasty way of talking to someone you have just met. you sound very defensive? while we are still friends, i also wonder why when you have been driving for ten years on your own insurance but you have only three years ncb. are you sure you are driving like an angel or have i missed something :)

with regard to my ego, I think you must mean your ego in the sense that you are presently mediating between your id and the external world (this BB), warding off dangerous id wishes by various defenses (lies), or that your superego is betraying that aspect of mental functioning that has to do with morality (the aggressive tone in your last post), and with what is right or wrong in the moral sense of those words (whether you are correct in your actions or deeds)?

please explain further as i wish to understand such an interesting person :)

Bubba po 15 March 2004 03:56 PM

NACRO, your posts have done more than anything could to convince me that my momentary blips of irritation in an otherwise blame-free period of driving are just that. I think myself lucky that I don't possess the kind of boiling temper and bloody-mindedness that seethes, or once seethed, in your brain.

Of course, you could still just be trolling.

Jiggerypokery 15 March 2004 04:00 PM

"YOU ****. You purposely had an accident to prove a point about someone elses driving which you could have avoided...."

I disagree. It's sooooo frustrating driving a nice shiney new WRX or 911 and seeing some caveman in a transit van taking the piss when he obviously doesn't have right of way (driving around parked cars). Some people deliberately force me to brake and swerve off my own side of the road or out of my lane because they're in a scrapper and they know I'll do anything to avoid them. When I'm in MY scrapper and I have right of way, I don't give way to anyone (except proper filtering and general courteous driving), I'm just getting my own back on those who think they can drive selfishly and take the piss. If it gets dented, it stays dented. Sometimes you have to prove a point to drive it home to these morons.

Chrisgr31 15 March 2004 04:01 PM

Ah well I am forced to agree with Nacro, when driving a company car, and one has no financial investment in it, in my experience your driving standards do lower, and you will not be as anxious to avoid a collision.

Certainly with a company car I gave way far less than I do now, when I am driving my own car.

Insurance companies aren't terribly worried about claims as long as they don't have to pay out. Therefore if you have 2 cars, one of which is a company car and the other your own. Accidents in the company car are unlikely to affect your premium on your own car as that company has not had to pay out.

Not only that but when you transfer from a compnay car to a personal car, not many insurance companies give you NCD to the full extent of your clean driving record of a company car.

NACRO 15 March 2004 04:26 PM

quote: "I think myself lucky that I don't possess the kind of boiling temper and bloody-mindedness that seethes, or once seethed, in your brain"

I think you are well on the way though, and I freely admit that behaving as I did and as you clearly sometimes still do is bad behaviour of the worst kind.
I don't drive a company vehicle anymore due to the tax situation and the fact I don't live in the UK. I try to drive with courtesy and respect for other road users and when I get angry with someones rudeness of incompetence I just ignore it and let them get on the way to their accident. Probably with someone who drives like I used to. I'm not making excuses for what I used to do just pointing out that there is always a bigger nutter than you out there with a lot less to lose. Perhaps you'll meet one and change your attitude totally.

As for the 1 post wonder, try reading what I've put in the thread previously, you seem to have problems understanding it. 10ys+ driving, many spent as a company car driver, many of those yrs spent doing 40,000+ miles a yr and sadly mnany accidents, most of which I admit were my fault, because I drove like a tw*t, just like some people on here seem to have admitted to.

oh and if you are going to attempt a cod analysis at least learn a little about the subject first.

Canon 15 March 2004 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by NACRO
quote: As for the 1 post wonder, try reading what I've put in the thread previously, you seem to have problems understanding it. 10ys+ driving, many spent as a company car driver, many of those yrs spent doing 40,000+ miles a yr and sadly mnany accidents, most of which I admit were my fault, because I drove like a tw*t, just like some people on here seem to have admitted to.

im so sorry if i fail to understand you, it's just that your posts are not very concise.

In those 10 yrs+ of motoring done in vehicles I owned myself I've had not a single collision (apart from smashing off the wing mirror of some tosspot who thought he'd like to double park on a narrow street, luckilly I was in an old banger at the time that suffered zero damage)

In those 10 yrs+ of motoring done in vehicles I owned myself

seems very confusing but that must be me. [cod analysis on]does having a larger post count make you feel better about yourself?[/cod analysis off] :)

NACRO 15 March 2004 05:13 PM

I don't think concise is the correct word.

