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NM 07 December 2001 03:46 PM

Hi Guys

Eventually got on Mike server at 10.45pm only to find none of my keys working. Came back on after resetting the keys to default with a few tweaks :), Everything seemed fine until I had to move the mouse up and down while playing. Nothing bloody happened :(. Thought I might be able to stick it out for a game or 2, only finding the recoil on the gun pointing my xhairs into the air. Came off re-installed CS, with a few tweaks ;). Now everytime I enter an online game the map starts downloading, same thing on 2 other maps dust/2/assualt. They all work on Lan though. So its back to square 1, after a game of DOD:):):).

I will try to get it sorted for Sunday.



dsmith 07 December 2001 03:48 PM

LOL @ Norm :D:D:D

Steve if/when you get ADSL or ISDN you may have to find a new excuse for getting shot ;) Sometimes (just sometimes mind) its 'cos the other guy got there first :D

Pings of 50ish on a good night from 64K isdn - I'm happy :)

Dizzy 07 December 2001 03:49 PM

hehehe :) thx for the complements.

sorry about the slaughter guys :) I've played cs since about beta 6 and q1 & 2 ... but most importantly I have an extreemely low ping and tweeked netcode settings and 100fps (makes a HUGE difference).
I play cs for at least 2hours everyday and practice tactics with my team (One of the top in the uk).

I am quite happy to post some tips for you. 1) There is nowhere thats to dark to see (i.e. adjust ur gama)

If you want I'll post my config file (Shows all my binds + my grenade lob scripts etc)

And yes I hear the cry of cheat more than I care the think ( I have to aviod publics now) :( I barely hold my on some of the top servers (ie. 4K ukla etc).

I enjoyed the game :)

Dizzy 07 December 2001 03:56 PM

oh yeh I just read the other posts :)

hehe belive it or not I do get "lag" not a high ping but loss. I guilty of crying lag once to often though ;) I am on 512K btLagtogether (ADSL) and get 40loss from time to time :/ you notice by the fact I stand still n dont shoot.

oh yeh couple of other tips..
If you have and mp5 / pistol always keep moving (straff around the player you are attacking and aim for the head always) Thats why when I'm running I'll run with the pistol out sometimes (apart from being faster)

If you have a rifle (m4 or ak) always stop and crouch at anything over extreem close range as this DRAMATICALLY increases acuracy and fire in 2-3 round bursts. at extreemly close rage jump like a kangeroo and full spray :)

soz If this is sounds patronising :(


HHxx 07 December 2001 04:10 PM

Thanks for the advice Dizzy, don't suppose you can just use a knife ;)

Matt, thanks for that good luck for NTL, I have heard about their "excellent":( customer service before, just hope I don't have to use them :) I take it you live in Northampton according to your profile, if so then you are about 20 mins away from me, fancy a Lan game sometime :D



Nimbus 07 December 2001 04:15 PM

Northampton is ont far from me either. :D LAN game sounds soooper! I assume we are talking Ethernet here... My laptop has CS (for training purposes only ;)). If I reduce the sreen res I get a pretty good show.. :D

HHxx 07 December 2001 04:25 PM

Nice one Nimbus:D

Both my laptops are a pile of turd, both 400mhz p2. So I would prefer my workstation, dual p3 1ghz 1 g ram etc....:D but too big :(

We'll have to get together, but maybe after Christmas as things for me are getting outta control :eek:


Neanderthal 07 December 2001 04:26 PM

HHxx, Yep I'm in Northampton

Could definately be up for a lan game or 2 :) Probably get a couple of other lads in as well.

Dizzy, whats your cl_forwardspeed set at? cause you were out running me with a pistol when I was running with a knife ;)


Dizzy 07 December 2001 04:32 PM

hehe ahhh the magic of being an lpb :)


Norman D. Landing 07 December 2001 04:36 PM


It'd be nice to see your config actually and what scripts you use. I've been thinking about using some buy scripts but not bothered yet, I find that I can buy fairly fast anyway if my ping is low enough.

Any chance you could list a few well admin'ed, no cheater, high standard servers ? I'd like to see how I'd fare in a server full of your standard.

Ta :)

Neanderthal 07 December 2001 04:40 PM

I'll have you know it's water retension! :D

Didn't think being a lpb affected how fast you could move though?


Steve Perriam 07 December 2001 04:57 PM

deano : wot a thing to suggest.....the other guy gets there 1st :eek: never !

yeah anything u can post diz be good.

ta for those bits damaja.

i'll be lagging around mikes tonite from 8.

hmmm dont u lot have any work to do !! major postings today !

