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firefox 01 February 2002 12:37 PM

I'm about too :D


devils_ad69 01 February 2002 12:39 PM

Devils Advocate - not to be confused with me!

frisby 01 February 2002 12:46 PM


Devils Advocate 01 February 2002 12:47 PM

No chance of that happening!

Richard Askew 01 February 2002 12:47 PM

...oooh its like stepping back in time....

BarryK 01 February 2002 02:28 PM

Wasn't StuartH exposed as a charlatan. ie. not in the police at all and making it all up? Subsequently not seen.

I still recall Diablo taking his ball home and announcing he was quitting Scoobynet blah drone buzz.........

On his return (actually he never went anywhere)I commented on this melodrama and he flexed his muscle as a "Moderator".

Ha ha. I like this bbs coz of stuff like that.

God bless her and all who sail in her.

A fair few people no longer post as Pen (aka BC and prior to that by her given name if I recall) says. Incidentally Pen, your website still going?

I think some just get fed up hearing the same things over and over. Many think their stomping off means something to the rest of us and that we care.

How wrong can they be?

Subie Gal 01 February 2002 03:04 PM

hey thanks Penni! :)
long time, no chat...
i'd take u up on that job..
but the cost of the commute would break me for sure :D

glad to see ya still around!!! :D


Devils Advocate 01 February 2002 03:14 PM

Dark Horse Was Innocent!

EvilBevel 01 February 2002 03:37 PM

>>but have not visited very often due to proliferation of sanctimonious self absorbed types on here!

D.A., well, Scoobynet did get a lot bigger, and when you have more people around, you'll have more people you don't like.

Still, I think it's fair to say that there are also a lot of good new people who arrived, and to be honest, going from Penni's list, I'm amazed how many "early day-ers" are still present in some form or shape.

It has become fashionable to scrap Scoobynet as a "high volume/low content" bbs, but at the same time people like John Banks (and others) in Drivetrain really liven up the place and are providing incredibly good info/food for thought/fuel to the flames.

I'd go as far as to say that the available "knowledge" in the technical forums has become vast in comparison to "the old days". Just read the first few pages of Drivetrain again, and you'll see what I mean.

Yeah, there's a lot more static/noise (which can be fun sometimes), but if you look past the "General" forum, there is a wealth of a) good information and b) good eggs on Scoobynet.

Not meant as a dig towards you (unless you count me under those self absorbed types ;) ), just a general observation.


PEN 01 February 2002 04:36 PM

It feels like I've just gone back in a time warp... seeing all these familiar names in one place ... aaahhhh reminising...

My website is still there and I'm going to have a shot at finishing it (with some help????? Frisby????? please...) bought book today 'idiots guide to webbuilding so with any luck) and when it's finished I will publish the address.

Dark Horse now.... ;);) yes...

Now Kermit who are you impersonating, not SD by any chance?

Jamie e-mail me we'll have a long catch up chat.

PEN 01 February 2002 04:39 PM

PS get the Masarti - they justify the cost what a car one day...

Markus 01 February 2002 06:17 PM

good to see that some people are here but just lurking.

some interesting comments which help to explain certain things as well. but we won't go there;)

maybe one day I'll have the fame/notoritoy of having my name in a list like this *sigh* :D:D:D

dingy 01 February 2002 06:33 PM

Harj is around busy lieing to the police and ripping people off


carl 01 February 2002 10:05 PM

Hmm, what happened to 'Harj leaves NAM -- all the best, good luck mate'? :confused:

dingy 01 February 2002 11:11 PM

Yeah right

[Edited by dingy - 2/1/2002 11:25:06 PM]

Puff The Magic Wagon! 02 February 2002 08:28 AM

SunilP is alive and well in Croydon & other far flung places - least he was when we had a bevvy some months ago :D


& despite the fact that he hasn't posted here for a long time, I still haven't caught up with his post count :rolleyes:

[Edited by Puff The Magic Wagon! - 2/2/2002 8:29:42 AM]

XRS 02 February 2002 08:32 AM


Why don't you count in the posts from your old login? You might get closer that way!


Dave T-S 02 February 2002 08:41 AM

I spoke to Sunil recently by email too, I miss him, for reasons anyone that remembers our banter will know:D

StuartH, I was waiting for that skeleton to come out of the closet...boy, could I tell you a story there - but I won't;)

I can confirm Yex is alive and well - he'd better be, he's part of our Jordan thrashing kart team in two weeks - the "Bitten Ham Rolls":D

PS - Sal - how's our team flag coming on??

[Edited by Dave T-S - 2/2/2002 8:43:22 AM]

Tim Bomford 02 February 2002 10:45 AM

I'm still here honey but now got a 22B and NO Robbie I'm not going to change it! Is that PEN as in Penni or blackcat or perhaps Mrs W####he#d in real life? I have not heard from Mr Stollery in ages.

Give me an email to say hello. Still got the WRX?


Dave Thornton 02 February 2002 12:44 PM

Mr Stollery posted recently in the for sale section

johnfelstead 02 February 2002 02:01 PM

Hi penny, good to see you are alive and kicking. :D

Tony Quinn, i spent the day with him at the autosport show recently so he is still around, doesnt post here now though.

I havent posted as much as i used to cos work has taken a lot more of my time and i had a few home issues to sort last year. I am due writing a new Novel about my trip to Monte Carlo plus i am going to compete in the Tbird rally again with Jamie in a couple of weeks, thats a good subject too for a Novel.

I have just been asked to co-write a book too. :eek: Not gonna say what on but it will be a first for me. :D LOL

chrisp 02 February 2002 03:27 PM

Now Kermit who are you impersonating, not SD by any chance?
Pen is easy enough to guess, look at the signature and the post two down from it [;)]

ChrisB 02 February 2002 04:01 PM

have just been asked to co-write a book too
Best order up another rain forest quick! ;) :D

robman 02 February 2002 05:52 PM

Mike Rainbird? Didn't he disappear mysteriously in the late 80s? I saw an article in a Ford mag that was apparently the last outing of him and his car (going at over 180mph) and, judging by the cars and the hairstyles, I assumed it was from about 1988-89 ;-)

DJB 02 February 2002 07:55 PM

Dave T-S

Go on, please tell us the Stuart H story. I always thought he was genuine and for years seem to be the authority on all motoring related police matters. Spill the beans.


The_Gza 02 February 2002 08:28 PM

Yeah - I'd be interested to hear the StuartH story too - I just assumed he'd been rapped over the knuckles for posting by his boss or summat.

I remember some story about him and a "celeb" in the back of a car? :rolleyes:

Puff The Magic Wagon! 02 February 2002 09:18 PM

Not a story anyone actually wants to know as it is very sad.

Best left unsaid.

Floyd 02 February 2002 09:30 PM

I'm still here :)

Oh, no ones interested, I'll get my coat.

PS only has 5 members that I can see. ;)

Dave T-S 02 February 2002 09:34 PM

I don't want to recount the StuartH story here as it doesn't go down too well......

I suggest you go over to and do a search back a few months......

[Edited by Dave T-S - 2/2/2002 9:36:00 PM]

Harry Potter 02 February 2002 10:14 PM

Floyd it is 4 members and 1 owner, still we all like each other and it is a meritocrasy not a business ;)

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