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Nido 24 September 2006 12:01 PM

Originally Posted by Einstein RA
Teach them.:thumb:

No, learn 'em ;)

"Teach" implies education, usually through the use of constructive dialogue. As you rightly posted, this would also be written as "Teach them".

"Learn 'em" however implies


Maz 24 September 2006 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by Nido
No, learn 'em ;)

"Teach" implies education, usually through the use of constructive dialogue. As you rightly posted, this would also be written as "Teach them".

"Learn 'em" however implies


Okay my learned friend.:thumb:

Turbohot 24 September 2006 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by alloy
Just walking home through Kings Cross after a pretty disappointing night and had the displeasure of being used as a punchbag :Whatever_ .

Kindly the four ethnic gentleman who decided i was worthy of a sore head, cut lip, swollen eye and bruised ego were just violent and not interested in any possesions i had on my person, lucky for me as i had half a wage in my wallet :eek:.

I feel pleased to have been able to provide a public service and received the beats with gratitude( read fists flying back :cuckoo: ), to my own demise and got more than i bargained for back :Suspiciou. I ws just upset the attack was initiated from behind the cowards :hjtwofing

So whats the SN consensus, walking home alone four lads attack, do you stand down curl up and hope for the best or stand your ground and cop more than what you would have probably got?

Absolutely terrible!:mad:
Hope you are ok and, the barstewards get caught.

It hapened to my 18 yr old son a few months ago. He was attacked by a gang of about 30 white yobs after a night out for absolutely nothing! Luckily, someone from the vicinity of the scene informed the police or, it could have been quite bad:(
He was asked by the police to go further with the case.Police even found a video footage of the incident on CCTV. But my lad was too scared to persue anything.

The society is very yob-ish nowadays. White, pink, black or, brown.

Maz 24 September 2006 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot
Absolutely terrible!:mad:
Hope you are ok and, the barstewards get caught.

It hapened to my 18 yr old son a few months ago. He was attacked by a gang of about 30 white yobs after a night out for absolutely nothing! Luckily, someone from the vicinity of the scene informed the police or, it could have been quite bad:(
He was asked by the police to go further with the case.Police even found a video footage of the incident on CCTV. But my lad was too scared to persue anything.

The society is very yob-ish nowadays. White, pink, black or, brown.

Yikes Swati! Hope he was okay.

turboman786 24 September 2006 12:40 PM

So if they hadnt been ethnics you would have been Ok with the whole thing right?

I guess getting kicked senseless by white skinheads /chavs would be quite easy on the ego...

Turbohot 24 September 2006 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by Einstein RA
Yikes Swati! Hope he was okay.

He was not ok, Maz. He was physically battered and quite shaken for a while, I think.

He did not come home that night.He rang me to let me know that he was staying with a mate. He never told me anything because, he did not want to worry me. I came to know about it when a police letter came through the door saying " Mr................, we know that you have been a victim of crime. Please ring us for any help and advice etc."
It was not good:(

He is ok, now. I do worry about him when he goes out. You never know who can turn aggressive to you just because, you look different.

Turbohot 24 September 2006 12:54 PM

Originally Posted by turboman786
I guess getting kicked senseless by white skinheads /chavs would be quite easy on the ego...

Any excuse for yobbing, if you ask me, turboman.I dunno.

King RA 24 September 2006 03:04 PM

Unfortunatley there's not much you can do in these circumstances. Even an extremely good fighter would struggle with 4 opponents at the same time. You've just gotta hurt one as much as possible, keep your range, DON'T go down and try not to get in a struggle. Use them against each other so you don't have 4 people from every angle, i.e try and line them up so you're only dealing with 1 at a time. Easier said than done.

molko 24 September 2006 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by King RA
Unfortunatley there's not much you can do in these circumstances. Even an extremely good fighter would struggle with 4 opponents at the same time. You've just gotta hurt one as much as possible, keep your range, DON'T go down and try not to get in a struggle. Use them against each other so you don't have 4 people from every angle, i.e try and line them up so you're only dealing with 1 at a time. Easier said than done.

yeah thats good advice

alloy 24 September 2006 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by King RA
Unfortunatley there's not much you can do in these circumstances. Even an extremely good fighter would struggle with 4 opponents at the same time. You've just gotta hurt one as much as possible, keep your range, DON'T go down and try not to get in a struggle. Use them against each other so you don't have 4 people from every angle, i.e try and line them up so you're only dealing with 1 at a time. Easier said than done.

I ended up against a wall so i knew where they were and where the punches were coming from, as you say trouble is 8 fists is hard to defend against. I was lucky i didn't go down and it was only a brief encounter before they ran off due to hearing sirens from a passing ambulance :Whatever_

King RA 24 September 2006 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by molko

Thanks, that's why I said EASIER SAID THAN DONE...moron.

King RA 24 September 2006 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by alloy
I ended up against a wall so i knew where they were and where the punches were coming from, as you say trouble is 8 fists is hard to defend against. I was lucky i didn't go down and it was only a brief encounter before they ran off due to hearing sirens from a passing ambulance :Whatever_

Just plain unlucky by the sounds of it, look on the bight side, could have been much worse.

Maz 24 September 2006 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot
He was not ok, Maz. He was physically battered and quite shaken for a while, I think.

