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Dr Hu 09 August 2011 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by EddScott (Post 10176861)
Problem with tear gas or rubber bullets is that someone is more likely to get really hurt.

Aaahhhh Diddumms! - Lets see how much Looting they do with a bullet in the forehead, and tripping over the dead bodies of their 'homies' :mad:

RobJenks 09 August 2011 09:33 AM

Sterilisation of all culprits

An0n0m0us 09 August 2011 09:40 AM

Live rounds, shoot to kill on anyone looting. Either they will stop or they will be erradicated soon enough. Worked for the USA when New Orleans was looted after Hurricane Katrina. Army brought in with a policy of shoot anyone seen looting. They don't have such a namby pamby tolerance of out and out criminals like we do.

The Zohan 09 August 2011 09:43 AM

Originally Posted by Dr Hu (Post 10176899)
Aaahhhh Diddumms! - Lets see how much Looting they do with a bullet in the forehead, and tripping over the dead bodies of their 'homies' :mad:


Live by the sword, they can die by it!

ChefDude 09 August 2011 09:54 AM

I recall a long time back they developed a PA system designed to make everyone in the vicinity sh!t themselves - the resonant frequency of the bowel is something like 8Hz.

This all would never work though - people would be up in arms when the innocent get accidentally targeted.

I agree with curfew, not weapons on crowds.

stilover 09 August 2011 09:56 AM

Shoot the Feckers. Simple.

stilover 09 August 2011 09:58 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10176755)

Just like that. :thumb:

TelBoy 09 August 2011 09:58 AM

Originally Posted by ChefDude (Post 10176939)
I recall a long time back they developed a PA system designed to make everyone in the vicinity sh!t themselves - the resonant frequency of the bowel is something like 8Hz.

You can literally blow somebody apart from the inside out using this technique :)

ChefDude 09 August 2011 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by TelBoy (Post 10176945)
You can literally blow somebody apart from the inside out using this technique :)

There's possibly an implicit question of legality then :lol1:

EddScott 09 August 2011 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by Dr Hu (Post 10176899)
Aaahhhh Diddumms! - Lets see how much Looting they do with a bullet in the forehead, and tripping over the dead bodies of their 'homies' :mad:

Actually, my comment is more in regard to the media fallout that would occur if the police killed someone.

I take you've heard of Ian Tomlinsom?

Why not give the cops guns? The rioters respond in kind and London gets it's own Bloody Sunday?

Also worth pointing out that all this started due to the police shooting and killing some young hoodlum.

An0n0m0us 09 August 2011 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by EddScott (Post 10176962)
...Also worth pointing out that all this started due to the police shooting and killing some young hoodlum.

No this started after peaceful protests against the shooting were used by mindless thugs and criminals to start something that has nothing to do with the police shooting an armed drug dealer. As usual like other peaceful protests they are turned into riots and looting by those out purely for violence and criminal gain who have no connection with the original protest.

cookstar 09 August 2011 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by RobJenks (Post 10176902)
Sterilisation of all culprits

^^ This.

Would work even better if it was "on the spot".

gallois 09 August 2011 10:24 AM

A sad as Ian Tomlinson case was, people should take the following advice DO NOT WALK IN FRONT OF THE RIOT POLICE DURING A RIOT! you could get hurt.

riot spectators are not spectators, they are passive or resting rioters, issue a curfew and let the police use heavy tactics or stay and expect the police to use them on you.

Anyone covering their face should immediately become a target by police and forcibly removed or disabled.

Wurzel 09 August 2011 10:28 AM

Deploy the army with lots and lots and lots of CS gas then a light sprinkling of cold water from fire engines. CS gas reacts with cold water and starts to sting the skin even more :D Then send the troops in with pick axe handles as snatch squads to rap the thugs round the back of the legs go and grab them whilst they are rubbing their faces, drag them behind the lines of riot police, tie them up with plasticuffs and hand them over to the police to be arrested for breach of the peace, rioting, inciting racial hatred, looting and criminal damage. No judge, no jury take them straight to prison for 5 years.

