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ScoobyWon't 06 October 2008 11:48 PM

Originally Posted by webby v7 slipperwagon (Post 8181324)
I dont have time for your games mate, just time for sorting out real time chrime, not fookin playstation games.

I doubt that you will be sorting out any crime yourself somehow :rolleyes:

This is purely an example of why the police have to investigate alleged crimes. They are faced with a claim made to them, they then interview the complaining party/ies and then the defendant. They have to establish the facts before they can proceed with the investigation.

As no-one from Scoobynet, including yourself, was at the scene, you do not have both sides of events from the complaining party as well as that which your mother, the accused, has told you.

It is up to the police to decide what has happened, what didn't happen and what is impossible for them to say if it happened or not.

This is simply known as logical reasoning. It will form the basis of the questioning and investigation.

Simply it's a Who, Where, When process to start with.

Was your mother at the scene? True. Etc, etc.

ScoobyWon't 06 October 2008 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by zip106 (Post 8181330)
I don't think conclusions are being jumped to.
Is Webby's word not enough?
Or his mothers?

Who are we to judge? It's not our job is it? Leave it to the police to decide.

And of course, there is the old classic line "It wasn't me, honest guv'nor"

Surely if everyone wants to be annoyed at anyone it's the people who allegedly were parked where they shouldn't have been.

Then again, imagine if someone on here posts a thread "My parents were attacked in a supermarket carpark for being fat" and explained that they were outside of their car when some lunatic woman just attacked them. Who side would people be defending then?

My point is, again, that the police have to be allowed to carry out the investigations that arise from any complaint. Yes, if they were heavy handed then a complaint can be made against the arresting officers etc but that shouldn't tarnish the entire service. I'd rather we have the police than mindless vigilate justice or a lack of law enforcement.

webby v7 slipperwagon 06 October 2008 11:57 PM

I'm putting this to bed, because it wont get anywhere. The clean as summer dried bed sheets old bill, will lie/deny/falsify and bend twist torture the facts to suit. But you know what, instead of your sickening lies/bullying/false agendas, WHY DONT YOU STAND UP FOR ONCE AND ADMIT YOUR WRONG/YOU LIED/YOU CHEATED/YOU/YOU/YOU and get some public confidence back. I will never stand up for you lot again EVER.With your smug lies and self induced arrogance. YOU STAND ALONE in a nation of over 70 million people of who only a very very small percentage have any faith in you. I was one of the very few, i now rest with the majority.YOUR ON YOUR OWN and DESERVE TO BE.

webby v7 slipperwagon 07 October 2008 12:14 AM

No i think scooby wont nick anyone guilty because its to hard, is it right. a 67 yo women is attacked by two people in there twenties who are ilegally parked in a disabled bay.Even though its obvious the disabled person is in the wrong because officer scooby cant undestand the situation.And is on scene (god help us) and has decided that the 67 yo women with a disabled mother who has the right to park in the DISABLED ONLY BAY is guilty of being legally entitled to park in that bay and not the two ilegally parked law abiding citizensJeeez you couldn't make it up

ScoobyWon't 07 October 2008 12:51 AM

Calm down, Sunshine. You're letting your emotions get the better of you.

Originally Posted by webby v7 slipperwagon (Post 8181377)
the 67 yo women with a disabled mother who has the right to park in the DISABLED ONLY BAY is guilty of being legally entitled to park in that bay

I thought you said the original offence your mother was arrested for was common assault, not un-committed parking violations of any variety.

Originally Posted by webby v7 slipperwagon (Post 8181058)
The two fat scumbags

I don't see how their physique is relevant to your argument. Were those your mother's own exact words?

Originally Posted by webby v7 slipperwagon (Post 8181058)
not the fat pricks who are in the wrong

Innocent until proven guilty, same as your mother.

Originally Posted by webby v7 slipperwagon (Post 8181058)
the security idiot

Are you also going to stop using Tesco as they employ idiots as security guards?

I assume your mother had some sort of legal representation whilst being interviewed. They will have been presented with the facts and your mother's version of events and would then make a profesionnal recommendation on how to proceed.

Chill out, grab a beer. Calm yourself down and look after your mother. That is the most useful thing you will be able to do. :)

As I stated earlier, I was unfairly nicked for something I hadn't done, I felt badly treated but it was cleared up in my favour. Have a little faith but I doubt it'll be persued. :thumb:

Leslie 07 October 2008 12:08 PM

I can imagine how you feel Webby, and your mother too. Can't understand why both the attendant for the carpark and the coppers did not take the business about the parking in the disabled bay when not entitled into consideration.

Why on earth they should arrest your mother when she had been assaulted in the first place? Maybe they were going for the easy case to clear up in order to keep filling their targets rather than use their common sense over the real offence-ie striking your mother!

Bit of a shameful affair!

Les :(

pwhittle 07 October 2008 12:42 PM

impossibly to say unless you were there.
was she kicking off when the police were there? did the couple alledge assult? in either case they'd have to take action. were the couple charged?

