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Arkwright 29 January 2010 09:11 AM

Originally Posted by 53WRX (Post 9188543)
Spot on, :thumb: I knew what I meant. my line of thought was from the perspective of serving the customer as he/she should be served in accordance with the respect and privileges that calling yourself a dealer requires and expects.x:)

The last car we bought from a second hand car dealer we had a problem straight away, he gave us 6 months warranty.
Cut a long story short we had to remind him that as a car DEALER he had to provide a certain level of service or trading standards would be interested in his activity or lack of it. LOL
I`m not choosing a side on this case mentioned previously so much depends on what was actually agreed at the point of sale. And then normally a handshake seals it.
Going back to our case the dealer said he had recorded our conversation and deal on our car, he was right we were`nt etc. We then pointed out even if he had it was illegal to record us without our permission. Bubbles are there just to be burst LOL

WRX_Dazza 29 January 2010 12:33 PM

Glad its all being sorted Nick :)

Tell your mate NOT to buy my car though !!!!!



benfares 11 February 2010 08:58 PM

oakleigh motors
i read about you the other day about what happend to your mate with peter ghough.
i went to see mr peter ghough on the 12 sept 2009 and bought a jeep grand cherokke for the sum of 4600 pound. he was the best person you can ever wish to meet, but i took the vihicle on saturday on monday i rung him, after my mecanic point out to me that the car has alot of problems, like injectors you name it it had it.
but unfortionatley mr ghough no way he is going to unswer my calls. after 200 calls or so he sent me a message on my mobile asking me to take the car to a garage he knew, i took the car one injector was done and something else according to the mecanic .the guy rung me to take the car so i went to pickt it up the garage told me that he would not give me the car until he get the payement because peter refused to pay the 757.00 pound,so i paid the amount out of my credit card, and it was exactely like when i took it the first time. i took it to a differnt garage and spent 50.00 pound for diagnostics and it went on and on and on so i took it to local garage, and it stayed the over two weeks and finnaly was done and i paid another 985,00 pounds. and what i did is i rung my house insurance bank the halifax i have my home insurance and contens with them.and i was lukky in my policy i was covered for legal things. so i took peter ghough to court my solicitor has sent everythig to court iam just waiting for hearing date i hope i can get my money back. but someone should stop this men from taking money from people just like this:cry:

Arkwright 12 February 2010 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by benfares (Post 9218852)
i read about you the other day about what happend to your mate with peter ghough.
i went to see mr peter ghough on the 12 sept 2009 and bought a jeep grand cherokke for the sum of 4600 pound. he was the best person you can ever wish to meet, but i took the vihicle on saturday on monday i rung him, after my mecanic point out to me that the car has alot of problems, like injectors you name it it had it.
but unfortionatley mr ghough no way he is going to unswer my calls. after 200 calls or so he sent me a message on my mobile asking me to take the car to a garage he knew, i took the car one injector was done and something else according to the mecanic .the guy rung me to take the car so i went to pickt it up the garage told me that he would not give me the car until he get the payement because peter refused to pay the 757.00 pound,so i paid the amount out of my credit card, and it was exactely like when i took it the first time. i took it to a differnt garage and spent 50.00 pound for diagnostics and it went on and on and on so i took it to local garage, and it stayed the over two weeks and finnaly was done and i paid another 985,00 pounds. and what i did is i rung my house insurance bank the halifax i have my home insurance and contens with them.and i was lukky in my policy i was covered for legal things. so i took peter ghough to court my solicitor has sent everythig to court iam just waiting for hearing date i hope i can get my money back. but someone should stop this men from taking money from people just like this:cry:

Well keep us informed how you get on with court etc. It`s nice to see or hear about dodgy dealers getting their come uppance. :thumb:

NickBes 12 February 2010 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by benfares (Post 9218852)
i read about you the other day about what happend to your mate with peter ghough.
i went to see mr peter ghough on the 12 sept 2009 and bought a jeep grand cherokke for the sum of 4600 pound. he was the best person you can ever wish to meet, but i took the vihicle on saturday on monday i rung him, after my mecanic point out to me that the car has alot of problems, like injectors you name it it had it.
but unfortionatley mr ghough no way he is going to unswer my calls. after 200 calls or so he sent me a message on my mobile asking me to take the car to a garage he knew, i took the car one injector was done and something else according to the mecanic .the guy rung me to take the car so i went to pickt it up the garage told me that he would not give me the car until he get the payement because peter refused to pay the 757.00 pound,so i paid the amount out of my credit card, and it was exactely like when i took it the first time. i took it to a differnt garage and spent 50.00 pound for diagnostics and it went on and on and on so i took it to local garage, and it stayed the over two weeks and finnaly was done and i paid another 985,00 pounds. and what i did is i rung my house insurance bank the halifax i have my home insurance and contens with them.and i was lukky in my policy i was covered for legal things. so i took peter ghough to court my solicitor has sent everythig to court iam just waiting for hearing date i hope i can get my money back. but someone should stop this men from taking money from people just like this:cry:

Sorry to hear you had the same problems.

