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navigator 27 November 2003 12:57 PM

i'm with rich wild on this sound advice.
I am sorry to say my mum is elderly and in the last 6 mths has lost her grip on reality....confused you might say. Convinced things happen to her that are just not true.
Its very sad but your neghbour might have the same problem. in which case logic goes out the window and you just cannot reason with them. if thats the case the police should be aware, and i would hope sympathetic to you.Can other neighbours support your case ,has she been the same with them?
But i would advise caution and be nice even when provoked. that way you make her case much weaker. good luck(also keep a record of your times in and out , where you parked so you can contest her claims if needed)

Ian236 27 November 2003 02:27 PM

I had this problem a bit ago - the old bat near me said that she didnt like me parking my van outside her house but didnt mind if I parked my nice blue one with the gold wheels outside because it was always so shiny and nice looking - Oh! I said you mean the subaru - yes she said I like that one but not that old dirty van - so I borrowed a 3 tonner from a mate of mine and slapped a subaru sticker on the side and parked it outside her house and pi**ed off on holiday for two weeks - she never again moaned about the vans

jrrs1 27 November 2003 02:46 PM

Hope i'm not repeating anyone else, but back to the cats or not etc..

Cars registered after 1 Jan 94 have to have them,, before that your fine! I think!?
( i had a TVR Griff 4.3 registered along with another 200 on 31/12/93 - to get around the law)

EvilKyote 27 November 2003 04:03 PM


Buy her some ear muffs for xmas :D

Spoon 27 November 2003 04:27 PM

I've got it!!!

Send Frank Bruno around to reason with her, they'll get on like a house on fire once they've dressed up as astronauts, she'll love you for ever more!!

Sorted.:D :D

rob oneill 27 November 2003 05:41 PM

Thanks for all the advice everyone.

My cars a 93WRX, so sounds like Ill be OK without the cats. Where I get it MOT'd the last 2 years, they dont seem to think it needs an emissions test as its an import. I have wondered about this, but kept quiet;) dont think this is right is it?

Im getting my car tested for sound tomorrow, not by the police I should add, so all going well there will be nothing to worry about after that.

I found out why the police were called now, I think I was just an after thought.
Builders next door had parked their van half on the pavement, not outside her house, but she called the police to complain.
They nearly got a fixed fine.

Know what I mean Harry:D:D

kazlo 27 November 2003 09:59 PM

get a load of your scooby mates to park round the corner on tickover(out of site)knock her door and politely tell her the germans are coming, you wont see her for weeks:)

quicksprint 27 November 2003 10:11 PM


akshay67 27 November 2003 10:54 PM

If you are stopped at the roadside by the Police and the Vehicle Inspectorate and tested for omissions it will also fail the test.
It's within your right, I believe, to defer such a test by 7 day...'Sorry Guv, car's been acting a bit funny, gotta get it down to the garage - will sort it next week'.

Anyone confirm?

what would scooby do 27 November 2003 10:58 PM

If it hasn't already been mentioned... buy three old minis £50-£75, park one on her drive when she's gone to some old bints meeting, second blocking her drive, third parked ootside her house.. weeks o fun..

StickyMicky 27 November 2003 11:30 PM

you wouldnt agree with what i would have done

but i dont care :D

owbow 28 November 2003 03:14 AM

cue astraboy.... but he's not allowed out of his box!!!


OllyK 28 November 2003 08:53 AM

akshay67 - think you are incorrect there.

You have 7 days to produce your documents if you don't have them and are stopped, the old 7 day wonder, but if the Vehicle Inspectorate stop you, you are FUBAR. If they slap a prohibition order on you that's it, you need a tow truck to come and get you.

I the Police stop you for something minor then yes they can give you 7 days to go and get it sorted (funny reg plates etc), but the vehicle inspectorate will not mess about, if they stop you, you car better be OK. Mind you they are more interested in persecuting truckers than car drivers for the most part.

talizman 28 November 2003 08:57 AM

If the Police stop you for something minor then yes they can give you 7 days to go and get it sorted
21 days ;)

speedking 28 November 2003 09:20 AM

Think I've seen that you can say that you have only just set off and so the CAT is not up to working temperature. This would give inaccurate readings. You probably then have to present somewhere for a test within a set period of time?

Supplementary question: must the MOT emissions test be done on a hot exhaust? Doubt it ever is.


Jza 28 November 2003 09:26 AM

I've got an old bag next door who complains at the slightest noise... i spent 2 years getting wound up about it. In the end i gave in - just keep the tv quiet and dont play music loud (unless she's out)... in the end im less stressed as she never moans anymore.

You can never win. Old people have lots of time on their hands to worry about this sort of thing....


messiah 28 November 2003 09:34 AM

Well, I'm looking for a new exhaust, and I'm after one to annoy the neighbours who are a load of in-breds...

vindaloo 28 November 2003 10:07 AM

Regarding the roadside emmissions (sp) testing....

You can ask them not to test as it 'might damage the vehicle'. This get-out is explained on the VI or DoT's website somewhere.

They'll give you a form to present along with a new, valid MOT cert. within 21 days (I think 21 days, might be 7). If they test and you fail, same procedure should apply, form - MOT - 21 days etc. Either way you still have to get an MOT done.


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