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Simon S3 17 October 2003 05:38 PM

Queeny- "Lord Percy, it`s up to you, either you can shut up, or you can have your head cut off"

Lord Percy- (after a brief pause)"I`ll shut up"

Glenn_R 17 October 2003 11:05 PM

"I smell something fishy, and I'm not talking about the contents of Baldrick's apple crumble" :D

Riprock 17 October 2003 11:44 PM

Bladders:Madder than mad jack Mcmad,the winner of last years Mr Madman competiton...

Bladders:I believe what dr johnson is trying to say is that he has in fact finished his dictionery.It has apparantly taken him 10 years....

Prince G:.....well im a slow reader myself :)

Bladders:Thats it.....ive got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel!

Amy: Tell me, Mr. Blackadder, I've heard a teensy rumour that the Prince has the manners of a boy cow's dingle dangle. What do you have to say to that?
Edmund: Oh, that is a lie, madam. Prince George is shy and just pretends to be bluff and crass and unbelievably thick and gittish, whilst deep down he is a soft little marshmallowy, pigletty type of creature.
Amy: Oh I'm so glad, because you see, I'm a delicate tiny thing myself, weak and silly and like a little fluffy rabbit. So I could never marry a horrible heffalump, or I might get squished

Bladders:uhhhh god what a way to die....shot by a transvestite on an unrealistic grassy knoll!

Bladders:baldrick ,take this cartload of loot back to the palace and met me back here at midnight with 10 soldiers,a restless lynch mob and a small portable gallows.

And many many many more!! :D

Scooby Drew 18 October 2003 12:11 PM

The Baby Eating Bishop of Bath & Wells:
"You see, I am a colossal pervert. No form of sexual depravity is too low for me. Animal, vegetable or mineral -- I'll do anything to anything"

oz555 20 October 2003 10:13 PM

The prince bringing the Duke of Wellington a cup of tea- Your late..... Where the hell have you been for it.... India etc etc

Duck_Pond 20 October 2003 10:52 PM

"Good God, she's not Welsh is she?"

vindaloo 21 October 2003 12:25 AM

Highway woman one from Blackadder 3rd...

Bang ----neeeee-splat-thud "Squirrels - B*stards!"

Prince George: "Oh my god she's been arrested, tried as a highway woman and hanged"

From Blackadder 1 (No quotes yet from the Witch smeller episode!!

Edmund: "You're nothing but a quack!"
Witch Smeller Persiuvant: "What did you say?"
Edmund: "Quack! Quack!"
Witch Smeller Persiuvant: "You see my lords how the duck of Taunton lives within him!"

BTW: Thanks Nimbus, I'd been trying to remeber the Y shaped coffin woman's surname... :-)

Editted.. s/Tuanton/Taunton

[Edited by vindaloo - 10/21/2003 12:28:22 AM]

James Neill 21 October 2003 12:34 AM

What's the one where he's facing a firing squad and he has Baldrick find this renowned Defense lawyer who got this guy off for murder after admitting it in front of a bunch of nuns or the local bar association or whatever. Baldrick shags the request up or something.

stevem2k 21 October 2003 12:43 AM

Edmund: Oh, no need for that, Perkins, I'll just dash off a couple of notes,
one asking for a sponge bag, and the other sending for my lawyer.

Perkins: Oh, your lawyer now, yes sir. Don't you think that might be a bit
of a waste of money, sir.

Edmund: Not when he's the finest mind in English legal history. Ever heard
of Bob Massingburg?

Perkins: Oh, yes indeed, sir! A most gifted gentleman!

Edmund: I remember Massingburg's most famous case, the case of the bloody knife.
A man was found next to a murdured body, he had the knife in his hand,
thirteen witnesses that seen him stab the victim, when the police
arrived he said, "I'm glad I killed the *******." Massingburg not
only got him off, but he got him knighted in the New Year's Honors
list, and the relatives of the victim had to pay to have the blood
washed out of his jacket.

James Neill 21 October 2003 12:51 AM

Great! Where'd you get all these from?

stevem2k 21 October 2003 01:00 AM

Some of the spelling is a bit iffy though.


CRAFT 21 October 2003 08:01 AM


....and lets say thrupence for a slap up binge at mrs miggins pie shoppp

"Baldrick, thankyou for introducing me to a new experience, actually being pleased to see you:D

Humbug, Humbug, Humbug Mr Baldrick:D

Have you ever been to Wales Baldrick? It's a ghastly place, huge gangs of maurading tough sinuey men roam the counrtyside terrorising people with there close harmony singing, you have to have to a mouth full of spit to pronounce the place names, never ask for directions in Wales baldrick you'll be washing spit out of your hair for weeks:D


V45DSM 21 October 2003 10:35 AM

Edmund: Get out! Get out, libidinous swine! And take that horse-slut painted
strumpet with you, where you'll both rot in the filth of your own fornication!
Queen: ...and what did you say to *him*?
Edmund: Say, Madam? I said nothing. I simply pulled up my tights and jumped out the
privy window.
Queen: Oh, Edmund! You're so naughty!
Edmund: Well, I try, Madam. And ten minutes later, when I've got my breath back,
I try again...


