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p1mark 05 April 2006 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by Chip
Aryton Sennas death as he was my hero.


yep, me too.

shocking, you just new it from the live TV shots which were a little OTT/gruesome. the directors eventually got the message though thank god:nono:

astraboy 05 April 2006 07:52 PM

Mr. Burns's death really did upset me. I'm not afriad to admit shedding a tear when the TG tribute was aired. I'm even getting upset writing about it now.
Not even sure why I am so upset tbh, apart from the fact it was such a fcuking waste.

Bubba po 05 April 2006 08:00 PM

I was shocked and saddened when John Peel died. He's probably the only one, though.

GC8 05 April 2006 08:28 PM

That reminds me of my favourite John Peel quote: on Chris Moyles' arrival at BBC1. "I was tempted to strap dynamite to myself and take us both out!"

John Peel was a legend.


banny sti 05 April 2006 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by GC8
That reminds me of my favourite John Peel quote: on Chris Moyles' arrival at BBC1. "I was tempted to strap dynamite to myself and take us both out!"

John Peel was a legend.


:lol1: What a guy, he had such a laid back, laconic style.


gogsie 05 April 2006 09:29 PM

I must be a real sap as I get down when anybody dies. But the worst was when my Granny died and she was defo a celebrity. :notworthy

Iwan 05 April 2006 09:50 PM

9/11 upset me pretty badly, and was pretty saddening being at the TT that DJ was killed. Other than that deaths don't really bother me, either celebrites or family to be honest.

a1oku 05 April 2006 10:16 PM

celebrity deaths
for me it isnt just the death of a celebrity.frequently its what they represented and the fact that they were younger/just a smidgen older than me,therefore a reminder of ones own a sixties kid so the death of brian jones of the stones shocked me at the time but because i was so young i dealt and moved on because i figured i had lots of time left.same with hendrix and a host of sixties celebs,jim morrison that im getting on in years,i look at these deaths came from my home a little younger than he was but he was one of my icons.where i come from,icons who cross the religious/sectarian divide were/are rare and when he died it hit me.not just cause georgie had died but it was a reminder that my time is not far off either.its hard to explain,just like its hard to explain what its like to become a parent for the first have to experience it!:confused:

LC Geezer 05 April 2006 10:17 PM

Ayrton Senna for me too. Not sure why but it really got to me. I mean REALLY got to me. It's never happened to me with any other celeb/famous person (although I've been saddened by many).

Dracoro 05 April 2006 11:10 PM

Originally Posted by Drunken Bungle Whore
What I've never understood is this whole "never speak ill of the dead" thing. If you didn't like someone when they were alive then don't change your tune just because they've died.

Agree with this, although for most people, you bite your tongue and say nothing unless pushed. For anyone who says NEVER speak ill of the dead, ask them what they think about that hitler chappy, you can't slag him off as he's not around to defend himself :D

TimmyboyWRX 06 April 2006 12:44 AM

well i only met richard burns once, but i do admit i was saddened by his death more than i thought id be when i heard about it.

other than that, im into my punk and metal music,and the death of some guys ive idolised in the industy thru drugs or murder or anything like that have hit me hard, not to the extent of tears, but just becasue i felt a connection thru a shared belief/ideal

r32 06 April 2006 07:08 AM

I was very upset when Mike Hailwood died, he was my hero, I'd watched him race bikes since I was in my teens and then cars, had met him a couple of times (only to get autographs) to get taken out after a life of speed by a lorry driver pulling across a dual carriageway was just too much. Then I was gutted at the death of Ayrton Senna.

Scoob99 06 April 2006 07:21 AM

not a celerbrity but my young cousin Stephen, he was killed at 17, by a guy racing his mate, Stephen was knocked off his motor bike and left in the road to die, I myself was only 17 at the time too and it hit me bloody hard.

Scoob99 06 April 2006 07:25 AM

When John Lennon was murdered, it was so senseless and a brilliant waste of a life and talant.

jasey 06 April 2006 08:08 AM

Death happens - it's not nice (apparently) but you should just get on with your own life.

Having the death of somebody you have never actuallly met "affect" you at all is a little strange - Yes you can be saddened that someone is no longer there - but to let it affect you is sureley a sign that something is wrong in your life !

