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superstar1 21 July 2009 09:17 PM

Am gettin 1 a dem wooly beanies an a big bling chain an i be big man in da hood:lol1:

s70rjw 21 July 2009 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by Geoteds2002 (Post 8835187)
my heart bleeds for you :cry:

It was obviously very difficult for you being brought up in "DA GHETTO"

Where do you come from? lets check your posts........:wonder:

Macclesfield AND you live in the country.......:lol1:

You are a joker my friend.......

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol:

You dissin the man, he put a cap in your white mutherfuc*er ass.

Mark Mac 21 July 2009 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by trails (Post 8834293)
Nice posts Daz, with you all the way :)

Some of the replies are quite frankly scary but a fairly accurate reflection of how this site has devolved :brickwall

Not only the site, but society in general.
Daz was 100% in his actions and his high morals should not be brought into question. But, to advertise this, is running the risk of a backlash that could be terminal.
This is the ****ty society that some of us live in.
If we where in the same situation, I am sure we would of acted exactly the same....:D

Wagwann 21 July 2009 09:55 PM

Originally Posted by Geoteds2002 (Post 8835187)
my heart bleeds for you :cry:

It was obviously very difficult for you being brought up in "DA GHETTO"

Where do you come from? lets check your posts........:wonder:

Macclesfield AND you live in the country.......:lol1:

You are a joker my friend.......

i agree, no1 likes a grass! let me guess you drive 5mph below the speed limit and never go over yeah rite,

Flaps 21 July 2009 10:18 PM

Daz I would have done exactly the same including probably posting it on here too :thumb:

We aren't the Impreza 'crew' we don't have to stick up for dickheads with a similar car. Tossers should be reported so they don't cause accidents in the future!

To all those people who wouldn't have provided info to the police, then bear this in mind should you ever get your car nicked, house burgled or family injured in an accident and none of the witnesses come forward because they don't want to 'grass'! Great policy FFS! :mad:

pimmo2000 21 July 2009 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by Mark Mac (Post 8835277)
Not only the site, but society in general.
Daz was 100% in his actions and his high morals should not be brought into question. But, to advertise this, is running the risk of a backlash that could be terminal.
This is the ****ty society that some of us live in.
If we where in the same situation, I am sure we would of acted exactly the same....:D

I know no one has quoted me but my point is not about thinking like them or being at all concerned with what they think of you ... But of being careful as even if you think the idea of being a grass is pathetic, they don't and it sadly has to be balanced up if doing the right thing is worth the safety of your family and property.

It's the world we now live in, were good people have to protect themselves by turning the other cheek... And I know bad wins when the good do nothing but I'm sorry I'm wouldn't be willing to risk my family unless it was a major thing.. To the point I would be willing to move.

Some women reported a gang to the police for messing around recenty, they broke her two down stairs windows, sprayed grass across her door, put barbed wire around her gate and put dog **** in her garden...

Makes you sick

Geoteds2002 21 July 2009 10:25 PM

Originally Posted by louileach (Post 8835315)
i agree, no1 likes a grass! let me guess you drive 5mph below the speed limit and never go over yeah rite,

Don't know where you've got that from on this thread pal unless i'm missing something :wonder:

I don't care for all this "street" talk etc. But as others have said it's a sad trait of today's society.

I hope that a so called "grass" tells the old bill if something serious happens to one of their own as i'm sure it would be OK then.............

AlanPPP 21 July 2009 10:34 PM

I can't help it...i have to have my say

I find this post thread very offensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been a professional Clown for over 10 years now and to be compared to 2 guys 'Racing' cars has hurt me deeply :( I'm sitting at my laptop applying my face paint and have just spent over an hour shining my massive size 25 shoes. I don't need this in my life! Just because i'm a Clown and make people laugh for a living dosn't mean i can't get depressed!! :(


bluenosewrx 21 July 2009 10:46 PM

Good on you mate, no need for that kind of driving, there are far to many of this type of thing happening as the impreza has now become the corsa and saxo, easily affordable to the young masses.


