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AlanS 05 January 2002 09:03 AM

Received my unit back today and it downloaded the db without a hitch. I'll be out testing it in Nottingham today as we have every type of camera including a comprehensive network of SPECS.

^Gazzer^ 05 January 2002 03:08 PM

Got mine Christmas Eve. It didn't work at all. Came up with the message "Code reset are you sure ?" Couldn't get it past that screen. Origin refused to replace the unit, even though the sales and supply of goods act states that they obliged to. I will wait to see if they fix it.

I wish I had known about the Carmin GPS system being able to show cameras. I would have bought one of those.

GAZZ SCOOBY 05 January 2002 05:03 PM

Anybody got an address or link for the Carmin system wouldn't mind having a look at the spec...


AlanN 07 January 2002 08:38 AM

I think this is the one referred to earlier:

And this is the one I've got (the UK version):
IMHO, this is a brilliant unit and does everthing and more than "fitted" units I've had, and you can take it from car to car with you :D

I dunno about getting the positions of cameras into it though, I did ask how to go about this earlier?


GAZZ SCOOBY 07 January 2002 10:04 AM

I would say any Gps navigational device could store the location of speed cameras IMO
But it would need managing by the company itself or another company.
Most of these comanys are just interested in the navigational gps systems not speed cameras.
It would be nice to see a upgrade for the BLUE I so you can attatch something to it for sat navigation !!! :)

Gazza :D

AlanN 07 January 2002 10:47 AM

When I last spoke to the people at Morpheous (I've got a Geodesy) they said they were working on this.
Dunno about Origin however.


Mark.S 07 January 2002 11:01 AM

so would you recommend that I buy one? This goes out to the people who have a working version!

druddle 07 January 2002 11:36 AM

Will get my Blue-I back today, so once its installed and running I will give it a thorough testing and let you know what its like.


Adam M 07 January 2002 11:39 AM

I cancelled mine some time back and received all my money back.

This was after a decision to buy sat nav which I am hoping will have the information integrally included in the future.

^Gazzer^ 07 January 2002 12:44 PM

Heres another solution, using a palm pilot...

AlanS 07 January 2002 08:24 PM

Well, don't hold your breath or anything. I finally got my Origin Blue i back on friday, with the software update to allow me to download the database. I installed it on the saturday an tested it on the SPECS cameras in Nottingham but it didn't work. It show the speed and direction ok with reliable Satalite locking.

Whether this was because

1. they aren't in the database
2. due to user error
3. or a faulty unit

I'm not yet sure. I'm driving into Mansfield where there is a GATSO camera on a 30mph road.

Is anyone else experiencing problems?

Alan S

DaveS6 07 January 2002 08:31 PM

It sounds as they haven't got a very big database and are relying on the users to find them all... not a good prospect as some unfortunate bugger is going to get flashed!

Maybe you should phone then with the location of the specs and see if they'll send you the £50


BuRR 07 January 2002 09:06 PM

I know the GATSO cameras should register on the Goedsey and the Origin regardless of whether they're turned on or not.... but I've yet to find a GATSO in Leeds that's switched on....!!

There are 5 on the A64 that are all switched off, one on Dewsbury Road, and at least 4 or 5 on the Pudsey bypass. None are switched on (or registered with my Bel euro 550 anyway) - but plenty of Kwik Saves were found :) - every time I pass one of these bloody stores, my Bel goes mental!

Tim Rock - Origin blue i 08 January 2002 01:54 AM

I thought it was about time the manufacturer contributed to the debate!

A fairly small (under 100) units produced in the pre-Christmas rush had a small problem with the software relating to the handshaking protocol ie making contact with our server to download the latest database. Many of these units happened to go to Networx, where many contributors to this forum purchased their units.

I believe we have now rectified the problem on the majority of units.

With regard to our database, we have had members of staff on the road for over 18 months compiling a UK-wide database; we now have approx 4000 sites logged, including Gatso, Truvelo and SPECS.

Regarding the Nottingham SPECS locations, I personally tested a unit on the A610 and A6514 SPECS locations and it worked as per the instructions - very well indeed. Don't forget that the product won't give you an alert if the camera is only monitoring traffic travelling in the opposite direction and it won't provide an alert if you are travelling under the speed limit, unless you turn these features off via the user options screen.

Steve Terzo 08 January 2002 02:02 AM

Are you guys on the night shift?

GAZZ SCOOBY 08 January 2002 09:53 AM

Alan S
I went through the SPECS cameras in Notts on Saturday and it worked fine through 2 sets :rolleyes:
1st set down past Roadrunner towards Ring road and then
2nd set from ring road down towards the Audi garage and it detected both is a 30 limit the other 40 :eek:

As for the GATSO's in Mansfield i only found 2 out of 4 that triggered it !!

I am having probs with it locking onto Satelites it keeps losing contact with them for up to 2 minutes now
I have now got a Clio 172 which i beleive has some heat reflective material built into the glass so this could be causing the problem.
Going to try it in the rear window to see if that helps

Regards :p

druddle 08 January 2002 10:28 AM


I have a 172 and it has a heat/sound reflecting windscreen. The manual says if you have one of these or a Ford with heated front screen then it wont see the satellites properly.

