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co55ie 20 September 2002 12:28 PM

spot on wolfie.

The scooby guys and gals would miss the banter if we non scoob owners went away. They all love it really gives em something to talk about down the pub. I spanked a cossie today etc etc

Fantom 20 September 2002 12:31 PM

sure you can co551e..........
however, if you have more than 250bhp then you're bound to beat me but I'll race you anyway.
We should meet at santa pod sometime

chrisp 20 September 2002 12:38 PM

I think Shell hit the nail on the head when they introduced their Top Trumps promotion but I guess that was before a lot of the owners on here ;).

Everyone wanted the white 7.0 litre job as it won on most things :D.



chrisp 20 September 2002 12:38 PM

Oh blew away that SR71 on the way to work again today ;)

WoIfie 20 September 2002 12:53 PM

NOW I AM A RARITY i think anyway i have been whipped by several performance cars at combe and can be humble about it

Just because someone owns a 300bhp subaru or 515bhp cossie doesent mean they can drive ( or spell in my case lol) just means they 1) are in a lot of debt or 2) have a lot of money, i cant count the amount of times i have seen these people at trackdays and they do not have a clue i have a video of me in a laguna diesel whipping a vtr in 1/2 a lap because he braked mid bend wasent smooth ect ect what im trying to say is just because someone has a performance car doesent mean they can drive it to is limit, so beating someone in an evo on the A12 in yer 2cv does not mean tommytit as they may not have as much talent / training as you

Regards Wolfie

nichop 20 September 2002 12:55 PM

Like the sound of your Mini Wolfie. Did you do the engine work ? If not, who did ? Used to do lots of mini work a while back and always tempted to revisit.

Damaja 20 September 2002 01:03 PM

Just watched that video, did not bother to read the whole of this thread, but I came to the conclusion that Alex is an absolute pr1ck

WoIfie 20 September 2002 01:06 PM

Did everything myself inc painting it ( erm did not do machining dont have a machine shop {:O) ) its basically a metro turbo transplant modded internally straight cut drop gears ect should be great fun, i am hoping to get into the 200bhp club and will try hard at it, i think it will be hard with the engine being a 50 year old design and only a 1.3 but the main thing is ive really enjoyed building it up its been a real learning curve

Damaja you havent read the whole thread but come to the conclusion he's a prick well if you read it he hasent name called he hasent been nasty and he has listened to you all, the name calling has been from the subaru owners the way i see it is hes posted the video as he's pleased about a good race with a subaru, u think he would have done the same on the reliant website??? erm no subarus are good compitition and you lot should be proud of being these benchmarks

regards wolfie

[Edited by WoIfie - 9/20/2002 1:11:40 PM]

LG John 20 September 2002 01:32 PM

wolfie your posts have been spot on mate.

It is never down to who's car is faster it's down to whos got the most cash and what they are willing to spend. If I had a multi-million pound business I would have a car that would be faster than anyone on here's. You can't always keep up with the Jones's remember :)

barge 20 September 2002 01:36 PM

Alex or what ever your name is.

What other cars have you had ?
have they all been fords ?
do you hand about in sutton ?

do you want to race my escort down the mad mile ?
Its just rebuilt & freshly run in

2wdcossie 20 September 2002 01:37 PM

"What you forget is half the owners on this site could chop in their scooby tommorrow and buy £15k+ worth of maxed up old ford or GTI-R or supercharged hot hot that would murder your car"

u pompass nob end!

