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gareth123 06 May 2005 06:34 PM

Originally Posted by gsm1
Yeah, but that depends on the person. What you think is 'better' may not be someone else's cup of tea.

Of course. But which particular cup of tea does the UK give you that you couldn't get better elsewhere? I can't think of much that the UK is the best place on the planet for, maybe watching football. Or bacon butties.

Markus 06 May 2005 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by Cyberevo
Hi Markus,

I don't think I could ever do the east coast, the weather extremiries frighten the hel out of me. If I had it my way I'd choose somewhere with a moderate climate all year round, -25 temps does not sound like a fun time to me, I'm sure the locals deal with it quite well though.

I'm not sure I want ot do the tech stuff any more after spending the best part of 15 yrs in it, and I'm not too sure about starting looking for a 'permy' job abroad, I get to board and hence contracting suits me.

I'm not sure why the wife doesn't like it, I just guess she's stuck in her ways a little, nice house, job and car etc...

Her sister emigrated to Toronto this year so we may go out and visit them soon.

If my wife was really up for the move then I would not hesitate but I'm not going to force upon her something she doesn't want to do...

We've seen -25 to -30 here in Toronto over the last winter. Yes it's a mite cold, BUT, it's dry cold, rather than the UK's damp cold and it DOES make a big difference. Put it this way, it was around -15 when I left in December to come back for xmas in the UK. I went to a West Sussex meet and was complaining about it being freezing cold, and it was only around -2 (if that), the dampness makes it worse.

Summer out here is nice, a bit humid, but I like it. I got severe sunburn in late september last year :eek:

If your sister-in-law is out here, certainly pop over for a couple of weeks to see how you like it on a first impression kind of thing. If you're seriously thinking about it then you should really pop out for about a month or longer to get a feel for things. I didn't however and I still ended up liking it.

Cyberevo 06 May 2005 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by Markus
We've seen -25 to -30 here in Toronto over the last winter. Yes it's a mite cold, BUT, it's dry cold, rather than the UK's damp cold and it DOES make a big difference. Put it this way, it was around -15 when I left in December to come back for xmas in the UK. I went to a West Sussex meet and was complaining about it being freezing cold, and it was only around -2 (if that), the dampness makes it worse.

Summer out here is nice, a bit humid, but I like it. I got severe sunburn in late september last year :eek:

If your sister-in-law is out here, certainly pop over for a couple of weeks to see how you like it on a first impression kind of thing. If you're seriously thinking about it then you should really pop out for about a month or longer to get a feel for things. I didn't however and I still ended up liking it.

I'm really in love with the West Coast, love downtown Vancouver, the green area of capilano, the beaches downtown and white rock. Then there is the Vancouver Island to explor.

So you have trecking, watersports, and skiing, plus the rockies are so close by.

I will play back some videos we have made of Canada this weekend to see how she feels about it.

gsm1 06 May 2005 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by Cyberevo
Funny line, I'm going to take a handout and why not - I've been working for 18 yrs never claimed a penny, I've been out of a contract for 4 months, just the way it is (was promissed one but fell through after keeping me hanging on for 6 weeks) so I thought I'd make a claim today and why fcuking NOT!

I'm not arguing against taking a 'handout', was just responding to the assertion that I was sitting around living off salt-of-the-earth taxpayers who want to emigrate.

ajm 06 May 2005 06:53 PM

Well make the most of your handouts before we all chip off with our hard earned! :D

Rags 06 May 2005 07:00 PM

I moved to Boston in October last year.

I'm really enjoying it here.

I miss my family and friends alot but I do not miss England. I am 24 and all of my friends are beginning to make their own lives so it was the perfect time for me to build my own.

It is cold here in winter but I love to board so that suits me down to the ground.

The summer is really hot and the beach is less than an hour away.

The people are great, standard of living is higher and my apartment is the size of a 3 bed english semi. for a lot less that the cost of the equivalent in england

The only fault I have is that everything is so fecking far apart. . have to drive everwhere!

And at 1.30GBP a gallon for V power can't complain!


Cyberevo 06 May 2005 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by ajm
Well make the most of your handouts before we all chip off with our hard earned! :D

From earning £375 per day to £55.65 is not going to get me far, plus I'm not allowed to claim for the 4.5 months I've been off, sods law, I'll get a decent contract offer next week.

gareth123 06 May 2005 07:05 PM

V Power costs me ~GBP1.75 a gallon, I think you need to check your math :)

gsm1 06 May 2005 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by gareth123
Of course. But which particular cup of tea does the UK give you that you couldn't get better elsewhere? I can't think of much that the UK is the best place on the planet for, maybe watching football. Or bacon butties.

Depends if you like city life or the country. I wouldn't even have to leave the UK, just move from London into the sticks and have a much better property and cheaper living but I'd get bored pretty quick. I prefer the hustle and bustle of a city. I don't want to have to drive to a massive concrete retail park everytime I needed something.