He did not come home that night.He rang me to let me know that he was staying with a mate. He never told me anything because, he did not want to worry me. I came to know about it when a police letter came through the door saying " Mr................, we know that you have been a victim of crime. Please ring us for any help and advice etc."
It was not good:(

He is ok, now. I do worry about him when he goes out. You never know who can turn aggressive to you just because, you look different.

Glad he was okay. Belated admittedly but glad you were okay too Andy.:thumb:

J4CKO 24 September 2006 04:23 PM

Yeah but mate, were as soft as ****e !

I would make it my business that given half a chance one of them would lose some kind of fleshy appendage, probably an ear, but who knows !

molko 24 September 2006 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by King RA
Thanks, that's why I said EASIER SAID THAN DONE...moron.

It was a offence made. Like i said you offered good advice.....shame your humour aint up to much...

New_scooby_04 24 September 2006 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by alloy
Just walking home through Kings Cross after a pretty disappointing night and had the displeasure of being used as a punchbag :Whatever_ .

Kindly the four ethnic gentleman who decided i was worthy of a sore head, cut lip, swollen eye and bruised ego were just violent and not interested in any possesions i had on my person, lucky for me as i had half a wage in my wallet :eek:.

I feel pleased to have been able to provide a public service and received the beats with gratitude( read fists flying back :cuckoo: ), to my own demise and got more than i bargained for back :Suspiciou. I ws just upset the attack was initiated from behind the cowards :hjtwofing

So whats the SN consensus, walking home alone four lads attack, do you stand down curl up and hope for the best or stand your ground and cop more than what you would have probably got?

Glad you're ok all things considered. Hope you feel better soon.

Fecking bunch of cowards give vultures a bad name!

I'm sure they can all go home and brag about how they "busted a big bloke" or whatever, whilst neglecting to mention that "they" comprised 4 people and all four of them didnt even have the balls to instigate the attack from the front :Whatever_

I know exactly what type we're dealing with here: wouldn't say boo to a goose by themeselves, but give them a few mates and a few Stellas and god help anyone with the audacity to walk the streets alone! Exactly the kind of scum that needs to be purged from UK streets!

As for how best to react, well, I look at it this way: defeating multiple opponents is best left to Bruce lee wannabees and even they would in a quiet moment admit that it doesn't work out the way its portrayed in the movies, even if you are very competent! So, my approach would be to look for an exit and run to the nearest public place (discretion being the better part of valour). If trapped, single one out and aim to incapacitate: the rest may back off when they see you're not going to take it lying down. Don't be afraid of fighting dirty, they can't exactly complain if they initiated a 4 on 1.

I wouldn't just lie there and take a kicking; they probably wouldn't stop till they'd done some damage, maybe not even then!


King RA 24 September 2006 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by molko
It was a offence made. Like i said you offered good advice.....shame your humour aint up to much...

Soz mate, I'm too used to sarcasm on this BBS :)

RMA26 25 September 2006 05:10 PM

Stood my ground mate

Spineless *******s!

duSTI 25 September 2006 05:14 PM

Sorry to hear about this mate, I'm glad your still here to tell the tale.

I really don't understand what gets into people sometimes...

DCI Gene Hunt 25 September 2006 05:42 PM

Glad to here you're OK alloy............ but I didn't realise you were that wimpy (4 to 1 odds and you still got a pasting!)........... next time you really must try harder, or at least call me and I'll sort them out for you........... :thumb:

alloy 25 September 2006 06:51 PM

Originally Posted by DCI Gene Hunt
Glad to here you're OK alloy............ but I didn't realise you were that wimpy (4 to 1 odds and you still got a pasting!)........... next time you really must try harder, or at least call me and I'll sort them out for you........... :thumb:

yeah well you win some, you loose some, least i can count on you DIC :D

astraboy 25 September 2006 07:14 PM

my mate got jumped at Kings cross a few years back. All of them were ethnically challanged and surrounded him and stripped him of all his posessions, including the ticket to the rave he was going to :mad:
Place is a **** hole, I always have my antennas up when I go down there.
As for fighting back, a few years ago I would have had a go, but these days they've all got firepower on their side, so I'd probably resort to extreme amounts of racial abuse that would make a pimp blush.
Let them report me for hate crimes if they like :D

alloy 25 September 2006 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by astraboy
As for fighting back, a few years ago I would have had a go, but these days they've all got firepower on their side, so I'd probably resort to extreme amounts of racial abuse that would make a pimp blush.
Let them report me for hate crimes if they like :D


sti-04!! 25 September 2006 09:22 PM

Originally Posted by j4ckos mate
me and j4cko regularly have this discussion
we come up with the ansewr of
"i ll be the best second place youve ever had" ie
we would do anything biting eye gaugin spitting kicking heads to make sure we dont come off woerst.
and if we did one of them wouldny forget us.

myself and jacko are artound 6ft 1 very broad and im ashamed to say 16 stone plus (quite a plus in mycase).

perhaps thats why its never happened.

but if it did like i mentioned id try absloutle anything to really huer at least one of them absolutely anything

Are you & Jacko fcuk buddies perchance ?

suby_speed5 25 September 2006 10:21 PM

IMHO, shoulda grabbed one by the face, jammed your thumbs into his eyes and tickled his brain. :freak3: I bet the other three would get the hint. ;)

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