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Steve_PPP 08 March 2009 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 8562127)
Glad to see Cameron saying he will reverse this decision when he gets to power.

now that'll win him some votes :thumb:

where do i sign? :D

J4CKO 08 March 2009 07:09 PM

Ride a push bike and you realise that you still get where you want to go even at 15 mph, and guess what your car will still go faster than the limit ! you can still exceed the speed limit, use radar detectors, POI's on your satnav and know where the cameras are, of course you are playing a game of chance but if you really need to travel faster then do so, I tend nowadays to stick to speed limits but when I decide to go for it, if its safe I do so.

I think we have all got too used to going very fast, all the time, cars have got massively more powerful and compensate for our mistakes, the trouble is, we (SN) are not a representative section of the community, there is angry BMW area manager, Mousey Middle aged Micra woman, 18 year old Saxo Boy (oops, but you know what i mean) and the one size fits all doesn't work so it has to work on the lowest common denominator and Subaru enthusiasts are not top of the list.

What does need tackling is, agression (lower speed limits will ake this worse), the mobile whilst driving, (instant ban), sh1t cars with sh1t tyres, broken lights, immigrant drivers with no licence, use of indicators, people with no insurance, no softly softly in certain areas due to race and make driving a privilege not a right, engender some sense of pride in it again, some idea of the responsibility of controlling a tonne and a half of metal at 50,60,70 plus mph

Diesel 08 March 2009 07:11 PM

I'm absolutely astonished.

This issue is bigger than Scoobynet and I will be giving it some via my MP etc!

Is anyone aware of reaction by ABD or Safe Speed?


corradoboy 08 March 2009 07:12 PM

I still say that removal of ABS, traction control, seatbelts and airbags, and the fitting of a large barbed spike to the middle of the steering wheel would make people drive better ;)

hux309 08 March 2009 07:13 PM

Funny you should mention that they're slapping foreigners with upto £900 fine and if they don't pay up the car gets immediately towed away as many are doing a runner so the whole 50mph-80kph could be some truth in that.

hutton_d 08 March 2009 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by hux309 (Post 8562797)
Funny you should mention that they're slapping foreigners with upto £900 fine and if they don't pay up the car gets immediately towed away as many are doing a runner so the whole 50mph-80kph could be some truth in that.

Foreign drivers face £900 roadside fines to halt rise in crashes - Times Online

One of the more important points to come out of the article is this: " ...
The law will also apply to British residents who cannot prove at the roadside that they have a valid address in Britain. The fines will be described officially as “deposits” when introduced on April 1 because the money would be refunded if the driver went to court and was found not guilty. In practice, very few foreign drivers are likely to return to Britain to contest their cases ... ".

Actually two ... :D 1) Brits will still get clobbered if they haven't got proof of address on them! And 2) they are not *fines* but *deposits*!! WTF???

See The Devil's Kitchen - top article - 'Slight Rest' for why they are *deposits* ...


warrenm2 08 March 2009 08:41 PM

interestingly its a 10 year old idea...

BBC News | UK POLITICS | Fury at speeding climbdown

Terminator X 08 March 2009 09:03 PM

F*cking disgrace IMHO :mad: limits should be going up not down. Limits were set 50yrs ago FFS when cars were so much different from today ... 70 limit should be 90.


powerman1 08 March 2009 09:18 PM

Come on lets cut all this messing around crap and lets get to where we are going to end up.
Electronic chip implanted in your head at to birth...then a camera on every street corner just in case you manage to get your chip out so you can be shot after all your money as been taken from you.If you manage to get to 80 year old you can retire.Instead of planting trees we are going to be made to plant a warning street sign because there will no room left at the side of the road.We will also have number tatooed on your forehead so you can be identified by a council official or any other busy body and on it goes..dont you just love this ????ing country

f1_fan 08 March 2009 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by Steve_PPP (Post 8562756)
now that'll win him some votes :thumb:

where do i sign? :D

Er, I was kidding. As usual Cameron has said nothing.

Davey L 08 March 2009 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 8563223)
Er, I was kidding. As usual Cameron has said nothing.

