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boothphi 04 March 2002 08:42 PM


Only logged on to Scoobynet. Exactly the same thing happened to me this morning at 7. Only thing is my car was taken (blue Impreza) from the Finchley area - not far from you. Seems like you were very lucky and they did not give up easy & wanted steal just one more! Be on your guard everyone.

PeterUK300 04 March 2002 08:54 PM

This is getting crazy
I'm paranoid enough with out this
Lets hope the boys in blue come through


scottdg 04 March 2002 08:56 PM

The number below is for: New Scotland yard traffic department (deal with everything vehicle related) should you need it, suggest you all put in your mobiles.

020 7230 3354 or 020 7 230 3367

met 04 March 2002 08:59 PM

now i am worried, i live 5 mins away in from both of you guys, i have been out tonight but have actually left the scoob at home & gone in the girlfriends micra, this is a slow piece of ****e, but if it means that i wont get stabbed shot or robbed then so be it, i am seriously considering leaving the car in the garage PERMANENTLY, I SOLD MY M3 COS I WAS FOLLOWED HOME ONCE, & now i cant even drive my own car in safety, I thought north london was a nice area?

scottdg 04 March 2002 09:04 PM

FOR SALE: STI V4 rear spoiler, 16" my00 alloys, Momo stearing wheel and gear nob, full ebony leather recaro interior, Scooby sport back box, deep V5 front spoiler. Will part exchange GL front spoiler, cloth interior, farmers wheel and plastic knob, sport back box and filler for boot holes left by old V4 spoiler. Oh and a set of 14" ers if anyones got them.

That should put the B@stards off.

(no offence meant to non turbo members)

GRANT 04 March 2002 09:20 PM

Sorry to hear what happend.NO car is ever worth getting hurt over and so long eveyone is O.K that is the main thing.A very scary thing.We where broken into at home 2 years ago in the middle of the night.Took the keys to the Scooby pushed it off the drive.
The worst part was not that the car was nicked it was the fact that with three kids in bed you wonder what would have happened if they didn't find the keys straight away.

Take care.

GRANT 04 March 2002 09:27 PM

Just remembered this.
Got pulled by the police this morning at about 10.30 for a check to see if the car was registered to me.
And I was in Enfield(High St Ponders End).
The copper said several cars had been nicked in the area last night.
Now we know why.


polarbearit 04 March 2002 09:34 PM

(From the thisislondon website)
One officer said: "These were all frightening attacks. It is entirely possible the robbers were simply driving around the streets just looking into driveways to see what sort of car was parked there or they were targeted attacks and they had planned a careful route.

"The worry is the cars will be used in other serious criminal activity."

I think it is frustrating that the seriousness comes from the other uses for the cars and not the fact that £90k's worth of cars have been stolen. We the motorist all pay for this kind of theft [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] in increased insurance premiums, as well as running the risk of theft etc...

Its a real frustration that so much car crime seems to go unresolved, I don't know what the answer is here, but a good start would be more targetted policing and much stricter punishment, armed (or attempted armed) robbery should be a life sentence. The criminal has threatened to kill just to steal a car, this is totally unacceptable in a civilised society [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]


Alex Creasey 04 March 2002 10:38 PM

First of all, Phil (Boothphi) I'm sorry to hear you were one of the unlucky ones, I hope you and whoever involved are okay. At the end of the day it's just a car, I guess I/we were lucky at the end of the day!

Met - Thanks for the offer of the garage. The car has gone into hiding for a little while but much appreciated m8.

Scooby 555. I can't believe you put something up about this becoming a potentially racist post/thread. I said what happened, if it had been four white guys I would have said four white guys. if it had been four Chinese guys I would have said four Chinese guys. I just hope it was a pi$$ poor attempt at humour or you chose your words wrongly. I've had enough go on today without potentially being called racist as well!!

To everyone else, thanks for the support. The Evening Standard wasn't quite right, my Dad didn't refuse the keys, he genuinely didn't know where they were. As someone else said, hopefully the police will pull through + get them, but for once I've been quite impressed with the way myself + my family have been dealt with so far.
Cheers. Alex.

Luke 04 March 2002 10:58 PM


Sorry to hear about your car.. You dont live very near a green5.door do you???

velryba 05 March 2002 02:44 AM

sorry to hear this

just have been pulled over in St. Albans being checked my ID but met another 7!!! police cars there checking cars

this is all too close to me

sleepless nights

godd luck to u all


Chris L 05 March 2002 08:00 AM

Just reread this thread again - doesn't make for comfortable reading. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I actually felt a little uneasy sleeping in my own house. :(

Scooby555 - I agree with Alex - your comment is very wide of the mark. There is nothing racist in stating a fact!!!


mutant_matt 05 March 2002 08:14 AM

Firstly, Scooby555, I don't know you but I hope that your "racial" comment was out of character - please don't start that racial rubbish, Alex was stating a fact. This thread is far to important to be distracted by that stuff!!!!! :(

And just to back that up, The BBC News' actually states 4 black 20 somethings as well.

I think it's time we all put pen to paper, write to out local MP and the Cheif Super of the local Police force to demand to know what is being done to tackle this extremely worrying trend. I think we need to point out it's high time the motorist was stopped being criminalised by the powers that be for revenue generation/speeding and demand that these Police resources be plowed into catching and preventing the real criminals from furthering this worrying trend. We are the victims of these crimes, they are there to protect us and I think it's high time they started taking car crime more seriously..... :(:(:(

(sorry to rant)

Matt :(

Darren Thompson 05 March 2002 08:53 AM

I am glad none of the people attacked were hurt but what a place we live in, when is the PM going to get a grip and start to deal with these people if you can call them that in the correct way, if you cut there hands off they can not hold a gun or knife and steal cars.

