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dnb 06 April 2002 06:32 PM

A good many things come to mind, but the strangest was when my springer spaniel ate a supermarket carrier bag!

He wasn't too well afterwards, and didn't think much of the liquid parafin we fed him...

BOB.T 06 April 2002 07:01 PM

my homework....I don't even have a dog;)


scooby nutter 06 April 2002 07:11 PM

mains lead to tv(not plugged in)
Kitchen table(every side and corner)
My sit on bouncy thing(I was only a boy!!)
Loose change...(yes i did get it back;) )

DocJock 06 April 2002 08:27 PM

My last Staffie chewed..

my JackRussell (not fatally)
Patio doors !!...well the aluminium frame
gearstick and steering wheel in the missus' Honda ;)

GM 06 April 2002 08:44 PM

You know monkey puzzle trees? The ones with the REALLY spikey branches? We had this completely loopy Bazenji (sp?) who used to jump up and grab a branch in her teeth and swing back and forward. Just about killed the poor tree, hate to think what it did to hes mouth:eek:

Scoobychick 07 April 2002 10:07 AM

Remember in my first post on this thread I said the dog had chewed the brush tool from the Dyson? Well a strange thing occured yesterday - whilst Chris was out walking the dog he came across exactly the same Dyson brush tool just sitting on the top of a wall (only this one was unchewed), the wall wasn't particularly near a house and there was no sign of the rest of the dyson or it's owner in sight so he pocketed it and carried on walking, whistling innocently all the way home! Bizarre :D :D :D :D

Yesterday the dog ate a plastic beaker and a flower pot and had a munch on just about every plant and shrub in the garden (we were clearing everything out of it ready for a rebuild), she seemed to think that everything we dug up was for her benefit :rolleyes: :D

Andy W 07 April 2002 06:53 PM

My Kerry blue chews just about everthing including the phone line to my PC (about 5 time), but a couple of the toys you put biscuits in lots of Cayenne pepper and she has just about stopped, apart from the phone cable.


Mice_Elf 09 April 2002 03:15 PM

Our dog has just turned one and he chews everything in mouth reach. He re-decorated the hall by chewing off the wallpaper, he's chewed the stair banisters, countless shoes, foam padding out of delivered parcels, cushions, gloves, umbrellas, chair legs, underlay, lino, the box we keep his toys in, any toy we give him is destroyed within seconds and pretty much all movable items...
His latest one is a grass snake. :rolleyes: We took him walking round the fields at the weekend and managed to grab him away from a really big one (3foot long) but then he tanked it down the field after a bird in the sky which he mistakenly believes he can catch and we saw him pouncing and flinging something about and by the time we got there he was happily chowing down on a diddy grass snake (about a foot long). We rang the vets to make sure he would be ok and they said he would be and he is - just incredibly stoopid! :)

Our last dog when he was a puppy managed to climb up the washing basket into the bath where he obliterated the sponges. However, he was too small to get back out of the bath so he was caught with the evidence all about him!

Alpine 09 April 2002 03:37 PM

Great thread....

Our border collie ate underlay and carpets.. chewed the edge of most of the steps.. the brush attachment from the Dyson.. common theme.. chewed a hole in a feather duvet and pillow... that was fun.. feathers everywhere... a hole in a mattress.. socks, pants, knickers, bras.. still has something going for elastic!!

She's now an angel... but I figured that's why she was so cute as a puppy.. otherwise I'd have killed the little bl££der!

best one I know was a guy who left his border collie in the car... it TOTALLY trashed the inside of his 6 month old cavalier... all the fascia had lumps out of it.. the front seats and headrest were totally fecked.. steering wheel was practically through in one place.. try explaining that to your fleet manager.. cost well over a grand to sort...

Scumbag 09 April 2002 04:19 PM

A Staffie that chews toys and DOESNT destroy them....

Ours got through the patented "Indestructable" Nylon bone in about 45 mins...oh and the remote control for the lights/fan in the conservatory

SuzyQ 09 April 2002 07:18 PM

Tee he he baby chewed a hole in the wall....even when the little hole she made was covered in various nasty(so i thought) tasting things like...washing up polish!!
think one of her favourite things to chew and eat tho is soap!!..she cant get enough of it!! these are just a few of her favourite things.....i guess tho the worst must be the tiny dogs she walks past...she likes to try to chew them....she even like the idea of chewing a mastiff too..she managed a tiny chew on his neck b4 his owner took him away :D
dogs....dont ya just love em!!!!! (when they are curled up asleep)

SuzyQ 09 April 2002 07:20 PM

oh btw my mums dog chewed one of every pair of shoes she owned when he was a pup ....never a pair!!
and a springer spaniel i used to have would steal the coal and eat that..when she wasnt running into walls!!

Brendan Hughes 09 April 2002 08:11 PM

I'd like to add a third for the "bar of soap" collection.

Our dog ate half a bar, I phoned up the vet panicking, was told not to worry and nature would take its course. I put the remaining half back on the washbasin.

Next day I asked my parents where the other half bar had gone, assuming they'd taken it away. They hadn't touched it.

Dog was fine.


Alas 09 April 2002 08:25 PM

My mutt's been mentioned on here a few times. Big, miserable looking french mastiff. Does'nt eat things though. He collects them.
Today's count in the bed
Mobile phone
4 shoes - no matching pairs
1 sweatshirt
1 lead
1 haltie
Glasgow Herald.
Today was quite a normal day. As I said he does'nt damage them but you try & take them out his bed.
Funniest I've seen was the day he took the box that the TV had been delivered in and put that in his bed while we were installing it. Pity there was'nt enough room in the bed for him as well so he just sat and mumped at it, stupid b*stard.

pknut 09 April 2002 11:02 PM

The dog ate 4o fags when he was a puppy leaving behind the shredded packets!!

The Blade 04 May 2002 01:42 PM

The Culprits

Bit of a pattern emerging here, my dogs chewed two pairs of Oakleys, a kitchen table, the carpet underlay but not the carpet, a hat, numerous pairs of shoes but never the feckin bones or chewy toys that you buy for them !!!!

Still wouldn't get rid of them though.


[Edited by The Blade - 4/5/2002 2:31:45 PM]

scoobylover 04 May 2002 03:39 PM

ptholt- hence why edited it:)

i had a greyhound cross labrador many moons ago as well, it was a nutter, ate its way thro an armchair, carpet and kept escaping. When my mum said the dog had to go it must have heard her as it escaped and never came back. We tried the police station and all sorts of places to find it but it was never seen again.

[Edited by scoobylover - 4/5/2002 3:43:24 PM]

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