My mate went though the small claims court as his was only about £200, Mr Gough didn't respond in time which meant the ruling went in my mates favour. That was a month ago and he has still not had the money from Mr Gough. Now its time for my mate to issue a warrant to the local court to take action which costs another £100. If he had just paid my mate at the time it was only about £150 now with the court costs and with him having to issue a warrant he will have to pay my mate about £300.

its got to the point its not about the money its the principle and now as he has not paid up it will go on his record as a CCJ.

I really hope you get your money back.

WRX_Dazza 12 February 2010 10:33 AM

i wonder if Mr Gough will be back on here to put his side across.....

i doubt it...

nick, as for your mate paying another £100 to get £200 back, its like having an oil change at a subaru dealer ;)

Nurse Gladys 12 February 2010 11:06 AM

Nick - this usually encourages someone with a CCJ to pay up - again more expense - but all can be claimed back by your mate!

Debt Factsheets - Charging orders in the county court

Chaswhiskey 14 February 2010 01:45 PM

Funny to see these cases as I just bought a car from Oakleigh Motors last week. Delivered to me on Friday and Satruday morning it won't start. RAC said it was a pressure issue meaning a pump or injector failure. Rang Mr Gough and left message. And then I got a voicemail stating it was fine when he had it but try double ignition to get the glow plugs hot as per Jeep manual. Nothing worked. And as per the rest of you - no reply from his phone suddenly....
I think I know where I am going next. I hope you are reading this Mr Gough - you have my number and a chance to sort this.
I suggest you take the opportunity to get it fixed.

benfares 24 February 2010 05:42 PM

I hope someone stops him from trading because to me he is just a croock with nice smile
i hope he goes to hell

WRX_Dazza 24 February 2010 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by benfares (Post 9246689)
i hope he goes to hell

he might have to walk, if his own car is anything like the ones he sells :lol1::lol1::lol1:

hope everyone gets it sorted :thumb:

glastolover 26 July 2010 08:18 PM

Hi there, anyone got any updates on their dealings with Peter Gough?

My brother in law bought a Jeep Grand Cherokee from him in Feb 2010, and he is having a nightmare. The car had a whole list of problems (faulty gearbox, heater didn't work, battery not holding charge/charging and a load more) that arose within a week or so of getting it. He returned the car to Mr Gough to get them fixed, and then could not get hold of him for ages. Then he kept fobbing him off saying it would be fixed, but nothing happened. Finally he stopped responding to calls completely. We spoke to trading standards and have now sent 2 letters as advised. After the first one, Mr Gough started responding again and saying he would get the problems addressed, but still nothing happened. After the 2nd (threatening court action) we had no response, and my brother in law can't get hold of him at all.

He has the car and we can't get it back or get a refund or anything!

This has gone on for 6 months now, and is now requiring serious action. We are going to follow trading standards advice and send another letter, and maybe take him to court.

I found this thread googling for his the name "Peter Gough", obviously very interested in the other experiences mentioned on here!

Would really appreciate any update from anyone who has any recent experience with problems with Mr Gough or who has taken him to court - have you got your money back?

Thanks a lot!

Nate 26 July 2010 08:36 PM

Looks like he is a very shady character !!!

NickBes 27 July 2010 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by glastolover (Post 9515739)
Hi there, anyone got any updates on their dealings with Peter Gough?

My brother in law bought a Jeep Grand Cherokee from him in Feb 2010, and he is having a nightmare. The car had a whole list of problems (faulty gearbox, heater didn't work, battery not holding charge/charging and a load more) that arose within a week or so of getting it. He returned the car to Mr Gough to get them fixed, and then could not get hold of him for ages. Then he kept fobbing him off saying it would be fixed, but nothing happened. Finally he stopped responding to calls completely. We spoke to trading standards and have now sent 2 letters as advised. After the first one, Mr Gough started responding again and saying he would get the problems addressed, but still nothing happened. After the 2nd (threatening court action) we had no response, and my brother in law can't get hold of him at all.

He has the car and we can't get it back or get a refund or anything!

This has gone on for 6 months now, and is now requiring serious action. We are going to follow trading standards advice and send another letter, and maybe take him to court.

I found this thread googling for his the name "Peter Gough", obviously very interested in the other experiences mentioned on here!

Would really appreciate any update from anyone who has any recent experience with problems with Mr Gough or who has taken him to court - have you got your money back?

Thanks a lot!

Well my mate still has not got his money back as far as I know as yet but he has not given up!!

I think that after the court action my mate gave the ok to the bailiffs but Mr Gough was never there and as the legal action was against the company and not himself, there was nothing the bailiffs could do because there were no assets listed under the name of the company!!

