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Jaybird-UK 19 November 2005 10:18 AM

Originally Posted by _Meridian_
Thank you for turning a tragic death into yet another anti-labour rant.


My thoughts exactly Meridian, this has feck all to do with the party in power at the time.

A real tragedy and one can only hope they catch the *******s

The Zohan 19 November 2005 10:38 AM

My thoughts go out to the family and friends.

GC8 19 November 2005 11:31 AM

Two arrested according to the BBC

Huxley 19 November 2005 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by Chris5-0
Only just heard this news myself, absolutely gutted. I can only imagine there was no mention of firearms in the initial report and that is why unarmed officers were sent to deal.

I do feel we need to wake up and smell the coffee in this country, our police are getting younger, (18 years acceptable now) and their fitness and defence levels are nearly non existant when they are thrown out on the streets to deal with these animals. It's all very well to go on about keeping the force unarmed to keep the community happy but for gods sake get more armed officers out and about on the streets and maybe this scum will think twce about their actions. Just hope they flee west and end up in my neck of the woods, we'll see then.

My sympathy goes to the family of the fallen officer and best wishes to the injured bobby.


If we did that Chris there would be uproar and all the civil liberty’s brigade would be out there saying you can't do that what about poor Johnny scumbag "he has rights you know" and you can't upsetting his rights to a decent life and all that never mind the poor sod that he's just shot :mad: and god forbid if the armed officer that takes a shot at him then what the poor copper doing his duty from man and queen would be in the wrong FFS

This country’s legal system stinks it's all in favour of the scum, as for prison it's not prison FFS it's a fecking holiday camp TV pool computers and the like make the feckers do hard time not laze about dosing FFS,it should be a life for a life and life in prison means life not 5 years for good behaviour god no wonder this country has gone to the dogs:mad:

Steps down and our thoughts go out to the police woman’s family

pslewis 19 November 2005 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by mart360
it cant be true....

tony outlawed all guns follwing dunblane...

and all the amnestys worked, and we have effective border controls... the customs operate at every port..

and pigsfly..

NL tough on crime and the causes of crime...

kinda makes you wonder what spin he will put on this.

its tragic and my thoughts are with the relatives of the deceased.

mart :(

You should be totally ashamed that you are trying to make Political capital out of such a sad incident .......................... :rolleyes:

It saddens me that these two women were shot, one killed, doing their duty.

The Police need our respect and consideration - so often on here they are slagged off ........................ 2 females went to an armed robbery, unarmed, in an attempt to make the country a safe place for us to spend our Xmas.

To the Police:- "Thank you for putting yourselves in the front line on my behalf"


Ben WRX Bug-Eye 19 November 2005 11:53 AM

Very sad and terrible.

I don't think many are aware of just how many guns are in the hands of criminals in this country. So many that they are no longer the preserve of the criminals who would generally only turn them on each other. They are now filtering down into the hands of the average thug.

talizman 19 November 2005 12:02 PM

Just heard that the girl who died, it was her daughter's 4th birthday :(

richiewong 19 November 2005 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by talizman
Just heard that the girl who died, it was her daughter's 4th birthday :(

Just read that as well, leaves 3 children and 2 stepchildren:(

KEVWRX95 19 November 2005 12:26 PM

Nothing will change
I have a four year old son (and a two year old) and I cannot imagine my wife and family explaining to him that I will never come through that front door again.:(

Will we arm the police? Probably not, it will be forgotten in a couple of weeks and the debate will go away like it always does.

And if I hear one more person say "IF WE ARM THE POLICE THE CRIMINALS WILL ARM THEMSELVES EVEN MORE" I will personally hunt you down and drag along a 16 year old drug dealer with a converted pistol he bought for about £100 and shove him up your arse:mad:


My thoughts are with the families.

RAF1 19 November 2005 12:37 PM

its a very sad state of affairs... :(
just goes to show how officers put there lives on the risk everytime they put on a uniform... utmost respect given to them.