Rinse and repeat until they either get the message or are all tied up face down in puddles of CS / water with no means to rub their faces :D

hutton_d 09 August 2011 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by EddScott (Post 10176962)
Actually, my comment is more in regard to the media fallout that would occur if the police killed someone.

I take you've heard of Ian Tomlinsom?

Why not give the cops guns? The rioters respond in kind and London gets it's own Bloody Sunday?

Also worth pointing out that all this started due to the police shooting and killing some young hoodlum.

I think in this case the media "fallout" would probably be with the police and against the looters. The Ian Tomlinson case was a very different set of circumstances.


JTaylor 09 August 2011 10:31 AM

I think perhaps the reality is (and I really do want blood) that after Egypt, Libya, Syria and so on, our condemnation of governments using violence against their people and the fact that we're at war on the back of UNSCR 1973, we can't be seen by our enemies and the rest of the world as hypocrites. I understand our situation is different, but I'm guessing there's a much bigger picture in play.

Davey L 09 August 2011 10:48 AM

Having spent 22+ years in the military and taken part in over 7 conflicts, watching these scroates trashing places makes my blood boil. As much as i'd like to see a military prescence on the streets it's not going to happen. Lets be honest, the pink and fluffy brigade are prepared to have soldiers locked up for what they did in Basrah during a war.... they'd have a field day if some skulls get cracked in the capital.
Maybe if the police got in amongst the scum with batons it would help instead of standing back and watching.
2 groups are needed. Front line bunch of baton weilding coppers giving it hell. Behind them a mop up group, cuff anyone on the ground, arrest them and then let the medics in to patch them up before they're straight off for a court appearance. Stop any dole, allowances whatever they're on until the bill is cleared for the mess they've made and put them on the clean up crew through the day and lock the feckers up at night. But that would be against their human rights as well so it'll never happen either!

L.J.F 09 August 2011 10:58 AM

Originally Posted by Wurzel (Post 10176978)
Deploy the army with lots and lots and lots of CS gas then a light sprinkling of cold water from fire engines. CS gas reacts with cold water and starts to sting the skin even more :D Then send the troops in with pick axe handles as snatch squads to rap the thugs round the back of the legs go and grab them whilst they are rubbing their faces, drag them behind the lines of riot police, tie them up with plasticuffs and hand them over to the police to be arrested for breach of the peace, rioting, inciting racial hatred, looting and criminal damage. No judge, no jury take them straight to prison for 5 years.

Rinse and repeat until they either get the message or are all tied up face down in puddles of CS / water with no means to rub their faces :D

This is the way forward. Plus all non british culprits deported back home without fail. Also stopping the benefit handouts for those caught would be a nice touch.

L.J.F 09 August 2011 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by Wurzel (Post 10176978)
Deploy the army with lots and lots and lots of CS gas then a light sprinkling of cold water from fire engines. CS gas reacts with cold water and starts to sting the skin even more :D Then send the troops in with pick axe handles as snatch squads to rap the thugs round the back of the legs go and grab them whilst they are rubbing their faces, drag them behind the lines of riot police, tie them up with plasticuffs and hand them over to the police to be arrested for breach of the peace, rioting, inciting racial hatred, looting and criminal damage. No judge, no jury take them straight to prison for 5 years.

Rinse and repeat until they either get the message or are all tied up face down in puddles of CS / water with no means to rub their faces :D

This is the way forward. Plus all non british culprits deported back home without fail. Also stopping the benefit handouts for those caught would be a nice touch.

Leslie 09 August 2011 11:54 AM

Can't understand why the police appear to be standing around watching those thugs do and steal what they want. What kind of restrictions have been placed on their actions I wonder.

It is about time that the government actually stood up for the people and did something positive to stop all this right at the source. The government has displayed gross lack of responsibility so far as well as any kind of leadership.

