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PEN 01 February 2002 12:16 PM

Come on please don't take it this badly, at one time or another we've all been at the other end of a backlashing on here, (me several). You apologised and it takes a big person to do that, they have accepted it and now understand - mistakes happen we are all human.

Don't resign from the SIDC that is a real shame you've done that.

Stay, and keep posting.

Neil Smalley 01 February 2002 12:37 PM


Don't leave the SIDC or Scoobyet. We've all sent mail to the wrong people by mistake. It's easily done, and your subsequent actions show good character.

Richard Askew 01 February 2002 12:40 PM

...and anyway its not as bad as sending your best mate a really dirty text message that was s'posed to be for your girlfriend... :D
<embarassed> ... shame on me... ;)

Shark 01 February 2002 12:40 PM

Hey, you made a mistake, said sorry,so stay ! Simple.



banshi 01 February 2002 12:52 PM

I can understand the reaction if people believed access to the community was being abused.
The situation has been explained and an apology offered. This was immediately accepted by the originator of the thread, surely that's enough.
The bbs is a great place for jumping on bandwagons with little forethought. I've occasionally had people (or even dark coloured cats;)) set the dogs on me.
No need for resignation or excommunication. This place and SIDC usually add to the pleasure of owning a Scoob, and with a P1 you need all the help you can get :D

CraigH 01 February 2002 12:52 PM


Who you been talking to? Thought that was secret :eek:

;) ;)

Dave P 01 February 2002 12:54 PM


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's done the old text message thing... problem was I did it on 3 seperate occasions, I started to run out of excuses as to why!!!


Fulham, e-mail will be the death of us all... there are 10,000 members on here, I wouldn't let the thoughts of one or two matter...

Disco 01 February 2002 01:30 PM

:( I feel left out cos I didn't get the email in the first place! :( ;)

Sounds like a genuine mistake (easily made) , but with understandable responses from those who received the mail (a lot of junk is sent these days, and it does wind people up!)

Following your explaination, I see no reason why you should give up either Scoobynet, your position at SIDC or attending meets. If you are worried about the reception you are likely to recieve at the next meet I can assure you it will be nothing more than 'p!ss taking' for being such a clutz!!!!;) :D:D:D

As above, hope to see you on Sunday (assuming we still have a pub to go to) and also hope that perhaps some of the earlier posters will accept your apology!


rik1471 01 February 2002 01:57 PM

I'm deeply offended.

chiark 01 February 2002 02:34 PM

quote:"I will lamp the c*nt if he sends me spam"

I can see why someone may be a tad upset by that!

Luke 01 February 2002 02:37 PM

Chiark (NICK)

It tastes horrid and gives me the poo's.
Also if some one sends it to me it will mess up my printer!!!!

God this post is boring..... SO WHAT????? what was the problem??

Richard Askew 01 February 2002 02:39 PM

Nick - I think he meant the [un]edible type of spam mate...

MATTeL 01 February 2002 02:42 PM

Chiark... that one was right out of order. Also it is a threat of violence. ;)

Paaul - Don't cut yourself off from the society because of genuine mistake. It would be a real shame to miss the chance to take the pi$$ at the weekend!;)

mega_stream 01 February 2002 02:49 PM

Bl00dy heck I wish I hadn't posted this now, Its making me feel bad :(

I hope this event isn't the reason you feel you want to resign :(

Like I said, no worrys, no harm done... just forget about it.

We're a forgiving lot on here m8 :D

Elvis Presley 01 February 2002 03:41 PM

I am sure that the poor chap has been well and truly offended by the abuse he received. That is probably why he is resigning, not because he feels guilty for sending an email by mistake.

If I was addressed in that manner I too would want to distance myself from the Scooby community and so I understand the decision.

I understand that people get upset about this spam thing, especially if they think that our scoobynet is being abused, but the thing is, it is easy to lash out at an anonymous person.
I am sure no-one really meant anything personal in the first place.
Consider this before you distance yourself from the other 99% of us who DO make mistakes.

I also realised straight away that the "Spam" (edible type) mail was a joke and had no bearing on the situation. Probably not even aimed at Monsieur, but simply a little joke for the community.
Taken in the correct context it is amusing.

