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SivMY05Sti 14 February 2007 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by cookstar (Post 6658839)
from what i saw it maybe could have been handled better, yes.

But if its gone under and all the money has gone where do the refunds come from?

Agreed - however, I think to finally put this to bed we need to have some info on the Final Accounts of this company to show that it was all wound up correctly.

Until then we will keep getting the monthly thread starter ' Scooby Mag'

finalzero 14 February 2007 10:15 PM

Would be nice to one day see Scoobynet in paper form on a magazine rack... wait I see some lawyers on the horizon, time to put my foot down

Scooby_Dee 15 February 2007 04:28 AM

Hi guys, I'd like to clarify a few things.

We haven't done a vanishing act at all, we've decided that it would be a p*ss take to carry on posting on the forums although these were places that we enjoyed spending time and I like to think that we made some good friends via them.

Anyone who knows us well will know that we are not the sort of people who are 'crooks'. As for being 'c**ts' isn't that what people used to call keyboard warriors?

We tried our best to provide a decent magazine aimed towards the UK Subaru owners and fanatics. I can assure you that we lost a lot more than anyone could ever imagine although we don't for a moment regret doing the magazine. We had the guts to put everything and I mean everything on the line to do this, how many of you would take a risk like that? We were certain that we could do it, hindsight is a wonderful thing!

I know that many of you are annoyed for losing your subscriptions, it was never our intention for this to happen, for the record we never took a penny, it was all ploughed back into the magazine. Yes we have made mistakes regarding the magazine but as the saying goes, we learn by our mistakes.

I will respond to civil questions where I can if you wish to know anything although certain things I will not be able to reply to.

I hope this clears up a few things for some of you.


Scoobyspanners 15 February 2007 06:36 AM

I was gutted when the mag stopped arriving, best mag about Impreza in my opinion. I was due another 13 or so issues ( I made a cock up and reordered 12 months worth before my previous conscription had run out! ) , but not to bitter about it. Rumoured had it that Hanna / Barbara caused the mag to fold after stopping them using the scooby word in the title, if true it was a sad way to sink a good publication.

Phil 15 February 2007 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by Scooby_Dee (Post 6659890)
Hi guys, I'd like to clarify a few things.

We haven't done a vanishing act at all, we've decided that it would be a p*ss take to carry on posting on the forums although these were places that we enjoyed spending time and I like to think that we made some good friends via them.

Anyone who knows us well will know that we are not the sort of people who are 'crooks'. As for being 'c**ts' isn't that what people used to call keyboard warriors?

We tried our best to provide a decent magazine aimed towards the UK Subaru owners and fanatics. I can assure you that we lost a lot more than anyone could ever imagine although we don't for a moment regret doing the magazine. We had the guts to put everything and I mean everything on the line to do this, how many of you would take a risk like that? We were certain that we could do it, hindsight is a wonderful thing!

I know that many of you are annoyed for losing your subscriptions, it was never our intention for this to happen, for the record we never took a penny, it was all ploughed back into the magazine. Yes we have made mistakes regarding the magazine but as the saying goes, we learn by our mistakes.

I will respond to civil questions where I can if you wish to know anything although certain things I will not be able to reply to.

I hope this clears up a few things for some of you.


Thanks Dee

kingofturds 15 February 2007 07:37 AM

Originally Posted by Scooby_Dee (Post 6659890)
Hi guys, I'd like to clarify a few things.

We haven't done a vanishing act at all, we've decided that it would be a p*ss take to carry on posting on the forums although these were places that we enjoyed spending time and I like to think that we made some good friends via them.

Anyone who knows us well will know that we are not the sort of people who are 'crooks'. As for being 'c**ts' isn't that what people used to call keyboard warriors?

We tried our best to provide a decent magazine aimed towards the UK Subaru owners and fanatics. I can assure you that we lost a lot more than anyone could ever imagine although we don't for a moment regret doing the magazine. We had the guts to put everything and I mean everything on the line to do this, how many of you would take a risk like that? We were certain that we could do it, hindsight is a wonderful thing!

I know that many of you are annoyed for losing your subscriptions, it was never our intention for this to happen, for the record we never took a penny, it was all ploughed back into the magazine. Yes we have made mistakes regarding the magazine but as the saying goes, we learn by our mistakes.

I will respond to civil questions where I can if you wish to know anything although certain things I will not be able to reply to.

I hope this clears up a few things for some of you.


Thanks for the reply:thumb: half the moaners never lost a penny so I cant see what they are moaning about. The only gripe I really had was being kept in the dark so long, when a simple post could have stopped a lot of these threads in the 1st place.

