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AudiLover 03 December 2006 03:52 PM

Treat his wound like you would treat a humans till monday:thumb:

*Sonic* 03 December 2006 04:01 PM

Just spoke to the local Dog Trust (cheers Abdbaz) they said take him to the police station, as they are obliged to take him

The Dog trust has taken my details, and has no reports of a lost dog, but they dont take strays

The bleeding has stopped on his paw but one of his pads has quite a cut on it

Shark Man 03 December 2006 04:17 PM

The police's usual excuse is they have no "facilities" to keep animals.

By me they once let a dumped horse roam round a town for 5 days, despite numerous reports (even in the paper!) the police shunned their reponsibilty to control the animal. Consequently the horse, still left to roam was hit by a car when it ran into the main road and then had to be shot due to its injuries :rolleyes: Madness :cuckoo:

D.K.1 03 December 2006 04:37 PM

The dog is gorgeous :luvlove:

When I first called him over to me, he had his tail between his legs, ears back and shaking like a leaf :( When he was given the food he was obviously ravenous :cry:

He has lovely big brown eyes and he's timid, but as soft as anything :)

Shame about his paw and behind one of his ears looks a bit bare and flaky skin and he has a few cuts too :( :cry:

He keeps following us and whining, he's such a lovely dog :D

If he hasn't got an owner..........*Sonic* :D :luvlove: :D ;)

Shark Man 03 December 2006 04:38 PM

uh oh, puppy love :lol1:

D.K.1 03 December 2006 04:44 PM

:lol1: I know, I am a softie. I love dogs and he is lovely :)

The Snug Rhino 03 December 2006 04:46 PM

any lost dog should go STRAIGHT to the police - its the first place anyone who has lost a dog will look and its then out of your hands...they WILL take a dof if you turn up with it.

Jonno_johnson 03 December 2006 04:48 PM

If you lived near me, id take him of your hands, im sure he would get on great with my current staffy.

hectic 03 December 2006 04:52 PM

cheered me up no end reading this.. been out W**king in this shoite weather all day, and log on here and get a truly heart warming story .. Good luck you pair, hope the dog finds a loving place either way ;)

*Sonic* 03 December 2006 04:55 PM

The police did say I 'could' bring him straight in and they will take him off my hands, and there has been NO reports of a lost dog, either at the local police station or the local Dog Trusts

This dog if indeed lost, has been for quite a few days at the very least, due to the thinness of him, and the way he ate the food so quick

He has done a poo now, and it is black, mostly made up of grass / straw, there are a lot of fields by me, and chances are he has been living rough there for quite a number of days

Im more concerned that he will just get palmed off to the dog kennels, and like Abdbaz says, put to sleep, or go to some scum chav owner who couldnt be bothered to look after him in the first place

I will probably take him to my local vets tomorrow after work, to see if he his chipped, and have his paw looked at :thumb:

edited to add Im in the St Helens area, so its quite possibly unlikely he is from Newcastle

Jaydee5 03 December 2006 05:03 PM

My guess is, you'll keep him, sonic..if your other posts/threads are anything to go by :notworthy

Good for you for what you've done so far :thumb:

///\oo/\\\ 03 December 2006 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by The Snug Rhino
any lost dog should go STRAIGHT to the police - its the first place anyone who has lost a dog will look and its then out of your hands...they WILL take a dof if you turn up with it.

God your a miserable cnut Mark.

Maybe sonic doesn't just want rid of it?

He's reported it to the police - so if anyone turns up they'll be told their dog is safe.

The police will chuck it in a cell or Kennel - hardly compassionate for a distressed animal.

As for the RSPCA - get a grip. They will treat its wounds and sonic can always say he'll take it back if no one calls for it - thus avoiding any "healthy dogs getting put down" issues.

Sonic/DK1 - clean his wounds with warm clean water. Dry them with a clean cloth, apply a touch of savlon or other anticeptic cream and bandage up any deep cuts until you can get him seen to. Try not to use elasoplast direct on the fur (for obvious reasons :) ) - a gauze bandage will do.

Good luck :)

D.K.1 03 December 2006 05:30 PM

:) Although he is lovely, I want to make sure he's not lost first, which is why we want him scanned for a chip, that way, if he is just lost and not been thrown out or neglected he can go back to an owner who might be missing him and who loves him :) In the mean time though, I would prefer it if he stays here before returning to his owner (if he has one) Not just dumped in police kennnels, the poor thing looks scared and neglected enough already :(

The paw definitely needs looking at - poor thing :( He's filthy too, my hands were black after stroking him. He came and sat in the porch for a bit, before we took him to the garden and he put his head near me and licked me wagging his tail :) He seems really soft :D

Curse of the Rushing Gimp 03 December 2006 05:43 PM

any lost dog should go STRAIGHT to the police - its the first place anyone who has lost a dog will look and its then out of your hands...they WILL take a dof if you turn up with it.
The police will pass it onto the pound simple as. If u get attached to it, then keep the poor thing or try to rehome it. At least then it will get the life it deserves. I have a cross staffy rescue dog like this one and believe me these dogs are bred for fighting amongst the chavs. Chances are its escaped its sh*t existence and doesn't want to go back.