Wagwann 21 July 2009 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by Flaps (Post 8835391)
Daz I would have done exactly the same including probably posting it on here too :thumb:

We aren't the Impreza 'crew' we don't have to stick up for dickheads with a similar car. Tossers should be reported so they don't cause accidents in the future!

To all those people who wouldn't have provided info to the police, then bear this in mind should you ever get your car nicked, house burgled or family injured in an accident and none of the witnesses come forward because they don't want to 'grass'! Great policy FFS! :mad:

bit of a differences there anit there, getting your car nicked is not the same as someone speeding pasted you. if there was anyone injured then you would come forward, what difference would it make reporting someone for speeding!!!!!

get a grip

Geoteds2002 21 July 2009 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by louileach (Post 8835512)
bit of a differences there anit there, getting your car nicked is not the same as someone speeding pasted you. if there was anyone injured then you would come forward, what difference would it make reporting someone for speeding!!!!!

get a grip

I'm not sure that SELECTIVE grassing fits in with some people's bizarre morals on here Pal :sleep:

Flaps 21 July 2009 11:11 PM

Originally Posted by louileach (Post 8835512)
bit of a differences there anit there, getting your car nicked is not the same as someone speeding pasted you. if there was anyone injured then you would come forward, what difference would it make reporting someone for speeding!!!!!

get a grip

So now, you're saying it's ok to 'grass' sometimes? :wonder:

Having provided their details could possibly stop it from happening again. If no one did this then it would only stop when an accident occurred and then it would be too late. Imagine if your kids were crossing the road or parents were coming the other way next time they 'have a play' and then tell me to 'get a grip!'

Lily The Beige 21 July 2009 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by AlanPPP (Post 8835456)
I can't help it...i have to have my say

I find this post thread very offensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been a professional Clown for over 10 years now and to be compared to 2 guys 'Racing' cars has hurt me deeply :( I'm sitting at my laptop applying my face paint and have just spent over an hour shining my massive size 25 shoes. I don't need this in my life! Just because i'm a Clown and make people laugh for a living dosn't mean i can't get depressed!! :(


:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Cheers I neede a good laugh

skid11 21 July 2009 11:58 PM

Sorry,hadnt realised the shoe sized problem..
didnt mean to be clownist !!!
Got to be easier to heel/toe brake tho

Janspeed 22 July 2009 03:55 PM

The amount of chav replies on this thread is ridiculous, there should be a chav genocide! :D

kingchrissyp 22 July 2009 04:06 PM

To be honest i don t think he did anything wrong by dobbing them in,as it s not as if he went down the cop shop to do so,and was only due to being pulled over and mistaken for one of the culprits!
And being put in the same situation i find it hard to believe that many people would do any different as if your being acused of something you didn t do and you witnessed who actually did it why keep stum as they are of no conection to him so why defend them?

hux309 22 July 2009 06:25 PM

Kudos to the op for reporting them, id have done the same.

But i do feel some of you in this thread take yourselves far too seriously, except for alan. ;)

Crosstalk 22 July 2009 07:16 PM

Can't help wondering if the 2 cars involved had been chavved up old Fiestas or Corsas and not Imprezas, would any of the objectors still think it was wrong to "grass them up"?

RedScoob 22 July 2009 07:29 PM

The threadstarter may well be able to distinguish right from wrong, however we have to take his word for that... The original post sounded like sour grapes at the fact that he got pulled while the culprits got away. We will never know for sure.
If you really want to defend his actions, that's fine. Just remember that having a "play" (interpret that anyway you wish) can be done in a responsible manner, without some do-gooder grassing you for contravening chevrons whilst passing a tractor on an empty dual carriageway.
I am genuinely sorry if it was my original post that has upset some of the members on here, as I appreciate how actions such as irresponsible racing can tarnish a brand (I almost didn't buy an Impreza for exactly that reason). However, this self policing is a ridiculous situation, and to reward it just perpetuates the attitude.
Flame suite on.

iscooby 22 July 2009 07:30 PM

Brilliant thread, cant believe the amount of idiots on here! (I know, I know everyone is entitled to their opinion blah blah)
There's some real 'gangsta' replies:lol1:

AlanPPP 22 July 2009 07:39 PM

Sorry guys i was just trying to lighten the mood :D

V5RLTD 22 July 2009 07:42 PM


Tucker82 22 July 2009 08:47 PM

I would have done the same - without doubt.