Dizzy 07 December 2001 05:43 PM

ok chappies and chappets
put whats below into a mystuff.cfg in ur cs directory and then modify (create if needs be) your autoexec.cfg and type "exec mystuff.cfg"

Bare in mind I have a top end video card (geforce 2 gts) and 30-40 ping. so use what u think u may need. I'm also left handed so u may use the asdw to move.

My only bits I use to buy stuff is the 'n' key and that only buys all the extra stuff I need not the primary / secondary weapon as I vairy that depending on situation.

The Grenlobber.. to use press n hold the key you've bound and it will select and pull back the gren when u realease it will through the gren and reslect your weapon.

Couch jump.. usefull for geting onto stuff.. click n hold the right button and u will jumpin the air and pull ur knees up at the same time (reducing your target size too). release and you will stand up.

Walk toggle.. reamain silent untill pressed again. I use it all the time.

Questions or queeries just post :)
This is my config
================================================== ======

//======= Dizzy Alias's =========
//An alias to clear the menu selects

alias clrmenu "wait; wait; wait; slot10; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10; slot10; slot10; slot10"

//Just a simple jump crouch

alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"

//Walk toggle

alias walk_t "walk_on"
alias walk_on "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed; developer 1; echo Going Silent.. shhhhh;developer 0"
alias walk_off "alias walk_t walk_on; -speed; developer 1; echo Running...; developer 0"

//I always buy the same stuff.. this just buys everything I can afford in order of priority to me.
//I always buy my weapons manually coz its not that hard really and msgs to teamate -=bought tmp=- etc REALLY annoys me

alias buy_stuff "buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 2;buyammo2;buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 4;buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 3;buy_defuse;clrmenu"
alias buy_defuse "buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 6;clrmenu"

//now works but if u have netcode on (ie cl_lw etc) the it may appear to fire a couple of rounds first.

alias +gfire "use weapon_hegrenade; wait; +attack"
alias -gfire "-attack; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; lastinv"

//left-right handeds

alias "weap_t" "weap_left"
alias "weap_left" "developer 1; alias weap_t weap_right; setinfo lefthand 1; wait; wait; wait; weapon_knife; wait; wait; wait; lastinv; developer 0"
alias "weap_right" "developer 1; alias weap_t weap_left; setinfo lefthand 0; wait; wait; wait; weapon_knife; wait; wait; wait; lastinv; developer 0"

//======== Dizzy Binds ==========
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "~" "toggleconsole"

//Just leave these incase other binds fail. like my gren lobber.
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"

//duh... this buys stuff
bind "n" "buy_stuff"
bind "h" "buy_defuse"
bind "," "buyammo1"
bind "." "buyammo2"

//Basic movement and basic action binds.
bind "KP_UPARROW" "+forward"
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "+moveleft"
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "+moveright"
bind "KP_5" "+back"
bind "KP_ENTER" "+attack2"
bind "KP_PLUS" "+reload"
bind "DOWNARROW" "+duck"
bind "LEFTARROW" "weap_t"
bind "-" "weap_t"
bind "KP_SLASH" "+use"

//My quick weapon selection binds
bind "KP_END" "slot1"
bind "KP_HOME" "slot2"
bind "KP_PGUP" "slot3"
bind "KP_MINUS" "slot4"

//Press this at your own peril
bind "KP_PGDN" "+gfire"

//the walk toggler
bind "KP_INS" "walk_t"

//mouse actions mouse3 for bunnyhoppin ;)
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+cjump"
bind "MOUSE3" "+jump"

//Jsust the rest of my binds.
bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"

bind "b" "buy"
bind "f" "impulse 100"
bind "g" "drop"

bind "m" "chooseteam"
bind "t" "impulse 201"
bind "F5" "screenshot"
bind "y" "messagemode"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "z" "radio1"
bind "x" "radio2"
bind "c" "radio3"

bind "SHIFT" "+speed"

//===== Connection settings =====
//Spot the lpb.
cl_allow_download "1"
cl_download_ingame "1"
cl_allowupload "1"

sensitivity "7.00000"

setinfo "vgui_menus" "0"