If the police can't or won't cope then the troops must be sent in and allowed to take the necessary action to sort the hooligans out. Of course it would be wrong to use life threatening devices but the louts should be left in no doubt that life would be made uncomfortable and painful for them as well as the threat of long and unpleasant prison sentences.


need4speeduk 09 August 2011 12:02 PM

Personally I think the police should jump in their armour plated riot jeeps and go have themselves a game of human skittles.

ScoobySteve69 09 August 2011 12:10 PM

Bullets are cheaper than cushy prison terms....simple.

Wurzel 09 August 2011 12:16 PM

Originally Posted by ScoobySteve69 (Post 10177116)
Bullets are cheaper than cushy prison terms....simple.

And pick axe handles are cheaper than bullets and every army unit has enough for one each!!! I know this from experience :D

A few broken legs will soon sort things out.

f1_fan 09 August 2011 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10176982)
I think perhaps the reality is (and I really do want blood) that after Egypt, Libya, Syria and so on, our condemnation of governments using violence against their people and the fact that we're at war on the back of UNSCR 1973, we can't be seen by our enemies and the rest of the world as hypocrites. I understand our situation is different, but I'm guessing there's a much bigger picture in play.

Yep well time to forget being world police and sort out our own issues as I said many months ago as I am sure YOU will remember!

a5h 09 August 2011 12:24 PM

The army would be good but i can see alot of people getting hurt if the mob was on the street with battons.

I think if they let the police on the ground do their job this could all be sorted out quickly.

ScoobyWon't 09 August 2011 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by Wurzel (Post 10176978)
Deploy the army with lots and lots and lots of CS gas then a light sprinkling of cold water from fire engines. CS gas reacts with cold water and starts to sting the skin even more :D Then send the troops in with pick axe handles as snatch squads to rap the thugs round the back of the legs go and grab them whilst they are rubbing their faces, drag them behind the lines of riot police, tie them up with plasticuffs and hand them over to the police to be arrested for breach of the peace, rioting, inciting racial hatred, looting and criminal damage. No judge, no jury take them straight to prison for 5 years.

Rinse and repeat until they either get the message or are all tied up face down in puddles of CS / water with no means to rub their faces :D

That's too soft. CS then tazer them. The flame is invisible, so they wouldn't know what happened. ;)

Hysteria1983 09 August 2011 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by gallois (Post 10176571)
water cannon, tear gas, baton, steel toe-cap, etc etc.

Same here, show them something that might scare them off.

EddScott 09 August 2011 12:36 PM

Originally Posted by An0n0m0us (Post 10176967)

Yes, this started over the killing of just such an individual who would have been at the forefront of one of these riots. To think the protest would remain peaceful is rather naive. It's been used as an excuse for a rampage. Just the same as the university fee protests and the austerity measures protests. Fine examples of peaceful protests.

Originally Posted by hutton_d (Post 10176980)
I think in this case the media "fallout" would probably be with the police and against the looters. The Ian Tomlinson case was a very different set of circumstances.


If the police started using rubber bullets and end up killing someone (which can happen) or a "bystander" like Tomlinson, the papers will be calling the police tatics into question. Just the same as they are now for not being heavy handed enough.

I'm happy for the heavy handed approach, it's just unfortunate that the police are largely damned if the do and damned if they don't.

ScoobyWon't 09 August 2011 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10177097)
Can't understand why the police appear to be standing around watching those thugs do and steal what they want. What kind of restrictions have been placed on their actions I wonder.


Once you start arresting them, you have to take them away, leaving even less officers there, who are then at a greater risk of harm and have even less chance of controlling the mobs. It's a lose lose situation.

Leslie 09 August 2011 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by ScoobyWon't (Post 10177182)
Once you start arresting them, you have to take them away, leaving even less officers there, who are then at a greater risk of harm and have even less chance of controlling the mobs. It's a lose lose situation.

I see your point,it is a difficult situation then.

More ground forces needed the Army.


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