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J4CKO 23 September 2006 04:44 PM

Yep, I think they should ban tv presenters driving Jet Powered Dragsters, fair enough I can live with that and they can leave the rest of TG as it is, smoking tyres on an airfield isnt really that hazordous.

Lee_1075 23 September 2006 05:52 PM

I hope they dont axe it, over at someone has started a petition against the axing of it, i wonder if it will help at all? :wonder:

As some of you may or may not know, they assholes behind the cotton wool society in which we in the Uk live today are trying to lobby against Top Gear in an effort to have it banned just because of this accident.

Now I am a fan of TG and Hammond and was lucky enough to be present during the handover of the get well cards and YAA charity appeal and would hate to see the Health and Safety campaigners (note - not slamming the HSE as yet) get their way and have Top Gear taken off of the air

Now I know how many fans of TG there are around the world so I am appealing to you all to sign this online petition to save Top Gear

Signatures are coming in slowly but with your help, we could show them how much support TG and the crew have

Please sign the online petition and feel free to add your comments of support alongside (keep it clean, please)

Thank you

(PS could this possibley be made a sticky for the time being?)

Thanks again


sherlock 23 September 2006 07:03 PM

Found this

Originally Posted by BBC NEWS WEBSITE
A BBC spokeswoman also confirmed the final part of the Best of Top Gear, due to be screened on 1 October, had been postponed indefinitely.

A statement from the BBC said: "We would like to express our thanks to the 40,000 people who have sent goodwill messages about Richard.

"These will all be passed on to him, and the Top Gear team and presenters are very grateful indeed for this exceptional and heartfealt response from viewers, which will be a terrific boost to Richard for his recovery.

"It had been intended that the new series of Top Gear would begin on 8 October. Given the circumstances, it's still too early to say when the series will return. Jeremy, James and the Top Gear team have been completely focussed on Richard and all that the wonderful staff of the Leeds General Infirmary have done for him.

"The priority for now must be ensuring Richard makes a full recovery, but we would not think of finalising plans for the next series without discussing it with everyone involved. When it is suitable, the team will do this and we will announce a new transmission date."

So it doesn't look like it will be axed. Hopfully :)

cw42 23 September 2006 07:25 PM

Has anyone else noticed how ALL the pictures so far published of the hamster have been taken from low down? :D

Is he really that small? :D

sherlock 23 September 2006 07:43 PM

Yes he really is that small :D

unclebuck 23 September 2006 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by sherlock
So it doesn't look like it will be axed. Hopfully :)

BBC spin I'm afraid.

Top Gear will now be quietly removed from the the schedules never to be seen or heard from ever again. :( There will be a few self satisfied green nazis who are able to read between the lines dancing on it's grave tonight...

sherlock 23 September 2006 08:36 PM

No can't see it, they would lose to much money! Unless they bump up the TV licence AGAIN! LOL

SWRTWannabe 23 September 2006 09:14 PM

Re-reading Sherlock's post, it looks like an episode of the Best of Top Gear has been postponed indefinitely, not the next series.

At the end of the day, you'd hope that they would respect the wishes of the presenters. If they want to continue making the programme, then I'm sure the BBC would be most pleased to let them - after all it is a ratings winner. If however they are no longer comfortable with the show in it's current format, then again you'd hope that the producers at BBC respect this.

Luminous 23 September 2006 09:35 PM

Not many people have signed that petition :(

only 2.5k so far....going to need a massive amount more than that to have any effect

Jaydee5 23 September 2006 09:41 PM

Early days, Lumy (hello to you:luxhello: )

I've signed :thumb:

RapidSeven 23 September 2006 09:53 PM

If you ever see the episode of TG where Jamie Oliver is the star in the reasonably priced car, just when Jeremy introduces him, Jamie is messing about with a bloke with long blond hair, and clarkson says he's a girl etc. Thats Rob, my sisters boyfriend, who works with Andy Wilman.

BTW, at that time, Perry McCarthy was the Stig. Since then it has been Damon Hill, Johnny Herbert and Richard Hammond a few times. When the Renault F1 car was on the show, it was Hammond that drove it.

Richard Hammond is a very small bloke, I have been to the TG studio 4 times for different shows. I reckon around 5ft 5 ish.

They defiantely wont axe the show, I think it will probably run its cause, as much as I love the show ( my fave programme ) and Jeremy, they are starting to run out of idea's to be honest, hence raising the bar with the accident of Hammond. The last series was easily the worst since the re-launch.

Great show though. One of the best episodes was when Jeremy insisted on full throttle all the time in the Toybota Hilux, and flipped it right at the end. Classic, classic moments.

All the best Mr. Hammond and Top Gear, hope both survive. Best show ever.


Jamesemt 23 September 2006 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by RapidSeven
When the Renault F1 car was on the show, it was Hammond that drove it.

I didn't realise Hammond was a racer?????

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