//Ahhh the wonders of a GeForce 2
fastsprites "1"
fps_max 100
r_displayrefresh "85"
gl_max_size "256"
cl_showfps "1"
max_smokepuffs "0"
max_shells "0"

brightness 9

cl_bob "0" // player view bob
cl_bobcycle "0.6" // bob frequency
cl_bobup "0" // amount of movement to trigger bob
cl_pitchspeed "225" // up and down change speed
cl_upspeed "400" // climbing speed
cl_backspeed "400" //
cl_forwardspeed "400" //

volume "0.5" // overall volume
hisound "1" // high quality sounds on
s_rolloff "1.0" //
s_doppler "0.0" //
s_distance "60" //
s_automin_distance "2.0" //
s_automax_distance "30.0" //
s_min_distance "8.0" //
s_max_distance "1000.0" //
s_leafnum "0" //
s_refgain "0.4" //
s_refdelay "4" //
s_polykeep "1000000000" //
s_polysize "10000000" //
s_numpolys "200" //
s_bloat "2.0" //
s_verbwet "0.25" //
s_a3d "1" //
s_eax "0" //
s_reverb "0" //
suitvolume "0.250000" //
bgmvolume "0" //
_snd_mixahead "0.1" //

alias "+enemyspot" "radio3; menuselect 2; say_team ***1 or 2 Enemies Spotted***"
alias "-enemyspot" "slot10; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10"
bind "*" "say_team \!/ Enemy Spotted Outside \!/;+enemyspot;"
bind "ins" ""weap_t"

Dizzy 07 December 2001 05:49 PM

heres a ukla server

233 1 27015 -[UKLA]-Yorkshire P de_cbble cstrike 0 of 16

but I play on balt occasionally coz I like the stats :)

176 0 27015 Balt internet UK CS de_dust cstrike 20 of 20

p.s. the toggle left right handed (thats the model) doesn't work atm.. its work in progress.

roadrunner 07 December 2001 06:12 PM

Cheers Dizzy for posting that .... can't understand half of it though ;)

Looks like I missed a good sess on Thurs :rolleyes: next time you all will be mine :D

HHxx - Would be Definitely up for a LAN party as I'm from Milton Keynes. I could also even bring along several decent spec PCs if req'd.


Steve Perriam 07 December 2001 06:17 PM

rr : can u send me a decent spec pc :D :D

Neanderthal 07 December 2001 06:17 PM

Cool, thanks Dizzy.

RR...Can you bring and "leave" a high spec PC? ;););)


roadrunner 07 December 2001 06:23 PM

lol - guys, all I will say is "money talks" ;)

Neanderthal 07 December 2001 06:27 PM

How much money? :(

£50? :D:D

£100? :D

£150? :)

£more :(

Matt ;)

Steve Perriam 07 December 2001 06:30 PM

can only afford £50 :D :D :D

not a contractor anymore :(

DavidHill 07 December 2001 07:09 PM

Alots happened since yesterday.

1) Nimbus - think i was one of the people on dust2.

2) Live near Northampton and would be up for LAN session.

3) Cya on Sunday

Merlin :)

Steve Perriam 07 December 2001 07:10 PM

wot is it with living near northampton !!

can i just sya that

I dont live anywhere near northampton

:D :D :D

rite, got that outta my system. thanks ;)

Neanderthal 07 December 2001 07:49 PM

Steve you need to get near the CS capitol of the UK then mate :)

David, I'm after a K&N 57 induction kit, do you supply them (and maybe fit them cause I'm a lazy git :D)


Steve Perriam 07 December 2001 08:04 PM

matt how is that going to help your CS ?

let me know cos i'll have 2 from David if it improves my connection ;)

:D :p :D

who's on for a game 2nite?

Neanderthal 07 December 2001 08:08 PM

Steve, it's not to make my connection go faster, just make it sound nice ;)

I'm online now, name the server and I'm there!


roadrunner 07 December 2001 08:10 PM

Would be could to have a game tonight but I'm going out for a Steve, I'll let you live for another day ;)

Bidding starts at £50 for one of my PCs. I'll even throw in a GF3 for the fun of it ;)

Merlin do you supply K&N 57 induction kit as I would be interested in one..... Think a CS Group buy is on the horizon :D :D


Neanderthal 07 December 2001 08:12 PM

RR - £50.50 :)

P.S. Going on MSN in 5...4...3...2...1......go go go

roadrunner 07 December 2001 08:19 PM

Neanderthal - :D ... nearly forgot, reserve price is £750 ;)

Neanderthal 07 December 2001 08:26 PM

Damn...really didn't want to spend more than £60 :(

How much just for the GF3..seriously? :)


Steve Perriam 07 December 2001 08:42 PM

matt : if there is no increase in power then its a waste of money :D

rr : np m8, u can die sunday :D

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