Originally Posted by pimmo2000 (Post 8835394)
It's the world we now live in, were good people have to protect themselves by turning the other cheek... And I know bad wins when the good do nothing but I'm sorry I'm wouldn't be willing to risk my family unless it was a major thing.. To the point I would be willing to move.

The problem with "today" is that the bad only do whatever is they will do, and get away with it is because the Good people will turn the other cheek. Most little scrotes and law breaking scumbags are weak, vulnerable and scared.

My G/F is over 7 months pregnant on her way home from London on the underground with hundreds of people about. A guy bumped into her - quite hard so she may have been a little unpolite as she confronted him. He reduced her to tears by screaming at her, terrified he SPAT in her face. Baring in mind my GF is tiny. size 6 (size 3 feet). Nobody did a thing. Not a word.

God forbid if I had been there - but even if it were a stranger and I had been present I wold of said something....

pimmo2000 22 July 2009 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by Tucker82 (Post 8837289)
I would have done the same - without doubt.

The problem with "today" is that the bad only do whatever is they will do, and get away with it is because the Good people will turn the other cheek. Most little scrotes and law breaking scumbags are weak, vulnerable and scared.

My G/F is over 7 months pregnant on her way home from London on the underground with hundreds of people about. A guy bumped into her - quite hard so she may have been a little unpolite as she confronted him. He reduced her to tears by screaming at her, terrified he SPAT in her face. Baring in mind my GF is tiny. size 6 (size 3 feet). Nobody did a thing. Not a word.

God forbid if I had been there - but even if it were a stranger and I had been present I wold of said something....

That makes my blood boil

DazW 23 July 2009 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by RedScoob (Post 8837093)
The threadstarter may well be able to distinguish right from wrong, however we have to take his word for that... The original post sounded like sour grapes at the fact that he got pulled while the culprits got away. We will never know for sure.
If you really want to defend his actions, that's fine. Just remember that having a "play" (interpret that anyway you wish) can be done in a responsible manner, without some do-gooder grassing you for contravening chevrons whilst passing a tractor on an empty dual carriageway.
I am genuinely sorry if it was my original post that has upset some of the members on here, as I appreciate how actions such as irresponsible racing can tarnish a brand (I almost didn't buy an Impreza for exactly that reason). However, this self policing is a ridiculous situation, and to reward it just perpetuates the attitude.
Flame suite on.

Sour grapes would suggest somekind of envious bitterness? This couldn't be further from the truth.

I guess this comes down to being pretty annoyed at being tarred with the same brush (& as you point out, it's not like we get enough grief already) & sheer bl00dy irresponsiblity/recklessness of driving like an absolute bell end in something weighing a ton & half (sorry newager's ;) ) & capable of 150mph+ wouldn't accept people dicking about with shotguns in public, which could do arguably less damage ...& yet some of us seem to think we can do what the fcuk we want on the road, that we share with others.

Whether you believe my interpretation of event's is up to you, but i can honestly say that's it's up there in the top 5 'worst driving' displays I've seen, EVER & i've been driving what, 15 years & some 500 000 miles ...add into that, that I've done a few trackdays, regularly Kart in the D90's at Daytona, have my own 100cc Junior Kart & my job at the moment means I'm closely associated to a few motorsports- then you could possibly get a good picture of the pairs driving standard ;) ...god only know's what Joe public thought.

tbh my initial post wasn't meant to really fire up any kind of debate, it was posted on the off chance that the two involved might read it- or that people that know them might have a word in their shell ...I reckon 80-90% of Impreza owners at least know about 'Scoobynet' ...I'm not sure if they know, but they don't appear to have posted on this thread & they certainly haven't pm'd me.

