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oldsplice 01 December 2007 05:34 PM

I'd like to go back and meet my ancestors, so I could sort out my family tree. :)

I'd also like to visit London pre 1666 to see what it was like,and again in the 18th Century.

Lee247 02 December 2007 01:03 AM

Why is everyone going back in time :wonder:

I would go forward in time, just to see if FBs bum coped with the shart :lol1:

Seriously, I would want to see what the future is all about. :)

Fuzz 02 December 2007 01:21 AM

Typical scoobynet, first few posts just saying how much money they could make themselves. :(

All the sh1t going on in the world and you worry about a few extra quid for yourself

chocolate_o_brian 02 December 2007 02:12 AM

Originally Posted by Fuzz (Post 7453686)
Typical scoobynet, first few posts just saying how much money they could make themselves. :(

All the sh1t going on in the world and you worry about a few extra quid for yourself

erm, world cup 66? i mentioned nothing about "de monies"

id also make robert mugabe's father wear a rubber jonny:luxhello:

speye91 02 December 2007 03:06 AM

I retract my last post and say...............

Lying in wait with a few mates ,2pm on a tuesday waiting for the SCUM to come in the back door.:mad:

Scoob99 02 December 2007 09:30 AM

Would love to go back to the 60's so I could see The Beatles in concert, also I would like to go back to the late 40's early 50's to see what life was really like after the war and to see if it was thar easy too walk out of a job on the Friday and start a new one on Monday.

gallois 02 December 2007 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by Einstein RA (Post 7452535)
I would go back to 23rd of November 1983 and make sure my younger brother didn't play with the matches which caused a house fire. This would mean my other brother would still be alive today instead of being so tragically snatched away from us at the age of four. It would also mean I wouldn't be carrying the guilt of my last words with him, which were me furiously shouting at him causing him to cry because he had torn my Top Trumps.

sad story mate, kinda makes (almost) everyone elses posts irrelavent, esp one reply in particular, you'll be together one day.

paulwrxboro 03 December 2007 01:42 AM

einstein ra s post give me the shivers for sure :( good luck with it mate, everybody has regrets about losing a loved one.

but some funny posts keep up the good work lads :thumb:
i think id like to go to the future to see what transports like cars, scoobys, :) and see if this global warming crap is all a big scam as i think it is .

Klaatu 03 December 2007 04:40 AM

I'd like to use the time machine built in to a toaster like in The Simpsons...and do it like Homer.

Klaatu 03 December 2007 04:44 AM

Originally Posted by paulwrxboro (Post 7455928)
einstein ra s post give me the shivers for sure :( good luck with it mate, everybody has regrets about losing a loved one.

but some funny posts keep up the good work lads :thumb:
i think id like to go to the future to see what transports like cars, scoobys, :) and see if this global warming crap is all a big scam as i think it is .

It sure is. The same gas was responsible for the cooling between 1941 - 1975, which is the same gas responsible for the warming since 1975. And yet the decadel trend since 1998 is flat.

You know it's a scam when polticians get involved.

Nate 03 December 2007 08:41 AM

I asked exactly the sme question to my other half yesterday, and hadn't seen this thread.
Where to start .....

There are so many instances where wrongs ould be put right, lets start bang up to date with the Maddie situation, I know there are jokes going around, but for the little girl, who didn't have a choice in the matter, it's not funny, there are loads of murderss/shooting/accidents etc. but unfortunately, if you do intervene, you would alter history, which may not be a good thing ...... But then it may have been good, especially if one of those that died, were to be a scientist that discovered a cure for Cancer/aids etc ...... The mind could boggle thinking about it.

If, for my own pleasure, I was to go back, I would love to go back to the late 60's early 70's , as I feel that would have been a great time in our country's history.

SJ_Skyline 03 December 2007 09:35 AM

I'd go back a few years and go out on the lash with Olly Reed and Richard Harris :thumb:

Geezer 03 December 2007 09:57 AM

I'd go back to see earth at different stages of it's development. See it before life came onto the land, see the age of huge fish, see the dinosaurs, see all the odd animals that evolved straight after the dinosaurs got snuffed.

For human history, I'd like to see the Pyramids being built, how exactly did they manage it? Stonehenge too.

I'd like to see a gladiator at the Collisseum, a Roman orgy (take part!), the battle of Hastings, Henry VIII, the list is endless.

Future? Yup, I would just keep skipping forward a hundred years or so, see what happens to us.

And of course, I would use the oppurtunity to make shed loads of money ;)


urban 03 December 2007 10:14 AM

Personally I'd go back in time to meet myself 10 years ago.

I'd have my future self tell my past self not to get married!

davegtt 03 December 2007 10:18 AM

Id go forward 10-20 years to make sure me and my family are ok and theres nothing I can try to do to make things better for us. Probbaly go back in time too and finish my last relationship alot earlier than it lasted.

Wurzel 03 December 2007 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by girl-in-a-scoob (Post 7451088)
Id like to go back in future

Er pardon me for asking but are you blonde aswell :cuckoo:

Leslie 03 December 2007 10:37 AM

I'd go back to the sixties too, to when we still owned our own country.


CrisPDuk 03 December 2007 11:01 AM

I'd like to go back to early 1986, and break the arm of that dirty cheating cocaine-addled dago midget:mad:

The Snug Rhino 03 December 2007 11:51 AM

butterfly effect....go back to sat, get the lotto sorted and be done with it - anything else too risky - you go save some kidnapped kid and they grow up to crash their car into you pissed would you be then!

chocolate_o_brian 03 December 2007 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by CrisPDuk (Post 7456224)
I'd like to go back to early 1986, and break the arm of that dirty cheating cocaine-addled dago midget:mad:


davegtt 03 December 2007 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by chocolate_o_brian (Post 7456651)

No, the lil sh!te of an Argie

Markus 03 December 2007 04:05 PM

I'd go stand on the grassy knoll at 12:30 on November 22nd, 1963 and shout "DUCK!" :D

Sonic' 03 December 2007 04:15 PM

I would go back and make sure Yoko was 'somewhere else' instead of meeting John

RB5_245 03 December 2007 04:26 PM

I'd like to go back through all the major wars and swap who won.

davegtt 03 December 2007 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by RB5_245 (Post 7456757)
I'd like to go back through all the major wars and swap who won.

WTF!!!!! Nazi ;)

RB5_245 03 December 2007 04:32 PM

:D that's my first choice... Would you not even like to see?

davegtt 03 December 2007 04:35 PM

Apart from speakin German at least we'd be efficient ;)

Wurzel 03 December 2007 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by davegtt (Post 7456775)
Apart from speakin German at least we'd be efficient ;)

Don't bank on it !!!!!!!!!

davegtt 03 December 2007 04:43 PM

ok, how about we'd have a decent choice of beer? :wonder:

Wurzel 03 December 2007 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by davegtt (Post 7456783)
ok, how about we'd have a decent choice of beer? :wonder:

you would have a massive choice of beer that all tastes the same because it is all brewed from the same 4 ingredients no matter what you get !

However it would be cheap so you could fill England up with an even greater choice of cheap lager

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