Abdabz 19 November 2005 12:40 PM

A few things suprise me.
1/ What were two unarmed policefolk going to do to a gang of armed robbers? Why were they sent? Why did they go into the situation alone and unarmed? 2 minutes later back up arrived. Maybe it was incredibly brave.
2/ Why a policefolks life being lost gets 45minutes per hour of news space whereas a murder in my home town of a woman in her own home doesnt get mentioned... What value a life?
3/ How anyone can make political statements surrounding this incident is a mind fook.
4/ Calls for all police to carry arms is comical. Even firearms police trained to the max get it wrong and shoot completely innocent people - so plod on the beat with a gun would be a horrific thought. Also if all police have guns, more criminals who didnt carry would start carrying in order to avoid arrest. We would end up in a gun state.

Finally I spare a thought for all people who have lost loved ones.

talizman 19 November 2005 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by RAF1
its a very sad state of affairs... :(
just goes to show how officers put there lives on the risk everytime they put on a uniform... utmost respect given to them.


If only people appreciated that about 80% of uniform cops put themselves in high risk situations every day of their working lives. Most folk's perception (on SN anyway) would appear to be that of revenue generators for the government.

These two girls went to that travel agents with the sole purpose of protecting life and property and it cost one her life and the other is critically ill.


talizman 19 November 2005 12:52 PM

1/ What were two unarmed policefolk going to do to a gang of armed robbers? Why were they sent? Why did they go into the situation alone and unarmed? 2 minutes later back up arrived. Maybe it was incredibly brave.

I can only assume that the Travel Agent staff hit their attack/panic alarm which could mean all manner of things, from being verbally assaulted, physically assaulted or being robbed.
Police forces simply do not have the resources to send armed officers to EVERY panic alarm activation.
I (unarmed) have been to literally thousands of them, as a first response and thank god, I haven't stared down the barrel of a gun, yet.
These poor folk are the exception to the "norm" which tends to be either accidental activations, or over zealous staff pressing the panic button for minor incidents.

2/ Why a policefolks life being lost gets 45minutes per hour of news space whereas a murder in my home town of a woman in her own home doesnt get mentioned... What value a life?

The vast media attention is due to the statement made against civility and society. The police represent law and order and a member of the police force being murdered has much wider connotations that simply your "everyday" murder.
Killing a person is seen in a certain light, but this killing (of a police officer) is seen as a big two fingers up to civility, decency, democracy and society in general. You must see past the fact that a "life" is given so much coverage, its more what that "life" represented.

3/ How anyone can make political statements surrounding this incident is a mind fook.

I agree. Wrong time wrong place

4/ Calls for all police to carry arms is comical. Even firearms police trained to the max get it wrong and shoot completely innocent people - so plod on the beat with a gun would be a horrific thought. Also if all police have guns, more criminals who didnt carry would start carrying in order to avoid arrest. We would end up in a gun state.

A whole new debate that could take over this thread, which was initiated to pay respects to the deceased officer.

Back on topic now. RIP.

bartmanuk 19 November 2005 12:58 PM


Leslie 19 November 2005 01:13 PM

I find that news really upsetting. She was also a mother of three children and a couple of foster children I think.

Bring back the death penalty for these dreadful murders we keep seeing these days!

Les :(

Petem95 19 November 2005 02:12 PM

Terrible - I hope they got a good description of the scum who carried this out, however Ive not heard any news reports describing them so maybe they were masked with gloves on or something.

Yet again questions whether the death penalty should be re-introduced - if these criminals are caught then they'll simply get banged up at tax payers expense, then be released to commit more crime :mad:

pslewis 19 November 2005 05:25 PM

I think they have made some arrests ...................

The Death penalty should apply to murder of Police, Ambulance and Fire Service Personnel while on duty ............


RAF1 19 November 2005 05:36 PM

[QUOTE=Petem95]Terrible - I hope they got a good description of the scum who carried this out, however Ive not heard any news reports describing them so maybe they were masked with gloves on or something.