EvilBevel 01 February 2002 03:44 PM


FFS, stop sulking, all is cool :)

Mistake was made, overreaction has been seen, lots o people still love you, done deal. Get to the pub & take the p1ss :D


Luke 01 February 2002 03:49 PM

Remember those "Cod" slices at school????? What the hell was the batter made from???
I sometimes still get bits popping out, I left school 22 years ago!!!

Markus 01 February 2002 04:03 PM

I too got the email. If it's an honest mistake and you say it is, then I've no problem with it. You've also made a public apology for it, and you would not have done that if it was not a mistake.

No need to resign or never come on here again. OK, we might take the piss a bit about it, but hey, you know what we're like!

Think it's just that most of us get so much spam and can't find out who it is when we get spam (in this case not spam) from someone we know and can trace we react harshly to it, which is fair enough.

anyway, please don't stay away. I say you're welcome, so sod what everybody else thinks! ;)

Oh, and don't think that this is a cunning way to try and get out of coming on sunday! :D:D

Elvis Presley 01 February 2002 04:08 PM

Does this mean we can't get the 10% discount after all?

Markus 01 February 2002 04:28 PM

Paul, You have mail, please read it.

Please come on sunday, I've stuff to explain to you, regardless of all this.

I've crossed words with people on here, and not once have I though about not postin on here because of what they have said to me. If i'd done this I'd have done what you did and apologised on here, and have ignored any threats made, hell, megastream has accepted the apology as have most of the others, in my eyes, problem sorted, issue closed, let's move on.

You know, sometimes this place is the virtual equivelent of a school playground, let's all make up and be friends, no real harm was done, no-one was hurt in any real way.

anyway, enough, I've rabbited on for far to long.

final thing

GET YOUR ARSE DOWN TO SUSSEX ON SUNDAY! (and yes I AM shouting) If you don't then you WILL be in trouble ;) :D:D

Andy Tang 01 February 2002 04:32 PM


You've made a mistake, hey you're only human! :)

You've pointed out your mistake and apologised. Fair play, how many people wouldn't do that much!

As for resigning your post as SIDC rep and backing out of Scoobynet meets, I think that is a bit extreme! :rolleyes:

Just don't let it happen again!! ;) ;)


MATTeL 01 February 2002 04:36 PM

Andy would you stop posting here! You know you should be on the VW forum! :D

See you Saturday! ;)


Andy Tang 01 February 2002 04:55 PM

Mark/Matt!! ;)

You should stop posting here, and get onto a Jeep/Military vehicle forum!!! ;) ;) :p


fazack 01 February 2002 05:30 PM

Since joining this BBS some 5 months ago I have noticed a deterioration in the content of some responses. I feel that the aggresive, and sometimes racist, remarks displayed just in the last week makes me wonder whether I want to be assoiciated with this board anymore. Whilst it might be a small number of members making such remarks, they do seem to be appearing on a much more regular basis.

EvilBevel 01 February 2002 06:33 PM

>>remarks displayed just in the last week makes me wonder whether I want to be assoiciated with this board anymore. Whilst it might be a small number of members making such remarks, they do seem to be appearing on a much more regular basis.

Sorry chap, but this doesn't really make sense to me :(

When you go to your favorite pub where all your friends normally are, and some people happen to be in the same pub saying things you don't really like, do you:

a) ignore the t0ssers or smack'm if needed
b) think "I don't want to be associated with this pub anymore"


Luke 01 February 2002 07:16 PM


get a life

Funkii Munkii 01 February 2002 07:50 PM

What a thread
a real rollercoaster, from threats to lets make up (i was going for the tissues) then humour then some miserable b'stard pulling the race card from god knows where.

All because of a mis-guided e-mail, what was the guy trying to sell leather joy pants with built in anal intruder?? ;),or was it his Fulham season ticket:):) anyone got hotmail??? i get about 10 spams a day big deal.

Leave the poor bloke alone hes got enough on his plate already, It turns out that Fulham dont even own their crest, the local council do!!! hence the new style FFC badge on the shirts.

Free the Fulham seventy one

IanW 01 February 2002 07:57 PM

ROTFLMAO @ Funkii Monkey!!


These things happen mate, you apologised, thats it matters closed, dont feel that you have to leave mate!


Luke 01 February 2002 09:12 PM

Is the Race card Red or yellow ?????

Funkii Munkii 01 February 2002 09:18 PM

If your from Leeds or Arsenal its invariably RED :)

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