Best off getting the extension and mounting it at the back - thats what im gonna do at the weekend.


GAZZ SCOOBY 08 January 2002 10:35 AM

you dont need the extension cable .. the cable is well long that come with it
where have you got yours mounted ?
i mounted my unit just between the dials and the drivers window to the tweeter :rolleyes:

druddle 08 January 2002 10:45 AM

Oh right, i was gonna put it in the centre console can holders, behind the gearstick, but it will be obscured in 1st/3rd/5th gears.

I looked at putting it to the right of the steering wheel, so it should go between the vent and the tweeter just about. Then i was going to run the cable to the rear parcel shelf where the speaker position is. Then i just have to run the power under the steering wheel.

Is yours a new shape 172 ??

DaveS6 08 January 2002 12:19 PM

It's good to see that the manufactures are hear .. I am sure that they will be concerned with the comments here.. it can only be good for both sides...

I have a Geodesy and it has been excellent, but as mentioned before i like the functionality of the blue-i. Lets hope that they get the database completed in the next couple of weeks and we should have some top reports comming in.

This windscreen issue ia s also a problem with the geodesy and you have to buy a new antenna which costs £75.00!!!


^Gazzer^ 10 January 2002 02:54 PM

I got mine back today, after being repaired. It still didn't work, however after a further full software download it seems to be working OK. The factory setting is for it not to detect if you are going below the speed limit. I have changed this to detectl everything all of the time, until I gain some confidence in it.

Has anyone figured out any good mounting positions. I don't want to drill any holes anywhere. I was thinking of sitting it in the centre storage thingy, with a bit os sponge to stop it flying around.

AlanS 10 January 2002 08:53 PM

Firstly don't both with the antenna extension cable cos you don't need one. It's plenty long enough.

Secondly, I'm also unsure where to mount mine. The glue on the reverse of the velcro device is not that strong at all. I think I'm going to have to screw it to the top of the dash.

druddle 01 April 2002 02:21 PM

Gazza - You mean you have to call Origin again to register your unit ?? I thought it was registered when they sent it out as they mark down the serial number of the unit against the owner. Still, if it means i get the 50 quid, then i will call again !!


[Edited by druddle - 1/4/2002 3:22:28 PM]

SeanG 01 April 2002 02:23 PM

You can call them, e-mail them or fill in and return the form on the last page of the instruction manual. I bought my unit from Networx so I presume the registration system is set up for third party sales etc.


[Edited by SeanG - 1/4/2002 3:24:52 PM]

AlanN 01 April 2002 02:25 PM

Sounding good innit :D
Only thing I would say is I do a lot of miles, all over the country, and have been using my Geodesy for about 18 months (I had one of the first ones so give or take a few months, I can't remember really).
In all that time I have never come across a fixed site that it didn't find so to find two in the first couple of days with this unit would worry me with regard to their database size, which I think they said would be "at least as good" as their competitors?
I do like the idea of the directional thing but again I regularly pass sites where they swivel the camera from one way to the other on a dual carriageway (camera mounted in the middle).
What happens then?
Keep the reviews coming chaps!

Where do you get camera locations from, and then how would you load this data into the Garmin (I've got a Streetpilot 3)?


[Edited by AlanN 'cos of cr4p spelling :rolleyes: - 1/4/2002 3:29:55 PM]

[Edited by AlanN - 1/4/2002 3:33:54 PM]

richards 01 August 2002 02:50 AM

Relating to an earlier post I don't think that "only finding 2 unregistered cameras" is anything to brag about!

I got the Geodesy when it was released - I can't remember, was it 12/18 months ago, and even then not once did I find a camera that wasn't already on the database!

And with reference to the origin i device, you just don't release a product unless it is FULLY tested - personally, in my own work, I feel that is totally unacceptable, for a company hoping to build their reputation on a new product - it is just simply embarassing and does not reflect well on their product in any way, call back or no call back.

And, providing a 1 month subscription extention by way of compensation for this serious mistake - that is a kick in the teeth!

Personally, I would not have tolerated this and would have asked for a prompt refund and go and buy a solid/reliable product that works 1st time, all the time!

What's this, "software recall" business, and before even using it?! I'm sure all the other manufacturers of similar products are falling off their chairs laughing!

It's like buying a car and having it sent back (you pay the postage mind) because it won't start because of a software fault in the ECU! "Sorry about that, here's one month's subscription to the AA as compensation!"

Simple is always better, in terms of a robust/reliable working device as well as in terms of usability when driving, especially in something that requires as much attention as a Scoob.

The Geodesy is simply the best - it just gets the job done and that's all you need.


[Edited by richards - 1/8/2002 3:16:38 AM]

GAZZ SCOOBY 01 August 2002 06:50 PM

Druddle it's a MK1 172 not sure how different these dashboards are to the Mk2 172 ?
It seems to work better in the rear of the car ..tested it today :confused: :D


[Edited by GAZZ SCOOBY - 1/8/2002 6:50:20 PM]

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