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jasey 23 July 2008 05:57 PM

How did ugly old birds survive before "anti-septi-peptides" with re-generist octo-spasms.

Ads that annoy me are the ones that get Mrs jasey down the supermarket trying out the latest pish product wondering how she ever managed without it !

JimmyBFC 23 July 2008 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by PeteBrant (Post 8024949)

Also, ads that are plainly dubbed.

And the one that used to really really wind me up is the one for the Air freshner with the chinese kids and overtly caucasian Mum.

I mean you would think, that the quickest way to convey to your Mother that you have run out of of Air freshener and the bathroom stinks of **** would be to say "Mum, we have run out of Air Freshener, oh and the bathroom stinks of ****" when she asks you whats wrong?

But no. Apparantly anyone who does that is a massive spaz, because patently the most effective and efficient way is to actually draw a picture representing an empty Air Freshner on some toilet paper and then slide it under the door. What a ****ing idiot I have been all these year thinking the quickest and easiet wasy to communicate was through speech, when really I should be communicating my ideas and thoughts in work meeting through the medium of dance.


JimmyBFC 23 July 2008 06:11 PM

some of ther replies on here have had me in stitches, keep it up fellas, was having a miserable day until now....pmsl

Peter; I think your a closet Victor Meldrew like myself, my missus calls me that now whenever im slagging something off on TV...usually the happy go lucky world of bullsh1t that is Hollyoaks aka' Bollyoxxxx...if theres anyhting that get my blood boiling its those cvnts on there, plus Eastenders....

The one that really has me cringing is that with the two old bags on waiting for the approval of the old codger tasting some sh1t they'v made, can't think of what it is, but they both need harpooning very soon.....something advertising cereals I think......

mart360 23 July 2008 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by lozgti (Post 8024945)
I thought I was going mad or our TV was broken but apparantly the volume deliberately increases when the adverts come on.(not just our TV,everyones)

Flipping annoying!



the volume does not increase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what they do is open up the bandwidth on the signal during the adverts, this removes the compression on the signal, so everything appears to be louder.


exvaux 23 July 2008 06:35 PM

Originally Posted by mart360 (Post 8025143)


the volume does not increase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what they do is open up the bandwidth on the signal during the adverts, this removes the compression on the signal, so everything appears to be louder.


ive always wondered why it did that :wonder: who says scoobynet isnt informative :thumb:

MJW 23 July 2008 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by mart360 (Post 8025143)


the volume does not increase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what they do is open up the bandwidth on the signal during the adverts, this removes the compression on the signal, so everything appears to be louder.


'Appears' louder ? Is that like cream that can reduce the 'appearance' of wrinkles ?

DCI Gene Hunt 23 July 2008 06:51 PM

All insurance based adverts:

Admiral, Direct Line, Churchill...... "Kev..?, Bev..., Kev... Bev....???" I wish they'd just feck off out of it :mad:

DCI Gene Hunt 23 July 2008 06:52 PM

...also the way the volume increases when the adverts come on!?!

ronjeramy 23 July 2008 11:36 PM

My Mrs hates that moonpig advert :D have to admit it is rather annoying :mad:

boxst 24 July 2008 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by mart360 (Post 8025143)


the volume does not increase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what they do is open up the bandwidth on the signal during the adverts, this removes the compression on the signal, so everything appears to be louder.


Not being pedantic, but the volume does increase it is just that the reason it increased is because the adverts are not compressed....


ritchie21 24 July 2008 03:34 AM

Moonpig dot com!

Hate that advert - will never ever ever ever buy a card from them!!!!

SOOOOOOOOO damn annoying!

Jamz3k 24 July 2008 09:39 AM

YouTube - Cilit Bang Techno

After this advert i heavily invested in the company:D

lozgti 24 July 2008 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by mart360 (Post 8025143)

what they do is open up the bandwidth on the signal during the adverts, this removes the compression on the signal, so everything appears to be louder.


It's no good getting all technical with me.