Edmund: For `young man' read `young idiot'. Look, anyone stupid enough to let some
mustachioed dago come up to them in a corridor, say, `Excuse me Meester,' and hit them
over the head with a big stick deserves everything they get.


Edmund: Right. Now, am I, by any chance, addressing a senior dignitary of the Spanish
Torturer: Te gusta, la de la Inquisicion!
Edmund: (not understanding a word) Good... Because, if I am, I wish to make it quite clear
that I am prepared to tell you absolutely anything.
Torturer: Habla puer
Edmund: No speako dago. I demand to see the British ambassador, understand?
Torturer: Necesito silencio para comesa.
Edmund: Oh for God's sake! Look, how can you question me if you don't speak English?
Torturer: No! Yo pregunto las questionnes!
Edmund: Alright, let's start with the basics. English is a non-inflected Indo-European
language derived from dialects of....


Edmund: In that case, you are a fornicating babboon.


Prince Regent George: ...The most extraordinary thing happened. Last night,
I was having a bit of a snack at the Naughty Hellfire club, and some
fellow said that I had the wit and sophistication of a donkey.
Edmund: Oh, an absurd suggestion, sir.
Prince Regent George: You're right, it is absurd.
Edmund: ...unless, of course, it was a particularly *stupid* donkey.
Prince Regent George: You see? If only *I'd* thought of saying that...
Edmund: Well, it is so often the way, sir, too late one thinks of what
one *should* have said. Sir Thomas Moore, for instance: Burned alive
for refusing to recant his Catholicism, must have been kicking him-
self, as the flames licked higher, that it never occurred to him
to say, "I recant my Catholicism.".

Thats it I'm all typed out.

[Edited by V45DSM - 10/21/2003 10:43:44 AM]

fast_eddie 21 October 2003 10:48 AM

needs must when the devil vomits in your kettle

operation winkle to winkle out the spies


Lisan Obelisk 21 October 2003 01:49 PM

Bend Over Blackadder - ITS POKER TIME!!

-The Baby eating Bishop of Bath & Wells

V45DSM 21 October 2003 02:27 PM

A couple more:

Dr. Johnson: This book, sir, contains every word in our beloved language.
Edmund: Every word, sir?
Dr. Johnson: Every word, sir.
Edmund: Well, in that case, sir, I hope you will not object if I also offer the doctor my most enthusiastic contrafibularities.
Dr. Johnson: What??
Edmund: Contrafibularities, sir. It is a common word down our way.
Dr. Johnson: Damn!
Edmund: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I'm anaspeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericumbobulation.


Edmund: No, sir, 'tis not. It's the most pointless book since 'How to Learn French' was translated into French.


George:You look as happy as a man who thought a cat had done its business on his pie, but it turned out to be an extra large blackberry.


Edmund: A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mudwrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock & a stack of French porn.


Edmund: The Scarlet Pimpernel is the most over-rated human being since Judas Iscariot won the A.D.31 'Best Disciple' competition.


Edmund: You see, the ancient Greeks, sir, wrote in legend of a terrible container in which all the evils of the world were trapped. How prophetic they were. All they got wrong was the name. They called it 'Pandora's Box,' when of course they meant 'Baldrick's Trousers.'


Edmund: These are volatile times. The American Revolution lost your father the colonies; the French Revolution murdered brave King Louis; & there are great rumblings in Prussia. Though that may have something to do with the sausages.[/b]

[Edited by V45DSM - 10/21/2003 2:35:54 PM]

scoob_babe 21 October 2003 02:31 PM

sounds like someone's found the scripts then ;)

there's just too many to type in - but my favourite is the squirrels scene with the Silver Shadow :D

Nimbus 30 October 2003 05:26 PM

E: In fact now with the evil Mossop and Keanrick have got their
comeuppance, the Drury Lane Theatre is free. I thought we might
celebrate by staging a little play that I've written.

PR: Oh, what an excellent idea! And with my new found acting skills, um, might there be a part in it for me, do you think?

E: I was hoping you might play the title role, sir.

PR: What a roaringly good idea! What's the play called?

E: Thick Jack Clot Sits in the Stocks and Gets Pelted with Rancid Tomatoes.

PR: Excellent!


You can't keep a good thread down ;)

scooby-tc 30 October 2003 05:51 PM

3 cheers for captain slackbladder :D

Dapster 30 October 2003 07:44 PM

From Money...

Molly: Aren't you going to introduce us then?
Edmund: Oh sorry. Baldrick, this is .... I'm sorry I don't know your name
Molly: It's Molly
Edmund: Oh yes, Baldrick, this is Molly a dear friend of mine..
Molly: I'm not dear, I'm quite reasonable actually. Most girls would charge an extra sixpence for the things he makes me do
Edmund: Yes yes, enough of that. Baldrick, this is Molly, an inexpensive prostitute. Molly, this is Baldrick, a pointless peasant.


Edmund: Well your a one aren't you. When you're supposed to be whispering sweet nothings into my ear like 'My God, something twice the size of the Royal Barge has hoved into view between the sheets', nothing! But as soon as the creature from the Black Latrine is around you won't stop talking.
Molly: Well he treated me like a lady
Edmund: Look, if I wanted a lecture on the rights of man, I'd have gone to bed with Martin Luther.

newbie_scoobie 31 October 2003 01:56 PM


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