I do however conceed the wording is ambiguous. Make of it what you will.

As for post counts I called you the one post guy because I couldn't remember what your user name was and didn't care to look it up as it is unimportant. The scoobynet ethos of high post count=better is laughable.

Bubba po 15 March 2004 05:30 PM

In answer to the accusation that I have "admitted on this thread that I don't know how to use a roundabout", this little diagram should clear things up. This is the recommended etiquette where specific instructions are not marked on the road.

I accept that I shouldn't get wound up by people trying to circumvent this politeness and I will try not to allow this to happen. I foresee a situation at this particular roundabout where I will be involved in an accident through no fault of my own, just because I am in the way at the exit, regardless of the care I take to avoid one. Let's see, shall we.

NACRO 15 March 2004 05:43 PM

just a quick quote from the website :

"When taking any intermediate exit
select the appropriate lane on approach to and on the roundabout, signalling as necessary
stay in this lane until you need to alter course to exit the roundabout
signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want. "

I wouldn't try to read too much into one diagram as to who is 'right'- by the letter of the law both you and the person you imagine to be rude/a queue jumper are in the right. Surely the ultimate winner is the person who doesn't get stressed and doesn't end up having an accident?
I became sick of constant incidents and accidents and decided that although most of them weren't really my fault by the letter of the law that I COULD have avoided them in the most part if I'd driven differently. As I said earlier I haven't had any problems over the past 3 yrs since my attitude changed. I don't even get stressed at other drivers unlike in the past where I was involved in a punch up or road rage incident on a frequent basis.

Famine 15 March 2004 08:07 PM

Anyway, that all aside. I hate people who turn left from the right hand lane. And it's happened twice to me (across my bows) and well over 10 times in my sight.

Spoon 15 March 2004 09:31 PM

Bubba po- To be honest though looking at that picture it clearly shows 2 lanes in and 2 lanes out so I wouldn't ever have a problem with going straight over after entering the roundabout from the right lane.

The usual alertness should apply in case mr/s inside lane decided to carry on around the roundabout straight across your front.

IanA 15 March 2004 09:51 PM

The danger here is that they do it at speed. As said above, it's a perfectly legitimate way to go straight on at a roundabout. Some might even argue that it's desirable, as it shows good progress. However, in order to be sure they get in the people who do this tend to do so at speed. In doing so they force another road user to take some kind of evasive action. This isn't legitimate and is just another example of how the most ignorant selfish side of people comes out behind the wheel of a car.

Go for the second option Bubba, that way you won't end up being damaged. Save the Force for when you can have fun with it safely, turn the stereo up and consider that the driver in question probably has self esteem issues and had to drive like that to feel better about him/her self...

Jay m A 15 March 2004 09:57 PM

Can somebody please photoshop that roundabout and put a few more 'interesting' scenario's on there, the more keystone the better :D

Spoon 15 March 2004 09:59 PM

Ian- I was pointing out that the diagram was actually nothing like the original scenario as there are 2 exits instead of one and it doesn't do justice to his original post.

IanA 15 March 2004 10:13 PM

Spoon, I was making a general reply to the original post as it was the first time I'd seen it, not remarking on your perfectly valid post!

One thing that all this discussion does bring to mind is that when I moved to London I was totally anti those people who drive bloody great big four wheel drives. After a year I understand it easily. You're safer from the people who drive taxis, vans, lorries and buses, easier to see and you can see much further.

Seems to be alot of aggression towards other road users on this site, from people who have a vehicle that gives them immense responsibilities. Ask yourself, am I part of the problem?

MGJohn 15 March 2004 10:42 PM

Ah ... the 'going right round the roundabout ploy' when really wanting to turn left at the first exit. Very useful, been doing it for years and no harm done ... BTW.. I can spot a NACRO company car/white van type driver at a thousand do indeed develope a sixth sense for these things ... and deal with them accordingly .....;)...