This storey was all over the news on telly this morning.


DJ Dunk 05 March 2002 09:03 AM

Small report on page 26 of The Sun today.

Hope they put a stop to this now :(

Scoobychick 05 March 2002 10:01 AM


Just a thought but might it be a good idea to change the 'from' bit in your profile in light of this current trend?


tezza 05 March 2002 11:01 AM

Has the red Impreza been found??
Not trying to worry people but my friend claims to have seen this red Impreza R810 MJB (please note he only noticed first four digits) which is the one that BBC news on the web quoted as stolen in Enfield. He saw it at just after midnight 5/3/02 in Arnos Grove going towards Edmonton (those in area will know). He is not sure what driver looked like. Plus it is more than likely a car with similar reg bought from same dealer etc so probably no need to panic, but I thought it was worth telling people.

I have told him to phone Police just in case to let them know.
P.S. I am not trying to scare people with this info, I think that has been done already with what has happened.
I like you am just as worried and thought any info that may catch these c**ts, or make us keep an eye out would be helpful.

EvilBevel 05 March 2002 11:17 AM

Incredible ... Alex must have been a nightmare for you & your family :(

Getting to close to home ... yes. It's getting to the point where people really starting to question the priorities governements have.

I had my other car broken into 4 weeks ago, 4 days later the windows were smashed from a neighbours car and a gun :eek: was stolen from it ... and my local friendly Subaru dealer has had 3 breakins since ... wait for it ... 1st of Jan 2002. That makes 12 time hit since the beginning of last year.

Apart from shouting "hang 'm" etc... is there something constructive we can do about this ? Get media attention, talk to MP's, preparing a written statement with signatures ? Even a protest meet in the centre of a big city with say 300 + Scoobs asking for a better enforcement policy re: car theft/jackings ? It's not exactly like we are overreacting is it ?

This crimewave is hitting the whole of Europe BTW ... I don't think it's wrong to start asking for a bit more protection.

This is stuff that nightmares are made off :(


Scoobychick 05 March 2002 11:25 AM

As a first precaution fit a Tracking device! It may not stop the theft in the first place but it might enable the police to catch the thieves red-handed and get you your car back.

We do need to do something about this and it's the government not the police we need to target. The police are already stretched for resources as it is and would like to get rid of this crime as much as we do.


robin ledger 05 March 2002 11:31 AM

I though perhaps members could set up a sort of 'ScoobyWatch' system. If everyone had the mobile numbers of thier nearest scoobynet memebers, if someone got 'hit' they could alert others in the immediate vacinity very quickly and those in turn could spread the word in a kind of 'ripple'.

People would then be actively 'on guard' up front to report sightings etc.

Just a thought.

Jen 05 March 2002 01:57 PM

Sal - Thanks...didn't even think of that... :eek:

His usually hidden in the garage and I *always* make sure no-ones following, but I definatly will do..

Bit sad really :( Shouldn't have to worry about stuff like this.


rapiddescent 05 March 2002 02:24 PM

just as a matter of interest; are they after wrx bugeyes or the <MY01's?. here's hoping that my fuglywrx is never going to be a target.


U2Slow 05 March 2002 02:26 PM

Maybe of interest to people

Chelsie-Bun 05 March 2002 02:54 PM

Just wounding does any body out there think any clues on where the Scooby’s are kept are on these boards, the g**S might be reading these boards and others like them, we don’t post our address but we post most meets and other outing and the area we live in.
May be we need to give less away and be more careful what we write

chel xxx

The Crushinator 05 March 2002 04:17 PM

I've gotta say, it almost makes you want to drive around in an old banger. just so nobody would take any notice of what y' drive. I nearly bought a pick up truck instead of a subaru. i nearly wish i did. There's just no words that can describe these lower life forms, is there?

tezza 05 March 2002 05:29 PM

Not sure it matters, as a £1000 nissan was car-jacked 2 or 3 weeks ago. Was on the news and in papers, Child still in car and brother jumped back in to get them as I remember.
Only thing about cheaper car is peace of mind, if there is such a thing.

Rebecca 05 March 2002 05:48 PM

things are getting pretty nasty aren't they :(

Sorry to hear about it Alex.

None of us are safe no matter where we live ...

Sal - it's a great idea of yours about warning people.

I have to admit to getting very paranoid now particularly at garages when filling up etc .... but then I guess I could get run over by a bus - in fact it's probably more likely .... and I don't want to have my life run for me by scumbags like this.

GREEN SCOOBY 05 March 2002 07:04 PM

Very Sorry to here the news for you and your family and all the other Scooby partys involved. I read about it in the mirror and was realy shocked.This kind of thing is everyones worst nightmare and something should be done but nothing as usual will be.Whats the world coming to though? it seems its not just cars we get beat up for,its even simpler things like mobiles now.

andy oakes 05 March 2002 08:59 PM

I have just got in to read and watch video link to the above related crimes last night, may i firstly send sympathy to all parties involved
I have read all comments made and praise peoples opinions,BUT..
Should these fithy scumbags dare come near my family or property then a big SHOCK and i mean the word SHOCK will be awaiting them.......


Rob W 05 March 2002 09:55 PM

Alex M8,
This is unf***ing believable!!
I am just glad your family and yourself were not harmed.

I hope they catch the theiving basta**s and cut their hands off[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]!!

Take care


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