I'm not even sure what all the buttons on my remote control do:D

(apart from the volume one when the loud adverts come on)

jsh 24 July 2008 09:57 AM

Oh my god, dont get me started on this. I have loads that drive me to the point of wanting to take my own life - or more helpful, the lives of the idiots in the ads.

I hope that they get paid a huge amount of money, i am pretty sure that no-one could afford to pay me enough to act like a total tw@t on TV in front of millions.

Safestyle - as someone else said really annoying baldy, pikey troll - I hate that man with a passion!

Sugarpuffs - that unbelievably annoying rap with the "honey monster" and that other idiot - it makes me want to scream! - in particular there is one with the big guy and his wife sat down on a sofa. He has a shaved head with a tufty bit on the top (dumb a$$ haircut) and he keeps pulling really gormless faces - aaaaarrgghh

Cillit Bang - what is it with Barry Scott and Jeremy Kyle that makes them have to shout all of the time.

There are others, but I am getting angry thinking about them

Must calm down..................................


SJ_Skyline 24 July 2008 10:01 AM

Anything with Andie MacDowell in it :mad:

....and the way the volume increases when the adverts come on! ;)

Paul3446 24 July 2008 10:47 AM

That poxy one for Orange mobiles, I am my brother I am my teacher I am every girl I've ever seen, I am my friends etc f*ckin etc.

What does it actually mean, absolutely nothing, that's what it means.

I thought it was an advert for blood donors when I first saw it. :mad:

Paul3446 24 July 2008 10:48 AM

Do you reckon Andie McDowell would be in soft focus if you met her in real life? :wonder:

SJ_Skyline 24 July 2008 11:20 AM

She'll be advertising Polycell before long with the free "Andie MacDowell Trowel"

rossyboy 24 July 2008 11:26 AM

I dont think I've seen anyone mention those feckin Lenor adverts with the stupid fabric people. :mad:

The Moonpig one was mentioned. Hell yes, that is irritating beyond belief. I guess I'll never be sending an e-card through your stupid site then. See how you like that eh! :mad:

DFS, you will never, ever see me in your shops. You have an amazing ability to create adverts that annoy the hell out of me the very first time I see them. :mad: though I agree with the previous poster about the blonde in the current one in the grey top!

Heinz salad cream. Stick your ladybugs up your arse. :brickwall

GC8WRX 24 July 2008 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by eClaire (Post 8024745)
Treating myself to a laze on the couch with the laptop and cheesy chat shows after a trip to the dentist this morning, it's all my head can take at the mo....

If my napper wasn't pounding enough, I hear this **** as he appears on my screen...

'I said you buy one, you get one free'

:mad: :mad: :mad:

**** off ya prick!

On the other hand, I particularly enjoy watching the Kronenbourg bubbles advert :D

Any others you fancy adding to the blacklist?

Two things i want to know, first of all, who decided that some bloke with no hair on the top of his head, and a MASSIVE german permed mullet on the back is suitable for a tv advert (people like that should accept they are bald or commit suicide), plus he shouts all the time, and the advert clearly had a budget 0f 347.22 all in.

Secondly, any tit who buys form these aresholes is gonna get stung big time, if you read the small print, the example they use is 3,900 for the windows, paying back 7,800 over 5 years! WTF!

My mum rang them up one day, and if you want to buy from them you have to use their credit facilities, you cant go to them with your own money, what a bunch of cnuts, from top to bottom!

Oh yeah, and the "nock off nigel" adverts are patronising as well.

The government seem to think that anyone who "knocks off" films will be a social outcast, when, to the contrary, they are often the most popular blokes at work(in my experience). And as if singing knock off nigel will make people think, hang on, i dont want to be a knock off nigel, id best stop this madness now.

Surely an advert that says, if you knock off films from the internet, and we catch you, you could be fined x amount, and have your connection to the net terminated, and your hard drive confiscated, would have more impact!

The marketing companies and think tanks that come up with this sh1te need dissolving asap!

GC8WRX 24 July 2008 01:02 PM

Whats with the time on posts, i posted the above at 11.40 not 12.59 wtf?