Scotsman 15 February 2007 07:47 AM

Originally Posted by kingofturds (Post 6659953)
Thanks for the reply:thumb: half the moaners never lost a penny so I cant see what they are moaning about. The only gripe I really had was being kept in the dark so long, when a simple post could have stopped a lot of these threads in the 1st place.

Yes, that was the only thing that really bothered me - it was the lack of information.


The Knives are out 15 February 2007 12:38 PM

Perhaps this can be put to bed now then ?

ethanrob 15 February 2007 12:50 PM

Fair play

however will peep's be recieving any sort of subscription refund ??????????

Or is the statement above all us subscribers will be seeing from yourselve's


Scooby_Dee 15 February 2007 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by ethanrob (Post 6660914)
Fair play

however will peep's be recieving any sort of subscription refund ??????????

Unfortunately we are not in a position to give refunds at the present time.

chris singleton 15 February 2007 02:03 PM

So can you actually let us know why the magazine went under? All I've seen is rumours and hearsay on here.

No gripes from me as I won the AP competion ;) :D but genuinely interested as to what hapened.

Damm shame as I subscribed, got the binder and everything, was a good read and I enjoyed collecting it.


Scooby_Dee 15 February 2007 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by chris singleton (Post 6661237)
So can you actually let us know why the magazine went under? All I've seen is rumours and hearsay on here.

No gripes from me as I won the AP competion ;) :D but genuinely interested as to what hapened.

Damm shame as I subscribed, got the binder and everything, was a good read and I enjoyed collecting it.


There were a few reasons, mainly money running out after all the c**k ups that happened. Considering we started the magazine on a budget that other big magazines have per issue I don't think we did too bad.

Part of the reason they were often late is we were constantly being let down by people who promised articles etc. Many people were great and helped us no end, such as Xtreme Scoobies, Andy F, Harvery Smith, Paul Hansen etc we cannot thank them enough for their support. With more money and staff I know that we would have had no problems like this, it was hard work when there was only two of us working on it full-time never mind trying to look after our children too.

As I may have said before we learn by our mistakes and can only use them to our advantage in the future.

noobscoob 15 February 2007 02:39 PM

Hi Dee its Andy from MSN lol. glad you came on and tried to resolve this. i know it is always bought up in conversation when we have a chat and it really does bother you a lot. like you said..end of the day i suppose it was a mixture of things that made it go pear shaped and in all honesty..who wants to admit their brainchild took a swan dive. id have been gutted.

anyways nice to see you back on will obviously get the people that hold a grudge against you till satan ice skates to work but i think it took a lot of bottle to come back on and face people.

chris singleton 15 February 2007 03:10 PM

Originally Posted by Scooby_Dee (Post 6661298)
There were a few reasons, mainly money running out after all the c**k ups that happened. Considering we started the magazine on a budget that other big magazines have per issue I don't think we did too bad.

Part of the reason they were often late is we were constantly being let down by people who promised articles etc. Many people were great and helped us no end, such as Xtreme Scoobies, Andy F, Harvery Smith, Paul Hansen etc we cannot thank them enough for their support. With more money and staff I know that we would have had no problems like this, it was hard work when there was only two of us working on it full-time never mind trying to look after our children too.

As I may have said before we learn by our mistakes and can only use them to our advantage in the future.

What were the cock ups is what I was trying to get at, is the hannah barbara thing true? Why did the money run out?

I was always very impressed with the magazine and still think it's a damm shame that it folded.

WTD 15 February 2007 03:14 PM

u can get this one in Japan, if anyone just wants to look at the pictures....

IMPREZA No.5 vol 115

aggs 15 February 2007 06:16 PM

I thinks it was a great magazine.
It really does have lots of potential.
I am really sorry you could not keep going but admire your courage for trying it.
Maybe a Sponser i.e. Scoobynet could help you start again.
It really was well written and had in depth knowledge.
It s a shame that the money people lost has made a negative feeling towards you, because it may be the only thing remembered.
The lack of info fed this.
I do not really know what to say to not offend those that lost more money than I did, but hey ho good luck if you try again.

Dragons Den?
One of them must own a Scooby??

pjhsid 15 February 2007 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by Scooby_Dee (Post 6659890)
We haven't done a vanishing act at all, we've decided that it would be a p*ss take to carry on posting on the forums although these were places that we enjoyed spending time and I like to think that we made some good friends via them.

Don't be silly Dee!

You are welcome here and I'm sure I speak for everyone. It was such a shame that the Magazine didn't work out. For what ever reason it was, but now you are back, stay here and I'm sure if this question comes up again you can make an appearance before the keyboard warriors turn up.

From my point of view, I wasn't happy because you'd disappeared without sight nor sound.

Simple communication can save so much distress. :)

aggs 15 February 2007 08:31 PM

well said

aggs 15 February 2007 08:33 PM

Welcome back

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