I think early indications are it was 3 males involved - 2 black and one asian.....apparently legged it down a side street after the gun shots were fired..

very sad/low feeling here in Bradford atm - city centre was basically closed down yesterday!!!
hope they catch the fu****s


turboman786 19 November 2005 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Petem95
hope they catch the fu****s


They have arrested 5 people so far...

I was taken aback by just how big the Police operation was in Bradford....they clearly pulled out the stops as it was 'one of their own'.....there have been loads of murders in Bradford over the years, many involving guns, but NEVER have I seen anything on the scale of this operation.....

In fact back in 2001 when 4 Asian lads were murdered in Keighley, the Poice operation was hardly visible.....

Having said that, a real tragedy, and a sad indicator of the low levels to which society is going....

Petem95 19 November 2005 05:58 PM

Originally Posted by turboman786
I was taken aback by just how big the Police operation was in Bradford....they clearly pulled out the stops as it was 'one of their own'.....there have been loads of murders in Bradford over the years, many involving guns, but NEVER have I seen anything on the scale of this operation.....

In fact back in 2001 when 4 Asian lads were murdered in Keighley, the Poice operation was hardly visible.....

It makes a difference what sort of situation the killings happened in tho. Killing an innocent police officer is bound to be delt with differently. Chances are the 4 killed in 2001 were either drug dealers or a crinimal gang - would have been taken a lot more seriously if they were 4 random murders for example.

From what Ive heard about Bradford its a pretty awful place, but to have had 'loads of murders' there over the years is totally unacceptable really. I suppose it gets to the point where Police become fearful of certain areas etc and then crime levels spiral.

pslewis 19 November 2005 06:11 PM

All the stops SHOULD be pulled out for murder of a Police Officer ...................

Most murders are gang killings - and most couldn't give a toss if they kill each other!

The criminals SHOULD be aware that to kill a Police Officer WILL result in them being hunted down mercilessly ...... I see that Police Officers off-duty turned up to work for free - Top Class


mart360 19 November 2005 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by Jaybird-UK
My thoughts exactly Meridian, this has feck all to do with the party in power at the time.

A real tragedy and one can only hope they catch the *******s

because the party in power has removed any worthwile deterrants and made huge crowing noises about how good it is...

it isnt.

now tragically we have a downed wpc...

tonys crowing on removing fire arms and tough on crime and the causes of crime are hollow shambolic words...

prehaps, if he had said "you go armed and are caught, you will be hanged/ locked up for life, which incedentally means life" the lowlife scum may have thought twice about doing it.

thats why i get so p*ssed off with this so called govstapo


pslewis 19 November 2005 07:46 PM


Most of these robberies are to fund drugs ............ people on drugs don't think logically.


mart360 19 November 2005 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
You should be totally ashamed that you are trying to make Political capital out of such a sad incident .......................... :rolleyes:

It saddens me that these two women were shot, one killed, doing their duty.

The Police need our respect and consideration - so often on here they are slagged off ........................ 2 females went to an armed robbery, unarmed, in an attempt to make the country a safe place for us to spend our Xmas.

To the Police:- "Thank you for putting yourselves in the front line on my behalf"


wind your neck in pete.

i have not once criticised the actions of the police officers who were only following orders, and carrying out there duty.

what i have criticised and will continue to criticise is this governments total lack of respect for the normal everyday citizens of this country who are hectored , controlled, criticised and subjected to overzealous intrusion when they step out of line for minor offences. (as you should well know).

lets be bloody honest pete, statistically these scum who carried out this act would in all honesty have walked had they not used firearms. Hence my original comments.

Pete i cried buckets following dunblane, as did many a parent who has children. Even then i knew that your glorious leaders words regarding firearms were hollow and would never work. How many times have you seen in the paper recently shootings of seeming random people, firearms being routinly carried and used by people. Yet these are meant to be banned items unobtainable in this country. and your glorious leader does what??? a five yer sentance for carrying a gun. yet if you shoot someone, you cant get life anymore, as again your glorious leader has handed sentancing over to other divisions, and has signed a charter where people totally unconnected to the country can overule what constraints we try to impose.