I will try and get an update from him.

glastolover 27 July 2010 08:45 PM

Would be much appreciated if you could find out where he has got to with it. We are now basically at the point of having to decide whether to take him to small claims court, but this costs more money, and it seems we might win and get a CCJ against him, but then still not be able to recover any money, as per your mate's experience.

Trading Standards are helpful to a point, but it seems they are not really doing much against this character if he has been known to them for quite a while and he is still ripping people off!

We are going to talk to the police to see if they can help, especially to recover the vehicle from him which he has effectively stolen at the moment.

What a nightmare, any advice appreciated!

Thanks guys.

TYGERSTORM 03 August 2010 09:35 PM

Peter Gough - Oakleigh Motors
We've had EXACTLY the same problem. Bought car in June (Jeep); he promised to fix heating problem and now he won't answer our calls. He has written on the Sales Invoice that he is responsible for this fix, and has signed and dated it separately. I hope this means we are in a better position legally, although reading all of the above it doesn't sound good.

Very annoyed as pleased with the car otherwise, and this guy can clearly put on a show. There's a TV programme who tracks these people down and asks them to answer questions on camera whilst exposing them. I'm going to contact them... (and small claims court, and Trading Standards). We are also considering turning up at his house as he appears to be a different person in the flesh. Don't think the warranty he gave us is worth the paper it's written on. Assume his wife knows exactly what he is like as we spoke to her too - feel sorry for their children who are going to grow up with no moral or ethical base at all.

I am checking to see if he has a consumer credit licence - if so, that will be in jeopardy after the CCJs he will accrue. Then he won't be able to trade in the same way. I wonder if he is already breaking the law by trading under several different company names in order to avoid action that has already been taken against him. Website is

We will push this as far as possible. As the first complainant states, it's the principle that's important here. He should not be allowed to trade. It's ridiculous. All he needs to do is fulfil his promise to pay a relatively small amount of money to a few people and all this would go away. Instead his entire family must know what a swindler he is, and he would obviously prefer his boys learnt that trait from him than honesty and integrity.

Nate 03 August 2010 10:08 PM

Looks like, if nothing else, Scoobynet is gaining some more members due to Google searches :D

glastolover 04 August 2010 07:32 PM

Thanks for the info tygerstorm. I am sorry to hear you have had similar problems, but also glad that there are definitely more people out there ready to fight this. Have you actually got your car? We are in the shocking position of not even being able to get our car back!

I think we should all get together and pool information and perhaps we can get a better case together. I too was going to write to the media about Mr Gough. Also, I have spoken to the police, as we were considering reporting our car stolen by Mr Gough, but they basically said that it was a civil matter. I just asked them to go round and make some "friendly enquiries" as to the whereabouts of our car, but they wouldn't even do this. I know they have no warrant to search or anything like that, but at least a visit from them might make this guy think twice about what he is doing. Very poor response from the police I thought, but they did say there may be some grounds for a fraud case if he has acted fraudulently and they would get involved if this was the case. Also implied that if multiple people had cases against him it might help.

Anyway, would you be interested to get together and share information? How can I get contact details (email address would do) for all the people who have complained on this thread? Can anyone help - can I message these members individually somehow?

If anyone who has complained on this thread wants to get in touch with me, I am at


Gland 14 September 2010 11:24 AM

A bit late on this thread but my experience of Gough and his various companies was much the same. Trading Standards know all about him. Warranties not worth anything, refusal to return calls or fix problems. I could go on and on. Avoid. I too have his home address if anyone needs it. See you there!

chops2909 08 October 2010 09:51 PM

unfortunate dealings with Peter Gough
Seems this man has been very busy indeed !!!!!
We bought a bmw x5 from him in May ,he said the service history and dealer handbook were all in the folder he gave us but we discovered they werent and got on to him to send them to us,they have never appeared .The last registered owner is a Peter Gilson of address in turners hill which is quite bizare as his name is Peter Gough being registered to live at that same took 2 months if not more for him to actually sort out the log book,anyway the gearbox went ,he didnt want to know and it has been nightmare after nightmare with this man,he never seems to be available to answer his phone but the fella is STILL selling cars .Trading standards have been informed, we did a hpi and mot check on this car to find the car has been clocked as well ,should have at least 35000 more miles on the clock than it has.....triffic . This woud have changed the value of the car by £4000 ,we paid £12,000 for it ,and to be honest would never had paid that amount or even considered the car with such high mileage.He took us for the mugs that we were at the time !The car is now not driveable as we cannot afford the £2000 for a new/recon gearbox to be fitted .
He will not get away with it ,if its costs us to take this man to the cleaners and anyone else involved with him (which we suspect there are a few) then so be it.This man needs to be stopped !!!

