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The Zohan 05 July 2002 11:08 AM


A well thought out post which just about sums it up from my POV.

father_jack 05 July 2002 11:09 AM

It's a cracker. From the same people who brought us the one for Price Waterhouse - you are a donkey :D - needs sound

Little Miss WRX 05 July 2002 02:25 PM

Shunty, remember this? Mine is bigger than yours ;)

Denzil_Dog 05 July 2002 02:34 PM

cats stink of shat

dogs also stink of shat what more can i say :rolleyes:

Norman D. Landing 05 July 2002 02:54 PM

Solution to your cat problems (Although you WILL end up with some scratches , but they'll never be repeated) :

1. Place a metal tray with some petrol in it approx 5 yards from the front of your car (bear with me)

2. Place an open box of matches red-end up in the petrol.

3. Wait until offending cat is either on the bonnet or approaching the car, the choice is yours, scratches or no scratches)

4. Take out your air rifle, aim at the matchbox, doesnt matter where, the friction of the matchheads rubbing together works every time.

5. Watch and laugh as the offending moggy performs a gravity defying 60 ft. leap over the top of your next door neighbours house! :) :)

Beleive me this will work, it certainly used to scare people walking through the woods round our way ****less !!

Puff The Magic Wagon! 05 July 2002 03:10 PM

They could've used you in the last war - tactics like that ;)

Or ru Al Kaida? :eek:


Norman D. Landing 05 July 2002 03:29 PM

Aiiiiii Taliban !

Mice_Elf 05 July 2002 03:46 PM

At least it doesn't condone harming the animal in question.

I have 4 cats and there is no way that I could confine them to the house, like a dog, unless I wanted a stripped house. Fortunately they have fields to run about in and not worry the neighbours.

If they did then I wouldn't mind the neighbours blasting them with water from a hose or just or whatever but to actively harm an animal that is just being itself is inexcusable in my opinion.

Stevethevet 06 July 2002 01:11 AM

Fascinating thread.

People who think it is acceptable/funny to hurt/injure or inflict cruelty upon any animal may be interested to check out

It is now generally accepted (lots of scientific study has proved) that people who have no respect for animals tend to have no respect for humans. Being cruel to an animal indicates that you are much more likely to be cruel to people (e.g. kill, rape, molest). It's a sobering thought that ALL the serial killers in custody in the United States (several hundred) have a history of animal cruelty, as do a large proportion of rapists and child molesters.

Identifying animal abusers is now taken VERY seriously to try to rehabilitate the offender BEFORE they turn their attentions to humans. The veterinary profession in the UK and USA have been briefed to look out for "non-accidental injury" in animals in order to cut the rising toll of human abuse.

Next time you hear someone laughing about cruelty to animals I would take a wide berth if I were you.

gtr_man 06 July 2002 11:19 AM

Why is it that dog owners can be fined £1,000 for letting their animals foul the pavements and are told to keep them out of children's play areas or be fined, when cats are allowed to foul in tax payers gardens and get away with it.

How can cat owners be called animal lovers when they let their treasured pets roam freely to dodge cars and dogs. Why is it roaming dogs are rounded up and put in kennels to be either put down or the owner fined.

Why do pregnant mothers have to serve a lifetime of guilt because they picked up the toxoplasmosis parasite whilst gardening and passed it on to their unborn child.

I knew of a lady who had two cats that were very precious to her and she used to take them for walks every day on a lead and they used a cat litter tray. Another neighbour always kept her cat in and she used a cat litter tray. When she was old enough to go out, the cat still never went anywhere but the cat litter tray.
Having a cat is a lazy way of having a pet. Most cat owners are too busy to give it the proper attention they should and they are just allowed to wander in and wander out whenever they feel like it. Not everyone wants to clean up after your pet, especially when it digs up newly planted bulbs! Those people who say "But my cat buries what it does" should go round and dig their neighbours garden for them! I very rarely come across a pile that is buried - even the cats are getting lazy!

I like cats - I hate the owners!

Stevethevet 06 July 2002 01:23 PM

gtr man.

I totally agree. It's very rare that the animals are truly to blame but the owners. The vast majority of problems that society has with animals, some of which you outlined above, could be controlled/eliminated by sensible pet ownership.

Unfortunately, for every sensible pet owner there seems to be about 1000 irresponsible pet owners. It is this attitude of some people that give animals a bad name. Cats won't pass on toxoplasma if they are wormed, RTAs involving animals will be avoided if animals are not allowed to roam. Dangerous dogs are only dangerous if introduced to an inappropriate setting. I, personally, would not trust ANY dog, no matter how friendly, to be left unattended with a small child, let alone large, potentially dangerous dogs.

At the end of the day animals are animals and we can never fully anticipate how they will react.

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