100% typical of your lots attitude that

well done

keep it up

alex sorry but you didnt seem to have much of an advantage over him imo. dont take that in a my cars faster than yours way or owt its just i expected to see you murder him like.

matt (off rsoc)

TonyBurns 20 September 2002 01:45 PM

we dont all have that sort of attitude :( but if you want me to point you at a cossie owner, just look at co55ie, he sits there and slates Dingy's car, not even knowing that Dingy owns a ford escort mk 2 with a cossie engine in it, somewhat quicker (when he has it running again ;)) than co55ies cossie :p
Swings and roundabouts but you always get someone who starts the fight (in this case alex by saying is this why scoobs are slow) so what do you expect? of course there is going to be banter about it due to the fact that this is a Subaru board and the fact that i really doubt that alex's car will be even in the same bracket as his mates STi type RA (poss a v-limited?) due to its close gear ratios.
Now all i need to do is get a group buy on chill pills ;):D


co55ie 20 September 2002 01:49 PM

How comes it is only considered to be MAXING when its done to Fords.
Are scoob's above this Maxing status ?
LOL some of you lot think you are god's gift the supreme being's cause you drive silly looking tinpot JAP sheds with dodgy engines. LOL at 15 k IT boy comment you must be onto a right winner if you can afford this much YOU BIG SPENDER YOU, HOW NAUGHTY, IT IS SO NICE TO ACTUALLY HEAR OF A SUCCESFUL INDIVIDUAL LIKE YOURSELF.LOL what a ****ing PRICK. I EXPECT YOU EVEN HAVE TO HAVE A MORTGAGE IT BOY LOL. AND I EXPECT YOU ONLY HAVE ONE CAR A SUBARU ****ING WOW YOU BIG TIME PLAYER.

[Edited by co55ie - 9/20/2002 2:01:19 PM]

GazP 20 September 2002 01:52 PM

Well this has brought a few choice comments to light. Yes some people have raced, and someone has posted on here about it, shock horror! And one of the cars wasn't a Subaru either, oh no, even more shock. Then the attitudes kick into play as well :(

No one on here has the fastest car, as there will always be someone faster, and just because someone has an older car that is equal or better than a new car, he gets slated. Some of the comments are just sad and so childish. No wonder most people DO think you all work in IT and drive below the speed limits all the time.

Please, come and join the real worls, were people do drive at 31 in a 30 zone from time to time, instead of living in ivory towers like a lot of people who have posted on here seem to do so.

Yes Alexs car has been modified, but so what? A race is a race, and a lot of it is down to the driver, not the car. Yes his car is older than 99% on here, but so what? I also think some of you on here with the snotty nosed attitudes haven't got the GUTS to modify your car. I also know of some cars from here that HAVE been modified, EG Shaggys old car, but most people who have posted childish replies have standard cars, like other people have said, because they don't want to loose their warranty, or probably because they can only *just* afford to run and insure a standard Subaru.

Time to melllow out people and just accept that people own different cars from different manufacturers, age has got nothing to do with it at all.

2wdcossie 20 September 2002 02:07 PM

tonyburns, sorry for the generalisation, it seems you aint like that, loads aretho. and i know dingy well, only last week i was in his garage laughing er sorry i mean looking ;) at his new cage etc. when that thing is done not many cossies will catch it, trust me.

co55ie, do not underestimate dinglys motor, it was v fast last time it ran, next time it runs it will be loads faster, as above, trust me ;)


co55ie 20 September 2002 02:11 PM

cool I am sure it will be and hope it is if he has put lots of work into it. But he seems to be slightly jealous for some unknown reason.
If his car is quicker than mine then good I will have something to aspire too if we should we ever meet on the quarter mile.

LG John 20 September 2002 02:20 PM

I'm not being being like that at all just making a statement of fact. I could spend £15k on mods for my Impreza and make it stupid fast and then go brag on the M3 site that my car is faster than theirs. They would just turn round and point out they could (for the money they spent) have done the exact same thing but they chose to have a better car as standard, i.e. toys, build quality, etc.

It all comes down to money and choices at the end of the day. I respect people that can only afford a £6k car but with an extra couple of hundred pounds here and there and hours of blood and guts in their garage turn it into a beast. I don't see the point in the peeps that buy a £6k car and pay silly amounts more to make it costs and go the same as a £15k car. Surely they'd have been better just to buy the £15k car which will argueably be better all round?