keepitclean 07 February 2011 02:41 PM

I run a small mobile car valeting business and did some work for Peter a few weeks back and guess what when it came to paying he dissapeared!! In total i did £170 worth of work and im getting the usual response, nothing. He clearly vets all his calls on his home and mobile phone numbers and replys with voice messages so to avoid actually speaking with anyone. I have probably called him 2-3 times a day with no response and decided to do a bit of digging. I cant believe how many people he is ripping off!! His wife is just as bad also. I called in to his house last week and while i was banging on the door a car arrived in the drive behind my car and then tooted. I thought it was my wife tooting our horn to say it was him but it was his wife lisa. Who drives into their own drive and toots their horn???? The only thing i could think of was that his wife was giving him a heads up that someone was there and he was hiding inside. Im going to report him to trading standards and take him to small claims as well. I have found 3 different business names and 3 different address so far but am determined to get my money! If the police are not that bothered then maybe we should all go round his house and help ourselves to a car each. Im sure they would be interested then!

Nate 07 February 2011 07:19 PM

I love the Tags for this topic :lol1:

Spec'c'57 08 February 2011 08:07 AM

Originally Posted by Nate (Post 9867861)
I love the Tags for this topic :lol1:

company, crawley, dodgy, garage, gough, inspector, motor, motors, nate, oakleigh, oakliegh, peter vBulletin Message Cancel Changes

:lol1: does he have an email address? :wonder: might have to forward it.

Spec'c'57 08 February 2011 08:12 AM

Good to see he does still pop on for a look tho. ;)

Last Activity: 28 January 2010 14:20

Trinity 09 February 2011 03:36 PM

its wonders what you find on google, when a friend of a friend was searching for this character they found these posts and asked me have to have a look :)

So the fella had similar problems with Mr Gough regarding a mini he bought late last year, but after his polite and ammicable attempts to resolve he is now dealing with him in the old school ways.

And yep, my Gough will be getting updates to say people have posted on here, so he's listening. The country is littered with scum like this..

HuntingPeterGough 04 May 2011 01:30 AM

So who's with me on getting some justice? :)
Hi all, I have a similar sad, recent story. And please excuse my comedy user name approach. :)

I clearly should have researched the company before buying (shame on me), but as it appeared to be a low mileage, long MoT, warrantied, trader-based purchase through AutoTrader, paid for on my credit card, I thought I'd have lots of protection.
So now, on top of buying a car from this "very nice man" and finding out it needed nearly £1000 of repairs within days of getting it home (250 miles away), and then finding out it's a Cat C write-off despite "HPi Clear" being written on my receipt and discussed with the trader at length prior to purchase,*I've now also been told my credit card company may struggle to claim*anything back as he's billed me under Elmbrook 4x4 and my invoice is from Oakleigh Motors.*Peter Charles Gough is*only the director of the latter - Ashley Guy Dennison is the Elmbrook 4x4 director apparently, and is linked with at least one other car company - and*it*seems there's*no link between them other than the registered business address, which isn't enough for me to claim under Section 75 with the credit card company.* So I now have a worthless vehicle needing a ton of repairs just to keep it*roadworthy, and*no obvious*recourse.

I'm determined to bring this guy to justice and stop his scamming ways. All suggestions, sympathy and offers of support welcome!

Nate 04 May 2011 08:11 AM

See if they are making a new series of rogue traders, there are a few of you on here now, and if they are making a new series, could be worth a punt.

HuntingPeterGough 03 June 2011 02:05 PM

Any updates from anyone? I'd like to keep this thread alive and spread the word until we've put him out of business, or at least to help others avoid him!

lurcher1111 08 June 2011 07:02 PM

peter gough
hunter, i too or rather my daughter has had trouble with this person ford focus 2001 2500 pounds smelt petrol on way home 20 miles ran rough, got reasonably lucky needed a coil pack and wheel balancing,diagnostics plugs etc, total cost 150 all the same problems ,unanswered calls etc, luckily the garage i took it to does work for the company i work for good kosher independant car repairers montgomery motors shoreham by sea,but anyone who gets rogue traders etc ill give testimony ,:Suspiciou, if you post again ill pm you

Gland 08 June 2011 07:37 PM

Rogue Traders

Originally Posted by Nate (Post 10021506)
See if they are making a new series of rogue traders, there are a few of you on here now, and if they are making a new series, could be worth a punt.

Good spot Nate. I've sent Rogue Traders an email. If others do likewise we can expose this worm. It takes two minutes to complete the online form on the BBC website. I for one would be only too happy to help them nail him so let's do it.

Gland 08 June 2011 07:48 PM

Peter Gough
@HuntingPeterGough Gough was a director of Elmbrook, so was his wife. Both have since resigned. I can send you the info from the Companies House website which definitively proves it. Like you, my receipt was from Elmbrook 4x4, everything else was from Oakleigh.

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