Does being 67 preclude you from being arrested?

there's no doubt is would be destressing, and no doubt some rookie coppers don't display appropriate discretion, but tarring everyone is pointless, unless of course you've had experience with all coppers / muslims / cyclists / scooby driver.

alcazar 07 October 2008 12:54 PM

I sympathise with webby, and my heart goes out to his mother, who I hope is OK and get over this.

I am NOT surprised at the attitude of the two coppers, given what I have experienced over the last ten years:(

Nor am I surprised at the ratcheting level of distrust and yes, hate, that these people are incurring. I said it 5 years ago.:(

What does surprise me is that some folk can STILL trot out the "they're not all bad", (Yes, but these ones apparently were), or "perhaps there was a reason" (to manhandle a 67 year old woman?) lines:confused:

What was that saying? "For evil to triumph it only needs for good men to do nothing"?

Then there's the one that begins "First they came for the Jews, and I did nothing, for I was not Jewish":(:(

Wake up, some of you, and smell the coffee;)


spireite 07 October 2008 01:13 PM

Well the OP got infracted by the serial infractor ,be careful webby because if its who i think it is he'll keep infracting your posts till your banned .:confused:

Bet he daren't come out and tell you why he infracted you :cuckoo:

The Chief 07 October 2008 01:21 PM

I cant believe you've been infracted for this, absolutley disgraceful.

This whole infraction thing just isn't working anymore:(

Leslie 07 October 2008 01:29 PM

I really don't think that the OP's original post deserves an infraction.

Les :(

jaytc2003 07 October 2008 01:40 PM

I dont have great faith in cops, however you have to ask the question what did the cops see? Dont take this post the wrong way

Scenario One
The cops see your mum grabbing the other persons arm, that is classed as assault (stupid I know) then that means the cops are doing their job.

The cancer bit although unfortunate :( is irrelevant it would have no bearing of the person being arrested or not.

Scenario 2
The cops didnt see anything but the security guard did and reported what he saw to the cops.
In this instance I would expect the cops to just get statements from all parties involved.

Obviously they should have handled the actual arrest better considering the age of the offender

alcazar 07 October 2008 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by The Chief (Post 8182249)
I cant believe you've been infracted for this, absolutley disgraceful.

This whole infraction thing just isn't working anymore:(

Nope, I questioned one I got for supposedly trolling, an ongoing argument with one of the traders on here, got, in reply, a rant from webby basically telling me I told lies, had no backbone, and "YOU SHOULD REFRAIN FROM POSTING ANYTHING ELSE NEGATIVE ABOUT ****", the trader in question.

When I questioned THAT stance, I was infracted again.

Money talks, nowt else on here now.:(


ScoobyWon't 07 October 2008 03:06 PM

I don't think there was any need for an infraction on the original post and I was the biggest protaganist towards the start of the thread.

Anyway, those answers to my little quiz:

Originally Posted by ScoobyWon't (Post 8181315)
Here's one for you to all look at which will help with getting to the bottom of things.

Now answer these 5 questions as either
True (the conclusion from the situation is true from the facts known about it)

False (the conclusion is false given the situation described and the facts known about it)

Impossible to say (it is impossible to say if it is either true or false given the situation and the facts known about it)

1: The robber was a man.

2: Steven Tibbs may have been the robber.

3: The cashier reported the robbery to the police.

4: The robber could be a friend of the cashier.

5: Pete Mickson could have been the robber.

This should only take you 5 minutes to complete. I'll post the correct answers later.

1. Impossible to say

2. True

3. Impossible to say

4. True

5. False

Hope your mother is feeling better today :)

vindaloo 07 October 2008 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 8182504)
Nope, I questioned one I got for supposedly trolling, an ongoing argument with one of the traders on here, got, in reply, a rant from webby basically telling me I told lies, had no backbone, and "YOU SHOULD REFRAIN FROM POSTING ANYTHING ELSE NEGATIVE ABOUT ****", the trader in question.

When I questioned THAT stance, I was infracted again.

Money talks, nowt else on here now.:(



Would that be a four letter trader's name or 5? ;)


cossie-nutter 07 October 2008 05:34 PM

This is the case of if someone broke into my house and I shot them who would be in the wrong?

It's a F-u-c-k-e-d up world!

GC8 07 October 2008 05:48 PM

You would and rightly so. You cant shoot burglars and it worries me that people are too hard of thinking to realise why. If you need to then you can defend yourself: this is provided for in common law and also Section 3 of the Criminal Law Act 1967. If need be you might even end up killing them, but you cant sit by the open kitchen window with a shotgun of an evening.

webby v7 slipperwagon 07 October 2008 06:00 PM

Ok , just spoke to my mother and what has happend now.
The police have phoned my mother and apologised about yesterdays matter. They have told her no further action will be taken against her. The slobs wrongly parked in the parking bay have been cautioned and the police are making further checks as the driver gave a false name and address.
My mother will be receiving a written apology and if she wishes to complain they will help her through the process. So some kind of faith is rstored. But why and how did the two young police officers cock it up so badly. You just cant buy experience, maybe they would have been better off having an older more experienced officer with each of the young officers. Anyway my mom feels much better, so thats what counts.
Also on the infraction front, i can see why, the mood as well as the language was a bit raw. But also i have seen some infractions which do seem strange, to say the least.