Also well done for being humane.:luxhello: Fcuk me i'm being all nice, whats going on?lol

hectic 03 December 2006 05:47 PM

my 'mutt' is a rescue dog.. poor little sod was in kennel 13 at the dogs home.. handler took him out on a lead, he sniffed at my lad, and promptly pissed up his leg! after that we just had to have him..... he's a grumpy fekker sometimes (the dog is too ;) ).. bit like me.. but we all love him and he's definately part of the family :):):)

D.K.1 03 December 2006 05:49 PM

COTRG, you're not wrong there! This area is rife with Chavs :eek: And most of them walk around with one hand down their pants (trying to find their nadgers :lol1: ) And the other holding a chain with a staffy in a harness, with a cocky swagger, base ball caps and pants tucked into their socks too :lol1: It is wrong to keep a dog for status or fighting purposes, they don't deserve that kind of treatment. Chavs :mad:

Shark Man 03 December 2006 05:53 PM

Originally Posted by D.K.1
COTRG, you're not wrong there! This area is rife with Chavs :eek: And most of them walk around with one hand down their pans (trying to find their nadgers :lol1: ) And the other holding a chain with a staffy in a harness, with a cocky swagger, base ball caps and pants tucked into their socks too :lol1:

I really wish that somebody showed them how stupid they look. Its the most hilariously stupid fashion trend since the "so low and baggy you can't run" skateboarder look. :lol1:

D.K.1 03 December 2006 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by Shark Man
I really wish that somebody showed them how stupid they look. Its the most hilariously stupid fashion trend since the "so baggy you can't run" skateboarder look. :lol1:

PMSL I know! We have a chuckle when we see them walking about the town with their gf's with orange faces and white necks, they thing they look soooooooooo cool! Fook knows where they get *that* idea :D

The baggy look looks as if they're wearing a nappy :D

Curse of the Rushing Gimp 03 December 2006 05:56 PM

It is wrong to keep a dog for status or fighting purposes, they don't deserve that kind of treatment. Chavs
Nope its ironic that its the Chavs that need sterilising to stop them breeding rather than the dogs. Animal cruelty is top of my hate agenda :nono: Keep us posted anyway on what happens.

hectic 03 December 2006 05:57 PM

cant beat a pair of Levi 501 red tags , nice crisp shirt, Crombie overcoat ... never saw us as lads wondering around with 'well'ard' ..A dog was summat that was at home or in the back yard of the local scrappie to stop you knicking the lead and going back a few days later to sell it to him again .. * not that I ever did, of course * ;)

D.K.1 03 December 2006 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by Curse of the Rushing Gimp
Nope its ironic that its the Chavs that need sterilising to stop them breeding rather than the dogs. Animal cruelty is top of my hate agenda :nono: Keep us posted anyway on what happens.

Good point :thumb:

*Sonic* 03 December 2006 06:04 PM

Well in between sitting there, wagging his tail, ears all pricked up, he does keep going back out into the garden, and hiding behind an old fence panel I have propped up against the side of an old couch (my current dog 'ate' that) and wimpering like mad

If I call him out to go back in the conservatory he seems ok again, but every once in a while I keep going finding him out there behind the panel hiding

It has of course gone dark now, and he has been doing this since it went dark

I went back down the side of the house and called him to follow me, which he did until I got near the front of the house, and he ran straight back to the gate to go back in the back garden

he did have another nap again and has had a full bowl of water, and a bit more food, although he does seem reluctant to take the food from the bowl, he will eat it from my hand

Its almost like he thinks he isnt allowed to eat

He must be really confused and in a strange place with another dog

I spoke to another of my neighbours early ( he has about 14 collies) and asked him if he knew of anyone who may have lost a dog, he said no, but he also said that lately there have been a number of 'stray' dogs wandering around, German Shepherds included

Now this got me thinking, on Bonfire night the gypsies were at the local park for the funfair and firework display, and they usually have many dogs with them, German Shepherds included, so im wondering if this dog is from the Gyspies who run the funfair etc, and somehow got away on bonfire night, and has been wandering round ever since

He doesnt appear to be a 'fighting' dog, and indeed likes the fuss, wasnt bothered about the kids, and couldnt wait to meet my own dog, for a bit of hows your father ;)

Sadly they do keep trying to elton john each other, the staffy is a lot stronger than my dog although smaller, and its not that easy to seperate them now :(

Maybe its time for a bucket of cold water, and some durex :rolleyes:

Turbohot 03 December 2006 06:28 PM

Well done on caring for a stray dog, both Sonic and DK1 :notworthy:
Hope you find the owner and, I am sure you will do every possible thing for the dog to be looked after.

*Sonic* 03 December 2006 06:36 PM

Just a couple of more pics I took with my own dog :)

2000TLondon 03 December 2006 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by *Sonic*

Quality :thumb: The choc lab is exerting his dominace nicely from the height of the table, too!

Turbohot 03 December 2006 06:39 PM

Awwww... They seem to get on well, mate.:)

Jonno_johnson 03 December 2006 06:40 PM

If you do decide to keep him or even if not keep us updated, very touching thread this one.

D.K.1 03 December 2006 07:08 PM

They get on fairly well, keep running in and out with each other, tails wagging like mad :D

Only prob is, choc lab likes to sleep on that table and every time he goes up there, the staff keeps whining and leaning his front paws on the table trying to lick him. Whenever choc lab gets down. staff licks his *bit* and it looks a bit sore now and he keeps mounting him, and he's getting a bit annoyed with it :o Choc lab is just trying to put him in his place ,but I don't want them fighting, poor thing looks petrified. The ribs on it look awful :( He looks so sorry for himself :(

firesorter 03 December 2006 07:14 PM

He might be chipped
does that mean he`ll go faster than other dogs?

Flaps 03 December 2006 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by firesorter
does that mean he`ll go faster than other dogs?

Cute looking Staffie. I'd love one but the Mrs wouldn't.
Keep us informed!

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