As for places like New Zealand, I think many people have a romanticised view of these countries. From what I've read places like Auckland have lots of problems with car crime/chavs/p*ssheads etc. as well.

ajm 06 May 2005 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by Cyberevo
From earning £375 per day to £55.65 is not going to get me far, plus I'm not allowed to claim for the 4.5 months I've been off, sods law, I'll get a decent contract offer next week.

Thanks for sharing your fiscal details with the forum, there should be more than enough there to fund your co-voters! ;)

Rags 06 May 2005 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by gareth123
V Power costs me ~GBP1.75 a gallon, I think you need to check your math :)

* gets his abacus out*

before making a fool of myself with my p*ss poor math if you were to show me your calcualtion that would be great. maybe I was a little off.

If its any help i paid $2.44 this morning. :D

Cyberevo 06 May 2005 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by ajm
Thanks for sharing your fiscal details with the forum, there should be more than enough there to fund your co-voters! ;)

Stop it! - Anyway it all goes on car modding, mortgage and beer.

gareth123 06 May 2005 07:28 PM

$2.44 / 3.8 = $0.64 per litre, .64 x 4.5 = $2.88 per UK gallon, 1.9 exchange rate = ~GBP1.52 per gallon

My V Power is $2.82 :( (GBP1.75)

Bonehead 06 May 2005 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by Markus
Have a look here. It should give you information about the process. I do remember looking into it before I came over here. It's essentially a points scoring system.

I'm very lucky as I am classed as an Intra-Company Transferee. Basically speaking, we had a UK, US and Canadain office in our company, I was asked if I wanted to relocate to the Canadain office, which I jumped at :D Thus I did not need to go through the normal application process, so my entry was simply a case of going up to immigration in the airport when I landed, presenting a letter from my company, my passport, a letter from an immigration lawyer, and 20 mins later I had a work permit.

There are a couple of us on here/22B who live in Canada and so we've got various bits of advice to give.

If your'e serious about it, then ask as many questions as you want :)


Thanks for the info.
I've been looking around on the net and there's a show in York in a few weeks on emigrating which I'm gonna take a look at.

I'm certainly gonna look into moving.
Doubt if my new employers (Lincolnshire Police) will have anyone working in Canada though!

Rags 06 May 2005 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by gareth123
$2.44 / 3.8 = $0.64 per litre, .64 x 4.5 = $2.88 per UK gallon, 1.9 exchange rate = ~GBP1.52 per gallon

My V Power is $2.82 :( (GBP1.75)

Yeah prices are going up. even here its shot up recently.

Thanks for the maths correction. I should have known better than to use the Ex rate as a basic conversion.

Still it shows just how much tax our friends in the Uk are getting raped for!! feckers. :mad:

Shark Man 06 May 2005 07:35 PM

I've been to Vacouver and Torronto...Both very beutiful places...ranking 2nd and 3rd on my emmigration list of places.

Not been to New Zealand...but seeing every single person I've talked to about the place has nothing but praise - I'll have to plan a visit in the future.

Strange thing is, almost everywhere I go the people are far nicer. Round where I live in the UK, nobody would give a flying fcuk...and TBH that IS the British attitude in general, it disgusts me, and in many scienarios in the UK I'm forced to take the same attitude just to protect myself from all the scum infecting this place, its sickening. :(

Even the ozzies with their Kiwi/POM hatred and continual digs at us is not a patch on the attitude the general British posess.

Its generally skilled people with money, not unskilled people who plan on living off the state and are unwilling to intergrate with the local population.
Its very true that there is a stark difference to the motives of British emmigrants and foreign immigrants comming to the uk.

Although one bad thing with the Britsih expats I noticed whilst living out in spain...they don't integrate, they set up a little Britain of their own. Quite scary really, as I initially had hatred for immigrants because they fail to integrate whilst the British are doing exactly the same in Spain - and ruining a beutiful country :(

gareth123 06 May 2005 07:43 PM

I don't understand why there aren't riots in the streets over the taxation in the UK. It's a joke. Huge income tax and NI, then VAT and fuel duty etc when you spend what little is left. Hard working people get clobbered by the government, they take so much money off you, and for what? Most of the public services are a shambles, and too many people are allowed to leech off the state. I don't work hard so other people don't have to :mad:

gareth123 06 May 2005 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by Shark Man
Although one bad thing with the Britsih expats I noticed whilst living out in spain...they don't integrate, they set up a little Britain of their own. Quite scary really, as I initially had hatred for immigrants because they fail to integrate whilst the British are doing exactly the same in Spain - and ruining a beutiful country :(

I agree 100%. I think that's disgusting and rude. When visiting some expats in Marbella I thought the exact same thing. If you're going live in someone else's country you should integrate.

Cyberevo 06 May 2005 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by Shark Man
I've been to Vacouver and Torronto...Both very beutiful places...ranking 2nd and 3rd on my emmigration list of places.

Not been to New Zealand...but seeing every single person I've talked to about the place has nothing but praise - I'll have to plan a visit in the future.