OllyK 06 April 2006 08:11 AM

I'm not sure why the death of anyone except you familiy and friends should "affect" you. Sure, it's a shame that a human life has been lost, but you don't see sombody posting every few seconds saying "A baby has been bourn, rejoice", especially if that baby isn't related to them.

bigsinky 06 April 2006 08:55 AM

nope never ever affected me. (the only sensible reply you will get out of me today)

OllyK 06 April 2006 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by bigsinky
nope never ever affected me. (the only sensible reply you will get out of me today)

I won't ask then! :D

Daft Lad 06 April 2006 09:46 AM

Originally Posted by OllyK
I'm not sure why the death of anyone except you familiy and friends should "affect" you. Sure, it's a shame that a human life has been lost, but you don't see sombody posting every few seconds saying "A baby has been bourn, rejoice", especially if that baby isn't related to them.

Thats because that baby is not in the public eye for whatever reason and therefore will be completely unknown to all but family and friends.

lozgti 06 April 2006 09:46 AM

Not really although I was one of the shocked at Elvis/Lennon deaths.

I have more of a problem thinking about whether certain celebs are still alive.Barry Sheene has gone hasn't he?

Holy Ghost 06 April 2006 10:59 AM

what a good question ...

no, personally never. how can the death of someone you don't know create anything more of a feeling than "that's a shame, he/she was a great whatever" and a little pause for reflection? i'll be mildly sad for half an hour when david gilmour carks it - and will probably uncork some bubbly when saddam is shot and be briefly satisfied when tony benn (finally) shuffles off.

murders (or bizarre accidental deaths) of the famous are a little different, though just in passing shock terms i think. more of a point about the randomness of life and the unpleasantness of others.

but the hysteria, tears, tributes and shrines you sometimes see from people "mourning" the famous dead that they "feel like they knew"? brrrrr. unstable pure-dee nutters one notch off stalker, the lot of them. and if di's death is anything to go by, there are thousands of them about.

Bonehead 06 April 2006 12:07 PM

I've been saddened by certain peoples deaths - but never affected
When Richard Burns died I was pi55ed off because of the coverage that George Best got when Burnsie was a Real champion in my eyes.
It's a shame that Steve Clark from Def Leppard and Alan Murphy are dead. Two of the best guitartists this country has ever produced.
I certainly wish they were still about, but it doesnt affect me.
It just makes me think you should make the most of your lifetime
Too many people go over the top these days. That hysteria that followed Dianas death was silly.

Foot_Tapper 06 April 2006 12:22 PM

Lord Mountbatten and 2 boys, by an IRA bomb in 1979....closely followed
by Warrenpoint
I remember feeling very very angry.

Diablo 06 April 2006 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by LC Geezer
Ayrton Senna for me too. Not sure why but it really got to me. I mean REALLY got to me. It's never happened to me with any other celeb/famous person (although I've been saddened by many).

Wierd, this.

The only "celebrity" death that has ever given me cause to reflect was Senna's. More through disbelief than anything else, and the fact that he was a legend in his own time.

As for the Dianna and to a lesser extent John Peel thing, for those deaths to leave voids in the lives of people who didn't know them is rather strange, and says more about what is lacking in the lives of those affected than anything else.

Bootlid 06 April 2006 12:54 PM

Toga the jackass penguin chick stolen from the isle of wight upset me :(

Graz 06 April 2006 12:56 PM


Okay I didn't know him, never met him, but he was a personal hero of mine. It just brought home the mortality of it all that such a down to earth, pleasent and talented driver, roughly the same age as me, should be taken from us at his prime :(

Tim-Grove 06 April 2006 12:56 PM

Kurt Cobain. Wouldn't say I was sad about it, more mad as I had a ticket to go and see them and the idiot went and topped him self.

I really did feel for Ayrton Senna and his family. Huge waste of a true natural driver, he could have had another 10 years in F1.

MooseRacer 06 April 2006 01:07 PM

Never affected me...some have saddened me more than others but purely because they were young and/or talented.

Vonzack 06 April 2006 01:30 PM

The San Marino GP in 1994, seeing Roland Ratzenberger and Ayrton Senna die live on air.

New_scooby_04 06 April 2006 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by King RA

That and the poor rabbits of watership down :(

Watership Down:

You've read the book,
You've seeen the film
Now try the stew!! :norty: :D

It was an awful film to make for kids; traumatised an entire generation!! :razz:

'Bright Eyes' was a beautiful song, sung by a remarkable talent, though. Hearing Art Garfunkle sing that song still brings a tear to my eye (reminds me of my dog, sorely missed). :cry: But it also makes me smile thanks to it being associated with practical joke I once played.


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