I could have supercharged my VTS and it would have been newer and faster and a lot cheaper than my current scooby (which isn't slow by the way). Had I taken this route though I wouldn't have been as much of a wank as some of you ford guys that come on a brag about how much better your car is than scooby's because it's cheaper and faster. There are kids out there running around in courtney novas worth pennys that would hump your car and mine....that doesn't make them better though!

Krade 20 September 2002 02:28 PM

Well I dont care coz my Dads a Spaceman so nerrrrr :p

NDT 20 September 2002 02:51 PM

I really don't get it.
OK, so the assembled mass of subaru drivers really shouldn't bite, and some can tend to be a bit wide themselves, but FFS, why do people, typically Ford owners like Alex or Co55ie post on here in the first place?
Is it just to start an argument?
what's the matter, does nobody pay you enough attention at home?
do you have something to prove?
this kind of crap is destroying this site for anyone with half a brain or more.

PS Wolfie, like the sound of your mini. I'm building something similar (tuned Impreza is the sensible weekday car). Ditch the T3 though - massive lag. and nitrous is cheating!

[Edited by NDT - 9/20/2002 3:06:28 PM]

323GTR 20 September 2002 03:21 PM

T3 is the way to go if you want 200+ BHP, maybe a T28 would do but the flange on the manifold is different. Anything smaller will limit the power.

Nitrous sounds mad. I got my Mini up to close to 200BHP (Forged psitons, big valve head, 25psi boost :O) but I broke too many gearboxes and had to replace subframe mounts every 2 weeks. I then bought a GTM kit car and put the engine in that, but the handling was lethal. Eventually I sold it all off, as it was costing too much and breaking too often :(

Wurzel 20 September 2002 03:23 PM

Ah ha people talking about Turbo's :) if I wanted to replace the standard turbo on my MY00 GT, what should I replace it with and why? what are the benefits???

And please can I have a sensible answer...

[Edited by Wurzel - 9/20/2002 3:24:15 PM]

LG John 20 September 2002 03:32 PM

Wurzel that is the most cronic thread hijack I have ever seen :D Still your topic is more sensible and useful the the host topic :)

RichardPON 20 September 2002 03:45 PM

Saxo boy,

Just to draw a parallel, you had a Saxo, which cost you how much? Did you keep it standard? For the money you spent, you could have bought something like a Fiat Coupe Turbo, which is faster, more toys etc....

jonny gav 20 September 2002 04:09 PM

alex-any chance of a cut and blow wave :D :D :D

2wdcossie 20 September 2002 04:10 PM

OK, so the assembled mass of subaru drivers really shouldn't bite, and some can tend to be a bit wide themselves, but FFS, why do people, typically Ford owners like Alex or Co55ie post on here in the first place?
i registered on here cos i was thinking about getting a scooby at one time and had many questions regarding imports and insurance etc, to be fair about 5% of the replies helped, you all just took the pi$$ cos of my username or posted total crap (i make a post saying "i have a few questions....." some muppets reply with "what" "why" "when" etyc etc, all hilarious and hit like 4 pages too!!), which i half expected having heard about this bb elsewhere :(

so thats why in my case.


NDT 20 September 2002 04:19 PM

balls - how do you do quotes on here....
T3 is the way to go if you want 200+ BHP, maybe a T28 would do but the flange on the manifold is different. Anything smaller will limit the power.

Nitrous sounds mad. I got my Mini up to close to 200BHP (Forged psitons, big valve head, 25psi boost :O) but I broke too many gearboxes and had to replace subframe mounts every 2 weeks

would be interested in seeing a spec sheet.
I'll be using a turbo that fell off the back of a development project when I worked at Cosworth....
quite small, like a hybrid T25. Was aimed at a 16v 2l engine making 170bhp, so should be about right.
Also looking at full engine management and injection. if I can be bothered. Only aiming at about 150bhp absolute tops...