Strange thing is, almost everywhere I go the people are far nicer. Round where I live in the UK, nobody would give a flying fcuk...and TBH that IS the British attitude in general, it disgusts me, and in many scienarios in the UK I'm forced to take the same attitude just to protect myself from all the scum infecting this place, its sickening. :(

Even the ozzies with their Kiwi/POM hatred and continual digs at us is not a patch on the attitude the general British posess.

Its very true that there is a stark difference to the motives of British emmigrants and foreign immigrants comming to the uk.

Although one bad thing with the Britsih expats I noticed whilst living out in spain...they don't integrate, they set up a little Britain of their own. Quite scary really, as I initially had hatred for immigrants because they fail to integrate whilst the British are doing exactly the same in Spain - and ruining a beutiful country :(

The fact is there are no more communities left now days, no more community spirit, everyone is out for themselves. The days when we played outside as kids in numbers of up to 20 is long gone. Call it changing times, evolution or whatever. One thing I noticed in Canada was the 'big' emphasis for local community activities.

angrynorth 06 May 2005 07:59 PM

Hey Markus, do you need an Apple orientated designer on your team? ;) ;) :D

bigJoe 06 May 2005 08:42 PM

Another vote for the USA

I’ve lived in Houston since Nov and love it. Although everyday life is more or less the same we have more $$ left in our pocket after tax and all the insurances (than the UK). Still pay quite a bit in tax though – but at least you can get some back.

The people are generally nicer, the weather is better, houses are cheap, lots to do, low crime etc but on the down side you can’t walk anywhere and V power is $2.30 :( – but life here is sweet (be even better when gas prices go down though :D)

pslewis 06 May 2005 08:49 PM

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Typical ScoobyNet members ........ Yeah!! I'm leaving!! Yeah!! It's so so unfair!! Yeah!! Just as soon as ... I'm OFF!! Yeah Ozzy here I come!!

Keyboard talk ........ drivel ......... you bunch of dreamers!

DO IT - stop TALKING about it!! :rolleyes:


Cyberevo 06 May 2005 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Ha Ha Ha Ha

Typical ScoobyNet members ........ Yeah!! I'm leaving!! Yeah!! It's so so unfair!! Yeah!! Just as soon as ... I'm OFF!! Yeah Ozzy here I come!!

Keyboard talk ........ drivel ......... you bunch of dreamers!

DO IT - stop TALKING about it!! :rolleyes:


If you have something constructive to add to this post then add it otherwise GET A LIFE and get OFF your computer you sado. And before you have a dig at me, I voted LAbour so kiss my butt.

Vegescoob 06 May 2005 09:35 PM

New Zealand is great. Been there four times because Mrs. Vegescoob was born there and some family are there.
We are starting to get things sorted with a view to going there.
I watch things there and one fly in ointment appearing is vocal green movement starting to spout off.
My attitude has always been that New Zealand is a country that could easily be self supporting, given the size of population, if/when things get hairy elsewhere. PeaK Oil and all that stuff.

Markus 06 May 2005 10:04 PM

Originally Posted by angrynorth
Hey Markus, do you need an Apple orientated designer on your team? ;) ;) :D

Lol, alas we do not. If we did, I'd let you know.

Luminous 06 May 2005 10:26 PM

Someone was telling me that New Zealand is v v anti speeding, as is Aussie. Is this the case, and if so, why do you want to go there? Yes, I know there is more to life than fast cars, but I'd pick a country that is a bit easier on the motorist than here.

Please correct me if I am wrong, as I may well be on of those who leave this country. Will have to be in a few years though :(

Shark Man 06 May 2005 10:30 PM

Oz as far as I know is only anti speeding in the cities - but trust me it is not anywhere near as bad as the UK. Out in the sticks its pretty relaxed as there is nobody there!

pslewis 06 May 2005 10:35 PM

Why don't you try Cukkoo Land??

You are very well adapted for it!! :D


03-CTR 06 May 2005 10:41 PM

Originally Posted by gareth123
I don't understand why there aren't riots in the streets over the taxation in the UK. It's a joke. Huge income tax and NI, then VAT and fuel duty etc when you spend what little is left. Hard working people get clobbered by the government, they take so much money off you, and for what? Most of the public services are a shambles, and too many people are allowed to leech off the state. I don't work hard so other people don't have to :mad:

that's pretty strong imo. i honestly don't think we've got it that bad. admittedly the public services aren't great but my brother in law earns a similar wage in oz. does similar things as i do i.e. kids, car, mortgage etc. and is having a tougher time of it. the sun makes up for a lot but i couldn't stand living in oz. backwards people/culture, weather that fcuks you up, more anal road traffic measures etc. add that to the fact that you can forget seeing any of your family/mates and that side of the world is not so attractive.

unclebuck 06 May 2005 10:41 PM

Not going to be part of the brain drain then troll ****?

Oh, I forgot you don't have a brain do you.

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