PeteBrant 24 July 2008 01:19 PM


That one for BT broadband, where the woman is in bed, and matey is brushing his teeth. And she has a tea rin her eye.
"What's wrong" he asks
"I've lost it all" she wails
"What?" He replies
"Everything, from the computer, all the pictures of the kids, videoa, music, I've lost everything"
"oh its ok" he reasssures her "We have it backed up with BT, thank god for them" or words to that effect.

Let's just rewind a second to the point where she says.... "Everything, from the computer, all the pictures of the kids, videoa, music, I've lost everything".

Right, first off, you would have to be some sort of ****ing wanker to delete "every" picture from the computer. Mainly because when you delete something of the magnitude, Windows virtually makes you sign in blood, in triplicate before it will delete it. "Are you sure you want to delete this?" it will ask. You click yes. Then it will say "Are you absolutely sure you want to DELETE EVERY PRECIOUS MEMORY OF YOUR CHILDREN EVER?" At this point the woman in bed obviously just did what most computer illiterate fvckwits do at this point and assume the computer is asking them this question "for a laugh" and doesn't really mean it....

That aside, going back to the fact she was crying, presumably because she thinks she has lost every memeory of her children and never get it back. Couple of point here.

(i)Unless the machine is 20 years old, and she was the inventor of the Digital Camera, the "memories" must exist in some other format in order to get them onto the machine in the first place. Like scanned in or something.

(ii)Assuming she did scan them in, what did they do after? Hold a picture burning party where they ceremonially burnt every picture ever taken of the children, dancing naked round a fire whilst chanting to the great computer god in the sky.

I mean what did they think? "Right that those pictures onto the computer, I can't see any reason whatsoever why I would ever need those again. And surely once you have bought a computer it lasts forever. No I cannot think of any conceivable reason why I would want to keep the original photos now that I have put them on the computer."

GC8WRX 24 July 2008 01:23 PM


(ii)Assuming she did scan them in, what did they do after? Hold a picture burning party where they ceremonially burnt every picture ever taken of the children, dancing naked round a fire whilst chanting to the great computer god in the sky.

:lol: i agree mate, but that bird has something about her, i would anyway!:norty:

PeteBrant 24 July 2008 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by GC8WRX (Post 8026332)

, but that bird has something about her, i would anyway!:norty:

That she does :D

rossyboy 24 July 2008 01:28 PM

i agree mate, but that bird has something about her, i would anyway!
Damn, beat me to it. I've liked her for a long time, shes mine I tell you, mine! Her and Kate Garraway. :)

windyboy 24 July 2008 01:30 PM

Sometimes over here in N'orn Iron we get adverts that have been overdubbed or had the character's names changed so that they have a more local feel to them, one doing the rounds at the minute is the Cheery-oh's one with all of the little O's, instead of the kids being called Olivia & whoever the names they get for us are Oilath & Oisin etc.


Also Brandpower adverts that actually advertise something else


PeteBrant 24 July 2008 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by windyboy (Post 8026353)
Sometimes over here in N'orn Iron we get adverts that have been overdubbed or had the character's names changed so that they have a more local feel to them, one doing the rounds at the minute is the Cheery-oh's one with all of the little O's, instead of the kids being called Olivia & whoever the names they get for us are Oilath & Oisin etc.



Freak 24 July 2008 01:38 PM

All of them.... but nowhere near as bad in the Uk as in the US.

The only country that can make a 2 hour film last 4.5 hours because of sodding commericials.... useless :rolleyes:

Slingbox-tastic :thumb:

J4CKO 24 July 2008 01:40 PM

Yes, have gone back to BT so I can shark the BT woman.

Dowsie WRX 24 July 2008 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 8024920)
Has anybody invented software to turn the sound off when the adverts appear :confused:

My sodding tv gets louder when the adverts come on :wonder:

Also, they aren't on the telly anymore...but the adverts with Michael Winner
"calm down's only a...........................shotgun!" :mad:

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