Cameron has said if it comes in he will overturn the law after he wins the next election! Allegedly, saw it on another forum.

boomer 08 March 2009 09:47 PM

Originally Posted by powerman1 (Post 8563203)
Come on lets cut all this messing around crap and lets get to where we are going to end up.
Electronic chip implanted in your head at to birth...then a camera on every street corner just in case you manage to get your chip out so you can be shot after all your money as been taken from you.If you manage to get to 80 year old you can retire.Instead of planting trees we are going to be made to plant a warning street sign because there will no room left at the side of the road.We will also have number tatooed on your forehead so you can be identified by a council official or any other busy body and on it goes..dont you just love this ????ing country

...sadly, that's the way that things are going :(


Spoon 08 March 2009 10:19 PM

Originally Posted by TonyBurns (Post 8562477)
It just means that trucks wont be able to do 56mph on those country roads whilst following their satnav :lol1:

They were never allowed to anyway, as aren't Transit, Vito, etc drivers. 60mph NSL is 50mph legally for them anyway on a single carriageway.:thumb:

Lots of the roads leading out of the villages near me have been recently changed to 50mph from NSL already. :(

f1_fan 08 March 2009 10:34 PM

Originally Posted by Davey L (Post 8563252)
Cameron has said if it comes in he will overturn the law after he wins the next election! Allegedly, saw it on another forum.

Not what was said on the news tonight, it was reported that the Conservative party declined to comment.

cster 08 March 2009 10:55 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 8563526)
Not what was said on the news tonight, it was reported that the Conservative party declined to comment.

At least they are taking a consistant line:lol1::lol1::lol1:

Seriously though - I think this speed limit on single carriageways is inevitable.
There are just so many OAP types driving these days. You know the type - drive everywhere at 30 - 40 mph - wouldn't overtake if you put a gun to their heads. Stop at every f*cking roundabout. Basically just haven't got a clue. Probably passed their test as a retirement present.

One can only hope that it will be poorly enforced:norty:

SunnySideUp 08 March 2009 11:31 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 8563526)
Not what was said on the news tonight, it was reported that the Conservative party declined to comment.

They seem to 'Decline to Comment' on quite a lot these days .... which is a great opposition!! :rolleyes:

I saw this 60 down to 50 idea and not sure it will make one jot of difference - I have just driven down to Littlehampton today across country ..... I wasn't doing 60 either!! :norty:

The thing which will hurt is if average spped cameras are installed .... and people start losing their licences! And, of course, average speed cameras are easy to set up - one at the start of a 'nice' fast road - another at the end ... SNAP, gotcha!

Turbohot 08 March 2009 11:36 PM

I know it is quite contrary to what general reaction is here- about this news. But I do think that reducing speed limit should be applicable at least to some roads in rural Britain. Around here in North Wales, there are so many roads where anyone with half a brain wouldn't do over 40; even with existing NSL being 60. But some idiots literally thrap it to 60+, causing fatalities on the roads. For such roads, maximum speed limit should become even 40, not just to 50. I am not saying that speed limit should drop down everywhere, so don't get your ties in the knot, SN-ers. :D

Tam the bam 08 March 2009 11:42 PM

Our country is bankrupt, the wankers that run it need revenue from somewhere, so taxing drivers is the way ahead for the shower of ****ing ****s! meh!!!

corradoboy 08 March 2009 11:50 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 8563737)
here in North Wales, there are so many roads where anyone with half a brain wouldn't do over 40

I've heard that said about many of the roads in my beloved Yorkshire Dales, yet I often do triple that :cuckoo: Speed is dangerous when combined with a lack of ability, but some are perfectly capable of safe speed.

Tam the bam 08 March 2009 11:57 PM

There is a massive difference between fast driving and reckless driving!

Turbohot 08 March 2009 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by corradoboy (Post 8563802)
I've heard that said about many of the roads in my beloved Yorkshire Dales, yet I often do triple that :cuckoo: Speed is dangerous when combined with a lack of ability, but some are perfectly capable of safe speed.

Sure, they are. Yet some very capable people's capabilites have failed before blind bends, in order to slow down quick enough. "Split of a second" error can make a drastic difference on a public road. Seen it over and over, and it will carry on happening. Actually, when I was in Yorkshire Dales lately, I saw a bald, 30-something guy in a silver scooby (like mine, but new age) doing well over 100 on a road which was perfectly safe to do NSL @/upto 60. I prayed for him to get some wits from somewhere before he hurt himself, or hurt someone else. Not saying that every capable driver drives like that, but some do take a micky; believing far too much in their capabilities.

Rorschach 09 March 2009 12:13 AM

so meny gemps out their 50 mite not be a bad idear

EddScott 09 March 2009 12:23 AM

I live in West Wales and there seems to be a high fatality rate round these parts. I don't care if your Michael Schumacher, your still going to get it wrong one day and that doesn't even take into account the person coming the other way.

As for the reduction I'll be surprised if this actually comes to pass. Even if it does, speeding won't be reduced, deaths are unlikely to be reduced, revenue will go up and the cost will take years to recoup.