[Edited by NDT - 9/20/2002 4:20:46 PM]

RichardPON 20 September 2002 04:33 PM

As far as Mini's go, check out my mate Matt's one:

Matt - out of bed the wrong side this morning were we? ;)

323GTR 20 September 2002 04:35 PM

I used the stock Metro turbo block, bored to 1293cc with Omega forged pistons (as used in the Metro Turbo challenge cars). Exhaust manifold was slightly gas flowed, turbo was stock metro turbo. Head was slightly bigger inlet vlaves, stock exhaust, gas flowed. Inlet manifold was mildly flowed (just cleaned up really).
Cam was from Kent, ground to a spec given to a mate of mine by a certain now famous cossie owner who also used to have a mini turbo a long time back...
My car was the standard mini front, I used the Mk2 metro rad on the front (it fit's just!) and a 4 x 4 cossie intercooler sitting in a rally lamp pod on the bonnet. I also used the stock gearbox, couldn't afford a dog box at the time :( The car would wheelspin in all 4 gears at the slightest hint of damp, and I just wound the boost up as far as it would go :O It lasted better than I expected, except for gearboxes, a good one lasted 3 months, some didn't last a week, but when you can get them for less than 25 notes, who cares? The car was used for the odd bit of driving about, but mostly on track days and stuff. Sadly the bodyshell was rusting away faster than I could weld new panels on :( The heel boards was the last straw, a PITA of a job to do. I scrapped the shell and bought the GTM, then after caning it for a bit and having loads of hassle, I lost interest and locked it in the garage. It stayed there for 6 yrs till I sold it a couple of months back.

The mini shells will need serious strengthening for a 16V lump. There are a few about though, a mate of mine has a 16V turbo clubman, with an EVO VI intercooler on the front, completely mad IMO, it must be lethal to drive. Spotted another one at Trax too. I always have a soft spot for mini's but I couldn't have one...

LG John 20 September 2002 04:48 PM

Richard I'm afraid I couldn't!! Prior to the VTS I had a 1.3 Polo CL which I had only been insuring in my own name for 6 months. The VTS came with free insurance and I saved up £1600 for the following year expecting it to be that much - 23 with 1 year NCB. However, they gave me a 'theoretical' 6 year NCB and the option to protect for £600 a year :) This opened the door to me for performance cars and thats when I decided to fulfill a teenage-hood dream of mine and get a scooby :D I did think about getting a coupe turbo for a while but the FWD put me off as I knew I'd want to push it sometimes in the twisties and wet.

Yes the VTS remained standard. My option was scooby or turn the VTS into a total beast.

WoIfie 20 September 2002 05:07 PM

Ok ive kept the t3 as its good enough for the job also a smaller turbo Will creat more heat as its spinning faster, the prob with heat in the mini is its got no-where to go, i will be changing mine for a hybrid poss twin stage at some point, one of the reasons i am using Nitrous is because the t3 is so laggy Nos reducins intake temps whitch in itself creats more power, also the power benifits of Nos is belive it or not reduced engine stress ( i know i will get flamed for saying this but its true ), the reason?? well the reason is i can run 16psi boost with 50 brake jets in Nos to get near the 200bhp ( the A series design was for 38 bhp ) or i can run 22 psi and 25 brake, less boost = less stress on bearings ect, less boost = less heat to get rid of, less boost means gearbox ect will have a better time of it.

Now i know what u will say 200bhp is 200 bhp on any gearbox not strictly true with a progressive controller i can launch on 10% Nos then build it up over milliseconds this stops trashing the box also it will work well with a 2 stage turbo, far better than dumping the clutch and expecting a gearbox to take it, i have had loads of help from the Wizards of nos team who are very encoraging, so i would say Nos is not cheating, would it be cheating if it allowed you to beat a 500bhp cossie at santa pod ?

[Edited by WoIfie - 9/20/2002 5:09:19 PM]

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