Felix. 07 October 2008 06:18 PM

How long was your mum in the station for...?

If the original scenario is correct, then I don't see how the arrest could get past the custody sergeant as it was not necessary.

I would have dealt with it by 'words of advice'. Basically, your mum is not making any complaint of assault from being hit by the newspaper - and I assume she grabbed the other persons arm to stop being hit again by the newspaper again, hence self defence.

Therfore at this time - no crime as there are no offences disclosed.

Words of advice - and by the way - shift your car as you aint got a badge on it

GC8 07 October 2008 06:19 PM

Paul, personally Id speak to their uniformed Inspector and suggest that the best way to avoid a formal complaint (that you wont allow to be sidelined and informal) will be for both officers responsible to visit and personally apologise to your mother and look like they mean it. Im confident that theyll be robustly encouraged to do so...

RyanSTI 07 October 2008 07:15 PM

if the coppers were fresh faced you;ve gotta understand in a volitile situation they have a second to make a decision. its not always going to be right.

spireite 07 October 2008 07:17 PM

Originally Posted by RyanSTI (Post 8183065)
if the coppers were fresh faced you;ve gotta understand in a volitile situation they have a second to make a decision. its not always going to be right.

This is true, luckily she wasn't running for a train in the tube station :)

Jamescsti 07 October 2008 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by webby v7 slipperwagon (Post 8182891)
Ok , just spoke to my mother and what has happend now.
The police have phoned my mother and apologised about yesterdays matter. They have told her no further action will be taken against her. The slobs wrongly parked in the parking bay have been cautioned and the police are making further checks as the driver gave a false name and address.
My mother will be receiving a written apology and if she wishes to complain they will help her through the process. So some kind of faith is rstored. But why and how did the two young police officers cock it up so badly. You just cant buy experience, maybe they would have been better off having an older more experienced officer with each of the young officers. Anyway my mom feels much better, so thats what counts.
Also on the infraction front, i can see why, the mood as well as the language was a bit raw. But also i have seen some infractions which do seem strange, to say the least.

Any experienced Police officer moves into other departments mate, so as a result it's all the young officers who deal with jobs like this

Abdabz 07 October 2008 07:30 PM

I didnt get the whole story from the OP, but age and illness shouldnt be a barrier to being arrested otherwise every OAP with an illness and an evil streak would go around on the rob, using their walking sticks to attack passers by... :eek:

Seriously, my mum is nearly the same age and I would be furious if she was forcefully arrested for nothing...

If I can offer any advice at all, speak to a solicitor, articulate the actual sequence of events and raise a complete with the IPC (or whoever they are)...
The CPS will not follow this one up, but it is only half the point... If the police acted unprofesionally it needs investigating and going on the record....

gazza-uk 07 October 2008 08:15 PM

Sounds like a straight forward Section 5 arrest, would be good if we had the other side of the story, rather that a biased one sided argument.

alcazar 07 October 2008 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by vindaloo (Post 8182795)

Would that be a four letter trader's name or 5? ;)


That would be 5;) but it wasn't the trader who infracted me:wonder:


judgejules 08 October 2008 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by webby v7 slipperwagon (Post 8182891)
Ok , just spoke to my mother and what has happend now.
The police have phoned my mother and apologised about yesterdays matter. They have told her no further action will be taken against her. The slobs wrongly parked in the parking bay have been cautioned and the police are making further checks as the driver gave a false name and address.
My mother will be receiving a written apology and if she wishes to complain they will help her through the process. So some kind of faith is rstored. But why and how did the two young police officers cock it up so badly. You just cant buy experience, maybe they would have been better off having an older more experienced officer with each of the young officers. Anyway my mom feels much better, so thats what counts.
Also on the infraction front, i can see why, the mood as well as the language was a bit raw. But also i have seen some infractions which do seem strange, to say the least.

I'd ask for apologies from the two officers involved in person in front of the top bod in their area, bring them down a peg or two and maybe next time they will act with a bit more compassion and understanding and be a bit less slap happy.

ScoobyWon't 08 October 2008 12:08 AM

Originally Posted by webby v7 slipperwagon (Post 8182891)
Anyway my mom feels much better, so thats what counts.

Glad to see that :thumb:

Leslie 08 October 2008 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 8182504)
Nope, I questioned one I got for supposedly trolling, an ongoing argument with one of the traders on here, got, in reply, a rant from webby basically telling me I told lies, had no backbone, and "YOU SHOULD REFRAIN FROM POSTING ANYTHING ELSE NEGATIVE ABOUT ****", the trader in question.

When I questioned THAT stance, I was infracted again.

Money talks, nowt else on here now.:(


Sorry to see that Alcazar. I know how you feel, I was unfairly infracted too because I imagine the infractor threw a hissy fit because what I said did not fit in with his thinking. A bit disappopinting.

Webby, glad that your mother got an apology, they were certainly out of order and I sincerely hope that the coppers concerned were on the mat for it.


Leslie 08 October 2008 12:01 PM

Originally Posted by spireite (Post 8183077)
This is true, luckily she wasn't running for a train in the tube station :)

Thats what I call a telling point!


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