However if the roads are covered in cameras - pay per use road tax might be doable.

corradoboy 09 March 2009 12:35 AM

Anyone intent on using specific roads for fun can easily outsmart average speed cameras anyway. As an example, Ribblehead, one of my favorite roads, runs for some 16 miles from Ingleton to Hawes. If I want to 'enjoy' it then I will, at any speed I choose, but before I pass the second camera I simply need to pull over, let my brakes cool, then continue. Hey-presto, my average speed over the distance is pleasing to the (s)camera :idea: It won't take a genius to remember the camera placements on regular routes.

Tam the bam 09 March 2009 12:43 AM

Originally Posted by corradoboy (Post 8563941)
Anyone intent on using specific roads for fun can easily outsmart average speed cameras anyway. As an example, Ribblehead, one of my favorite roads, runs for some 16 miles from Ingleton to Hawes. If I want to 'enjoy' it then I will, at any speed I choose, but before I pass the second camera I simply need to pull over, let my brakes cool, then continue. Hey-presto, my average speed over the distance is pleasing to the (s)camera :idea: It won't take a genius to remember the camera placements on regular routes.

You could always tailgate the car in front so the scameras can't see your plate, that's what they do here.

c_maguire 09 March 2009 12:52 AM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 8563737)
I know it is quite contrary to what general reaction is here- about this news. But I do think that reducing speed limit should be applicable at least to some roads in rural Britain. Around here in North Wales, there are so many roads where anyone with half a brain wouldn't do over 40; even with existing NSL being 60. But some idiots literally thrap it to 60+, causing fatalities on the roads. For such roads, maximum speed limit should become even 40, not just to 50. I am not saying that speed limit should drop down everywhere, so don't get your ties in the knot, SN-ers. :D

But how many different speed limits do you want, and who do you trust to set them. Leave it to the government or the local authorities and all limits will only ever go one way (down) amid claims of protecting children (boring.....zzzzzz) and "if it saves just one life it's worth it" crap from the safety lobby.
Just more restrictions placed on the majority to accomodate the braindead (ever increasing) minority. If these idiots kill themselves I couldn't give a damn, it's modern day natural selection. The only real problem is if these dickheads kill other innocent people (I'm not including passengers in the retard's vehicle as they are also often retards). The places where higher speed is more likely to place innocent individuals in danger is in built-up areas where these proposals are irrelevant (how many NSL roads are in built-up areas?)
If I try hard enough I can remember a time when individuals took some responsibility for their actions and moderated their behaviour accordingly.
As some have already stated, the posted speed limit is not a target.

Average speed cameras are not what this government wants, but they are what it can get away with. It wants satellite monitoring in all vehicles.
The nightmare continues.


The Chief 09 March 2009 01:46 AM

I predict within 10 years every major a road and motorway will have SPECS average speed cameras on them, with the limits adjusted by the little Hitlers who control average speed as per M25.

I ask myself where is this going?

Speeding isn't the problem its innapropriate speeding that causes accidents.

corradoboy 09 March 2009 02:00 AM

Yes and no. I speed regularly and it may be considered by many as inappropriate, yet I have never had an accident. I have a doddering old uncle whom seems to clock up 5-6 accidents a year but never speeds, ever. People cause accidents, for a great many reasons, one of which may or may not be speed. Speed will always be an exponentially aggravating factor in any accident, but might rarely be the primary cause. It's like the age old chestnut that 'guns kill'. Again, NO ! People kill. People with guns kill. Guns without people sit there and do nothing, like cars without drivers sit there and do nothing. Guns in some peoples hands may be perfectly safe too, if the person is intelligent, responsible, trained and qualified. Therein lies one of the problems with cars, the driver may not be very intelligent, rather irresponsible, poorly trained and relatively unqualified for the task, but has the same rights as any other driver whom may be significantly more capable.

Leslie 09 March 2009 11:27 AM

Typical example of a bunch of PC Plonkers who hate the idea of the people having the freedom of owning a car anyway and who want to control everyone's life down to the last instance.

You will probably find that a surprising large number of them can't driv a car themselves anyway, never had the bottle to take the test, or the ability.


Terminator X 09 March 2009 11:38 AM

That's what I do :) or indeed move from lane to lane as you pass each camera (they're only licenced to work lane by lane hence signs telling you to STAY IN LANE). I still wonder if SPECS actually works though as I've yet to hear of one person getting a ticket :wonder:


Originally Posted by Tam the bam (Post 8563952)
You could always tailgate the car in front so the scameras can't see your plate, that's what they do here.

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