I happen to think 'self policing' is pretty important, if we can't police ourselves & get our own house in order who will? ...plod? the authorities? well, we know how they deal with things- draconian & indescrimently.

I can understand the 'fear' of where do we stop, when it come's to 'grassing' ...but lets face it, these two had already appeared on plod's radar (they were already being tailed) & even if I had put a formal complaint in, what are the BiB's realistically going to do? go round? have a word? ...not exactly a lot apart from pr1ck their conscience? i think you'll be pretty safe overtaking your tractor ...oh, & depending on the tractor/ chevrons, you do realise you're legally allowed to do this anyway? ;)

As for 'proper' clowns on the highway ...I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to report those fcukers to the police, they just don't seem to understand/ able to learn that their footware is inappropriate for driving ;)

Geoteds2002 23 July 2009 09:45 AM

Your right bud. Your thread wasn't started to generate a debate. It was to highlight blatant irresponsibility and hats off to you for that. :luxhello:

Unfortunately what it did generate was the ever increasing idiotic kind of replies by the wannabe gangsta types who quite obviously have no sense of their own personal identity and seek to talk "street" to try and impress. :sleep:

It's pathetic and certainly doesn't wash with most decent folk on here. You did the right thing mate and there are many that back you......

Kosy 23 July 2009 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by Geoteds2002 (Post 8838157)
Your right bud. Your thread wasn't started to generate a debate. It was to highlight blatant irresponsibility and hats off to you for that. :luxhello:

Unfortunately what it did generate was the ever increasing idiotic kind of replies by the wannabe gangsta types who quite obviously have no sense of their own personal identity and seek to talk "street" to try and impress. :sleep:

It's pathetic and certainly doesn't wash with most decent folk on here. You did the right thing mate and there are many that back you......


This thread highlights the deterioration of ScoobyNet. There is no getting away from the 'nu Skool' lexus light, DV brigade. Hopefully they'll move on to another brand soon ;)

SkullFudge 23 July 2009 11:23 AM

I am pointing to the guys in this thread that are convinced they live in the Bronx and all the "gangsta" crap :rolleyes: Hello :luxhello: we live in England.

We all put our foot down at some point & maybe have a sort blast with someone, but driving to the extent they were (& 4 up) is wrong, period.

If one of those drivers would have killed your Mother or Father, Girlfriend, Wife, Daughter or Son, and through Daz's actions the driver was caught, would you still look at Daz as a grass ?

I think not.

GC8WRX 23 July 2009 12:22 PM

Originally Posted by Geoteds2002 (Post 8835187)
my heart bleeds for you :cry:

It was obviously very difficult for you being brought up in "DA GHETTO"

Where do you come from? lets check your posts........:wonder:

Macclesfield AND you live in the country.......:lol1:

You are a joker my friend.......


Out of my window i see 3 fields and a herd of cows, there isnt a terraced house for at least 2 miles in either direction, and 2 of my mates live on farms, , one of which i can see the roof of as i type this, how is that not the countryside

And i wasnt brought up in "da ghetto", i just hung round with the "estate kids" instead of the snobby wankers that live near me, and im a better person for it, they taught me about a side of life you will probably never know, and its been a real help when dealing with certain situations!

I suggest you unwrap the cotton wool, and go out and experience life a bit!

P.s less of the lip or ill send the chavs round! :lol1::thumb:

GC8WRX 23 July 2009 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by SkullFudge (Post 8838334)
I am pointing to the guys in this thread that are convinced they live in the Bronx and all the "gangsta" crap :rolleyes: Hello :luxhello: we live in England.

We all put our foot down at some point & maybe have a sort blast with someone, but driving to the extent they were (& 4 up) is wrong, period.

If one of those drivers would have killed your Mother or Father, Girlfriend, Wife, Daughter or Son, and through Daz's actions the driver was caught, would you still look at Daz as a grass ?

I think not.

But they didnt, did they?

If you live in a "what if" world, i feel sorry for you, you could apply "what if" to anything and everything, does it not do your head in, constantly thinking "what if this happens, what if that happended"

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