Is it any wonder that i get wound up when i hear of a life wasted because scum are routinly going armed. why?? because we have no effective deterrant.

just think Pete, if billy had put his foot down and imposed effective controll,s and sentancing without interfearance, many of the scum might actually think twice about going tooled up.

the way its going pete, is a gang not only has a getaway driver and a lookout, but they have the lawyer in tow just to check there rights are,nt breached when they are aprehended.

as i sad before my thoughts go out to the family of the deceased.


mart360 19 November 2005 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by talizman
1/ What were two unarmed policefolk going to do to a gang of armed robbers? Why were they sent? Why did they go into the situation alone and unarmed? 2 minutes later back up arrived. Maybe it was incredibly brave.

I can only assume that the Travel Agent staff hit their attack/panic alarm which could mean all manner of things, from being verbally assaulted, physically assaulted or being robbed.
Police forces simply do not have the resources to send armed officers to EVERY panic alarm activation.
I (unarmed) have been to literally thousands of them, as a first response and thank god, I haven't stared down the barrel of a gun, yet.
These poor folk are the exception to the "norm" which tends to be either accidental activations, or over zealous staff pressing the panic button for minor incidents.

2/ Why a policefolks life being lost gets 45minutes per hour of news space whereas a murder in my home town of a woman in her own home doesnt get mentioned... What value a life?

The vast media attention is due to the statement made against civility and society. The police represent law and order and a member of the police force being murdered has much wider connotations that simply your "everyday" murder.
Killing a person is seen in a certain light, but this killing (of a police officer) is seen as a big two fingers up to civility, decency, democracy and society in general. You must see past the fact that a "life" is given so much coverage, its more what that "life" represented.

3/ How anyone can make political statements surrounding this incident is a mind fook.

I agree. Wrong time wrong place

4/ Calls for all police to carry arms is comical. Even firearms police trained to the max get it wrong and shoot completely innocent people - so plod on the beat with a gun would be a horrific thought. Also if all police have guns, more criminals who didnt carry would start carrying in order to avoid arrest. We would end up in a gun state.

A whole new debate that could take over this thread, which was initiated to pay respects to the deceased officer.

Back on topic now. RIP.

Sorry i,m at a loss,

the thread topic makes no refereance to paying respects, it merely states a fact. although i have repeatedly payed my respects to the officer concerned and her family.

Prehaps if it had made the thread topic clear i would have posted my thoughts in another thread.


brihoppy 19 November 2005 08:06 PM

maybe there should be 2 for condolonces, and one to discuss the failure of NL to tackle violent crime...

sorry, every thread is an attack (deservedly) on NL...!!!

serious about the first point though...

pslewis 19 November 2005 08:20 PM


I will refuse to get drawn into a Political arguement on a thread devoted to the loss of a PoliceWomans life ...................

You should, as you put it, wind your neck in ( I say that with your interest at heart, by the way!)


Moray 19 November 2005 09:01 PM

good :) maybe they get guns next and more will die each year!

talizman 19 November 2005 11:39 PM

Originally Posted by mart360
Sorry i,m at a loss,

the thread topic makes no refereance to paying respects, it merely states a fact. although i have repeatedly payed my respects to the officer concerned and her family.

Prehaps if it had made the thread topic clear i would have posted my thoughts in another thread.



I never actually said that the thread topic made reference to paying respects, nor did I or anyone question whether you had payed resepects :confused:

The thread starter highlighted the tragedy, which naturally develops into a list of condolences, quite rightly.

If anyone wants to use the tragedy as political ammunition or start a debate over arming all police officers, then why not start a specific thread for this discussion?

This thread and similar ones in the past tend to assume a "book of condolence" format and it's encouraging (for me anyway) to see even those who aren't the most pro-police people stand shoulder to shoulder when scum like these commit their vile acts against humanity and society.

talizman 19 November 2005 11:41 PM

Originally Posted by Moray
good :) maybe they get guns next and more will die each year!


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