There's several medium sized roundabouts locally where the vast majority of drivers select the nearside lane for both going straight on or turning left at the first exit. Invariably the nearside lane queue is several hundred metres long at peak times with an EMPTY right hand lane as few people actually want to turn right there then. I use this empty lane to reach the roundabout, go right around it so that when I approach the road I'd originally entered it from, being now on the roundabout, I now have right of way, in theory at least so always wary and prepared for using brakes. Having indicated correctly and obvious from my road positioning which exit I'm using, I'm on my merry way in no time. So, I've put say another 50-60 metres on my odo which many other drivers are apparently very loath to do. Invariably, in so doing I've saved myself several frustrating minutes at those two roundabouts. There's another bonus, being already on my way and not still in the queue, that queue is shorter by one car...mine ....;) It amazes me that so few other drivers use this useful ploy.

Over many years, NEVER had any problems doing that 'old once around the roundabout ploy'.... a great timesaver .... :D

I sometimes give a lift to a work colleague. twenty five mile round trip. He remarks that no two of my journeys to-from the work place are ever the same.....:) Previously, another colleague provided a lift for him and he used EXACTLY the same journey to-from every day.... never varied irrespective of traffic conditions.

My teenage son, who passed his test a couple of years ago, like most youngsters thinks he knows best. When I use this roundabout 'ploy' when he's in the car with me, he slinks low in the seat just in case one of his mates sees him ...:D

Youngsters today .... dont know theyze born...Funny old game people and their cars..... well certainly amuses me ......:D

MGJohn 15 March 2004 10:55 PM

Company cars and other commercial vehicles .... no doubt that these are rarely driven with the same care as their own private vehicles. Always been like that.

Driver's accident and conviction records SURELY do play a part in the company's car insurance policy. Drove co-cars for many years and when a colleague got nicked for booze limit and later for traffic offence involving accident, the company policy was loaded considerably and he was formally warned that if there were any further incidents of any description, he'd have his car taken away from him and he'd get a mundane desk job or even be out!

Does that not happen now? Can co-car drivers get away with anything on the lines NACRO appears to suggest... I doubt it!

BedHog 15 March 2004 11:06 PM

I must admit I do it on a fairly regular basis at one busy island, but this is because there is a long queue of traffic going straight on, no one turning right and I need to turn left. I certainly wouldn't do it if I was going straight on.

It's the people taking the 'racing line' through islands without bothering to check what's behind them that's more likely to cause an accident.

This has happened many times, and I'm usually waiting for it and brake to avoid it. (Hitting the horn at this point gives them a hell of a shock :D ) But I must admit if it came to me having to shove my car up a kerb or get hit, I would let them hit me. There's no way I would wreck my alloys and have to fork out myself for someone elses poor driving.

Smiler 15 March 2004 11:21 PM

Originally Posted by MattW
It annoys me more when people get in the right lane and do a circle of the roundabout to turn left.

Why? If there's a big long queue to go left and hardly anything in the right lane then it's exactly what I'd do! And why not?

Famine 15 March 2004 11:44 PM

Originally Posted by BedHog
It's the people taking the 'racing line' through islands without bothering to check what's behind them that's more likely to cause an accident.

Someone did that right in front of the Blobster when he brought the RB5 down for a visit (oh, and the sprogs) and was taking me for a whirl.

Extremely irking.

Bubba po 16 March 2004 09:13 AM

Originally Posted by MattW
It annoys me more when people get in the right lane and do a circle of the roundabout to turn left.

Why? If there's a big long queue to go left and hardly anything in the right lane then it's exactly what I'd do! And why not?
As I said earlier, I have no problem with that at all. It's using the roundabout as it was designed to be used, and there are no issues of people forcing their way in or racing to a single exit.

On the whole, I'm pleased with how this thread's gone. Cheers, everyone. :)

Danny B 16 March 2004 12:02 PM

Nacro be carefull out there mate, you may run into a Kenneth Noye one day... is it really worth getting hurt over a poxy roundabout exit?

NACRO 16 March 2004 12:07 PM

I agree totally- if you read what I put earlier in the thread I don't drive like that anymore, I've grown up a little bit. I don't think it's worth the hassle anymore. I think bubba would be best following your advice.

I've been in more road rage related punch ups than any others, last time it ended with the other driver being arrested and a court case. I was deemed to be the injured party despite putting my steering lock through the other cars window.

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